Angus MacGregor and you’re an a**HAT Why aRE you even following a page for moms?? CREEEPERRR VIBES
I have god awful asthma and have been in many situations that I just need to calm down from the initial oh shit I can’t breathe. Once you get your mind off of trying to breathe and let your body naturally do so, it’s helps the attack calm down.
I’ve had them basically go away by just talking and changing the subject while having an attack.
Many times too I’ve misplaced my inhaler, in any instance of an asthma attack you don’t want to be looking alone incase it gets worse and especially not driving while having an attack.
As for calling an ambulance. Having asthma you know your limits and if it’s bad enough sure, call. Most of the time it seems worse, but scary nonetheless. Not enough to get a 6,000$ or however much it is ambulance bill for an inhaler that was what probably a 5 minute drive away?
All in all, trust your gut. Just know it sounds completely reasonable from the description you typed, at least from my personal experience with asthma.
Plus an asthma attack is a medical emergency, he can’t be punished for helping in a medical emergency.
Trust your gut. I’ve been there!
Admin, why are there men on this page?
I don’t think he cheated . Your apart and your guts going to tell you lots of things. Be careful to accuse . If you accuse him and don’t trust him , then he has no reason to be honest with you cuz your accusing . You need to have a conversation on how you feel over it, but don’t accuse .
You sound insecure and he sounds scared of you and your accusations all the time. I don’t understand why if he was cheating he wouldn’t have come up with a simple excuse like “I was in the shower” or i left my phone on silent?
Cheaters always accuse others of cheating due to their own actions, have you cheated on him in the past? Has he ever give you a reason to question him?
That sounds like a really odd story tbh. Would definite leave doubt in my mind also. Trust your gut
Yeah… that’s a weird story and makes little sense.
Someone can’t breathe and you don’t call 911 .
Bottom line is he promised he would never put himself in a situation that appeared like cheating… and yet he did! So I get your being suspicious and I get why you don’t believe him.
Question is… what are you going to do about it? Is he still working with this lady?
If your husband has been faithful for 19 years, you should continue to believe in him.
He told you . You’ve not had to doubt him before don’t start now.
If he wanted to lie I don’t think he would make up How long in Detailed story like that. He could’ve just said something came up or he had to help somebody with something. My son is a severe asthmatic and I sure would hope they’d be somebody like your husband around to help him if he needed it. My gut tells me he’s telling the truth
He could of potentially saved her life! I don’t think he cheated at all… if he did then that’s a bloody good story to use ! But it’s not one that would come to mine if someone was going to cheat…
I believe him tbh asthmatics can have really serious attacks . Why would he make up a story with a lady in it he could of just said he was in a meeting or something
You have no reason to distrust him. Listening to the voice of your gut without any actual evidence may be the downfall of your marriage. Are you prepared to allow the seeds of mistrust to germinate in your relationship?
Always trust your gut! Me and my partner of 7 yrs were doing just fine but out of the blue I just felt something off. I was hurt, in pain, sick to my stomach, then I found out why… Always trust your gut!
I’m an asthmatic. I would not have enough oxygen to my lungs to get my sexual freak on. This is bull💩
Always trust that feeling.
I don’t believe in marriage where they spend so much time apart and sleeping away from home, red flag
I think maybe you may be over reacting and letting your imagination run away with you
Sounds like he put the health of someone else
Before his job
And good on him, he is a rare find
I have lost quite a few inhalers myself
I have even had an attack without having my ventolin
A nice gentleman sat with me until another person gave me her puffer
So it can be as simple as he was in the right place at the right time
Asthma attack are serious you call 911 the end
So…you would have preferred for him to say “oh…you can’t breathe? That sucks for you but you’re not my responsibility so you can die…at least my wife will be happy”
You’ve been married 19 years, either you trust him or you don’t. You need to make that choice and either leave (love is nothing without trust.) Or let it go and stay…otherwise it will eat away at your marriage and neither of you deserve that heartbreak. Especially if he genuinely hasn’t done anything.
I’d give him the benefit of the doubt and if he suddenly has alot of emergencies, then question it. But i think that of he had cheated, he wouldn’t have told you ANYTHING, not made up a story like that
Your over thinking,
You have to trust him especially if he is away most weeks.
Talk to him and tell him how you feel
Youre not over thinking it… hes over explaining it. Why such a long & involved recap of events? If she was in that much distress the smartest thing to do would have been to just dial 911.
Sounds bogus tbh but If you’re still questioning it& choosing to stick around Have him take a lie detector test.
You are being jealous. Stop it
I would give him the benefit of the doubt. Let it go. He was being a good human. just pay attention now.
