I got pregnant by someone who was in a relationship and I do not want his fiance around my child: Advice?

Regardless of whether you knew he was in a relationship or not. I feel like he has rights. At the end of the day as long as he’s a good father it should t matter who he chooses to have around the child. Unless proven otherwise. It takes a village. Accept that things aren’t going as planned & make the best of it. You want the best for the child. Correct?? Then set all the bs aside. I’m assuming this is your first. Once the baby is here you may have completely different views. & Be more understanding.


All I hear you saying is “BYRONNNNNN”


Lmfao I know she mad she ain’t get the answer she was looking for :rofl::joy::rofl: nah you dead wrong sis. And mad at the wrong person. Women always wanna get mad at the other person. She ain’t know about you, you ain’t know about her so what you mad at her for.


I mean, I’m not one to hook up with someone and let them shoot a load inside me when I hardly know them… When they already have a family. Sounds like you should’ve been more thoughtful and careful. I don’t think you made the best choice in the first place but other than that, I really hope you do some growing up before this baby comes because the amount of selfish, immature, and petty stuff written in this post is pretty disappointing to say the least. You don’t get to hook up with random people and have their baby and ALL of the control. I can’t imagine getting pregnant by someone who thinks it’s ok to cheat on their current spouse out of spite but you are no better than him by trying to dictate who this baby can be around. That was harsh, I know I’m a bit blunt with my response, but there’s a lot of factors involved here and I wouldn’t say you are in the right at all.


Dont take him for child support, if ya dont want him having parental rights.


You don’t want drama but yet you sleep with a man that’s in a relationship and you got pregnant🙄 No need to hate the chick she’s not the one who cheated. Shame on you! I seriously can’t stand women like you! Grow up and stop messing around on men who are in relationships!


I love that this was posted twice and now this girl had over 700 comments combined telling her she’s a foolish child :rofl: there’s no room for misinterpretation here. You :clap:need​:clap:to​:clap:grow​:clap:up


Too bad. I’m sure she didn’t want her bf cheating either.


Its yr baby not hers you decide wats good for you and your baby no one else and yr not selfish get rid of himmmmm the liar


Yes you’re being selfish and childish. Seriously grow up. If she poses not danger to your child what is the problem?!


Girl sounds like you are actually begging for the drama. Does this mean none of ur men are or would be allowed around child. I always think it’s funny that grown people act like children. What would you do and how would you feel if he said he doesn’t want HIS child around your men. You will do exactly what you want which is so unfair. You need to love that baby more than u hate the father and you need to grow up. You sound like a bitter jealous baby mama just because he doesn’t want you… and trust me honey bitter and jealous looks ugly on everyone

Immature, selfish, asshole, petty, ridiculous, good luck with that

Absolutely your being selfish. Your taking it out on her when she’s not the one who lied to you. He is. He needs to grow a pair and be honest with all parties involved. I would let the children have a relationship of some sort with eachother tho


The one thing you gave in common with the girl you hate is the POS father, who you should be mad at :laughing:
Hopefully this child forces you to grow up and look at the bigger picture because once it’s here you’re petty feelings wont matter anymore and it’s all about what’s best for the baby.


Let me get this straight, you did not want the drama yet you slept with someone else’s man then fell pregnant decided to keep it then get mad out his finance cause pick me girl didn’t get picked :joy: you put yourself in this position now deal with the consequences and :clap: grow​:clap: up​:clap:


Okay it’s not her fault he’s a cheater. So don’t take it out on her.


You should have never been sleeping with a man who was in a relationship. And to have enough nerve to say you don’t want your baby around his girlfriend?? She was there before you!! Grow up!


You’re both being played​:upside_down_face::crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::smiley::rofl:and the game just goes on+on​:rofl:


Sounds like you deliberately got pregnant to him & it’s all backfired. Yes you’re being selfish but most of childish. He’s the one you should be angry at not the other lady!


