Honestly I feel like it’s an overreaction but you know your husband best. Is it unusual for him to go completely out of his way to help someone? If it was all a lie, I’m not sure why he would have made up such a detailed story. He could have just said he was super busy and moved on. Also, I don’t think he would have told you he was with a woman if he didn’t want to raise suspicions.
I don’t wanna say trust your gut, because my gut is always assuming the worst trust your husband until he gives you a solid reason not to.
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If her asthma was so bad that she couldn’t even tell him the location of her inhaler how did they walk to the car to look and how was she able to tell him where she is staying at? His story just sounds sketchy
That’s B $ . It doesn’t even sound right… asthma attacks don’t just pass especially where someone can barely speak! The rescue inhaler must be administered or a nebulizer treatment!
Idk why tell you about the woman at all when he could Have just said I didn’t see the call
My friends Stepmom just died from an asthma attack. I don’t think his job would have been upset that he was trying to help someone in a medical emergency. You’re reading too much in to that
What about that situation doesn’t sound right? To me… sounds legit.
So…19 years and one iffy story and you question his loyalty? Has he changed any other behavior? I would tuck the info away until there is more “evidence”.
Do you really have to ask for advise on this? Trust your gut.
Y’all have been together for a minute! Best advice I can give you… be 100% honest with him. Tell that man exactly what you’re feeling. We are allowed to have feelings wether they’re valid or not, we get to have them. He sounds like a good man to me buttttt as another woman with insecurities I understand that sometimes they get the best of us. Talking to him about it will validate a lot for you. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been with someone, sometimes that tiny bit of assurance is needed and that’s perfectly okay!
It’s hard to tell just from the story because you’re the one close to him you know him for 19 years and as a married woman their eyes don’t lie I don’t know if he told you this over the phone or in person but at least in person you can see if he keeps looking at your eyes and just acting like always or if he gets nervous and avoids eye contact with you and wants to change the topic fast, my husband knows he can’t lie to me I can almost read his mind
He got caught and is covering his ass …. Just in case that person comes to you
I’d have a hard time believing that story as well… so sorry
While it is possible he’s telling the truth the bit about her asthma attack being so bad that she could barely tell him she needed her inhaler sound’s a little suspicious especially as she made a miraculous recovery from such a bad asthma attack without the use of an inhaler.
Seems like it could be legit but if your gut tells you something isn’t right trust your gut odd she can hardly breath but walked to the car
Why don’t you believe him? That’s the real question. When someone we love tells us something and we have an immediate sickening feeling and mistrust of what they’re saying, there’s a reason. If you automatically felt this way and don’t believe him, there is likely more to it. I’ve NEVER questioned my own intuition. It has never failed me; anytime I have had that feeling, regardless of the situation, I have been right. I’d look more into it. Everything done in the dark will come to light.
I also disagree with everyone saying he never would have told you if he had done something. False, he probably felt he needed to tell you JUST enough to cover his tracks. In case someone saw them, or in case you heard about him talking to said woman, this way there was a story and he could say, “Remember I told you…” Been there. In my experience it’s when they mention it, there is more to it. They don’t mention things that are irrelevant or that are no big deal to them.
It wouldn’t have just went away if it were a legitimate attack. Now, did he do anything and was he trying to help? Quite possibly. He didn’t have to tell you at all. Was she possibly trying to get him alone? Also probably. It doesn’t sound like he did anything wrong. He was trying to help.
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He told you about her, he could have not said anything I don’t have experience with asthma so it just going away seems strange- on HER part, I don’t think HE did anything wrong- just sounds like he was being a nice guy helping someone with a medical emergency. I’d trust him, but I would remember this if anything else comes up. If this is the only time in 19yrs that you’ve felt uneasy then I wouldn’t do anything yet, sometimes our gut feeling is from past worries
Trust your gut! I don’t know, that sounds so… weird. Like, to not call 911 and instead walk to her car then drive to the motel just for it to go away…. I don’t know. I’m sorry but, that doesn’t sound right!
