I have dreams of going to medical school, should I have a baby with my boyfriend?

Yes yes yes don’t even considering it unless you get married

You will have time for babys get your education

Do not get pregnant with any boyfriend!

Yes, protect your self, a hold on to your ambition to be a doctor :woman_health_worker:

If you are asking the question…you already know the answer in your heart.

Do not have a baby with your Boyfriend.

Are you nuts?! Too short….too short a relationship!!! OMG. My opinion. You asked!

Go to school, if he is the one then he will wait for you!

Wait persue your dream first you are young

Stop relying on an after the fact birth control and start preventing it in the first place. Medical school will not be easy by itself. It’ll be nearly impossible with a baby. Accomplish your dreams first. Have the baby after. If he loves you the way he says, he will wait.

,I am not judging that he don’t love you…but with a child it will take too much from you while you need all you have to concentrate on on your goal…wait after fullfilling your dreams you will offer a better life to you and your child…and if he honestly love you that much he will respect your big dreams…if he don’t …then it’s a bad beginning…good luck

For sure go to medical school ! I have regretted my whole life. Not getting my degree. You need to be established in a career before you have kids plus be in a secure relationship. That’s in the best interest of the child. Trust me you will be glad to wait on having kids.

I totally agree with Penny.

2 months is not long enough.

No…if you have to go on facebook for advice…something is a miss

Have your eggs frozen
Wait till you get through school. You might want to become a Pharmacist4-6 yrs.

Break up and focus on you and your future

Have a baby with your husband. Geeeeeez.

“Am I being dumb?” YES

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No and u don’t even need a boy friend

Girl it is way too early in ur relationship to be thinking about having a baby. Get ur butt on birthcontrol and stay in school. Finish that first and in like a year if yall are still together then sure try for a baby. Be smart about it. I had my 1st baby at 19 and I wasn’t able to finish college or do much of anything till he got older and started school. Even then it was a struggle at times cause kids get sick they get in trouble at school. I didnt have the help from my sons sperm donor who I’d just call him. My parents luckily for me I had 2 of them ended up helping me with him. Took me 16 years later to find the right man to now wanna have another baby. We’ve been together for almost 2 years. I’m glad we waited this long and not just rush it like I did with my 1st. Ur bf may seem like he wants kids and that’s fine but yall should wait. If hes really the one he should respect ur schooling and ur dreams and have the baby later. Talk to him about it.

Go to school get your career then if you have child you can support the child should he leave love is great in beginning but few yrs or mths shit changes

Unprotected sex not smart, he’s family planning without consulting you red flag, what kind of man does that without it being a conversation and decision made by both of you together the whole thing sounds immature and irresponsible go to school and start protecting yourself and find someone else who has more respect for you

Sweetie…please listen to the advice from those of us with much more life experiences than you. We’ve lived and learned from our mistakes. Hopefully you won’t have to.

Book smart only. Wake up girl !

Very foolish and irresponsible! Don’t shack up, don’t marry for at least three years of dating, don’t even consider having a baby beforehand. I know you will not take my advice.

Two months? Are you foolish enough to throw away your dreams for someone who constantly tells you HIS goal is to be just like someone ELSE? Shouldn’t that tell you something about who he really is, but you haven’t seen because you’ve only known him for TWO MONTHS??? Use the intelligence given to you and use birth control, find out who he is apart from who he wants to be. I wouldn’t want to rely on a medical professional with ZERO common sense!!!

To answer your question: YES.

To answer your question am I being dumb yes

Go on to medical school get that job Security you can always have a baby

Dumb…! Naive ! Having a baby will mean end med school…END. !!!

Get you medical and wait on a baby

Don’t be an idiot!!! Plan your pregnancy!!! It Must work around your medical schooling! No rush! Get married, wait a few years to have a child till you have your feet on the ground!!

No! Don’t do it! Wait until after MED School. Don’t be stupid!

You might be throwing your dreams away. Be realistic, if you have a baby and he leaves, what then? You barely know him, and no protection. You are being very foolish.

He’s trying to tie you down …you will be stuck at home while he carries on as normal…is he going to mind the baby once born ,no, you are …you may suffer morning sickness and believe me it can last all day and all through the pregnancy …you feel like death warmed over for most of each and every day…and once the honeymoon period is over who’s to say he’ll hang around …use contraceptives or walk away

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Go with your heart.If God has planned for you to have a baby with this young man then you will have a baby.If not you will soon know.Finish medical school either way .Remember that our actions do not only affect ourselves especially when you bring a child into this world.Talk about why he wants to get you pregnant?Is he being selfish? If y’all are ment to be you will be.Dont have a baby together to stay together.Good luck.:pray::pray:

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Yes you are being dumb. You don’t have a baby with someone you have known 2 months. Plus there would go the dream of becoming a doctor. Get on birth control if you aren’t already pregnant.