It sounds legit. No joke. He sounds like a true gentleman and good human being. I understand he couldn’t come for your needs at that point, but I honestly get a vibe that he’s been honest with you. He could have lied and said something else. And it would have been easy. A quick text, sorry babe, somethings going on. It’s hard when you’re used to him answering all of the time, but life is not usually that simple. If you want some advice, don’t sit and mope about this. Move on, love the crap out of him, and congratulate him for being a hero and a good guy. However, if there’s any other red flags in the past… maybe talk to a friend about your next moves.
I mean… he could be telling the truth. Especially if hes never done anything in the past. I would watch his actions and see if another incidence occurs.
I believe that story
Idk I’m 50/50 on it. Look for other signs I’m not sure he’s cheating…
I believe that story too, and I have heard a LOT of lies in my lifetime and that one is just….who cheats and blames it on asthma?
When I read this my 1st thought was WHY NOT CALL AMBULANCE… Yeah keep watching he’s lying. Put a pen recorder in his car or start driving to his work site unannounced.
As someone who has asthma… I don’t believe this story
I’d leave it for now, watch his actions and body language
I have asthma and I can tell you this is lies. If she was that bad to the point of not being able to talk. There’s no way in hell it “went away on its own” an asthma attack that severe doesn’t go away on its own, and most times requires hospitalization. If she was about to pass out, she wouldn’t have just snapped out of it. Calling am ambulance is what a normal person would do in a panic. Not drive them to their hotel to find it lol …
Tell him he’s so full of shit, you can smell it a mile away.
Always, always trust your gut.
I don’t think he would have told you about it at all if he had been cheating. Why bring it up at all? Seems legit. ( and I am not a trusting person, lol)
Ad a person who has asthma and has literally had a similar siruation happen to me in the middle of Wal-Mart, I would say give him the benefit of the doubt THIS TIME. Not all asthma attacks warrant a call to 911. Just depends on how bad they are… I told my husband every detail of what happened because I was proud that America still has people in it that ACTUALLY CARE about other people!!!
You don’t believe him because he fed you a load of shit! Your intuition will never lie to you. Trust it. Not sure how you and him move on from this, but he definitely fed you a load of shit and is hoping you’ll believe it.
That’s a very specific story to tell if he’s lying. I believe it
I don’t know man, this seems to detailed and panicky to be the truth. Then again I’m a hard person to convince of anything lol but if you feel weird just watch for other signs such as disconnected, withdrawn, less affectionate etc. Good luck
After 19 years and you’ve never had any reason to doubt before…if you’re gut is telling you NOW to doubt, believe it.
Could the sick gut feeling be from a previous relationships pts? I One time was around my new boyfriend just around him and this girl that I was friends with and because my ex husband and what I went through I couldn’t move and I was so scared that He was going to do something bad that I was about to vomit right there in front of everybody and it didn’t go away until she left my house… No cause for me to feel that way just fear
As a person with breathing problems asthma doesn’t just go away. You have to do the breathing exercises or use your rescue inhaler. As far as having an asthma attack and walking to the car it’s almost impossible because it takes away from your air supply when you walk. I would follow my gut feelings on this one.
…because he is lying that is why you don’t believe him … Trust your gut instinct… So sorry…
He’s very specific if he’s lying and I don’t think the time line of being MIA for only about an hour lines up. 10 minutes to and from other location. Time that was spent searching the car. The walk to the car and the initial shock of being in a serious situation. I don’t think he’d have had time for all this and a quickie. plus if it’s a lie it’s very well fabricated and detailed. My suggestion is give it a little while and then ask about some detail of the story again. If he can’t replicate then he’s lying like a cheap rug if it’s immediate and correct answer I’d say he’s clean.
If he was cheating I feel like he would have told you a story that had ZERO to do w another female. Just saying. He could have come up w something that didn’t involve a female so the fact that he told you that specifically makes me feel like he was telling the truth. He could have told that same story but it been a male. Or anything else. why tell you about helping her at all?? Idk but if I was cheating I’d damn sure come up w a better story and wouldn’t include being alone with a male in such…
Cudnt he have just said I had a meeting, equipment failure
But he went to those extremes sound believeable but id still put a recorder in his vehicle
N a tracker
Girl…trust your intuition!
I mean you know your husband. So you already know. Now what are you going to do about it ? Get an std check too.
As an asthmatic I feel like this story is very believable. Iv come out of several attacks without an inhaler. I also don’t think he’d tell such a detailed story if it was a lie. On the other hand,after 19 years nobody knows your husband better than you. Wait a few weeks and ask what happened again. If the story changes…that’s a red flag.