It sounds as if your jealous of her and that you don’t want her playing happy families with your baby tbh it sounds like you love him and would rather she’s out the picture so you 2 could play house ?
Honestly it’s going to be hard if that’s the case but you need to understand they are together and the more that love your baby the better
its better to have a family that loves this child than a spilt stressed drama filled family I would try and speak to her and see if yous can come to some understanding don’t do it for yourself do it for your baby :orange_heart:xx


You need to grow up. You’re bitter towards her when she did nothing wrong to you. And FYI your child WILL BE a sibling to her children because they have the same dad. As long as she isn’t a threat to you or the baby there shouldn’t be an issue. Plus, kids can be stressful & if she’s willing to help you out with the baby then you should actually be thankful because not many people will do that

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That poor innocent child being brought into that :pensive:


You have the right to protect your child, but if they are good people and they want to be involved, healthy co-parenting And not bad talking you to your child and her children. Then yes, you are being selfish And putting your own anger before what’s the absolute best for your child. If they are unhealthy, addict’s(Drugs/Alcohol), in trouble with the law and pedophile’s/sex offender’s. Then by all means keep them ALL away. Trust me, I’m keeping my child safe from his deadbeat father/family. NONE of them are safe or healthy to be around my child. I HATE THAT… I wish my son wasn’t confused about DADA. Every child deserves 2 healthy parents. If that involves stepparents and siblings, even better.

If this is truly how you feel, it makes you look like the jealous girl who wants to use her child against a good man and woman who want to be there.

It makes baby Mama’s like me! Who really are having to fight to keep MY SON SAFE like the bitter baby Mama’s. I’m a single mom of a 2 year old, my rent alone is $1250. A month that I I’m constantly trying to stay above water so my son can have his own room filled with all his Elmo toys! I have clothes stashed for him up to 5T. Just so I know my son will always have clothes.

Shame on you!
I’ll just pray for your child’s future to be happy and healthy.

So ur gonna be a bitch about it.
Its not her fault at all…

I’m sorry but it sounds like you may still be getting played. It’s not her fault he stepped out on the relationship she must be just as hurt as you are. You only been with him for a month? And you expect what? Respect is earned and I’m sorry but how would you feel if she said she didn’t want you around her kids? Either way sounds like there’s more to this he is going back and forth?


Be an adult about this whole situation. You may not have known about her but that doesn’t change the fact that she was there. If she’s willing to introduce your child to her children as brother or sister then it seems she’s being more adult about this than you :woman_shrugging:t3:
Don’t deprive your child of love just because you have issues with someone!
Quick question: what has she done so bad to have not wanting her to hold, touch or have anything to do with your baby :face_with_raised_eyebrow::thinking: yes that’s being selfish…there’s no reason to hate her just because you didn’t know about her and I’m sure she didn’t know about you either but that’s not stopping her from telling her son that he has a sibling on the way :tipping_hand_woman:t3:
Spread love not hate, think of the world your child will grow up in :tipping_hand_woman:t3:


You slept with her man and she’s offering to buy you baby things help out and support her partner aswell as you :eyes::eyes::eyes: hats off to her


I’m going back to sleep. This is too much.


Similar situation but my SO was in the process of a divorce when I met him. Or so I was told. By the time I found out any different I was already pregnant. She filed for divorce sent me proof and I stayed… Me and him are still together a year later and I’m having the baby Monday. His xwife is welcome to have there (him & her have a almost 2 yr old) son around mine, and she’s welcome to be near my baby too. We are not on good terms but I wouldn’t ever be this damn selfish and outcast other kids or people over something I did!! :person_shrugging:

You need to grow up. Based on what you’ve said she’s given you no reason to stop her from legally having a child around her.

You chose to have a baby with a man who has another child. That was your choice. Accept that he’s stepped up and being dad and she’s always going to be around.

You’re not being protective at all. You’re being selfish and choosing to use your child as a weapon against him. Don’t get that person.


Sounds like the fiance is being really nice about the whole situation and the guy is trying stir things up between you too so you don’t get along, and yes you do need to grow up because keeping your child away from their siblings is a bad idea, because your child will grow up and resent you for it.

I think everyone should sit together and discuss this like adults without bickering and find a way to work together to make this all work and for everyone to get along


If you didn’t want drama, you should have kept your panties on and never slept with the guy. Yes, you are selfish. The baby’s father has rights too. Grow up


Close those legs and learn to make better judgment, your story is full of crap you knew he was with her and didn’t care it doesn’t take a rocket scientist!


It doesn’t sound like your being protective, but maybe possessive and jealous. I agree, it isn’t her fault he lied to you. I wouldn’t of been messing around with someone who “split” briefly from their fiancé because there is a 50/50 chance they may reconcile after the split… If dad takes you to court for 50/50 and they live together, unfortunately she will be in your child’s life no matter what. Just like if you had a new man and he was in your baby’s life.


