No ring. No double income. No baby. I’ll be blunt: A baby is a noose around your future, not his.
Ok Dear, you are sharing too much private information about your life. Once it’s out there, it is always available. This sets you up for all kinds of trouble.
Delete your post immediately, at the very least, and seek counseling. Call a help hotline for sources. Do not post about your sex life. Getting into medical school is very difficult and this post shows vulnerability and uncertainty, two traits definitely not desired by medical schools, and they will check your posts carefully.
Think with your head not heart about these crucial life choices.
There is a lot of red flags in your post. Please don’t get pregnant and go for your dream. If he really loves you he would not be trying to get you pregnant right now.
Yes!!! Seems that the first step should be marriage…. Not a baby! Also, if you are falling in love, and looking forward to a career why would you be considering a child already???
He should put a ring on your finger first, education and than baby after marry later,
Take care
Get qualified let no one deter you from your dreams you can freeze your eggs be reliant on yourself and if this new guy can keep up then good luck but follow your dreams first before any thing else
Get your priorities in order. Dump the guy because he’s not going to be there for you if you have a baby, go to med school and then see where you are in your life.
No. Do not get pregnant. Go to medical school. Get your career started. If he loves you that much, he will wait.
Ok hun, first of all, ignore the hateful & vicious answers some have given you.
Some people just know when it’s right. That being said, I’ve been in a similar situation before with a man I was dating who was trying to get me prego while I had other plans.
Don’t be afraid to voice what you want. If you want to do school first, then sit your boyfriend down & tell him that you aren’t ready for a baby yet. Maybe consider it during your residency years (I worked in a residency clinic for 2 years & 3 women residents got prego & had babies during it & still graduated the program).
Either way, I think it may be a good plan to talk to him about what you’re conflicted on. If he really cares, he will respect you, work with you, grow with you, & support you no matter what.
Take time to consider your options. Yes, some people date for a short while before jumping into the next stage. For some it works, for others it doesn’t. Just know your worth, make sure he respects you as much as you respect yourself, & stand tall.
Good luck with medical school. The world needs good doctors with the desire as it seems you have to faze out all the crap ones. If that means waiting & getting in some sort of birth control, I promise it’ll be worth the wait.
But do think it over, talk with your boyfriend, & of course do what is going to be best for you! Love sent your way hun! Good luck!!!
You need to go and finish medical school before you have a baby
Someone you’re not married to has no business telling you to not take birth control. You didn’t say what he does for work. You’re in a big mistake.
Out of reading the last 20 something answers I’m shocked that not one person mentioned WHAT would God want you to do.
A baby will never “make it work” …go to medical school…there’s time for the rest later.
Just saying but that sounds like hes trying to trap you into staying with him for a long period of time since you’re not sure about having a baby yet
You should for sure get your life where you want it to be or at least on the way and almost done with where you want to be before having kids. Kids will change absolutely everything and you won’t be able to focus premed. Maybe when your in residency which is what most doctors do. I think you know what the answer is but because your blinded by love you had to ask.
No,no, no. 25 and 27. And you just met. What is the rush! Go to med school! Then have a baby!
No ! Go to medical school first get married and wait a few years before starting a family.
If you are working towards responsibility and stability and a good life this Foundation is already based in very unstable sand… He loves you but you have taken Plan B which means that you have already ended the life of one of your children… And this is okay? No this is not love… You being irresponsible has placed another little life in jeopardy. The mark of a good man would be to say I love you I want to be the other half of all that you are … marry me! Go to a priest and be married… Then live out of sin and in Grace as a married couple welcoming life… This is not a game. You are not either one of you, thinking clearly. A man who loves you wants you to make it to heaven and wants great stability for his children… He is offering neither… You are wrapped up in sex not in a healthy love relationship… The respect is missing reality is missing and all you are offering each other is great risk… Words mean nothing! Actions speak volumes…
If you desire God s blessings you should look at His Ten Commandments. Marry first and then have sex. It will be well worth obeying.
This is crazy. I cannot believe you are having unprotected sex and are considering having a child right now. If you want to be a Doctor you need to concentrate on that. Just being in a relationship and going to med school is difficult enough. If you have enough sense to go to med school you should not even consider this now.