I don’t know… 19 years and you think he’d fuck it up for an hour? It does sound panicky but not in a “I just made this up on the spot” way but more a “fuck, I can’t believe this just happened to me” way.
I really hate that this is just adding fuel to your fire. This is between you and your husband…you as a wife, know your husband…if you feel something is up…he needs to make you feel completely at ease about it. Good luck. I hope its all just a misunderstanding for all involved.
The story sounds a little far fetched to be untrue. Communicate and talk about your issues with your husband, you know him and nobody on here has a clue what type of man he is.
I can believe this story. If someone came to me seemingly out of breath I wouldn’t be thinking about my job I would be thinking about saving a life. He also didn’t have to involve a woman in it if he was going to lie…
Wait for more evidence… This story is a little weak. Just be patient and quiet, see if anything more develops.
All the advice your receiving will only confuse you. You have to live with him. Use your gut feelings. Can’t just throw 19 yrs out the window. Good luck
I think he is being truthful. I don’t think your partner would go out of his way to tell you a crazy story if it meant possibly exposing himself as a cheater. Also, being forward and asking isn’t going to hurt.
If its one think ive learned it is to always trust your gut feeling
Go with your gut feeling always !
I’m not going to say trust your instincts because sometimes our emotions can cause gut instincts that are wrong. Asthma attacks can be scary. People actually die sometimes. It’s highly likely his story is true, so tread lightly unless you find concrete evidence.
It’s odd that he even told you this story. Sounds like he is covering his as* in case someone saw them together. Sounds fishy to me too.
I believe it. That’s way to many lies to be caught of guard, or to even think about. Especially when you say he’s been faithful for 19 years. I know if I was him I would have done the exact same thing.
I believe he is telling you the truth. He didn’t have to tell you anything about a female at all. Also, why do you not trust him now?
Tread lightly girl…he hasn’t done anything wrong…
Why say anything at all of he was dipping out ? Would you have known this happened if he didn’t tell
You. Be more an odd istory IF he got into some type
Of trouble / reprimand for being offsite and this is the reason he gave but to offer it up without reason seems like a crazy event that occurred
Lies have a ton of details. It’s like he wanted a reason to be seen with her if someone finds out.
I say your over reacting
I actually believe him. If someone couldn’t breathe you’re not going to stand and wait for an ambulance you’re going to help them. As someone who suffers with asthma I honestly believe him.
Why would he tell you anything about a woman of he was cheating? I believe his story. I have asthma and have been in that type of situation.
I say just casually ask a question about it tmrw or in a day or two and see if the details change or how he acts when he is telling the store to you again. If he is fidgeting or not looking you in the eye or just acting weird or ask what the lady’s name was. But he may tell on himself but not realize it. Don’t be too doubting or he will get defensive. My ex was cheating while working out of town and staying in a hotel. So I know this feeling all too well. Just stay calm for now and try not to let it consume you bc it will! Ask for more details and you know if you’ve been married 19 years if he is lying to you. But be prepared if he is as to what you will do if you find out something you didn’t want to know. It can hurt. I got pics that I can’t unsee and u can’t forget or forgive some things.
Go with your gut feeling
He didn’t even have to mention her and could have made anything up. I think you are looking to deep and thinking to much into it.
He’s cheating you can’t just turn on and off an asthma attack I wouldn’t believe a word of it
I have an asthma and if I have an attack the inhaler is my best shot! Not driving away lol ! Ur husband lied and he doesn’t know how to do it properly.
Has he never cheated, or just hod it and you never knew.?
My husband cheated for 3 years with a coworker and I NEVER KNEW. I read a message one day and suddenly all came out
It’s too detailed. I have learned that when a random story becomes super detailed… it’s a lie. They are trying too hard to convince you. In the long run it’s just ridiculous
If she has asthma, why the heck would she not always 24/7 have her asthma inhaler with her, not just the lid?! That makes no sense. Also I think that story was well thought out with way too many details, which is how cheaters cover themselves, they come up with the entire detailed story to tell. I’m sorry but I don’t believe him
I would sit back and relax. If he is cheating more signs will show up. If you still feel like he is, do some investigating…check phonecrecords etc.
They cheat, they lie….we have intuition for a reason.
No wonder people don’t tell their partners anything. Nearly 20 years you had no reason not to trust him and waiting 1 hour for a call and telling you exactly why ruined that entire 20 years!?
