I got pregnant by someone who was in a relationship and I do not want his fiance around my child: Advice?

Family is extremely important to the development of children. They need to feel accepted and loved. If her children are being raised as his kids, your child will be step siblings. If you don’t want your child to have emotional problems, be the grownup and let the child be part of that family. (You didn’t mention any abuse or reason why the child should not be around her or her kids) Plus, he has equal rights to the child. If he wants, he can go to court and you won’t be able to say no. It’s better to do it voluntary that for him to get a court order.

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You are wanting to do a no contact order because why? The man lied? It has nothing to do with her. Also… good luck getting the court system to ok it lol. I understand you are upset but this isn’t how to go about things


Girl you need to find A SUPPORTIVE MOMS PAGE this page never has support just bashing other women and it will make u feel worse its not you thats the problem its the people who have nothing nice to say and enjoy putting others down


Are you ready to become a Mother? That requires maturity not this fuckery geez can you just put your big girl pants on and think of the Baby, If you’re going to bring this baby into this atmosphere of animosity and resentment maybe you’re not the right woman for the Mother role…


He’s looking for free benefits and no commitment. You know what you need to do, but are hoping we change your mind. He’s already got how many children and you expect him to drop all and come running to you? This isn’t Hollywood or a Hallmark movie.

Selfish. She’s in the picture now. I’m sure she didn’t know about you either honey. Sounds like she’s trying to make the best of the situation

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Sounds like to me you bit off more than you can chew


You have someone else wanting to love and support your child. That’s a huge blessing dont be cold hearted. Yes the situation sucks but why be mad at her? He cheated on HER with YOU. You were BOTH lied to. Be the bigger women


Like. If he’s not the biological father of her kids, they’re technically not siblings. And if yall aren’t together she has no business being around the baby. If they work it out, I don’t see the issue with her being around the baby? She’s not gonna take your child from you or steal yalls bond with each other. She really hasn’t done anything wrong and is the biggest victim in all of this. Least you got a blessing from it, she got cheated on and lied to.


If you could take your unfounded hatred out of the equation, (as it really is selfish in this instance), and realize that your child could have two safe and loving homes to grow up in… my oh my, how lucky your child would be! Teach your child love and understanding instead of raising them in a resentful negative home… they will be so much better off, and honestly it’s exhausting holding onto all that hate.


He played you but she’s the bad guy? Yeah, I’d get rid of that thought process before baby comes around.


Stop having sex with random men

It sounds to me like he played dirty and now you are holding your anger against her instead of him. The situation is what it will be. You may have to learn to get along with this women for the sake of your child. If she shows no potential safety risk you will have more sanity in your life choosing to get along


Shes the victim. Ive been in her shoes n it ruined my marriage. Dont be so petty… your anger should be towards him to be honest


Yes you’re extremely selfish lol. You shouldn’t be mad at her, you should be mad at him for sticking his d*** where it doesn’t belong! :tipping_hand_woman:t3:


If he wants to be in the childs life then let the child be a part of their life. You will only hurt the child in this situation. Maybe yall can come to some type of arrangement. You both had sex and this is the outcome.

That’s what happens when you have a baby outside of a relationship or a relationship ends. They move on with other people and unfortunately your kid gets wrapped up into it. The father has rights to its child. You just made a horrible decision and now have consequences. It sucks I know, sorry :persevere:


Why are you mad at her? He lied? To both of you! So why do you dislike her so much you wouldn’t want her around your baby?


I think all 4 of you should move in together with all of your kids and create a new tv show. You said at the end that you don’t want the drama but… it’s already a lot of drama


Protective or jealous? I didn’t even finish I was so :grimacing::astonished::astonished: you sound selfish af.


This will be YOUR CHILD. If him and ol girl aren’t together, theres no reason for her to be around the child anyways. People forget some women are evil & will hurt children because they dont like the mother or father. Fuck that. Dont let these people tell you that you HAVE to allow ANYONE around your child that you dont feel is safe. Thats how these abuse, assault, neglect, molestation, and rape cases start. If they aren’t together it shouldnt even be a topic of conversation. She aint shit to your child. Dont let these people make you feel bad for protecting this baby. If he cant respect that you dont feel comfortable with your child around a woman you dont know, tell him to take you to court over it. I promise when the judge hears his side he will be laughed out the courtroom. An ex side piece never has rights to see another womans child. :100::joy:

U jealous…it shows. Obviously u like the drama because you are creating it ffor yourself.