Don’t believe everything, special those one that did not agree to your goals and objectives, go to school,
Get married before having babies
Frankly, your judgement and sense are so lacking that I question whether being a doctor is a realistic goal for you …
Use the same critical thinking skills you will use one day as a physician. You have answered your own question. New relationship, unprotected sex, committment in words not deeds. You have a goal which will require your drive and focus and a partners full support. And yet he wants you pregnant now??
8 weeks …you have been with this man 8 weeks.Honey moon stage lasts up wards to 6 MONTHS.Theres no way I would be willing to get pregnant by a man that I have known such a short time.No matter what he says you don’t know him Talk is cheap honey.And for him to be that invested after 8 weeks is creepy to me.
school first , be independent then the rest will follow, a baby need more attention, your boyfriend doesn’t know that, study mgal
Dear do not even think about having a baby befor you complete your education. A child is a financial responsibility and you want to have a good life for your kid, so they dont have to want for anything. Men will say they want a kid without really knowing all the details of raising a kid. Then when they can not figure things out, they are ready to run and never be seen again. Then you are left fending for you and the baby. If you decide to have a family, wait until you are educated and has completed your educational goals. That way you know, with of without him, you will be o.k., don’t let love blind you. Love do not pay bills and take care of kids. Only parents who have prepared for them. Be smart and tell him straight up, you will not be bringing any kids into this world until you are sure, they can be properly taken care of period. If he has the least of intellect, he can respect you for that. Good luck, and please do not mess up your life.
No…med school first. If he wants a baby from you why not marry you first
If you think the only time you need to take plan b is after “he finishes in you” you need to really go over 8th grade life science first about reproduction
Do u know what a baby is a screaming eating eating pooping machine for 24 hours a day. For at least the first 2 yrs don’t do it unless you do not want to put your life on hold for it
Are you kidding? 2 months? No birth control? Forget medical school, you need common sense school
Go to school use birth control and see how it goes after a year
If you have to ask you aren’t thinking right. You haven’t been with him long enough to know him. You have known him long enough to be a baby momma and not a wife.
No baby go to medical school. You’ll have plenty of time after you graduate. If he loves you he will wait.
You need to slow down girl!! A Child is at stake here. He is controlling you. Please think this out!!
Jeremiah 17:7
Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the LORD is. Learn to trust God.
Whoever you put your trust in determines how far you go in life.
Jeremiah in his walk With God did not take God for granted, because he was a prophet of God. He put his trust in the LORD and made God his hope; this attitude made him triumph even in trying times.
YOU can also learn to put your trust in the LORD. As a child of God, if you put your trust in man or anything else, you will be put to shame in the end, because human beings have limitations. Putting your trust in the Lord is surrendering your will to Him; to
Acknowledge that He alone has the answer to what you desire. Making Him your hope is making Him the expectation of all that you are looking forward to. Since He is your Father, He will make sure your faith in Him is not disappointed. Remember that this will take some time and you have to be prepared to wait for God’s time. When Abraham trusted and hoped for God’s time, He was rewarded with Isaac. Your Isaac will surely come.
“ Praise the Lord” ! Almighty Lord Our God, Forgive us for trying to do things in our own strength and for striving as if everything rested on us and our efforts. Father, we acknowledge that True success comes from holding fast to you and obeying your word. Give us Wisdom Today to order our priorities in the light of your Will expressed in Scripture. We command to you every task we need to Accomplish today, and we pray you would give us the Grace and Ability we need. We entrust those we love into your care. Would you Bless her work and her
relationships today ? Father strengthen her with your righteous Right Arm. Lay your Hand upon Her and grant Her your Favor. Shine the light of your Face upon Her, that She might Live in your Presence and Receive Your Blessing This Day. In Jesus’ name, Amen
This is how it starts, trying to tie you down, that will prevent you from fulfilling your life goals. RUN WHILE YOU CAN.
Please don’t get pregnant while you are still getting your medical degree. It is too hard and tooo much stress on you and your significant other. Use some good judgement here and wait. Stress can’t break up a relationship very quickly. Why would you do that to your child. You are not even legally married. Please THINK about what you are doing.
Wait until yall have been together awhile to have kids. Get your degree first and get a job because if the relationship doesnt work out, you need a way to support yourself cause too many fathers nowadays dont step up.
Get back to school. It is too soon for a baby or anything else.
