I have been with my boyfriend for 12 years but he has never mentioned marriage: Thoughts?

It takes a lot to finally walk away so to WHOEVER YOU ARE I LOVE YOU AND PRAY FOR YOU AND YOUR KIDDIES​:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


Good for you, you are a strong woman, i wish there were more like you…

I did the same thing after being in a relationship for 15 years and 5 kids. It’s never too late, EVER!!! Me and our kids have been so much better off since. Goodluck to you and your kids❤

You will find love and happiness! Just Dont Look Back

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I wish you the best of luck <3 Make sure you keep this thought process too cause we as women have soft hearts and tend to fall for the “I love yous and the I’ve changed” lines and we go back just to end up in the same situation.

I waited 21 years 4 kids and 2 grandbabies later before we actually got married. We have been married for 8 months now and honestly it’s the same as before just a name change for me.

That’s up to you not him …I have realized if your a real bitch the guy will run around tryin to please you…If you are thoughtful and caring it never is returned in most cases

I have been with my fiance for 12yrs this august. We just got engaged few months ago, have 2 kids, and 1 on the way. Been thru hell and back but have made it and now getting married August 27th. Dont stress unless u dont think hes into marrying you. Itll happen when time is right

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Have you had this discussion with him, don’t tell fb tell your bf you want to a wife.

Your not dumb. You got heart.
Now you take that and go and love yourself.

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You have wasted12 yr.on this man. Why should he marry you? You have given him everything a wife would he has given you nothing in return. Leave!

I was with my husband for 14 years when we married been married 13 years now

You’re the one who makes the requirements for being part of your life, not him.

Why ruin it? Just be happy. :grinning:

He is only giving what you demand for yourself.
Pack your bags, do not feel guilty to tell him it is hurtful for him to.not acknowledge special anniversaries and birthdays. When you stand up for yourself and either he treat you the way you deserve you are gonna go find someone who will see you for all the qualities he has taken for granted.
If you have never told him you feel you are worth him working at the relationship and holding him to it he doesn’t have to put firth the effort.
Love yourself be an example for your children. Have a plan and stick to it . Either he becomes a caring mature adult and your husband fulfilling all your needs as you do his or he is not worth one minute more of your time wasted on him.
Some guys just have to be shown they have to put forth effort.
Make sure he does know the difference between a Mother and the woman who shares his bed.
Sounds to me like he.has just gotten away with doing very little in this relationship. He might surprise you when he realizes you are serious.

My life , but also i dont want to get married . I dont need a piece of paper to be comitted to someone , have u told him you want to be married ?

What does a piece of paper and an expensive wedding prove.

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Good for you,Enough is enough.

Happy birthday and good luck to you it isn’t easy leaving like that.

I feel like your words are straight from my diary! I was in your shoes about 5 years ago. Exactly the same. I was married to my ex for 15 long years and I finally had enough! Been blissfully married to my forever husband for 2 years now! Just keep remembering your worth! Men will give you attention and it’s nice, but remember what you want and don’t let yourself get into the same situation again! You can do it!!! :heart::heart:

I was in your shoes b4. So glad u found the courage to go be with ur kids and take a chance to meet someone new

Very good decision for you and your children. If you and your children are not his priority, you have nothing to do in that relationship.

Unfortunately hun,and I mean this in the most respectful way possible, you knew what you were getting into when he first told you he had no intentions of making you his wife. I do hope he changes his mind soon though, you deserve more

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You need to move on. You are a special woman who needs to find someone else. He doesn’t deserve you.

Good luck and never lose your self worth you know what you deserve now go and get it you deserve the best don’t settle for less!!! Prayers to you and your little ones during this new chapter!!!

you deserve more than you settled for so go out there enjoy your birthday bc you deserve it

Why buy the cow when he’s getting the milk for free?? I’d have to say: ring it or leave !

I’ve been married for 50 1/2 years. Not trying to be rude but my mother would say “why buy the cow when you get the milk for free”? Meaning why marry he person if thy get all the benefits without the obligation.

My husband many times while we were dating wanted sex. Never did prior to the wedding. After we had been married for a few years he told me that’s what key him coming back. What was it that was so special that I wouldn’t share it with him. I asked him “well? What do you think?” He smiled and said he understood now because there’s no way he would encourage his daughters to be so free with someone they were dating. In fact he encouraged his sons to wait also because it made a much more special bond between the two people.

Good for you, you r very brave, don’t stop just keep going you deserve better :blush::blush::rose:

He is wrong leave him alone

Amen god bless you and your family

Good choice. You made it and it will be great. Good luck!!

Happy Birthday. You go girl.

Leave his ass you deserve more trust me

Praying God leads you to your match! Stay strong, and be good to yourself. :heart:

U can do this!! I was in the same type of situation for 28 years + 2 kids & deciding to finally leave was 1 of the BEST decisions i ever made!! It’s hard at first, but just keep going cause eventually you’ll find the one for you- he is out there!! Happy Birthday Beautiful lady!!

You’re not dumb. :heart:

It’s crazy when the time is finally right to leave for good. So much weight off your chest! You can breathe! I left my ex husband finally after 7 years. I met my now husband soon after. He’s the best thing to ever happen to me AND my kids. We have someone we can depend on for anything at any time!

You got this! :purple_heart: