I have a wedding question!

If you are paying for the dress its your right to say what you feel. But be kind its her wedding.

Don’t go lass. Your paying for the dress. (Always thought bride paid)

It’s her wedding choice…don’t participate if your going to have criticism of her choices…

Her wedding,her choice. Period!

Depends on how much you value her friendship.

It’s her wedding if you really hate the dress so much you can’t wear for your friend tell her the dress decision is more important than your friendship and back out of the wedding.

Her day, her way. Choose to be a part or not.

This is everything I hate about weddings.

It’s don’t matter what anyone else says it’s the her wedding not theirs

Concentrate on the friendship not the dress style.

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Her day whatever , not anyone else’s,

It’s her wedding!! :woozy_face::woozy_face:

It’s her wedding not yours. Suck it up or don’t participate.

Bride’s choice.
It’s her wedding!!

It’s not your wedding. Where what your told to wear or don’t be a bridesmaid. It’s that simple :woman_shrugging:
The wedding isn’t about you and what you want.

The bride should buy your dress.

The Bride has the say in her own wedding. Unfortunately when you say yes to mMaid if Honor, you will have to go with what the Bride wants. Changes and all. If it gets to the point that the job stresses you out or can’t afford it, sit and talk to the Bride and let her know you may not be able to do the Maid of Honor thing.

Wish her well and tell her you have to go out of town sudden life on business.

If she is telling you what to wear she should be buying as I did with all mine


You can’t be good friends if you are questioning our opinion

Dont be a brides maid.

Bride decides on what you wear!

It’s not YOUR wedding :heart:

You can wear it once and return it after the wedding if you don’t like it right :sweat_smile:?

Unfortunately it’s usually the bride’s choice

You wear what she wants or you don’t participate

Just do the vintage .

It ain’t your day boo boo

I mean… its her wedding not yours. She will probably change her mind about something else too. As long as the dress is affordable then just get a different one. It’s really not a big deal.

It’s her decision but u don’t have to be in the wedding

A POX on wedding planner nonsense …

If you aren’t comfortable with her choices opt out now so she has time to choose an alternate


A simple slip dress popular in the '90s imitates vintage style of the 1930s you could also just pick some vintage accessories… Hair comb or pin or vintage bag tons on Etsy very cheap …Maid of Honor is definitely an honor and worth helping her achieve her vision for her wedding day… Honestly it wouldn’t matter if she wanted you all to dress up as pandas… What harm a slip dress?

It’s her wedding than it’s her choice.you should be honored she chooses you to be her bridesmaid.plz respect her Choice. But if you can’t afford the dress than you can explain her that and than see what she says. If she agrees to pay for it than good otherwise you can dcd

Her wedding, her theme, her choice even if you have to buy your dress or not. If you are not comfortable with her choice then you need to back out from being the maid of honor. It’s her day and she should have the wedding she wants.

I think you should go back to school and not worry about a friends wedding and what dress she wants you to wear. The grammar and spelling is atrocious.
As for the dress situation… you have a choice. If you don’t want to wear it or pay for it, gracefully bow out and be prepared for the bride to never speak to you again. And if she doesn’t, she’s doing you a favor.

Yeah I’d just wear what she wants. It’s her wedding and all choices ultimately are hers and the grooms. With all the resale places now, if she picks a good vintage style dress this person won’t have any issues selling it. It’s for one day and it’s not a huge deal to wear something for one day to make somebody you care about happy. The idea is the bride should outshine the rest of the wedding party. I’m just lost at how it’s all about me we’ve become. Or if this person doesn’t like wearing it, just don’t be a part of the wedding. Go as a guest. Then they can wear what they like most of the time. The bridal party might be spending a fraction of what the bride and groom are. I get it people have budgets. The only thing that should be communicated with the bride over dresses is they cannot afford what they chose for them.

This whole ideal that traditions are not flexible goes to show how antiquated the whole process is.
If the success of her wedding is contingent on a dress that she can’t nail down well that’s shitty on her part. If there is a duty to be present as her maid of honor it should be about her making it accessible as well. Let her pay for it, otherwise this should be nothing of concern.
Also, It’s like raaaaiiiine on your wedding day :joy:

Here’s the thing. It’s her wedding. Not yours. You agreed to be the maid of honor so you also agreed to the expense, time and style the BRIDE has chosen. If you can’t or won’t then drop out so she can find a MOH who can and will.