If people saw him leave with another woman he was probably telling you first before you heard from another coworker that they saw him leave w a woman. Maybe she was serious and your husband was just the first person she got to in time. Men all around can be fishy little creatures. But I’d believe him, personally.
As someone who uses a inhaler it’s hardly ever possible for me to start being able to breathe freely again with out hitting my inhaler so this is fishy to me as well.
It’s just strange she didn’t bring her inhaler with her to begin with… You have asthma your not going be without it… And convenient it’s at her hotel room…
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Ask to talk to her so you can send her a card or something for his good deed to help her breath.
Sounds fishy…when I need my inhaler I need my inhaler there is no all sudden I don’t…
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We never know what we will do in a emergency. I think you are over reacting
Idk. It really doesn’t sound like anything I would personally be worried about but then again, my partner is faithful and I fully trust him. There must be more to the story that we don’t know, that may explain more why you’re insecure about it. It sounds like he was just really scared and wanted to help.
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I feel like you need to talk to him. Ask him again what happened. If the story matches, then believe him. You don’t have to have a good memory to tell the truth. Whatever you do, you need to communicate how you feel with him. Always come clean with your feelings in your relationships. If it’s been 19th, I’m assuming you’re also best friends. So talk to him.
Why would she have just the cap, asthma attacks don’t go away like that but those parts are on her. Doesn’t mean he didn’t something wrong
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As someone with asthma your husband is full of shit.
So many details…dont believe it
As an asthma sufferer, it doesnt just go away on its own without use of inhaler.
Id be suss.
Randomly show up for a visit maybe lol
I’m not going to even read this. TRUST YOUR GUT…end of story!
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I mean I have to say if I was in this situation (if it is real) I wouldn’t think twice about my job I’d be more worried about someone dying in front of me! But you know him I don’t, if you believe it’s lies in your gut then go with that
I mean, idk if the fact he even told you means he’s scared someone saw him and might tell so he had to come up with a story first or it’s actually what happened and he’s honest
Your intuition never lies to you.
I’m sorry but always believe your gut my gut feelings never been wrong .
Wow, why won’t you just believe him.
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Short leash you got him on. You’re over reacting.
Go with your gut. Too many details I would be suspicious😕
Because he is full of . TRUST YOUR GUT! DOnt confront him yet. Wait till you have proof. If he thinks you believe him he will continue. If he thinks you’re onto him or if you say you don’t believe him he might just try to be sneakier…. The truth always comes out though.
If the story doesn’t make sense it’s a LIE!!!
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Don’t listen to his words. Listen to your gut!
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Go with your gut instinct
There should be an incident report if this is the case. Ask him about it.
Look at your phone bill, if possible there should be call logs and text logs and see if there are any numbers being called that you don’t recognize then go sign up for one of the number/people finder sites it’s like 99 cents for a week trial. Plug in numbers and find who he is talking to. If you can. How I found out I was getting cheated on. I knew in my gut but did the detective work to prove it.
I wouldn’t bother me unless it’s a repeating kinda deal. The her breathing magically getting better is weird but not unheard of. But if yes never given you a reason in 19 yrs to doubt him then don’t just jump to that. Talk to him. Calmly. If he’s defensive then that’s a red flag. If he’s understanding that sometimes ppl just have some feels and need reassurance then I’d put my money on him being on the up and up
I’d be wondering NO asthma attack goes away on its own. Story is off key… Trust your gut.
Because he isn’t telling the truth that’s why.
Trust your gut its usually right
As someone who has asthma all my life and has asthma attacks, I’ve never had an attack just go away on its own without my inhaler.
Now girl….. Pop him up side head for that fairytale he told you. I thought of 10 lies that sound better than that.
What else is going on—-to make you jump to him not being honest or stepping outside your relationship?
My husband gets asthma attacks, and they don’t just calm down, and or go away in 10 minutes especially without a inhaler.
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Why wouldn’t you believe him after 19 years. He told you immediately what happened…
Tell him the truth or this isn’t going to end well
A lot of people are saying asthma attacks don’t go away on their own, but they definitely can. Especially if she has been dealing with asthma for a long time, she probably knows tricks to get it under control. Personally, I have asthma and I’ve found myself without my inhaler on a few occasions and it took some time but I was able to get my breathing under control.
