I got pregnant by someone who was in a relationship and I do not want his fiance around my child: Advice?

You were the piece of shit sleeping with a person in a relationship. Be thankful she even wants anything to do with YOU!
Really? How is this even a question? Grow up… maybe you shouldn’t even be having a baby if this is your mindset ??

That’s why u don’t sleep with other peoples man


This woman has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO YOU. God forbid there be one more person to love & help with your child. That is childish af.

This is a bunch of drama & I feel so badly for this poor baby being brought into all of it.


Well sorry to say but u got no say who the baby is around when it’s with it’s father. Get over yourself seriously


So you slept with her man and she can’t see his child (potentially her step child) because of that? Lady you’d be blessed if she accepted and loved your child


Don’t cut him off as salty as the situation may be. You don’t want to teach your child to not accept or love 1/2 of his identity/family. That is a form of long term mental abuse & it isn’t fair to your baby hunny. You will learn slowly there are bigger things to worry about. You don’t have to like a single one of them, that is totally okay, but be the bigger person & love your baby more by letting the baby love them & able to be around them. I know it is hard but kill em with kindness :two_hearts: Good luck.

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It isn’t logical. You have nothing against her other than he is with her and not you.
She didn’t tear your family apart, she didn’t come in and swoop him away from you and your child. She was there, you came in after.
All you can do is file for custody and hope for the best outcome for YOUR CHILD. Not you or him. A child deserves two loving parents. Don’t prevent that.


Wow…this is a whole new level of drama and crazy. My head hurts after reading this. Just raise your child alone and save everyone else from the drama.


You slept with this dude and your mad at his woman for it?


Theres nothing wrong with a step mama figure. You can always set reasonable boundaries and if they get broken go to mediation or court for a visitation schedule along with guidelines. Just remember, whatever boundaries are set, you will be fully expected to uphold your side of the boundaries.

The poster sounds like a 15 year old


Don’t be pissed at her though. It seems like your holding his transgressions against her. For what. He lied to both of you and cheated on her.


You’re selfish tbh and you probably gonna be one of those bitter baby mommas everyone talks about. That lady ain’t done nothing to you, you need to be a fucking adult and let your child know Their siblings, if they get married she is your child’s stepmom, why wouldn’t you want another person to love your child ? Woman up and chill out, if you ain’t with dad , dad will get the baby alone one day without you, stepmom gonna be there ,deal with it.

Are you one of those that thought having the baby the fiancé would end it??? Cause when they marry sweetie His wife and him have all rights to the child especially if the kids is in their house… there are three sides to this story, yours his and his fiancé’s!!! Babies don’t keep a men nor takes away a men…. Sorry!!! What you can do is grow up and your mad at the wrong person…


This sounds super childish. Why you mad at her for sleeping with you?! Seems like you have a lot of growing up to do. :woman_shrugging:t3:

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He’s the father. You’re not going to be calling the shots. So you need to get over yourself and realize your child is going to have her in their life as well.


Also women like u trying to go to the extreme of trying to get a no contact order are the main reasons women like myself n other women who have truly been abused have a hard time getting them because women like u abusing the system :woman_shrugging:t3: and court systems have a hard time believing us cause of women like u! Thankfully I got my no contact order aka protection order against my ex cause of the violence but really woman u don’t need a no contact order just cause she telling THEIR children they obviously got a sibling coming n you mad cause he lied to u abt her :woman_facepalming:… this has nothing about you being protective it’s about you being a drama Queen and a bitter baby mama in the end n tbh it’s pathetic


So you slept with an engaged man, his fiance is willing to accept your child yet you don’t want her around your kid? She didn’t do anything wrong. Whether you knew he was engaged or not at the time of sleeping with him, you know now. You can’t be mad at her for YOUR mistake and his. Stop being a bitter baby mom, ffs the baby isn’t even anywhere near being born and you’re already pushing this lady away for NO FAULT of her own. Grow up!


Poor Ms. Step-mama though really…girl you got it ALL wrong from the moment you slept with this guy and didn’t protect yourself. That step mama could be a blessing in your life but if I were her I’d drop the guy and let him take you with. This is such a childish, selfish outlook. Might want to change your mindset for that poor babies future. That step mama isn’t your enemy, you’re creating problems (that guy also created a big problem :face_with_hand_over_mouth:)


Why are you feeling some type of way over the fiancé? :joy: she didn’t know about you just like you didn’t know about her. You need to use all the energy being mad at the guy who knocked you up. He kept the truth from you and It’s obvious he’s telling you what you want to hear. As long as that poor excuse of a man is in your child’s life, she will be too. Gotta get used to it.