Read the Bible it tells you what you should do. You should not be having sex before you are married. But this time in your life you should be focusing on your education and getting to know Christ.
It seems as if having a baby with someone you met is just a sport now, your head seems to be in so many different places and you sound so childish people don’t seem to think about marriage anymore just meet up with some dude get pregnant before long you break up and you left holding the bag a baby sorry I can’t make you feel good that what I’m saying that it just sounds so immature and childish
Plenty of time for kids get your education out of the way and you might not even be together when everything is said and done you’ll be a single mother. The only man I ever trusted was my husband of 47 years I never believed anything they ever said. They’ll tell you anything to get you in bed. I’ve got 2 grown daughters and told them a man’s brain is between his legs and told them that as teenagers and it’s true for most.
If you want to be a doctor, forget about baby and husband until you finish med school.
If you are serious about going to medical school, this is not the time to have a child. You will not have time for a child and it wouldn’t be fair to the child. Education first.
Too soon to have a baby. Just be together without kids for a while.
Your body wants to have a baby. It is getting all the hormones on a reproduction campaign for pregnancy- if it can get your heart on board it may not need your brain’s vote!
You can learn more about that in medical school.
Best wishes to you:butterfly:
Career first and then find someone to settle down with and have a child. You haven’t been with him long enough either. You need to be on birth control.
He should be popping the marriage question before trying to get you pregnant especially since you are working so hard in school.
Education first, marriage before children…for your sake and your children.
Finish yr school first … or at least wait a yr or two til u actually know him. Doesn’t matter what he tells Now things can change.
Stick to your logical thinking. You are uncertain for a reason. Your good sense is screaming at you – listen!
Protected sex or none. Finish Med school, deciding where, and selection of city you want to open a practice in, etc, marriage then productivity only in that order.
By the way, his intentions are not in your best interests.
Oooh so many red flags here first of all you just started this relationship and he already wants a baby?? despite the fact that you told him you want to go to med school and become a doctor Sounds like he wants to trap you also having a baby will make it twice as hard to near impossible to go to school focus on your studies or focus on setting up an internship and residency plus the hours you would put into working as a doctor aren’t very family friendly if I were you I’d put the baby plans on hold make an appointment to get on birth control and figure out what you really want and how to go about achieving that
Mixed up mess. Run away and pursue your goals and when you have achieved your goals, then look around for a partner.
How did person made it to med school??? Doesn’t sound like a stable person.
go to school first By all means , He should support you with this , If he does not Then move on
Stop having unprotected sex if you want to go to school there will be plenty of time after your married
Need to wait. You haven’t been in relationship that long . Babies change all plans and he sounds controlling
I have seen some naive questions on here, but this one wins first place. Are you sure you are not 15?
I am the mother of 3 Precious full grown Sons. I had the twins while I was going to college getting my bachelor’s degree. I had intentions of attending while pregnant but was unable because I had to buy necessary items -And found out I was having twins on Christmas Eve. I was also single. I worked FULLTIME planning on returning ASAP. They were born premises but healthy except for heartmumurs that were relatively harmless BUT needed to be monitored. From the beginning I felt guilty because I was unable to provide for them in the manner I wanted to provide. I was stuck working a job that was not what I wanted and was not mentally stimulating either. At 8 months I was trying to WORK full time and attending nursing school full time- being a single mother trying to provide the attention & love stimulation and all the stuff needed for 2 small children and study and take care of the household cleaning cooking etc. I could not singley take care of ALL the demands required of me at that time. I was totally exhausted and depressed because I was trying so HARD but really struggling and knew I needed to not do things halfway especially the care and nurturing of my son’s and I felt like I was neglecting them and there just was not enough of me to go around.i felt like they deserved more so I dropped out of nursing school so I could could be there more for THEM. I told myself “when they are older their needs would not be so demanding”. I felt guilty for dropping out b/co knew without the education I could not provide financially AGAIN like I felt they needed and deserved.
As you can tell it was EXTREMELY HARD to provide without the support of a spouse and others that could be a support system for the years it would take to finish everything. This was money Time to study and attend college. Time to provide the attention and love and care. Time to take care of home duties and school attendance and WORK for money to provide for 3 PEOPLES basic needs . That is just the basics that are required to take care of with or without children but kids just add to everything… THINK HARD ABOUT ALL OF IT BECAUSE THIS IS THE REALITY YOU WILL FACE.