You had sex with her man but you’re mad at her. That’s petty af. She did nothing wrong to you so if you’re gonna have animosity towards someone it should be the man who lied to you. Whatever they went through has nothing to do with you. You should be grateful she’s being nice and is willing to accept your child at all. A lot of women would be ready to fight. I actually went through the same thing. My son father was in a relationship and I actually didn’t know until after I found out I was pregnant then she found out she was too. Her child is almost 4 mos younger than mine. We get along great. She knew he lied to me because it wasn’t the first time he cheated on her so she had no negative feelings towards me and I had no reason to have any towards her. It’s called being an adult and realizing you both got played.

Emily Thompson amen!!

Sorry. You do not have a choice in the matter. You are choosing to bring a child into the world, now you have to live with the consequences. Dad has a right to help raise that child. Because he is with another woman, you do not get to dictate this situation. You are the ‘other woman’ in this situation and should harbor no ill feelings towards her… in fact, she should have them towards you! The fact that she doesn’t speaks volumes! Embrace the ‘bonus’ situation as another individual will be helping to love and raise your child. It takes a village.


Being really honest here, if it was me and taking into account that you are only 10weeks into the pregnancy I’d get an abortion. The situation you described is meesy af, why to put you into a so difficult situation that will last soooo many years. :heart:


From what I read they are not your child siblings if they get married and he adopts her kids then they will be your child sibling n you shouldn’t keep siblings apart that’s if he adopts


Wow may god bless that woman I wouldn’t be so kind to u, u slept with HER MAN and are pregnant with his child I would rip you’re head off and shove it up his ass

you sound jealous hes with her and not you…grow the fuk up for that childs sake…your the one whoring around with other ppls men, yet your mad at her…hell if i was her i wouldnt want you around my kids either

You are being selfish AF and jealous. Not protective. Unless she is a danger to your child you have no say in her coming around considering she’s with the BD. But honestly, the whole situation sounds messy and like y’all got a lot of growing up to do


More love for the child the better. Why not talk to her woman to woman tell her he never told u they were together when u slept with him and say sorry and that wouldn’t of slept with him if u knew. She might be nice or a bitch. But give her a chance. I’m a single mom it’s tough raising a child on your own. If she wasn’t in the picture any more would u still let the father see the child or would u try to be with him after he didn’t tell u the truth? But if she’s gonna be in the picture then I guys got to try to get a long. Be an adult but most of all be a mom. If she’s a good mom and if she’s a nice person then why not let her be in the pic but make sure u of custody papers and visitation written out

I’m sorry but I don’t feel like you get to say especially since you’re the fucking mistress do you dumb ass. I know it takes two and he is in the wrong for cheating on his partner when he should’ve just left her if he felt like he needed to cheat.

Take into consideration ALLL of these comments could have been made without shame or cussing :joy: my my, what good people YOU are​:joy:


She sounds as much a victim of this as you. He lied to you, not the other way around.
Unless she beats children what is the harm in having another person to love and care for your child?


You slept with HER MAN. You were messy for laying down with a married man and now you don’t want what!?! Guuuuurl lol :laughing: have a seat please lol


You reap what you sow. Sometimes it’s not pretty.


I’m horrid so I would tell him I got the dates wrong and it’s your exs … then I would move on and raise the baby alone … most people would say I’m wrong but I don’t care lol


I feel like this has to be a fake post. Can woman really be this petty?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I got pregnant by someone who was in a relationship and I do not want his fiance around my child: Advice?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I got pregnant by someone who was in a relationship and I do not want his fiance around my child: Advice?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I got pregnant by someone who was in a relationship and I do not want his fiance around my child: Advice?


They are a packaged deal. Unless she is not allowed around children, on drugs, has a drinking problem, or violent I would see no issue with it. It’s another person loving my child and it could be a good thing you never know


It’s not being protective. Yes we protect our kids, but you are off the bat saying you don’t want this lady anywhere near your baby is for your reasons and have nothing to do with protecting the baby. Don’t start your motherhood that way. It looks like she did nothing wrong to you. It was him who lied to the both of you


I’m not understanding why you are taking it out on her? She did nothing wrong. And if shes offering and being a mature adult about the situation, you should do the same.


My advice? Is it really such a bad thing for your child to have more support and love in its life? Plenty of step parents are amazing and build really beautiful and strong relationships with their step kids. It might be nice to have another mum watching out for your child when you can’t be there.


So why don’t you want her around? Has she ever done anything to you? Do you even know her? Or simply because she has a connection to him?


Growing up and acting like a mature adult would be step 1 in this situation. You sound like you need a reality check as to what rights that father ACTUALLY has. You cant keep a child away from the dad just because YOU got your feelings hurt.


So…uh…you were the side piece and you are angry at the ex-but-not-really-an-ex??? Why are you angry at HER!