Your being selfish why should the child suffer because of your mistakes

Kinda sounds like you did know about the fiancé and hoped he would leave her for you :woman_shrugging:t2:


Lol y’all be having babies and then playing keep away like wtf. Sus STOP IT​:weary::joy:


Since they want to post it twice I’ll repeat my comment…
It’s not up to you…he will get to bring HIS child around whoever he wants during his parenting time
Why TF would you want to keep your child away from their “sibling” like what is wrong with you?
Neither she nor her children have done any wrong to you yet you’re so focused on her it’s pathetic


I’m not sure why you have so much animosity towards a woman who clearly is not a had person…she is willing to embrace and love your child regardless of the fact she was cheated on and probably is heartbroken at this point…angry with the wrong person…I’d tell him to take a hike and happily raise your child alone. Support from an albeit stranger ( his partner) might be something that will help you both heal.


Time to grow up babe…you have a baby to raise…the drama should stay in the past…she’s being grown about the situation, you should do the same.


Wow just wow…you a different kind of crazy…

There’s no way this is real :tired_face: Oh honey no no no! It really sounds like jealousy if anything girl. Don’t punish your child because of your mistakes and jealousy.

Suck it up butter cup she will be in the babies life no matter what I didn’t want my son around his dads girlfriend but there was nothing I could do about it the best way to go about it is to get to know her because once I did I knew he was in good hands she loves him like he is her own

I’m confused to why you’re more mad at her and he was the one dishonest with you… smh… Place the blame where it belongs… He lied to her also so should she be mad at you??? Grow up :bangbang::bangbang::bangbang:


Imo the more people to raise and love on a baby the better … Better. More then less say you cut them both out then something happens to you ? Then what atleast that baby would still have people who love it regardless right?

I can’t with this… :joy:


Idk why you’d ask for advice on why u homewrecker got Prego by a man that’s not single not to mention a man that used u for his selfish reasons. Either keep the kid and leave him and his out of it or don’t. Clearly he didn’t want the affair to last nor expect this to happen and I’m sure his fiance wants nothing to do with it …


People like you are who make Coparenting so hard for some people. If he wants to be in HIS child’s life, be grateful. Even though the situation between you two sucks if he’s a good father your child deserves him in their life since he chooses to be. Also compare ting is a good thing and the best thing for any child. You can’t be selfish because you’re hurt and mad and jealous. Its not her fault he was with you and her. I LOVE that my girls get 2 moms and 2 dads and we all covalent with them in mind. And I’m sorry but if he stepped up and wants to be her kids dad and they called him dad. How are you mad they see this baby as their sibling? It is if they get married. Grow up


The man is the drama for real

Grow tf up. You have given no legitimate reason to keep her away other than your petty jealousy. If she is not a harm to your child, you have zero say in if he decides to stay with her and take his child around her. That is not just your baby. Get over it.


I was in that situation but his gf was threatening to literally kick my daughter dead out of my stomach so that’s a different story. If she means no harm then what’s the conflict?

  1. You CHOSE to have unprotected sex.
  2. Did you stop to ask him if he was married,
    Involved, sorta kinds involved,

My god, women like you annoy me. And yes, ive recently dealt with one similar, minus the pregnancy. Don’t try the whole “I didnt know about the fiance” thats not a good enough excuse, never will be !!! YOU slept with someone else’s partner, got yourself pregnant & now want to play the jealous “I don’t want her around my child” bullshit. Grow up and deal with the consequences of sleeping with a taken man…

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So you sleep with another woman’s man and she is the problem? Huh? I understand you didn’t know about her but you’re being a little ridiculous


Your petty and selfish… straight up grow up.


Poor kid.
I hope the dad takes you to court and gets everything he wants.
Your child doesn’t stand a chance growing up with someone so spiteful and jealous.


Grow up girl!! If this is your attitude you don’t need a child. Since you already have one on the way here’s some adult truths for you.