Education then marriage then baby. Don’t get pregnant with any boyfriend.
I think you need to wait a bit. You seem to be rushing things quite a bit.
No no get your education/job first. Don’t depend on some to support you.
He wants a baby. Does he want a marriage?
If you have to ask that I wouldn’t want you as my nurse
What does he know about babies and children in general?
What are you, a teenager?
Education first children are expensive. Education buy a home to raise them in.
Birth control sweety get your dream of finishing school and getting the job then babys your smarter then this
No if you want a medical school chance don’t have a baby! Are you serious you just met the guy good lord get a clue!!!
In my opinion, If you want to do this he should understand your dreams and be alright with it. You’ll have a life time to have a baby together. Good luck. PS if he don’t want you to be successful rethink this relationship. YOU HAVE TO GET YOUR LIFE TOGETHER FIRST!!
A resounding NO …. If you are asking complete strangers a question this important about YOUR life … I’d say, NO do not have a baby with him and he sounds, to me, a little bit like a control freak … did you really have to ask him if he is trying to get you pregnant rather than discussing having a child prior to you having to ask him this question … I feel neither of you are adult enough to have a child together. How about getting married before bringing a baby into this world …
Medical school AND a baby … I’ve been a nurse for a couple of decades … I don’t know your enthusiasm or fortitude or determination but you don’t get much sleep while in medical school and less with a baby … I’d really think about continuing with a relationship … with anybody.
Go to medical school … do not, I repeat, go to medical school - put babies and relationships on the back burner. You’re only 27 … follow your dreams …
27, go & finish med school. If he cares he’ll still be there after.
If he puts a ring on it and follows through then yes have a baby. Actions speak a lot louder then words.
Your single !!! With a new man. If you have a baby now you will be a single mother. How can you go to school and take care of a child
Medical school is very stressful and hard. Internship is long hours and hard work.
Make a smart choice. What do you really want in life ???
Birth control first !!!
Cold hard facts best to you honey
wait for the baby. IT makes more sense.
I am 86 and have raised 10 children been divorced and my ex left me while i was in nurses training with 5 kids for a younger chick who had his baby that i didnt know , left me with the kids , house , no car , alone to raise them , and no money, i continued to attend shcool bum rides got my license and practiced nursing and it was so HARD to do but i depended on God to help me but I wouldnt want to do it again dont get pregnant. and finish your schooling I learned the HARD WAY
He can have a baby after he puts a ring on your finger
Gosh really now study and get urself to med school vs kid with no job and no father no income please go with ur study’s
Putting this for advice says u better get plan b n get your education n if he is Mr wonderful he will still be there for you.
My god don’t have a baby the first thing!!!
don’t be rushed into anything follow your dreams and complete your goal of becoming a doctor
pursue your goal and educate yourself. relationship still too new to have babies.
But you made it and have a good man now.
No baby-go to medical school… time for baby later!!!
Follow your dreams now. Baby later…much later. You are only 2 months in with this man, you don’t know him well enough to marry him let alone have a child with him. Use birth control, be smart.
Not until a ring is on your finger n gives u his name or it to easy to walk. Away
Wait on a baby til after you get your career settled
Yes finish school then have the baby.
I feel sad for you, hecesnts to "get you pregnant " and he did not discuss this with you in advance! He has not asked you to marry him and he has not considered your dreams and desires. Your foolish and will end up as a single parent …wake up, respect yourself and set some limits and expectations right now your letting your emotions rule not your brain
Protect yourself. You have plenty of time to have kids. He’s ridiculous.
Rule of thumb for success. 1)Education. 2)Financial stability 3)family. Wish you all the luck.
Honey, I can’t believe I am saying this to a premed student but here goes, GET A PRESCRIPTION FOR BIRTH CONTROL PILLS
Finish Med school. Nothing is promised. Take care of you first.
No babies, finish school, then Babies
Go get birth control. Do not listen to him. He wants you pregnant.
Finish your education. Plenty time to have family later in life
If you are premed and want to be a doctor you must have brains. Use them.
Please wait and live your dreams first if it’s meant to be he’ll be by your side and be the man he claims to be!!!
Wait…plenty of time for babies later…