It’s her wedding. She’s gets to pick. As long as it’s adorable she in the right.
I stood up in several weddings and was best man in 1.
Bride and groom picked tuxes we paid for them. Also paid for suit several times as I didnt have correct color. No big deal.

You wear what the new bride wants you to wear

Just make her dress ugly when you get married. Even

Wow bet she glad she asked you

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It’s her day, her choice. So, suck it up, or back out.

Not your damn wedding lady!

I don’t know how people actually make it to the wedding day, to be honest. All the planning and angst would do my head in long before the big day.

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I would never ask my best friend and maid of honor to wear something she doesn’t feel comfortable in, and pay for it too! Being the maid of honor doesn’t mean bite your tongue and bow down to the queen. I will be respectful of the people I love whether it’s my day or not. Being comfortable physically and mentally far outweighs the materialistic aspect of my wedding.

It’s HER wedding. Even if you’re paying for the dress. It’s not up to you to decide what style dress you wear, it’s HER wedding day not yours. If you don’t want to do it, tell her you don’t want to be apart of the wedding.

If my friend made me her maid of honor, I’d wear whatever she asked as long as it made her happy and her vision of HER wedding come true.

It’s her wedding, the dress isn’t about what makes you look good or for you to reuse. Just buy the dress and wear it with a smile. Having said that, I paid for my my bridesmaid’s dresses.

It’s THEIR big day. This will pass and seem like a bit of a pissing contest down the road. You’ll have a GREAT time all the same. Let her have her party. If money’s the issue then address that to her. Good luck and HAVE FUN !!!

Its HER wedding. She can make you wear a 80’s taffeta dress if she chooses… if you don’t like it your only option is to drop out. Its her day, not yours

Its her wedding if you dont like it dont be in it

Her wedding. Her rules. Your opinion matters little. Don’t like something ? Get out of the wedding. Get out of her hair.

As a man, I can tell you, I read this just a moment ago, got hungry, stood up and went to preheat the oven for the pizza. Now I’m back, anything changed?

Her wedding her choice

It’s your option not to be in the wedding party.

I would hire a dress

let me guess you are all American. The fact that you guys think it’s ok for a bride to make a bridesmaid pay for their dress and specifically what they want is nuts. Fair enough a theme and a certain dress but in that case the bride pays :woman_shrugging:t3: it’s expensive to go to a wedding between makeup nails accessories gift the money you spend on the actual day. In Europe Ireland specifically the bride will pay for the bridesmaid dresses but it will be what she wants, which is totally fair. Having a wedding is the couples responsibility, why should everyone else foot the bill :see_no_evil::joy:


I’m a maid of honor too and if the bride told me that her bridesmaid wearing tracksuits is what would truly make her happy then guess what I’m wearing…

A dam tracksuit.

It’s her day. My job is to make sure it’s how she wants it, not how everybody else wants it Sammy :heart:


You can get some gorgeous vintage dresses. It’s ok to be honest but ultimately it isn’t your day and the maid of honor is supposed to be supportive and take the stress away not add to it. Brides get stressed for a reason, it is so much pressure thinking of so many things and juggling everything. C’mon, be a mate. Put the dress on and be proud to walk behind her xxxx


You’re not the bride babe, you don’t get a choice. If you want to be in the wedding then these are the terms. This day is about her and her groom, not you.


Don’t go lol! Say you tested positive for the virus :rofl:

Then she can pay for it

Don’t go. She’s being selfish.

It’s not about your wants. It’s not about you.

You can always politely decline.

It’s all a sham really, sad selfish brides

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I’d forget it and opt out. Why I’d never agree to be any part of such overpriced shenanigans…

Wow…I’m shocked at how many ppl say suck it up and give absolute obedience. If you are a maid of honor…one would think you would have a fairly close relationship with the bride. And as such could and should voice concerns, without fear of being labeled difficult and a trouble maker. Also, while the bride can decide what she wants to about dresses, she would be a fool not to consider those wearing them. Not only because these ppl are her supposed closest friends and family. But also because if she picks something unflattering…the end product will be unflattering. Just because it’s the bride AND GROOMS special day does not give license for bad behavior. That said… If the bride is not paying for the dress she should add an extra layer of consideration in her decision. But if she simply does not care if you like how she is spending your money, I would absolutely rethink being in the wedding party. But I would also consider if you want to remain friends with someone who is willing to treat those she loves in such a way.