  1. Why are you punishing her for what he did? Based on what you said, you were the other woman and it sounds to me like she’s being an adult about the situation telling her baby they have a sibling coming. Trying to make sure that the family is all part of babies life.
  2. Whether he lied to you or not that baby is just as much his as it is yours. It’s not all about what you want or what you feel.
  3. Stop being selfish and letting your pettiness take love from your unborn child. Again, it’s not about you anymore but about the baby!! Period

She literally didn’t do anything to you. You’re the one who slept with her man. Grow up. It’s not up to you to dictate who your child’s father has around, as long as they’re not abusive or dangerous. There’s nothing you can do about it.


Geez people she clearly states she didn’t know he was back in the relationship :roll_eyes::pleading_face: cut her some slack. I would be weary too, if they’re no longer together there’s honestly no reason why the female needs to be around your baby. HOWEVER, I’m sure for family events dad would like his “kids” Biological or not together. Don’t make ridiculously hard for him if he’s honestly trying. If it comes down to that try to be civil, maybe have a play date together, set your boundaries. You never know down the road she may be a shoulder to lean on as bad vice versa. Talk to her, tell her the honest truth, tell her your reservations bc she probably has the same.

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Look at you trying so hard to justify your cheating ass. :rofl: Poor kid, probably will be parenting you for the rest of his/her life.

You seriously came to the Internet with this question?? :rofl::rofl:


Whaaat? You child has siblings. You wont be able, and shouldnt want to, keep the child from them… you arent going to wint this fight girl. I get your stressed and feeling possessive. But hes the dad. And hes gonna have rights.


My favorite part its he cheated and knocked you up and that seems ok amd somehow makes the fiance the bad person here, (literally only by you and him) but her maybe cheating and possibly having a miscarriage to her ex is reason for them breaking up…

Like ok, what part of Virginia are you all from


Grow up!! You dont want to be with him so be blessed that she gives a shit and wants to be a good step mother to your baby! You are absolutely ridiculous and should have waited until you were married to get pregnant.

Your mad at her ? :woman_facepalming:t4: your the one having a baby to someone else man lol think it’s time to grow up your about to become a mother! If you don’t want her or your child’s siblings in your child to bes life then why don’t you just cut all ties with him too cos you can’t control or dictate who he has around your baby especially if it’s his wife and your babies siblings. Be great full she wants anything to do with you and your baby most woman wouldn’t so consider yourself lucky :woozy_face:Anyway life’s about to humble you gf your about to be a mother :joy: so drop the jealous crap or you may get A fright when the tables are turned selfish side hoe drama :joy: must love it


You don’t want that drama? Girl you are the purpose of that drama. You are the drama… What the hell!


Lol better you than me! Sounds like you like all this back and forth! If they arent together why would she need to be around the baby? I’m confused… I think there is still some lying and playing going on here!


Shouldn’t she be the one saying this about you? She’s the victim. Not you.


You better step up, get to know her, be friends cuz she is gonna be the step momma.


U getting played by a nigga

Maybe you shouldnt sleep with someones SO? Atleast she is willing to be apart of it


I am speechless with this… Selfish is not the word for this…

Why you tryna get revenge on a woman you didnt even fuck with who probably doesnt know you exist, this nigga played u the moment he stuck it in you.

If you don’t want drama don’t sleep around.


Gees good luck with all that .maybe U should of been more responsibal in your actions .with a non single man .

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Bitter Baby Mama in the making… yes. You’re being extremely unreasonable.


Onistly .stop posting.


So I’m gonna be the odd man out here, but I did not want my husband’s ex around my children. She was a nut job who f’ed her kids up Royally!!! (Then killed herself for her 9yr old to find) The way I see it, you have 2 options.

  1. Lie tell him you had a miscarriage and live your life. You will never get any help from him though or
  2. Take him to court and file for full custody. He will get visitation and have to pay child support, in that instance though you will have no say so in who he brings the child around during his visitation time.
    You are also the parent of this child, not just him. While I firmly believe the man should take responsibility, you are still the one carrying this baby and will have the majority responsibility after it is born, even if he does have visitation. So I think it’s bullshit that he gets just as much day so as you do.

Kick him to the curb and don’t put his name on the birth certificate or he will have rights to it she is telling her kids that because I bet they are still toogether and they want your child.


Ok. Firstly, you need to find a way to appropritely get rid of your anger, ca u se that’s what this is. You are angry. But you are aiming your anger at an innocent woman. The man you slept with is a dick. Not t h e lady.

Secondly, you.need to get tested for std, s, being that everyone has sle p t around with o ut protection.

Thirdly , get rid of your anger appropriately. That is the real issue. Once you are calm , you will be able to think more clear l y. This is the guys fault, not the lady.