Def trust your gut! Story is a little whacky
Hmmm, would have been a lot quicker, safer and professional of a project supervisor to call an ambulance instead of a wild goose chase to retrieve the asthma inhaler. EMTs have proper medical supplies and methods to resolve an asthma attack. Have to admit his story sounds a little far fetched… Be alert honey.
If he were going to lie…he would have left out the woman part and changed it to a man.
You don’t believe him because his a** is lying. He probably came up with this bull:poop: story because someone you guys know saw him with this female. I can confidently say as a person with asthma, there’s a limited time frame to use your inhaler when you’re having an attack. An attack is just that, your lungs are under attack. You need that inhaler to open your lungs up. It doesn’t just stop like that.
I wouldn’t call an ambulance for an asthma attack when I don’t know the other person’s insurance etc. Sad to say that in America.
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I say drive over to the motel one night/day without him knowing just to see for yourself while acting at home. Surely you can figure out the motel casually like asking him has he been comfy at his motel, and if it’s a cheap one. Gut instinct don’t lie.
Womens intuition is always spot on!!
There all full of shit don’t believe him
Could be a panick attack. I’ve had random and sudden panick attacks that trigger for absolutely no reason and they look like asthma attacks or heartattacks. . I had a co-worker that was married once when I was in my mid 20s take me to the hospital bc he was legit concerned. He was in his 40s and married. Me and that guy have always been friends and nothing has ever happened. Could be telling the truth and that is rare for me to say bc I am always the one that thinks everything is sus with a pitchfork in my hands ready to riot!
I also came here to say that asthma attacks can definitely sometimes resolve on their own with a bit of time. My hubby has asthma and we’ve been out without ab inhaler and he was able to calm it down. Obviously if he had the inhaler, he would have taken it, but it can be done.
I’m a suspicious person as well, so I get the paranoia, but his story, although crazy, doesn’t sound totally unbelievable to me.
Trust your gut and have an honest conversation with him, or do some snooping and see what you find.
Liars always over explain. I can see why it’s not sitting well . Question him again , watch how he reacts and watch him for abit .
U know when ur husband’s lying or not, so if it doesn’t make sense it’s probably a lie
Him I would believe, the woman, not so much. To start with, if her breathing was that bad, all that time back and forth she could have died!!! And it DID NOT get better by itself without the inhaler!!! She was trying to get something started. Believe him if this was a one time thing!
Hmmm. You could be right, but also don’t want to accuse him without evidence. I would stay on alert and look for other signs before jumping to conclusions. I hope that he is not cheating and I could certainly see why you might suspect that.
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If he did why would he even tell you this story without you asking ? I’m confused on why you think he is. Are there other signs?
Usually when they lie they add details that are not necessary. It’s a lie
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Liars will always over explain and his body language, would have also telling you
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As someone with asthma, he is a damn liar
if you tend to not be trusting and have a history of randomly questioning everything then maybe take a step back and reevaluate before proceeding.
if you tend to be trusting and all of a sudden you have this feeling there is something wrong and there are probably other signs.
Even I got a gut feeling reading this
My husband would help a lady in distress, without cheating crossing his mind, I have a inhaler I only need it under extreme stress and cold weather,I can breathe out of the attack it’s just very painful.
I mean that’s an elaborate story if he made it up . If he was going to lie I don’t think that would have been the story and probably wouldn’t have included a women .
Nope . Trust your fucking instincts … tell him to fuck outta here . Sorry love . It sucks ass , hope yourl be ok and weirdly enough if you ever wanna chat hmu
Honestly, If he was gonna lie, a work emergency would have been easier. I think he’s being honest.
