Have you seen what is going on in the world today? You seriously want a child to grow up in this mess??? If I would of known 18 yrs ago the world would be what it is today I would of gotten an iud and never taken it out.
Your relationship is way to new. Way to new. And you.want a child and Medical school. Give yourself a chance. You are piling up way too much. Talk is cheap. Don’t let someone else hold your dreams in their hands.
I can’t even finish reading all this madness. First of all , I do believe people can fall in love and they can fall in love fast. But I don’t believe if you are already arguing at any point- that ,that is love. Because, I have had a disagreement and it be over in 5 seconds and be over it completely. When you’re in love with someone you agree with things and you talk about things before they happen. The way you are describing things, decisions have been taken from you. You need to stop going without protection and you need to reevaluate yourself. Because, honestly I do not think this is love. This does sound however, like a past relationship that I’ve personally had with a narcissistic abusive person. I am afraid for you.
I’d just like to say this screams red flags to me. He is actively trying to get you pregnant after two months of knowing you … without even discussing this … he had known you for TWO MONTH . I personally would run a mile from this person . IF this is the man of your dreams and you are meant to be he will still be there when you are a doctor… go become a doctor as this has been your dream not just for two month . You will 100% regret having a baby with someone who is trying to get you pregnant after two months … that sounds so controlling
Don’t get pregnant it is to early get on Birth control asap. Seriously he wants to be like his soon to be brother in law but wants to get you pregnant really. Use your brain don’t get pregnant wait until done school
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I have dreams of going to medical school, should I have a baby with my boyfriend?
Girl forget him go to medical school.
After two months? Umm no. Absolutely don’t get pregnant by this person. He most likely tells every girl he gets in a relationship with that “he’s never felt this way before”
Yup…u should knw better
I wouldn’t have a baby with any man 2 months in.
Oh no. Two months? You barely know him and he’s already trying to get you pregnant. RUN
If this is truly something that is going to last then there’s no rush In trying to have a baby give it at least a year to get to know each other your backgrounds and his intentions Never put your dreams aside for a relationship
Seriously ?? For someone wanting to be a doctor you should be smarter lol . U been together 2 months ??? NO do not have a kid smh
If he is ok with having a baby now, he will be just as ok with having a baby after you’ve finished school. Premed? You know the answer to your own question.
2 months
Girl use protection, sounds honestly like a entrapment trying to get u prego when u want to do medical school. Hes 25 and you also have time to start a family later. 2 months is way to early to see a true side of people, he may be the one but if he is WHATS THE RUSH???
Two months? If you want to become pregnant after two months you shouldn’t get pregnant.
Go to school and wait on a baby…that way if it don’t work out your set up to financially support this child one day when u have one…
Please go to medical school girl …
Too soon. Go to school and continue to get to know him… you’re only 27, you have plenty of time.
Oh lordt PLEASE protect YOURSELF. There’s no way to know someone or their true intentions in two months time.
It takes 4 or more years to truly know someone!!! Wait! Protect yourself and finish working on you first!! If he’s the one on down the road y’all will have plenty of time for kids!
Finish school and protect yourself. Make a life then think about a family.
You are FAR too immature to have a child.
Yes you are being dumb.
Falling in love is beautiful and sometimes when that happens our brains stop working!!! 2 months and you’ve already taken plan b once, and he is trying to get you pregnant???
Go to school become a doctor- you are young and so is he- Plan a baby later - No man who has your best interest in mind is going to TRY to get you pregnant knowing you have a future planned out for yourself…. and him.
….If that man is really the one, he’ll stick by you the entire time. But GIRLLLL! 2 months? Please wait.
Don’t do it. It’s a trap! RUN!!!
Yes, yes you’re being dumb
Run girl, runnnn. those are some red flags.
Focus on school.
You just answered all of your own questions. I was supposed to go to medschool as I finished premed, but just like your guy, he told me all the right things, once my son popped out, he left and was absolutely no help. My sons 8, still no sign of him. I picked up my big girl panties, put myself thru nursing school full time, worked full time, and full time single mom. Go to school. Put yourself first, you will set yourself up for life, pursue your dreams. If it’s meant to be then he’ll stick around for the next 5 years or so for you to finish school residency etc. He’s in love with the idea of a family. It’s almost like he’d rather get you pregnant than propose to you to make you his wife one day. RED FLAG!!! fyi, my son saved my life and I never regret having him…
If you are asking for advice then you already know the answer.