Honestly It Sounds Like A One Night Stand Gone Wrong… If You Didn’t Know Him That Well, Why Did You Have Unprotected Sex? Also It Sound Like You’re Jealous! You can’t be Mad At HER Because HE Got YOU Pregnant. This Is A lot Of Drama. If I Was The Other Woman I’ll Leave!

You can’t be mad at her for him not telling you. Im a bonus mom & my husband & i have 2 kids together. His kids know they have half siblings even though we dont talk to them bc their mom was just as ridiculous as you. Its insane. Let them both be in your childrens lives.


In this situation, shes the victim not you.

Fire and fire doesnt equal fair it equals stupid and immature!

The best thing to do is grow up and get completely out of that love triangle and if the father wants to be apart of your childs life and if he wants custody you need to accept if he has a partner that who ever his partner maybe will be apart of your childs life, be civil and mature!


Admins approved this just to watch OP get dragged.


Perfect example of why you should take the responsibility of birth control. Since you didn’t, you will have very little say in Who the father takes the child around.


Well if he raised her child as his son, and he calls him Dad……then he will be your child’s sibling. That’s HIS CHILD. I’m not sure I understand all the drama along with this. He has to have a relationship with her bc he is her child’s Dad. Therefore, she will be around even if they don’t end up together. On another note, this man raised a child that wasn’t his, as his own. That should tell you what kind of father he will be to your kid. All the BS aside, he sounds like a good Dad. Sometimes we have to do the adult thing, even when we don’t like it. In your case, you didn’t know about his situation bc he left that out. So I understand some hard feelings, but gotta move past that now. You are carrying his child. If this woman were a threat to your child in anyway, then that changes everything. If you are bitter bc he lied to you about it, you can’t change it now. You do what’s best for the kids, always, unless there is a risk of danger. She’s probably not too happy about you either, but maybe she is willing to be a bigger person for the kids as well. If he’s not going to be with her anyway, then surely you can tolerate her on an occasional basis……for the kids.


Uhm well I stopped reading that half way. Because you slept with someone in a relationship. And who he has around that baby you have no say in. He has rights… And a judge isn’t gonna do that unless she’s dangerous. My ex husband cheated on me and got my best friend pregnant. Him and I have two kids together. I didn’t stay tho. I asked for a divorce the moment them words came out of his mouth. You don’t want the drama? You created it.


No judge is going to give you a no contact order when the other party has done nothing wrong. He will probably go for 50/50 custody it’s his child also. This man wants to be a father why push him away you will need to learn how to do parent


He cheated with you how do you know he’s even telling you the truth about his fiancé sleeping with her baby dad or he’s just making up an excuse as to why he cheated she literally could have done nothing wrong cheaters lie you should be happy she’s taking it so well and unless they are awful people and a danger you can’t keep him from his child if he wants to be there even if you don’t put him on the birth certificate he can take you to court and prove paternity and the harder you make it for him to see his child will make you look like a shit person if he truly wants to be there and not a come and go person then you should let him would you really want your child to grow up and know their father doesn’t come around because you were mad he was with someone else?

Maybe I’m the odd one out here because I just went through this. I didn’t know he was married. There was never a sign of another woman in his house. But, despite of him lying, they fixed their issues, and his wife was very supportive of the pregnancy. At first I felt the way you did, because it’s a very hard situation to be in but here we are. In the end, the more that love your little one, the happier you and the baby will be. If you allow something this petty to bother you, you will forever stay stressed, it’ll cause fights, the tension will cause your little one to stay fussy. Why make everyone miserable. If she’s good to children and is willing to be accepting when she doesn’t have to be, be thankful. It literally takes a village to raise one child. I have 3, and if I didn’t get along with their dads, it would be an absolute shit show. We take the kids on day trips (zoo etc) they take them camping, I work 6 days a week, and they help so much when it comes to the back and forth to school, to baby sitters. If I didn’t have them and their significant others helping, I couldn’t do it. I have very little family support. My babies are happy, thriving, healthy, and we couldn’t be happier. At the end of the day, I can go to bed knowing everyone in my kids lives love them unconditionally. They have women in their lives that accept them and nurture them as if they were their own. I can go to work every day knowing my babies are safe. Be grateful. Because most kids end up in abusive situations and there are mothers losing their baby’s way too often because of bitter petty relationships that cause jealousy and drama. I highly suggest seeking a therapist to have by your side as you get further along. I still have moments of hurt, wondering what it would be like if they didn’t have a broken home. But these are the cards we’ve been dealt. They only have one childhood, and I owe it to them to give them the best life possible.