It’s not ironic that his sister is a med student. Coincidental only.
More relevant is that the sister’s fiancé is supporting and helping her through med school, not making her pregnant to destroy her chance of achieving that goal.
RUN! Run as fast as you can from this guy … if you’re smart :thinking:

Yes, you are being dumb. You said it. Deep down you know, this doesn’t feel right. Trust yourself enough to stop and rethink your situation. Go to medical school, pursue your dreams. Having a baby with GUY you barely know is NEVER a good idea!! JS

This can’t be real. Nobody pre-med is this stupid, I hope. Unprotected sex this soon after meeting? STD ring any bells? Plus get pregnant? And believe he will stick by you if you get pregnant? Omg! If this is real she probably still believes in the Easter Bunny, Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy. Honey if you believe all his crap you don’t need a partner you need a guardian and a therapist because you need all the help you can get.

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You are so conflicted. You said 2 months you met this guy but having unprotected sex and he is making promises that you will go to medical school as if it him that will go for you. Then you said that you guys are in the “honeymoon stage”… what do you understand by that? You just met! You don’t even know him yet. You want to be a doctor but your brains are working like a foolish woman with no goals.
You either want to be a doctor or a ‘baby mama’ now choose. And further, you got no sense, why would you be having unprotected sex… pregnancy is one thing, what about sexually transmitted diseases? 27 years old… too old to be this stupid! Good luck on what you choose.

Uuuh yes you are being dumb :roll_eyes:. You need to make a decision: be a career woman fulfilling your dreams as a doctor OR become a mother and wife. Becoming both is not going to work uless your “boyfriend” TRULY understand that going thru medical school and a life of a doctor is not a 9 to 5 job.

You’re being incredibly dumb. With that
Kind of indecision making you’ll never make it through med school.

I think you already know what to do!!
Goals and then baby. If he isn’t trying to marry you, why even entertain the conversation?

27? She sounds so young and immature .She’s not ready to be someone’s mother.

Don’t get pregnant. Finish your education. Really, it’s a no brainer.

Yes you are being dumb, take the pill. He obviously doesn’t love you enough to want YOU to fulfil your dreams of med school. Get rid or take the pill.

Premium tears loading , you’re been love bombed and you gonna be left dry fry with a child

Yes you’re being dumb, really really REALLY dumb!!! :roll_eyes:

Yes you are being dumb!slow down you don’t even know him and it better to focus on medical school first

Yes, you are dumb! Finish your school, find a good job, A good man then have a baby!!!

Don’t get pregnant. Go to Medical School. If ya’ll will work out, you will always work out. Don’t rush it.

Yupp…dumb!!! U said like not LOVE!!

No… And wait to have babies.

The consensus is a loud “NO”’ please listen.

Don’t believe him. He is not caring for you. I doubt he wants to have a
baby. HE WANTS TO HAVE SEX WITh YOU. BEWARE!!!Never have unprotected SEX.:nauseated_face::nauseated_face:

Yes , this whole conversation is dumb.

No !!! Finish your dream …

Stay single and go to school

No do not get pregnant

Please wait! It takes 2 years to fully know somebody

Finish your goal first, if he can’t wait, he’s not the ONE!

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wait until after you have your MD degree!

Sounds like you are depending on him to make a decision for you … What’s wrong with you ? The answer is so simple … You don’t want a child if you did there would be no question… So your trying to be a pleaser.
Pleasers are slaves to their lack of self-esteem … Finish medical school dummy … Tell hard dick to get with the program or get gone…
Devolpe a spine … Respect yourself and your goals … Get back your focus … There are no shortage of sperm donors out there …
If he loves you he will respect you… As it is he is using you against yourself … Take beck your life … Let go of cheap thrills …
Never rely on others

Beware oF Anyone Trying 2Impregnate Without Consent

If he loves you he will wait and want you to follow your dream

And pray about it with God

Wait a few years n see if it works out then decide

Wait finish your dream

Are you being dumb- YES YOU ARE!!!

Get on birth control

Be a doctor follow your dreams have a baby later.

I’m thinking he wants to keep you from achieving your goals by getting you pregnant . Is he financially ready to take care of you and the baby ! Are you financially ready to take care of yourself and a child. Why make things more difficult to accomplish your goals?

27 is still young in terms of childbearing so don’t rush on account of your age. It’s alarming that you would consider conceiving a child with a man who is not your husband and even more alarming that you’ve only been together 2 months. Any man can look exceptionally good after that short of time. Consider that you’re auditioning a guy for the most important role in your life, with repercussions until your death. Are you truly willing to give him that job after such a short time? Keep in mind that after medical school you’ll be faced with several years of internship, which is not like working 9-5. You will not see much of your kids during that time. Without a dedicated father in their lives, it’ll be tough on everybody.

There is nothing wrong with “baby steps” since you said this is a newer relationship I would recommend taking things slow. If you really want to be with him work on your degree first. You can always have kids later on. I know it sucks wanting sometimes but it’s better to wait and get to know the person fully before you have a baby together. Take your time get to know each other. In a year or two if things are still great then go ahead and try. I would suggest you finish school first see where you guys are and how he treats you and go from there.