You wanted to be a doctor for how long you’ve had dreams to be a doctor for how long it could change your life in two minutes having unprotected sex and getting pregnant and then that baby is brought into next 18 years and then your dreams of becoming a doctor Are gone medical school is seriously hard and all your dreams are gone just because you met a guy 60 days ago think about it you can have a baby after you finish med school trust me I understand that you love him and I understand that you might think he’s the one but if he’s the one he’ll wait until you finish your dreams before pressuring you to get pregnant
Girl, you aren’t ready for a baby just yet. There’s always plenty of time to have a baby. Go to school so you can support your child better. Now just isn’t the time, especially after being with your boyfriend for only 2 months.
If you have to ask for advice on this subject you already know the answer otherwise you wouldn’t be asking.
Do not fall for this, go get your education so you can provide a life for you and your FUTURE kids
You need to finish school and wait on kids since you aren’t married. Single motherhood is no joke and regardless of what he says you haven’t known him long enough to know if he means what he says. Continue to be in a relationship with him but get on birth control and live your dream. If he wants to help you achieve you dream then let him but if he holds you back then say bye boy to him.
SCREEEECH! Stop that shit! I am very blunt and am with my own daughter so don’t feel picked on. NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! If he is the “forever” guy then he can wait until you finish and get your MD. Want to be pregnant as a resident? You know what they go through? Hell, you shouldn’t be pregnant taking undergrad English! If he’s real he will be there through it all until the end. Birth control! Use it! Don’t give up your dream and life for ANYTHING!
2 months is not long enough to know someone and if u know u gonna be together for a long time and not forever u answered your question. Also if y want to go to medical school do that first
Please finish school first. Even if he is the one and you two are together for 100 years, do yourself the favor of finishing school first. You still have that chance. It’s something that is YOURS. I am 29 with a 9 year old. It has taken me a really long time to just get my Bachelor’s degree and it hasn’t been easy at all.
If you have to ask us, you already know the answer. 2 month? No, you should finish school, live a little and worry about kids later.
Go to school. So you can have stability, and be financially stable if you really want children. Be smart about it.
Your not being dumb, just thinking prematurely about things, please wait and finish your schooling, you have plenty of time to have a baby and you enjoy them more when you’re a little older, live your life now while you can and enjoy each other!!
Jesus Christ sometimes I wonder if these are even real
I suggest that you finish your dreams first while you have a chance. Men say a lot and manipulate our minds and it disturb our main focus. Speaking from my most recent situation as of now I’m 6 months pregnant, and is already a single parent. I told him we should wait because I wanted to make sure I found a building for my company and go back to school. He said all kinds of things such as he’ll hold me down I wouldn’t have to work while pregnant, we’re going to move into a house etc. at the end of the day he lied, now I’m stuck having to raise the baby on my own. And I haven’t had a child in 10 years. But do what you feel is best for you. Good luck
Go to school first. If your dreams are to be a doctor, that will consume much of your time leaving very little time for a relationship or motherhood. My sister is a doctor and it left very little time for her husband when she was starting med school. It sadly ended in a divorce. If he is the “one”, then he will stay by your side and support you through it all. He will have to sacrifice a lot for you, like moving to where you decide to go to med school and do your residency. I started respiratory school pregnant and with a 3 year old. It was by far the hardest 4 years of my life trying to balance school, work, motherhood, and a relationship. There are times I wanted to throw in the towel but I stuck it out and it paid off. I made a lot of sacrifices with my personal life and my kids. If I could go back in time, I would have went to school before having kids. I would do some serious soul searching before making life decisions like family and career. Good luck!
Get on the pill or use some form of birth control, continue working towards your dream, and leave being a mother until later. This has been your dream since before him, don’t let him change it! You can tell him one day you’d love to , but not yet!
If you weren’t. Planning on furthering your study any time could be right kids are a blessing but since that you’re still young and have intention to continue studying don’t blew it you have time Around age 30 is nice studying with a baby n time for fiancee could become a challenge when small or no responsibility things goes well kid is time consuming and additional cost. Divided attention could cause strain in your study hold off if he loves you enough he will wait talk to him see his reaction get an IUD in and you could always take out when ready if anything comes up work plus study plus with a baby could become tuff you’re still young
Wait…get your career started
Get on birth control! That is the only advice I have for you.
Girl I’d he is still with you in 2 years then think about a baby but follow those dreams and if a baby comes along before you are done with school you can still finish school and be a good mom you may think you will be together forever after 2 months of the honeymoon stage but get to know they guy a little more
We can advice you not to do it n go to school but in the end you will do what you want.
You are thinking of having a baby with a guy after 2 months? Please don’t become a doctor. I’m begging you. We need smarter folks.