Wow it’s not just your baby. It’s also his baby.

Honey for the sake of the baby grow up. Or Don’t have a fit when he tells you his child isn’t allowed to be around so so like your trying to do.

Uhhh, she didn’t do it…he did.


Rule #1 on being a momma, never ask anyone on the damn internet opinion. Including lame mom groups opinions are like assholes, use your intuition for your situation and do what you feel is best, if you don’t want her in the child’s life you gotta cut contact with the father, don’t let him sign the birth certificate and make him prove rights thru the courts, that’s the down and dirty way to do it but it’s the way to do it.

You are having a child that has a sibling! Congrats! Brace the bonus parents and enjoy.
Don’t be bitter. Grow up for your kid.


You’re the worst kind of person


So they aren’t together
He plays dad to her kids even tho they have a bio dad in their life
Ur mad at her….what exactly n now taking ur angry out on her instead of him?

Have u really thought this through Caz it doesn’t sound like it :woman_shrugging:t2:


You are about to be a mother grow up and stop being so childish.


You don’t want her or her children around your child why? She didn’t tell him to go sleep with you. She’s as innocent as the kids, he’s the cause of everything you should be mad at him.


Talk to a lawyer. Be proactive now- will save lots of future headaches. Lawyer can tell you state laws and give you a realistic idea of your options.

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It’s not up to you…he will get to bring HIS child around whoever he wants during his parenting time
Why TF would you want to keep your child away from their “sibling” like what is wrong with you?
Neither she nor her children have done any wrong to you yet you’re so focused on her it’s pathetic


You had unprotected sex a month into dating and you should have known that there is a chance it won’t work out with him and in split family, step parents come into the picture.

No matter what the circumstances are, you set yourself up for the possibility of your child having step parents at some point.

If they end up being together then you have no choice of whether or not she is around your baby. If they are not together then I would understand that more. And also why would u hate her , I’m sure she also didn’t know about you :thinking:


Is there a reason you don’t want her around baby? That’s just one extra person to love your kiddo, one extra set of arms to hug. The person you should be mad at is the dad. You’re being petty if I’m being honest.

On the other hand, if she’s abusive, putting her own kids in harms way, then you have every right to keep baby away.


This has to be a joke because this is so idiotic.


Unless there is a safety concern for this, I’d say you are being selfish. It can be hard, but you need to grow as a person and look out for the baby

Sounds like you’re jealous. Having a tribe is also a blessing.


She honestly didn’t do anything wrong. It was him for lying to you. I understand to a point because she wants another child my the same man as you. But, it takes a village and the more that loves your child the better. The child deserves to have both parents if both are willing to be in its life. Suck it up… he could go to the extreme of seeking custody of you play petty games.

Simple… whatever you do when this child comes into this world…DoNot put his last name on the birth certificate or he will be in your life forever…

Problem is that you can’t control whom he takes around your child unless you can prove she’s unfit. Having no title on your relationship is the risk that was taken.

Best thing is to let it go

Your are the one who would be causing the drama! If she is ok with the situation then you should be to


Can you imagine her self esteem right now? Hubs stepped out and pumped another baby in another woman while she had a miscarriage…but you find it fair to have such a huge issue with her and the kids because he picked her over you? Don’t be knocking her down, worry about you, you have some progress on yourself to make.


Lmao ! Thats not being protective, that’s being selfish ! What more could you want than someone who is accepting of your baby ? I mean you guys aren’t together and there will end up being another woman regardless. Grow up and raise your child with a loving home and learn to co parent . It’s not about you anymore.

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:joy::joy::joy: dumb. Karma isn’t going to be kind to you.

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You can choose have no contact child support for the father if you decide to support both for you and your baby. Or do child supports and father wants to be involved for visitation with his child. Just maybe He didn’t tell her about you having a child? She probably have no idea about you? Just don’t judge too quickly if she knew about it but take a one day at a time for this happenings and prepare with lawyers too.

Shit, if he wants to be in the child’s life good for him stepping up! You cannot control who he allows around your child, you can make it as toxic as you want but the only one you are hurting is that child because you want to be selfish. You laid with the man you now get to deal with the aftermath

Sounds like she had nothing to do with his choices. He made the mistake on her so dont confuse your hurt as hurt that she did on you. Makes sense you want her separate because its his other life but unless she was nasty it could just be your emotions making that decision.


You are selfish, and need to grow up real quick, jealousy is toxic and damaging to a child, even before they are born, hes the dad, he can chose who he has around his own child, when he has them, as can you, if you keep up your current attitude, you may find yourself in court, and being told to pull your head in by a judge. Don’t start playing those controlling games hun, trust me, you two need to co parent, and you need to let him be a dad, if you have proof that she is an unfit mother, beats up her kids, doesn’t feed them, leaves them alone in the house at young ages, then by all means bring this up to him, I sense you’ve written this in a jealous rage, and once you’ve calmed down, may see the bigger picture clearer. Possibly seek professional help wether it be a Councillor or a lawyer, so you know where you stand and how to move forward, in a positive way for babies sake.

I’m lost…. She hasn’t done anything to you at all??? And technically if the child calls your child’s father, dad, then they would have a sibling on the way… I don’t see nothing wrong with it… I think your overreacting real bad… could just be your pregnancy hormones… I think you’re trying too hard to be petty towards someone for absolutely no reason. :grimacing:


Well if you don’t sound jealous and childish…this isn’t her fault nor is it her children’s fault. The only person you should be mad at is him. You’re only creating drama for yourself by acting this way.


That sounds like some high-school drama to me.
It is about the kids, not your thought or feelings for one another or whatever may have happened. Just be thankful there are extras to spread love to your little ones be more grateful then anything.
Also, what kind of message does that pass along to your children?

Number 1: That child IS gonna be their sibling, wtf is wrong with you? You should be grateful she’s treating you and the future babe like that when from the sounds of it he done got you knocked up on the side.
Number 2: Of course you’re selfish! You have no right having a baby if you can’t be mature enough to realize that baby’s dad is gonna have people in his life and baby will have them in theirs too. You have no control over who he brings around, like it or not. If you can’t act like an adult for that baby then you should’ve been more careful.

I hate my baby daddy, hate his gf… hate most of his family, but guess who acts like he’s my favorite person anytime my daughter is around, ME. You know why? CAUSE IT AINT ABOUT ME, ITS ABOUT HER. You need to realize that dude isn’t telling the whole truth and she AINT the problem.


This whole thing is distributing. Yes, you sound extremely self involved. I wouldn’t want to be that man’s fiancé.

Selfish. Period. She’s not unstable or unfit. The more people that want to love and provide for your child is best.


Well , if u want him to be a part of the baby’s life , u have to accept his baggage. Other wise don’t put his name on anything . Cut any and all ties , and carry on . Men almost never track down the momma for DNA . But understand he gonna do this solo . And ur also gonna deny him love . What about his family ?


You don’t get to decide who tf your former partners are in a relationship with. Period.


Grow up. It’s about the children not you and your personal issues with one another.


Drama…:roll_eyes: there is enough in the world without creating more. You aren’t together…whoever he is with will be in your child’s life…


“Am I selfish?”
Yes. Yes you are. This is like high school drama. Why would you keep siblings apart? They should be the ones staying away from you.


Your child has siblings weather you like it or not :woman_facepalming:t2: be happy she’s not bitter


Word of advice. GROW UP be an adult and quit putting your self first.


I think the father should feel guilty for his part. He made a horrible choice by being selfish. Why don’t you wait and see how this woman is with her own kids before you decide to drive a wedge in any possible relationship with her or her kids and your baby? She might not be so bad. I know you’re angry with them both but you should re-think who really caused all these problems. Not her, not you, not the kids. Him.
I understand, believe me. I’d be upset and all that too. Just remember, you can file for sole custody.

This is gotta be a roll bread

I’m confused…what has this woman done to you to make you feel this way about her? He lied to you. Not her. I’m sure she didn’t know that her man was out fucking someone and produced a child. I’m sure this isn’t easy for her either. Idk girl I just don’t understand the animosity towards her. :woman_shrugging: weird AF IMO.

