I have a feeling my spouse cheated

You really want to throw away 19 years over a feeling


Trust your gut don’t listen to what all these people are saying they could be telling you all this and he could have cheated like some said that story is way too detailed it seems like he was trying to cover his tracks in case someone told on him or you found out some women are smart some are dumb don’t be the dumb one yall saying that women needed help i call BS the 10 minutes he took to take her all the way there you could have called an ambulance and she all of a sudden stop having an attack on the way there come on now


Trust your gut. Asthma attacks don’t mysteriously go away in which you no longer need your inhaler. It’s a BS story.


Honestly I think you are way overthinking this. He was trying to be a good person and acted as how he felt was best at that moment. Honestly I dint see an issue here. If he has never gucen you reason to be suspicious before then don’t let an isolated innocent situation get you all worked up.


This man feels guilty even helping that’s why he told you. Relax


Usually asthma attacks don’t go away like that. I have 3 kids with it thats fishy to me. Trust your gut do some more investigating and watch his behavior like a hawk.


Always trust your gut mine has not failed me when I suspected something I was always right

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You cant say hes cheating bc her asthma attack just stopped. Maybe the girl was lying… i think youre just paranoid.

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Something seems off. So my question is during this whole ordeal, why couldn’t he answer your phone call and at least say he was dealing with an emergency? Just to ignore your call is still strange.


If it’s bothering you and you’re stuck on “what if”. Have him repeat the story to you. If anything changes your gut was right.


He easily could’ve just said something else. Why even mention a FEMALE?? Too much detail for a lie IMO


I don’t believe him for you!!!


If someone is asthmatic, and has learned the proper strategies to calm down, they can definitely bring themselves out of the immediate need for an inhaler. And as someone who analyzes interrogations for a living, his story does NOT contain too many details. If he would have described her clothes, the car, her room, or anything not important to the story in great detail, it would be a flag. It sounds like finding a therapist to talk to would help you. I know that it can be difficult to fully put your trust in someone, especially in today’s world with stories of cheating spouses at your fingertips through the internet


If he were cheating he probably would not have brought it up at all


Trust your instincts. There’s a reason why you feel this way.

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I call bs, sounds so made up and an asthma attack not just gonna go away that fast,especially how you said she was to the point she could barely breathe. Trust your gut


You’ll get mixed opinions all over this thread.
Your stomach doesn’t lie. I know that feeling. I ignored the crap out of my gut instinct. Only to find out I was so spot on.
I’m sorry you’re going through this. I hope it works out

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Guilty conscience. He wouldn’t have gone into so much detail if he weren’t trying to lie.

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I think you’re over reacting. If hes never given you a reason to not trust him, why are you not trusting him??


He wouldn’t leave the job site for that

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I think he would have told you nothing at all if he was cheating he could go about his life and you would never know this happened it probably happened then he realized after it wasn’t the best “looking” thing so he told you so you had no doubt of stuff


That’s a very elaborate story. I agree with you if the attack was so bad someone should have called an ambulance. If the story is true there had to have been other workers around who could have called if your husband was “panicked”. Sounds fishy to me.


I have asthma and I am telling you if you are in an asthma attack such as this case it does NOT just go away. He is a liar. Trust your instinct.


Has he ever given you a reason to not trust him before? You’re going to believe what you want, but sometimes in emergency situations people do panic and don’t always think of the rational thing to do. I would ask him again what happened. But I mean he missed one phone call, and then told you why, seems like a big jump to cheating for me, especially if you have never been given a reason before.


I would believe this whole story cause it sounds legit!! Buutttt… The fact that he didn’t answer the phone or call back ASAP is where I have doubt!

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Definitely trust your instincts. Sounds like bs. If he’s the superior…. Wouldn’t he be trained on how to handle emergencies? How does a superior freak out in a situation and not think? Do asthma attacks even just go away?


Trust your gut. If it feels off… it is.


One year, at 2am, I heard a crazy sound coming from my wood stove…I tapped my hubby (6-3 270lbs) awake to go see what it was. He rolled over and told me to go check…the noose had woken up one of the kids and we tip toed to the kitchen to see what’s up. The noose continued and when I opened up the door to the wood stove, a bird flew out and straight to the living room, knocking over lamps and destroying my curtains. I run for a pillow case and after about 30 minutes and destruction of my living room I caught it amd we let it go outside…point of the story…shit happens and sometimes stories are weird or crazy but can also be true. 19 faithful years… give him credit but be visual.