Babe be glad she wants to be there helping raise this baby. She could be the complete opposite. It’s going to be rough and take awhile to get used to but, this baby will have that much more love!


You should’ve never told him you were pregnant. Unfortunately you don’t get to choose who he has around the baby. It honestly sound more like you’re the drama, not the one trying to stay away from it :woozy_face::woozy_face:


See this I hate the woman is the issue with a lot of the relationships today. She wants to love your child that you and he went behind her back and created. That’s more than some children get. Stop hating on her and find a way to make it work. Fighting will only hurt the child you say you want to protect


Grow up. Be thankful you actually found someone who wants to be a dad. Unless his fiance is toxic then you’re gonna be stuck with both.


Get over it because you cant stop his gf from being around ur child. What im confused about is why your so mad at her. He is the cheater here. You have 9 months to grow up and stop being childish.


If the lady hasn’t threatened you or treated you bad then I don’t understand the issue. In my opinion the father of your baby seems like more of the bad guy in this situation


So what she do to you? I could see her saying that about you…but she didnt sleep with your man. .sis! Get it togther!


I think your mad at the wrong person… he has just as much rights as you do, you can’t tell him who can and cannot being around the baby. And you definitely don’t wanna take it to court saying that. Has she ever threatened you or caused harm? If the answer is no then you sound like a petty baby mama… don’t take that route. Its about what’s best for the child. Not u


Being completely selfish. You didn’t know about her; but I’m sure she didn’t know about you either. Don’t be mad at her, be mad at the man. What has she done to deserve your hate? And in my opinion, the more people who love my child the better. U don’t have to love me to love my child. Protecting a child is great, but what do u think u have to protect the child from?? Sounds petty and selfish as hell


If anything I would think it would be the other woman who is upset and not you. You obviously didn’t know this man well enough before you fell pregnant to him. You should be grateful to have another person to love and care for your child. I would meet with her and get to know her before deciding you don’t want her around your child.


You don’t get to control who he chooses to have around Your guys baby. You don’t own this child. It’s time to grow up put the pettiness aside and do what’s in the best interests of your child. Not what you feel is in the best interests of your emotions.


So let me get this straight.

Your baby daddy cheated on his fiancé with you and instead of her hating you or being upset at the fact that you’re pregnant with HIS baby, she’s willing to step up and be there to love and support YOUR child, and you’re mad at her??

What kind of sense does that make? She did absolutely nothing wrong.

One thing every parent needs to understand, once you have a baby, it’s no longer about you. Not about you, not about the baby daddy, not about the fiancé. Everything is about that child.

You have a lot of growing up to do, hopefully you grow up before you bring that baby into this world.

Praying for that child!


So I guess my question is if the child has siblings why would you punish innocent children and not let them have something to do with one another. And secondly you slept with her Man and your the one who has harsh feelings. Are you serious? Your the one in the wrong and needs to grow up. Put yourself in her shoes. How do you think she feels. Sometimes step parents can be the best thing in a child’s life. I have 2 step children and their mother treats my son as her own and I treat hers as my own. She’s never tried to keep them away from me or their brother. Seriously grow up. Its innocent children your talking about here. Not something you can use as a pawn. Probably shouldn’t say this but you should also be ashamed of sleeping with that woman’s man! She should be the one that don’t want your ass around​:rofl::joy:


I know you don’t know this yet but it takes a village to raise a kid and the more loving hands and hearts the better off and easier it will be.


I would personally not allow the father or anyone else to be involved and I would definitely be getting a no contact order. I’d rather be a single mama then a momma with my child in a toxic chaotic environment.


You did that to yourself. Should have looked for a man that didnt have a woman yet.


Honey, sounds like the problem here is the guy, not the ex-fiance. Poor girl and you are rowing the same canoe. The fact is, you made a choice by sleeping with someone you barely knew and not taking the appropriate safety measures and now you have to accept the life that will be. If he chooses to be with her and will want to be a part of your child’s life, you don’t have a say in her being around your child. I suggest you seek therapy in hope to come to terms with your reality. Best of luck in all to come.


Feel how you want BUT that’s the childs father and if he has any type of visitation rights in the future, she will probly be around. Best bet is to get to know her. Be friends with her, after all, she will be around. Learn to coparent. It is SO much easier. Believe me.


Poor baby! She might be a blessing. He was a lesson. Don’t make your baby suffer for your mistakes or his. Kids need all the love that can get. It takes a village.


You want sympathy?! You got with a man that was already in a relationship…that’s messy. Now you have to deal with your choices.