I would believe him. He told too long of a story I’m too detailed to be lying. Unless he was stuttering as he as he talked or acted like he was thinking while he was telling you the story
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I have asthma… it doesn’t just go away. He cheated. I would drive to the hotel without telling him and surprise him
He made sure he covered all bases with the story in case someone were to say they saw him go to her room, go inside with her, come back to work, etc. Hes full of crap it sounds like to me but so paranoid that he had to tell a drawn out story to cover himself and to make himself feel like he got away with it better. In actuality it sounds like he would have gotten away with it better if he had never mentioned it at all.
Asthma attack but walked to her car?.. hmmm
Someone probably spotted them or he’s worried someone from his work may tell u. He told u that just in case someone said they saw him driving around w another women. W him being a project manager there is so much that could happen if she said something. All the legalities involved these days he knew better. Mt husband is a superior as well and they r trained ab emergency situations . He would have known better tho.
It’s like he’s paranoid you rang and heard heavy breathing maybe
A woman’s intuition is never wrong. Trust me.
Just remember this quote I live by trust me it’s true! “If it doesn’t make sense, it’s because it’s not true” truth makes sense, bullshit doesn’t. Truth will not have you second guessing and have your stomach in knots and a migraine, bullshit will suck the life out from your soul.
Also I’m sure their are appointed 1st aiders or health and safety who could have helped
Ask any investigator, they’ll tell you, when the suspect starts giving way too many details they were never asked for, they are lying.
Here’s my thought process… ur intuition is barely wrong, yes he didn’t have to include a detailed story including a women yet it seems if he was spotted with her or at her hotel he’s given a detailed lie to cover all bases. If this weee true a normal circumstance u don’t go walking and then driving someone around who can’t breathe u stop and call an ambulance
Here’s the deal, from personal experience of an actual cheating husband, talk to him. Instead of coming in asking questions talk to your husband. My flat out was caught dead cheating. He couldn’t make excuses for it I had everything to prove it. Your husband is giving you a feasible reason as to why. There could’ve been other witnesses there as well. But because he is the one who’s overseeing it all if something did happen he may have felt responsible. Your best bet is to talk to your husband. Try not to make something more than what it could be. Because if he’s never done it more than likely, he’s not doing it. There’s an old saying, once a cheater always a cheater. Keep that in mind.
Hes lying.
He cheated.
Only told u to throw u off for future occurrences, that way he can jump back to this story and say " this happened before" blah blah…
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Sounds like a very elaborate story for something that could take 15 20 mins and he took about an hour to call you back.
He seems to have over explained and be guilty of something honestly. Also, if he said he’d never even put himself in that situation such as being alone with a woman is a red flag. Cause even if you’d end up alone with the opposite sex, shouldn’t be a reason to cheat. I’ve been alone multiple times with males as I’m a manager and alot of them had hinted they liked me, I put it out right away I was married and faithful. I’d never say yes to any advances as I’m loyal to my husband. If I get a dm from a guy I always show my husband right away and make fun of them with him, knowing they know I’m married. Its so ridiculous some people can’t be loyal and its sad.
I have asthma attacks don’t just go away im not saying he is cheating but his story can’t be true
I really don’t think this is a good place to come to ask a question like this… your going to get answers from people who have been cheat3d on and think every guy will cheat… my bf will be with his friends out fishing and drinking and not call or text me back all day… do I freak out and think hes cheating? No, I talk to him and tell him I don’t appreciate that kind of behavior… if that is ur only reason to think he cheated you need to ignore the women who think every man cheats and talk to him…
Too many details in his story he is lying. Get her name and contact her and ask. Once you do put both stories together did anyone else at job see them and can clarify if she had asthma attack. And then once you have all those answers. Finally tell him you want to contact her in front of him to question it look at his reaction and his excuses to not to why don’t you trust me lol ect or flip it that you are crazy. Then tell him that you already did contact her and what she said or coworker said. Document everything for proof in court be smart get your affairs in order
If nothing was going on he should have answered his phone
She only had the lid? Somehow the lid unclicked and the inhaler fell out? He left his position for at least an hour to help her track this down and didn’t say anything to anyone? The whole thing makes me uncomfortable. Talk to him about your feelings
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She was having a attack and suddenly didn’t need her inhaler