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So what your saying is, you only want the baby to be around you and his dad and you want the baby to hate you when it grows up and finds out he has siblings that it didn’t know about because you were a selfish bitch and could help but be the drama filled baby mama :thinking: grow the F up. :roll_eyes:

He sounds mature about the situation and I’m sooo glad you’re keeping the baby but girl, don’t turn into the typical baby mamá.


Having a child means you lose the right to control everything. Dad gets to have who he wants around the child so long as they are not a danger. You don’t have to like it. That’s how it works.


I understand your feelings and I would talk to a lawyer to see what the laws are in your state when it comes to having a child or if you get help like food assistance, say that you have no idea who the father could possibly be.

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This whole post has me like….


Why be mad at her it isn’t her fault. Why would you discourage someone else to love your child or do for them? Step moms as well as dads are fantastic sounds like your not mentally grown enough to have a child. Absolutely the child in utero should know their siblings. She or he will resent you otherwise when they grow up


The thing is no court is going to deny the father access simply because you are jealous and bitter. Get over it and co parent for the sake of the kid who didn’t ask to be born to a petty mother


Your mad at her ? :woman_facepalming:t4: your the one having a baby to someone else man lol think it’s time to grow up your about to become a mother! If you don’t want her or your child’s siblings in your child to bes life then why don’t you just cut all ties with him too cos you can’t control or dictate who he has around your baby especially if it’s his wife and your babies siblings. Be great full she wants anything to do with you and your baby most woman wouldn’t so consider yourself lucky :woozy_face:Anyway life’s about to humble you gf your about to be a mother :joy: so drop the jealous crap or you may get A fright when the tables are turned selfish side hoe drama :joy: must love it


1st off…he ain’t gonna be there the way u think he going to be.

2nd…if his partner willing to accept he has a child on the way n going to support him in being your baby daddy you need to step up for that baby n let her be mumma number 2.

There’s plenty of baby daddy’s around that are useless n plenty of baby daddy gf who can treat your kids like dirt. So someone willing to open thier arms to a baby is worth keeping it real with!

So make it about your baby not yourself


You’re acting like the wounded party!
Like you the wife that was wrong get qnd shes the mistress…
You really have no idea of how fucked up your mentality is…
All of this will only hurt one person and that in the long run will be YOUR child, I have seen this first hand and both kids are in counselling!
I know you really want to provide protection as a mum to a long awaited and needed child but this is the very petty and Immature way of going about it!
You’ve definitely been blindsided by this messed up manchild but why all the anger at her?
You speak of all “I won’t have this and I won’t have that qnd I will get an injunction” and then you finish “I do not want that drama”
I’m.not sure how old you are or where you are in life but you need counselling yourself before this baby comes…
This baby didn’t ask to be born into this qnd before its born, youre using it as a weapon!
You need to grow up and stop acting like a bunny boiler!
Added family is always best!
Let’s see how you feel when youre offered a free weekend after you’ve done 7 months of night feeds, been piss, puked and poo’d on, when your on your last hormone before bursting into tears everyday with greasy hair and no way of having a bath…

Ummm what the fuck yikes

Grow up!! He is taking on his responsability as a father. Whomever he chooses to be with is going to be in your childs life!! Start acting like a mother and put your childs needs first!


You’re being petty. You and that man not together. He is a liar and a cheater so be glad he ain’t yours. Secondly as a mother I am glad for as many people around that genuinely love my kids and want the best for them. Stop hoping he will leave her and come to you because in the event that does happen you will not be happy. Do not be petty. You’re a mother. You have 2 choices. You can either be protective or petty. Your decision shapes your child’s life


Selfish. You know nothing about this other woman to have such strong feelings about her presence.


You sound dumb. Make sure you know who you’re opening your legs for before you just pop out babies. It’s not her fault you and the dad can’t stick to one person. You don’t get to chose who the dad has around AND you don’t get to get a protective order for the fuck of it like you being selfish AND childish. Grow up.

Ummm idk why you mad at a woman who had no idea you existed either. And your unborn child DOES have siblings you’re planning to to rob him/her of. It’s not the child’s fault.


You sound stupid. Be glad she’s not bitter like you.


It takes a village to raise a child… the more people that love this baby the more confident and secure it will be in life. Baby needs its father it’s siblings. Your wrong


Ffs. YOU are the homewrecker here trying to call the shots?