She didnt do anything. You did. Quit being selfish. The child your carrying isnt a pawn in ur game. Grow up


You hooked up with a man who was in a relationship and got pregnant. Wether you like it or not hes the father and you dont have a say in who is with.
Honestly I gave up reading after so long because clearly you are not mature enough to even have a child. Grow up for the sake of your unborn child


You should have left that man ALONE! Period! Now deal with the consequences. :roll_eyes:


If she’s offering to be there for you after you slept with her fiancé then I would be a mature person too and try to accept her kindness if he’s going to be with her she’s going to be around the child
Mistakes happen and it’s better in the long run for the baby is everyone can be civil


Childish. You’re judging her based on his lying bullshit. She didn’t do wrong HE did. More people to love your child the better. You’ve given no reasons as to her being a bad person. He is

Your child isn’t a pawn. You’re angry I get it. But as parents it’s our failures that we cannot place onto a child’s little shoulders and you’ll be doing exactly that. Don’t.


Is she a bad/dangerous person? No judge is going to grant you a protection order just cuz your feelings are hurt about your baby dad lying about being in a relationship. If you didn’t want the drama I wouldn’t have slept with such a sketchy guy? This is a whole mess and it seems like your hatred for her is just making it even worse… Why is she the bad guy in this situation… He’s the one that slept with you knowing he had a whole other family… He’s the issue not her :roll_eyes:


They do have a sibling on the way, what’s wrong with her telling the children that? Honestly as much as it’s going to hurt you to see another women playing a parent role with your baby you have no choice. If you try to get to know her you could honestly have an amazing co parenting relationship down the track. The baby will be happier with more parents in their life. Baby will resent you when he’s older for keeping his or her father away. It’s a messy situation but there isn’t anything you can do about it now


No offense but I find this immature. So, you weren’t in a relationship, You had casual sex and it had consequences. That’s not her fault and it’s not your babies fault dad lied to YOU. He wants to be there so let him. Unless them being together is a danger for your child there’s no explanation as to keeping them away.


But why are so are so against her :thinking::thinking: put on your grown up panties and suck it up!!!


I’m guessing if your gonna bring a child into the world at least aim for Peace and Fairness…


How about this:
Have the child as you wish
Father said he will be supportive regardless of his relationship status :ok_hand:
The woman he was with you said is no longer with him and even if she were she was in the picture when you had sex with the father of child. You didnt know he was in relationship and she didnt know he did it with you, both unaware, so what exactly has the woman done thats so bad to you your kids and unborn child? If she is in the picture so be it, gotta suck it up, if shes encouraging the new baby sibling to the other kidsand she is with the father of unborn child gee thats a really nice and supportive woman, who on earth would want that kind of role model :exploding_head: sorry your story is back and fourths so im going off my understanding of it.

Have your kid have the father help support and let him move on with his life as long as the women he is with are kind to your chidlren you should be grateful not wanting to put orders on her for no damn reason which wld be laughed and frowned upon on you in a court mind you.
And as for her If She was to buy the unborn child anything omg woman!!! Why are you so incredibly spiteful against what appears to be a supportive woman who got played and played by the very man you were with and got played by. If anything you two shld become besties and rip the man a new asshole!


You sound very immature honestly. She didn’t do anything wrong in this situation at all


I wanna be in the room when the judge reads you’ve requested a restraining order because the ex girlfriend of the man who fathered your baby is telling her kids they have a sibling on the way. :rofl::rofl:


What has she done to you?! Nothing it seems… you’re just mad that she gets to keep the cheating ass. He’s the father and when it’s his time with his child that child can be around his family, it’s not your choice… like what if he turned around and said he doesn’t want your child around a new boyfriend?? So you’ll never get a new boyfriend the rest of your life?? It works both ways…


Ya havent even said anything that sounds like she’s shown interest. It actually just sounds like you’re anticipating a problem where there isn’t one. Also it sounds like you’re displacing your anger towards your ex at his ex. People are saying get an attorney. I say get a therapist as well to help you work through these feelings. Hope things work out for you.


Ummmm YOU were in the wrong not her.


You don’t want drama? Too late. This whole thing made my head hurt with drama.


You better just mature up and become friends with that woman, for the sake of the baby. Any arrows you aim at him or her will only land on your baby. Best of luck to you.


Not really fair of you to dictate that. If/when he marries, that woman will be part of your family regardless of your desires. Best thing to do FOR THE CHILD is to have a GOOD relationship with the woman. Your child deserves that.


You don’t really have a say in the situation, if he is going to have visitation. It’s just like when parents go through a divorce, the new person will be around that child.