The best thing to do during an asthma attack is try to take slow deep breaths… If it was that severe she wouldn’t have been able to walk that far from where she was, she would’ve been feeling dizzy and disoriented. If she legit couldn’t talk while struggling to breathe, she would’ve become very lightheaded and dizzy almost falling over on her way to wherever he was or on their way to her car. She definitely would’ve needed to sit in the shade somewhere and take some slow deep breaths. Standing probably wouldn’t have went so well. She would’ve recovered on a 10 minute trip though because she needed to be as calm as possible while trying to slowly breathe her way through it. I’ve been in many different situations while having an asthma attack, walking around or even standing sometimes was too much or I’d start to blackout because it was too hard to breathe. Running or walking is definitely not something you can do unless it’s very small steps while someone holds you up, while having that severe of an attack
Honestly, Idk what to say 9n all this , do not know either person…
From an outsider looking in?
I would definitely keep my eyes wide and ears open…
Until then figure out how u feel either way, if he did or didn’t. What actions are u going to take…when the information comes( and it will body language little things will tell you.)you will be most likely be emotionally wrecked ,however mentally u can start to set into motion whatever action u need to take for yourself instantly… I wish u the best.
Oh for peat sakes! You either trust him or you don’t!!
I don’t think anything is going on and he really did help. Bcuz I he 2 x’s that were cheaters and when u ask a cheater why they didn’t pick up or call back most of the time they would blame u for nagging to much or say to u why are u asking I don’t ask what u do or where u go they get angry with just that question thats a lier. And also I have a child that has asthma and he does get like that if doesn’t get he’s inhaler he can barely move and walk so u have to carry him and also it happens unexpectedly no matter how much u prevented. So I would ask that other lady myself and tell her are u ok. That’s what I would do so I wouldn’t think bad that he was there to help.
I would say your overthinking it hun. If he had done something wrong he wouldn’t have told you about the situation at all. I would also assume due to it being a medical emergency his boss would not have fired him. He’s far away and I’m sure that concerns you. But if he’s given you no reason in 19 years to believe otherwise. I’d say you got yourself a keeper.
Sound okay to me, sounds like he’s a good guy who wanted to help
If he didn’t have a reason before, you’ve surely given him a reason now.
What a kind man he is and keeping that in mind he is totally committed to you
Because he missed your call and called back an hour later with a wild story, you all of a sudden don’t trust him? What if he told you the same story but said it was a guy that needed help instead of a woman? Would you still think he cheated? The real reason you think he cheated is because he was ALONE with a woman. That’s YOUR insecurity. You’re looking for signs that he cheated and if you find out he did, what are you going to do? Leave him? Probably not. So you want to know just to know? Some women look so hard to confirm their spouse cheated just for the sake of exposing them. But then do nothing with that truth. What’s the purpose of knowing unless you plan to act on it? Sounds like you have some insecurities.
Is his name kevin
I honestly think he really panicked and was just helping her.
In my opinion, lies do not usually include so many details…I would trust him and stop over thinking it…if he were cheating I would think he would have come up with a pre-planned explanation…instead of the very detailed and crazy sounding story he told you. I was married to someone who cheated, and I was given simple stories that I later found were not true.
Just saying I always have my inhaler on me. It’s the first thing I pick up in the morning and it stays on my person until I go to bed then it’s under my pillow.
Sis if he was cheating he wouldn’t of told you he went to her place to help blah blah blah! But also let him know that made you uncomfortable and to not let it happen again!
If I can’t trust my man enough to be able to be alone with a woman or talk to another woman without me hovering, there’s far bigger issues going on. You might need to seek therapy. Guys CAN have friends of the opposite sex and nothing be going on. I do think the story is odd, but if that is the only red flag ever then that is not nearly enough to go on.
The fact he told u about this I wouldn’t think to much into it.
I would say too much details for him to be lying for starters and in that moment you don’t think straight you just do what someone is asking you to do because they know best . I think he’s telling the truth and you’ve over thought everything because it’s out of sync to your normal routine and way of life but sometimes things happen
It really depends. Was he telling you this story in great detail? Was he telling it in an anxious way or like he was trying to give details that would answer questions that u hadn’t even asked yet? It’s very telling in the WAY he told you. If I was just to go off of this story without any other details or putting any real feeling into it, I’d say you are overreacting, but again, I feel like I could give u a better answer had I actually seen this conversation. I suppose the saying is true though, always go with ur gut feeling. Women are very rarely wrong when they just follow their instincts. Good luck.
Some parts of this story are possible, although after 35yrs of asthma I’ve never had an attack spontaneously stop, but I have been able to employ techniques to stop it progressing until I can hammer it with an inhaler. BUT the FISHY part is only have the LID in her pocket. This part is bollox! The lid is always on the inhaler to stop dust etc getting into it. Everything else I read I thought, yeah that sounds legit to me, until I read that part