Haha I’m a bridesmaid for my soon to be sister in law and I’m constantly texting her to check in with plans and see if there are any changes (which happen a lot!). Hell I even asked her if I needed to dye my hair (It’s aquamarine currently) a “normal color” so it doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb amongst her November Fall themed wedding colors. I’ve been the bride before and I had a not so great experience with most of the wedding party lol. It sucked so much I wasn’t even really happy with how my wedding turned out. So I refuse to even remotely put any added stress on her by being uncooperative. I’d opt out now if you’re gonna continue to offended by her decisions.


If she’s close to you and you do lover her as a sister, you’ll go with it. Her day, her way. I went with my sister in laws to pick dresses but I honestly didn’t care about style. All I cared about was my dress and getting down that aisle to marry my best friend. Yes I vetoed a couple they tried on mostly bc either they honestly didn’t flatter or I felt that they would be dying of heat stroke. (Outdoor wedding in July)


When did a bride start paying for her bridesmaids dresses? I paid for mine but the other 2 weddings I have been in o paid for my own.

She told you one thing and then changes it ??? Naa fuck her wedding , sorry. :woman_shrugging:t2:

It’s her wedding, her day, her choice. It’s not about you. If you’re not comfortable with a certain style, take your pettiness elsewhere.

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Bride gets to say. You guys can offer opinions. But when it comes right down to it. If her bridal party is requested to wear a street cone on their heads. Strap that crap down and do it. With a smile on your face.

That’s kinda what you sign up for when you agree to be in a bridal party… so yeah you pay for and wear the dress she chooses or step down from the wedding


If you don’t like what the bride asks then don’t be part of the wedding party. Plain and simple

Okay guys but TWO WEEKS BEFORE?! Nah. Too late miss bride lol

When I got married my bridesmaids came from situations. So, I picked a pattern and purchased the material. Those that had good seamstress they had them made. If they did not My folks paid to have them made. It should not be a burden financially.

It’s easy enough to decline the invite to be in the wedding party. You can still attend the wedding and be happy and there for your friend. Shouldn’t matter if you’re paying for the dress or not. If you’re uncomfortable, then you’re uncomfortable and that’s okay. It’s your friend’s wedding and her big day. People deserve at least one day to go as planned and to enjoy it, especially if they’ve been saving and waiting for that day to come.

Just respectfully step down or try and find a vintage dress you’re comfortable with and the bride might agree to. You definitely have options in this situation, but you should also keep in mind that her wedding day isn’t focused on you or what you’re wearing.

Dont be selfish it isnt your wedding. If you dont want to wear the dress then dont go and let her have a maid of honor that will actually be there for her. When its your wedding you can make the choices.
Your friendship should be more important than a style of dress. If my friend asked me to wear a chicken suit, my ass would be in a chicken suit. If thats what she wants thats what she gets.

All these people asking if declining to participate in one day is worth ruining a friendship over as if it isn’t equally as horrible for the bride to potentially ruin a friendship over refusing to acknowledge she’s being difficult or forcing her “best friend” to wear something they’re uncomfortable in??? Hell you can wear flip flops to my wedding for all I care we’re here to celebrate and it should not be the bride at the expense of everyone else :joy::joy: let’s step off our high horse here and try to be normal human beings.

It’s her day! It’s not like you already bought the dress. I told my girls the same thing. Until I saw a dress style I loved and changed my mind. They all went with my change without bitching because it was my day. I’ve worn some horrible dresses for my girls. The days not about you looking your best it’s about being there and making sure the bride has a memorable day with people who support and love her. It’s one day! Suck it up!

I guess I am old and weird. This is a day for the bride?? She rules?? Keep her happy?? No thanks. Brides are to spoiled today!!

Personally , people need to remember that being asked to participate as a best man or groom or bridesmaid is an honorable thing, but its their expense… Not yours… If you aren’t comfortable wearing what they buy- Don’t Do It !

As a seamstress and a wedding planner… its not your wedding do as your told or walk away

Sorry but its her wedding, her big day.

Groomsmen pay for whatever the groom chooses so just go along with whatever the bride chooses not that hard.

Why am I reading this blubber?

When I got married imade sure all of my bridesmaids were comfortable with the dress. We compromised and all came to an agreement and the dresses were very affordable. I think if it’s a dress that she won’t be wearing anywhere else then the bride should pay for it.

Tell her to pay for the bridesmaids dresses, its not an honor, its a burden.