I don’t know how you typed the first sentence and still typed the whole paragraph after and submitted it. I feel like reading that original sentence should have just been all you needed to hear to know how you sound right now. If you didn’t know about her then I’m sorry and I’m sure it was a shock and hurtful to find out but you’re keeping this baby and that’s wonderful for someone with previous losses but you can’t control the facts surrounding the situation. I’m sorry your babys dad is a liar and a POS but that’s what you’re working with now and you can’t control if he brings the baby around the woman he already was in a relationship and lives with. You don’t want drama but it sounds like the baby’s father is all about drama so buckle up

If she’s not with him then she doesn’t need to be around your child but if they are together you need to get over yourself and realize she is in the picture unless there is some long back story as to why you don’t like her you sounding childish


I would say, Keep the peace and kindness with all involved. They may all care for your child. Your child needs good role models from everyone, especially you.


He doesn’t seem to be truthful… so when he’s telling u that her miscarriage was by the father of her other child… well, that could be a lie.

Personally, she had nothing to do with him stepping out so you shouldn’t be mad at her. I would also be telling my children they have a sibling bc well, if they call him dad and now he’s going to be a father to your child, then they do have a sibling.

Some may disagree. But that’s just how I feel.


Also, it sounds like a lot of the drama is coming from you.


How old are you? Sounds like you have the mental capacity of a high school girl… Smh


Girl, run, he lied in the beginning! Just take your baby and find you a good man that will be there for you and your baby. Once a liar is always a liar. Don’t put his name on the birth certificate either… I was in a similar situation, it was so stressful


i say, you all need to grow the F up. Life isn’t about yourself anymore, its about the children. A judge isnt going to grant a no contact order, just “because you want it”. There has to be valid reasons for it. You sound extremely petty & immature.




How is any of this her fault. Feel like you are mad at the wrong person here…


Wow you’re horrible lol if you can’t grow up and be civil with other adults maybe you shouldn’t have children. She’s not in the wrong here, you are. Grow up


You need to grow up!!! You have a vindictive, manipulative, selfish mindset and that will destroy your child!
Please get yourself into some counseling and parenting classes for the sake of your unborn child.


If they are in fact together it’s childish to not want to coparent especially with her when she literally did nothing to you, except possibly be a good step mom to your kid. I’m also not sure why you are believing everything he’s telling you. He lied about his relationship in the first place and I bet he will fill your head full of stuff to make her sound bad and he’s just a victim in her own scandel.


Get rid of him he has already lied to you both and hasn’t put any money out on you or the child to take care of y’all he needs to man up and make a choice but keep and love your baby God blessed you with you can do this on your own praying :pray: for a great life for you and your baby don’t start your life off in a mess he will never change just look out for you and the baby he is own his own but he is grown


Man you sound like a bitch….

Drop any hope for a romantic relationship with the dad and remove yourself from the drama. Don’t make the co parenting relationship any harder than it has to be.


…no you don’t sound selfish, no you don’t sound over protective…
what you sound like is a childish brat. You’re mad at him so take it out on the woman whom had NOTHING to do with his lies. You’re going to be another bitter baby momma. Exactly what this world doesn’t need.
Get some professional help and grow up before the child gets here before you make that child’s life miserable playing keep away and using that poor baby as a pawn.


You knew he was in a relationship!!! Your in the wrong, so you can only blame yourself for the situation your in!!!


Hell yes you’re selfish, what has this woman ever done to you?
You need to grow the hell up before you bring a child into the world ffs.


Well that sucks. Should have used protection lol. Hopefully you grow up. I love when woman think they have more rights than fathers. You’ll get a reality check soon enough.

You have absolutely 0 control on who is around yalls baby on his side unless a judge says so. You’re just mad because you got played and now you look ridiculous. Grow up and get yourself together. I hope that woman is great to yalls baby and I hope yalls baby grows up to love her!!


You sound like a moron grow up this is how children get hurt


Does anyone worry about std’s?


Just because he “failed to tell you” doesn’t mean he lied.
He used you for revenge sex lol.
And you’ve had how many pregnancies in 2 years? And didn’t know if you could get pregnant “anymore”?
How old are you.
Common sense lacks!!