First of all, why would he call you back and make up such a elaborate story? He simply could have said he was busy at work when you called and was just then able to call you back. Secondly, if your husband is the “superior” at his job maybe he can’t be at your beck and call every minute of his day while he’s at work. Just gotta say, sounds to me like that’s a pretty big story to tell if it’s not true when he didn’t have to say all that. I’d say trust your husband until he proves otherwise. Don’t judge, try, convict and hang him without the facts. You know him better than anyone else and know whether or not he is the type to help people and would do this to innocently help this lady or not. Either trust him or ruin your relationship dwelling on this for no reason. I’d never be with a cheater but I’d need more than my gut proof. :woman_shrugging:t3:


if he jumped right to a long winded story id be iffy… like he’s trying to come up with a story but didn’t think it thru all the way & panicked…


So… out of all this you made out that he’s cheating? There has to be more…


You know what you know even if you don’t really know.


He wouldn’t tell you UNLESS he’s a narcissist and just lies all the time to make you doubt yourself. My wife was so that’s how I know. She would make up these CRAZY stories to mess with my head. It sounds like he made up the story bc he missed your call! To me it would be HUGE red flag. I ignored all the red flags and my stomach and turned out she was was cheating all along! Only you know your partner. If he isn’t the type of guy to lie to you then let it go. Just watch for anymore signs. Like him always having his phone on vibrate, not answering calls, leaving the room when he’s on the phone, hanging up from a call as soon as you walk in the room. Putting his phone down when you walk in and turning it over. Little stuff like that.


My darling! You should praise him for trying to help another human being!


Was the inhaler /cap sticky?


I learned the hard way to always trust my intuition and instincts. They are my bodies fight or flight.


This is a difficult one. Could go either way. An hour isnt too too long. I could see all that happening in about an hour time frame and him calling you when it was over and dealt with. It’d a little fishy but he had the details it didn’t seem like he was trying to necessarily hide anything. I don’t think most men would admit to going to a females hotel ect. The fact that he did and gave you details makes it feel more legit to me especially after 19 years. That’s a long long time. If he never made you question him before I’m honestly wondering why this one situation makes you certain he was cheating…

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He told you about it so it seems true

so after almost 2 decades of faithful marriage he just randomly decided to cheat
on you then call you back and make up a whole elaborate medical emergency story to justify why he didn’t call u back for a measly hour?
Read that out loud and tell me if it sounds a little crazy to you?
It’s 100 times more likely that it happened exactly as he said it did and you are overthinking it. After 20 yrs of loyalty the man deserves trust.


Always go with your womans intuition, gut feelings.
They’re never wrong.


First time one hour . Maybe overreacting ?

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… if you’re having an asthma attack so bad that you can’t breath, it doesn’t just go away. And if the motel she was at was only 10mins away, why did it take him an hour to call you back…
Hes full of shit.

He made up that story to feel better about himself.

Trust your gut.
I don’t buy that over explained story.


If there’s anything I know it’s that the tummy don’t lie.


I mean… asthma attack is that bad usually can’t walk to a car and drive around searching for said lost inhaler.
Also he’s not a trained medical professional, not like he’s an asthma attack expert over there lol suspicious elaborate story where he’s a hero, definitely false imo. Even if he’s not cheating he probably wasn’t out being detective of the random coworkers lost inhaler…


We were not there we cannot say he did or he didn’t and you cannot kill yourself worrying about it. If he does he’s going to do it again and believe me it will come out sooner or later let God handle it

Trust your gut. I’ve been in this spot


He made a back story Incase anyone say them together. You have gut instincts for a reason.


An asthma attack doesn’t get better without use of inhaler. This story smells of B.S.


I doubt he cheated.
There’s literally no evidence that he did at all.


If you Truly believe he Cheated for the Very 1st time in 19 yrs… Sit back an just watch him… You’ll know for sure soon enough, Men are NOT as Sly as they would like to believe… just by his behaviours at home & around you, You’ll see a difference if so… Check his routine- has anything Personally changed about him? The way he dresses, Or wearing cologne more than before or ever before, or a new kind? More than usual fresh haircuts or any change in grooming etc? Just look for little subtle things- They’re dead giveaways… He can’t hide it ((If you know him well enough- As you SHOULD after 19yrs)) But don’t make yourself go crazy with all the what if’s*… Just sit back & watch… it will definitely expose itself if so… bc you will see a change in his Normal 19yr actions & behaviours If in fact someone New is in his life…


I have asthma and I don’t see how she could come out of an bad attack without her inhaler. But anything is possible. Talk to him about it and tell his you don’t believe his story. But it does mean it not true. Stranger things have happen.


Don’t assume he cheated. My boyfriend would do anything to help anyone. If he was cheating, he wouldn’t make up something like this. I believe that he might’ve just reacted quickly without thinking more to help this woman. I trust my boyfriend completely. You’ve been married for 19 years, I’m sure you know your husband well. I would give him the benefit of the doubt and let it go. When you see him, ask him again. Also, by just looking at his face you’ll get more from it.