I feel like you’re just here to get people furious at you!
No contact order… he can get custody of that baby once you have it if you keep up your pettiness :100:
She’s going to be around… get over it.
And calling him out as your “baby’s father”… girl, you were a booty call that he used and now you’re crazy.
You remind me of the wacko who always yelled “byronnnnnnn”.
You need therapy. And honestly, you’re 10 weeks. Anything can happen from now to then. Just saying :raised_hands:


I get you’re upset that he wasn’t honest with you but she didn’t do anything wrong to you or your unborn baby so there’s no reason to ask for a no contact order or say she can’t be around your child. If he’s still with her and he gets visitation rights then shes gonna be around the baby and there’s nothing you can do about that. You’re just going to have to learn to accept it because unless she’s a dangerous person there’s no way the courts will grant you a no contact order. Sorry to say this but when you choose to be with someone you barely know these things can happen and now you have to do the adult thing and deal with the consequences and put your child first. Trying to keep the baby from it’s father because he’s with someone else is very selfish.


He’s the one that failed to tell you he had a fiancé. She has nothing to do with the shitty situation your in. That being said I do understand the fear of her being around the baby (bc of so many crime shows I’ve watched LOL) I’d be afraid she would do something to the baby… to get back at him and you

Best thing for you to do is lose contact with him completely - he’s not an honest person at all to either of you women and def not being honest to his “step-children” and if none of her kids are his biological kids your child is not technically their sibling or relation to your baby at all - he needs to grow the heck up and you def need to move on away from that kind of drama and save your own pregnancy before this drama and stress cause you more pain than I’m afraid you could handle at this time. Good luck in whatever decision you make but just because he was a sperm donor don’t make him a good person to be a dad…sorry.

You’re being selfish

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It sounds like you’re mad at the wrong person, she didn’t lie to you he did. And sorry to tell you but you don’t get to decide if she is around your child or not, that’s not how this works, the courts are not going to rule in your favor with that request unless you have proof of abuse of your child or something. You need to put your energy into being a mom instead of harboring anger toward a woman you don’t even know who did nothing to you.

Sorry but you have no say on who has around the child when he has the child. You sound like a scorn woman who is jealous and bitter. His fiance sounds like a good woman who is accepting her fiances child made from cheating. You need to grow the he’ll up and remember this child has other family


I feel for his fiance. I hope she leaves him now so she never has to deal with him or you again. You sound like the type that will try to hold him down for the next 18 years and destroy every relationship he tries to have because you’re jealous.


Unfortunately you have zero say in what he does with his parenting time.

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Be mad at him because he helped put you in the situation you’re now in, not the woman you claim you knew nothing about. The whole situation to me is weird. He admitted to having sex with you only to get back at his ex and you’re not upset by that? That would be enough for me to cut ties. He’s living with his ex only for her son while raising a baby with you? It all sounds a little too strange in my opinion. I recommend talking to a lawyer.

Unfortunately I don’t think a single judge would agree to this since she’s going to be steady in the father’s life. Also, the reasoning that you want a restraining order would fall through as that is not reason enough to get one. He’s still the baby’s father and should have visitation with his child. Idk maybe find a new perspective as its not her fault he slept with you. It takes 2 regardless of whether or not you knew about her and his motives. Give it some time you’re very early.

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I am sorry for saying this but u sound absolutely like a selfish child towards this woman and her children over something a no good lying man :unamused: oops I meant lil boy :face_with_hand_over_mouth: maybe u should grow up about the solution and not be mad n disrespectful towards the other woman n children that had nothing with him cheating, lying using ya to get back at her that’s all on his own, also him getting u pregnant wasn’t her fault either​:woman_shrugging:t3::speaking_head:


You are selfish as hell.


People be airing out some laundry on this page huh :joy::joy::joy:


You sound selfish and immature. I’m sorry but you shouldn’t be mad at her or her kid. You’re making a big show out of nothing. You should be lucky she still wants to be involved in your child life, she should be the one mad right now since her hubs went around her back and got you pregnant.


Why are you angry with her and not him???
It’s not her fault he didn’t tell you…
You have 7 months to go…
Plus you will not let him take a new born…
You have time to figure out…
You may meet her and like her…never know…
If he is willing to take on a child that’s not his and be there for yours he sounds like he does have some good qualities…
Yes he should of told you but that is the past not the future…if you hold hate it will be your child that suffers