I have anxiety and this guy I like has been ignoring me: Advice?

When you get some space from this situation and the anxiety isn’t ruling your thoughts and perspective anymore, you’ll see that your behavior is over the top and you’ll be embarrassed, stop trying to contact him. If you have something to say,write it in an email to yourself, getting stuff out helps so much but don’t put it on him. I know all this from personal experience, you can’t make someone listen to you and pestering won’t make you feel better in the long run even though it seems like it’s helping your anxiety, it’s just feeding into it and making it worse


“Telling me to “give him space” stop texting him” isn’t gonna help” … well sounds like you want to be pacified with dishonesty. Do you want sound advice or to be pacified? In all honesty, that’s actually the best thing to do right now, stop texting him and respect his space as he requested. Men don’t play hard to get like women do, for the most part. The innate trait in men is to chase and not necessarily be chased so that means, they show interest in the women they want. If they don’t text, call or at least express some type of interest, highly likely that man is not interested. Respect it and go on about your business. Otherwise if it is truly something going on in his life and he wants to be left alone to deal with it then allow him that time and space then when it all blows over he will get back to you.


Sounds like you were more into the convos than him. Hes most likely met someone and is unaware of your depression/anxiety and is thinking hes letting you down easy by just saying busy and hoping you will just leave him alone. Best thing to do is stop. Easier said than done I’m sure, however this is not healthy for you. My daughter in highschool suffers from the same and she is always in a to clingy relationship. It drives me crazy, being her mom and not able to control it

I would read the signs and listen to him!! He’s not interested clearly and you should leave him alone. This is causing upset and confusion so stop it!


There are two issues here. First, he isn’t that in to you. You can’t make him care if he doesn’t. Next , your anxiety issues are not a reason or excuse to put up with bad behavior from anyone. People shouldn’t be expected to respond to you in any particular way because of your issues. I’m not being unkind, I have anxiety myself and the quicker you learn to handle life in your own way the better. Find someone who loves you the way you want and need, don’t settle! :heart: best of luck to you.


RUN! Look after yourself. Do you really want to be starting a relationship of any kind of you feel like this after two days?


Relax girl, u r looking too much into it, actions speak louder…if he is doing all this that u r saying, he’s probably not that into u. Breathe, and stop stalking him. Let him go and move on. I get u really like him, but shit happens and life goes on. Value yourself, you don’t deserve this. Wish you the best.

Look I been thinnest my whole life. Ruined me. Ruined everything. Let men have space. My bf needs a lot or man time space etc. We spend time together. I kept letting anxiety get me til he addressed me on it. Sense I been calmer. Patient. Maybe he feels he is a space taker kinda dude. Already he’s telling u he’s busy. Mine does. If he’s busy he’s busy or he ain’t interested. As for anxiety I have it. So I get it. Ask for anxiety meds advice from someone like you and me.

No is a two way street dear. If a man were bugging you like that it would be harassment. Leave him be and find something else to obsess about, or find a solution for your anxiety.


Leave him alone and move on obviously he’s either not interested or just playing games plus you’re better off working on yourself anyway before getting into a relationship with anyone otherwise you’d be setting yourself up for failure so just worry about you instead :heart:

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Fuck him find a new one, don’t waste your time on a man who does not appreciate or want you. The right one will show up when you aren’t looking :purple_heart:

Don’t ever beg a man for attention. Focus on you and what you can do to make things better for YOU. No response is a response.


Getting into a relationship shouldn’t take precedence over taking care of yourself. If he’s not responding, messaging him more will not help things.

He’s not into you and trying to be nice


Walk away.
No response is a response… and and a powerful one.

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You need to work on you.

Leave him alone, some people just want their space to do what they want even if that’s scrolling through FB

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Just let him go yes it hurts buy why drive your self nuts

And CNt let anxiety choose your behavior patience is key

Maybe he’s just not that interested :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

He’s clearly not interested.

Take a deep breath & let it go!!! Let it all go. Stirring in it is just going to make the anxiety worse & make him think you’re a psycho. If he wants to talk to you he’ll reach out. Leave him be until then!!!