Trust your intuition. Always. Especially when you’ve been with someone for so long, we know when something isn’t right.


I’m inclined to agree with you that he’s lying. An asthma attack that severe can lead to death and is not likely to just go away on it’s own. Unless the woman was faking the asthma attack and then that poses the question why. Why would you fake an asthma attack? That statement a alone showed that either he lied or she did. Always go with your gut. You already know he’s lying so now it’s time to find out what he’s lying to cover up. So sorry that you’re going through this.


:laughing: he only helped her IN an emergency, hopefully you get help if your alone in your future…


I’ve learned gut feelings don’t lie. When my husband cheated that night I got gut feeling and I knew all the signs were there but they had a story planned out. I always knew but 5 years later it finally all came out. So I have now always gone with my gut feeling.


If you pay attention some ppl like to tell on themselves.


When he comes home… if he cheated and this is the first time. It will be all over his face. He probably wouldn’t even be able to look you in the eye. That’s was my case and my stomach does this weird flip flop thing that I KNOW (it been a pattern I have noticed over time) what I am thinking and feeling is right. Sorry your going through this but please trust your gut.


Nobody has a real life threatening asthma attack for that long and can do all that he claims happened. That’s just strange af! Somebody is lying – her, him or both? Trust your intuition, if after almost 20 years you never felt it till now, something is off. Your body/mind isn’t lying to you. Now, it may not be all that you’re thinking but something doesn’t sound right for sure.


Lying asthma attacks don’t just go away like that


Bcuz u know it’s BS!


My husband called me to tell me hed be late, went into detail. After hanging up I walked down to his friends house and could hear him laughing. There were 15 young ladies, nurses at his house. I asked to see my husband and he came out and followed me home


Sometimes youjust know

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Most of our anger is stuff we make up in our own heads. Something to think about.


You can’t argue with your gut. I wish I followed mine at the beginning of my marriage to my ex.


Maybe it was an anxiety attack that appeared to be an asthma attack who knows. I took psychology and they said don’t always trust your gut. It’s unfair if you have something from your past that brings these feelings on or any insecurities. So unless you have definite proof don’t assume.


It’s a lie. Speaking from someone with asthma, if I have asthma attack and didn’t have my inhaler by five minutes I’d be begging for a ambulance you can’t even talk either you’re gasping for air im so sorry hunny but this is a big story……


Ew you had to write all of this to all ready no the answer that he is a load of shit he might as well be on dating sites :roll_eyes:

My gut is wrong a lot of times and it’s not always my gut and more my brain playing tricks… Something is making you feel this way, discuss it, try a counselor. I have asthma… my asthma attacks have gone away many times… My anxiety makes it worse so if I can get out of that situation and into the car, the drive calms me enough sometimes that the attack goes away before getting to the ER. Not here to downplay how you are feeling or even that his story is a little wonky but you have to make a decision to trust him or not. If after 19 yrs you suddenly aren’t going to, there is something else going on…


He’s a really bad liar. Should have never made that up and said he was just super busy or something.

  1. Because, indeed, your gut was right or
  2. Because this wasn’t his first “rodeo”

He wouldn’t have even mentioned a woman to you if he did something.
He could have just told you he was in a meeting with his “team” that’s on the kid sight with him. Or with his boss. Or had his phone in his car. Or had something bad at lunch and was in the bathroom. Literally so many other options then to even bring up a woman.
I know when my best friend had attacks and we didn’t have her inhaler we would walk back to her house to get it. They can go away on their own.


You need to tell him your concerns about this. Being honest is best. Watch his eyes and body language. Tell him to be truthful and that you’ll be understanding. Maybe you won’t but I bet you’ll get the truth.

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I’d say trust him unless something else happens -
An ambulance takes at least 5 minutes - very possibly she didn’t have 5 minutes!


Don’t overreact but I most certainly would show up unannounced


why would you not believe him?


Wow! What an incredibly talented story teller your husband is. A very intricate and detailed lie.


Your gut is usually right on point!

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id go with trust him but watch everything closely for a bit

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All these women calling him a liar is sickening. No wonder yall probably single and don’t need no man :roll_eyes:(except for child support lol) if the dude has been faithful 19 years and never been into it and not to mention he told her, he could have simply said it was a meeting or 100 other different things. I’d definitely give him the benefit of the doubt just based on not having a history of lying.


Nominate him for a work award for helping a colleague during a difficult time


Idk girl. Sounds sus fr

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He’s lying. I’m sorry. :sob:


And what if you are wrong ?

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That’s quite a story to tell if he was lying. I’ve been married 25 years and if my husband told me that I’d believe him. Sounds like honesty to me. Like somebody else said if he was messing around why mention the woman to begin with? Work meeting or left my phone in my car would be his excuse. Most men wouldn’t think of a story like that and to risk their job? I’d believe him.


Yeah I wouldn’t believe it either. I’m so sorry


He sounds like he’s covering his tracks because multiple people on the job site saw her and him together, watched them leave together, and possibly watched both of them go into his hotel room together. So he thought of a story to tell you and she probably either works for the company or she’s been around a long time and became his main female while away from home and showed up all the time while he is away from home during this job - except weekends. His response when you confronted him about cheating tells you everything “ I would never put myself in a position to cheat” when men are cheating they always deflect - they almost never ever say “I wouldn’t cheat because you’re the only woman for me and I love you I’m sorry I don’t make you feel secure in our love doing my job no way would I cheat I love you” things like that. Cheaters always deflect into other excuses that don’t involve you. Like “ how do I even have time to cheat” or some other bs excuse. You should trust your instincts. He’s cheating and it’s probably been going on a while now . And what was the reason he couldn’t pick up his phone?! Should be no reason why - he’s lying. Sorry. You need to get around his coworkers and start asking questions - someone knows something.


Truth will ALWAYS prevail you just have to wait and see.

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If he was cheating he never would have said he was with a woman!


When someone says that they won’t put them selves in a position that would make you question their loyalty it’s a clear indication that they aim to do well and avoid something that may make you jealous.
It is considerate to acknowledge commitment but jealousy is a component of control in a possessive way.

In truth, you may not ever know what truly happened but if it does not impact his behavior towards you directly then it should be taken into account as true, actions speak louder than words.

This applies to you as well… In my experience cheater accuse others of cheating so as to justify their actions of either breaking the commitment or thinking about it.

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I would have panicked and done the same thing. :person_shrugging: Those people may not be directly his employees however while they are working that job he is responsible for them. I would say believe him but when he comes home let him know (face to face) how it made you question him and why and y’all talk about it. Don’t throw 19 years out the window over something that very well could have been a honest panic moment.


Young one - this is a hard one - your gut says one way but why would he tell you about it - it’s not like you would find out - this one may take you time to figure out-

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If you have been with him for this long, and he has never given you a reason to feel uneasy, but for some reason THIS story and situation are making you uncomfortable, I would go with your gut. I wouldn’t accuse him of anything, but I would make sure to be more aware of his actions involving this one coworker for sure. The fact that he over explained, and gave you information that you did not ask for, could possibly be a way to cover his tracks if something popped up later down the road about him not being at his worksite.

…”oh yeah, remember babe? I told you I took so and so to blah blah blah”


Sorry but I don’t think he is, he sounds like he was truly just trying to help someone… as someone who’s friend lost their son to a asthma attack it’s not something you mess around with… it can be life threatening. I don’t blame him for just wanting to get her inhaler. If he was cheating I guarantee he wouldn’t of even told you about this story or her. You sound paranoid… sounds like you have bigger issues if after 19 years this one incident makes you question everything.


Is this the first time something like this has happened? If so maybe take a more cautious approach instead of just accusing him. If its not then call it like it is. I see a ton of comments saying oh well if he was cheating he wouldnt have mentioned her thats not necessarily true. People could have seen him leaving with her and this is his cover story. I have asthma and so does my daughter. Attacks for me and her are very different so its also plausible hes telling the truth.

Open communication is going to be key. Talk to him. And if you need a little extra reassurance because of it for a while thats understandable. It sounds like this action was more out of character for him than you may be used to and thats a valid reason to question it just dont automatically jump to conclusions.


Let’s see a pic of this lady then I’ll let u know


Geez…I would have just asked him if she was alright. Sounds to me like everyone wants him to be cheating. I don’t think he would have risked his job if he wasnt scared for her health.


Honestly it doesn’t sound like anything happened. If someone came to be with an asthma attack and they said let’s go get my inhaler I would do it cause they know best what they need. If they needed an ambulance they would have let him know that. And if he cheated why would he tell you anything at all about it?


Frist they could have call EMS or gotten another worker does sound right learn to be your owe best friend & spy co phone wait a few wks then show up at the hotel where he stay or get a friend drive there & spy don’t show any sign that your upset don’t tip him off if everything on the up & up all I’d well been there done that yrs ago I got a divorce with I was 25 I’m now 65 was married 28 yr my husband passed been remarried 13 it broke my heart I was young & dum but my gf & I went cought then red handed I don’t think you lean on your chest when you can’t breathe and again ems could have came and why risk your job that’s the one thing that didn’t fit good luck eyes & ears open but don’t cry or louder it till you know for sure then lay the law or get a good lawyer

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