Look, honest personally it would be to soon for me. But that doesn’t mean it’s not for you. Only you can decide what you want. I met my husband 6 years ago, we started of as FWV literally and boom 3 months in we are engaged and planning to get married. Now we have 2 beautiful children and are very happily married. Do we get in arguments, of course! But I wouldn’t change anything. Take some time to yourself and think hard about what you want and then just go for it!
Finish school first. If it’s meant to be, it’ll happen regardless. But don’t purposely get pregnant. You’re still young and still have your whole life ahead of you. There’s nothing wrong with having a baby at that age. But if you want to go to and finish med school, don’t get pregnant on purpose. You’re in the fairy tale honey moon stage right now. His aunt could be making that up and lying to make him sound good. That’s no reason to have a baby.
Ummm, finish school. I got sucked into that trap (silly me) and was told the same exact things (by a narcissistic dude) and am a single mom of 8 years now with no help from homie. It was 100,000% a trap to keep an attachment to me. And I will be one to say, I dropped out of college until my daughter was old enough to be in school and then I went back and in total It took 9 years to get a two year degree because of all the other stuff he put me through in the mean time and stress and dropping out and going back.
You have plenty of time to have a baby … go to school you may never have that opportunity again! If it’s meant to be you will have it all with him in the future 2 months is not enough time at all to know that …everything is great the first months !!
Sounds like a complete narcissist, control is what he wants.
Red flags . But ultimately it’s your life but sheesh i was with someone for so long and he was still triflin .
Please look up red flags in a relationship. And then look up what a new HEALTHY relationship looks like. But if you’re asking advice there’s something your instincts are telling you, so listen.
I got with my now husband when I was 17 and we started having kids right away and I absolutely regret not waiting to have kids we have 5 my bbn oldest is 12 and my youngest is 4 and I’m so stressed and have so many regrets I feel bad for regretting it but I do I would definitely hold off finish school travel do you
I’ve done this twice. I was so in love, they treated me so well at first, and thought we’d be together forever . Anyways, I’m a single mom of two.
No no no babies its hard enough to succeed while only taking care of ones self let alone be responsible for a little humans life
Get on birth control and do t give up your dream
Take it from someone whos been stupid enough to do this
Dont have a kid with someone who you just got into a relationship with especially one whos “trying to get u pregnant” without even making sure ur 100% on board. Thts hella red flags Get birth control plan b make him wear condoms and if hes unwilling or gets upset run away as fast as u can and dont look back. dont commit to something tht life changing with someone u just started a relationship with. Follow ur dreams and get financially stable and have kids when both of u or whoever u happen to be with want to not just wen he wants to
I think our opinion doesn’t matter
You know your own timeline.
If he’s a good man, and wouldn’t abandon his child if y’all broke up, do what makes y’all happy.
You are fortunate to have enough time to make a good decision many didn’t get time and advice a fool learn from his own mistakes the wise correct themselves by seeing the fool downfall. Study first don’t forget kids need personal attention. Time fly wait a little plan good at 30 yrs old isn’t bad u now 27 u got time don’t spoil your study
I think you should do what makes you happy, if you see a future with him of course me and my fiance started trying to get pregnant like 6 months after we got together
and now I’m pregnant with our daughter and we’re only 21 yrs old but we’re stable
so I say do what makes you happy
You are dumb and he is dumber!
She’s probably already pregnant and is just seeing what people would say
No way you’re 27 and a med student.
I’m a mother of 3,all by 3 different people.I can tell you from experience that honeymoon phase will wear off and you be SOL with an extra mouth to feed.Be smart and finish your schooling.It gets real hard if you have an extra person to worry about.Ive spent the last 10 years working 6-7 days a week on 3rd shift going on 3 hours of sleep.I love my kids dearly but regret everyday not having my life in order.Especially now with this pandemic,don’t bring a child into this mess.
Go to school finish it, I was once in your shoes and let me tell you it’s not easy when you have to put your dreams on hold when trying to form a family. When the baby gets here it won’t be about you it will be about the baby and the needs of them. If he loves you he will understand you want to be prepared in life before taking that huge step. I wish you all the best and I hope it all works out for you! what is meant to be will be at it’s time.
Not just no but fuck no. You have time. Get the career and stability FIRST
This has to be a fake story cuz no one is THAT dumb!!!
You’re not being dumb at all. I would go to school and finish school. It’s your dream, you’re 27. You can fulfill your dream and then have children Being in a new relationship with someone is the greatest thing. Don’t get me wrong there are some relationships where you’ve been together for a short period of time, have kids and stay together etc. But then there are relationships where you both want kids, end up having kids and you or your partner leaves you stranded. I’ve seen both sides of it. Start and finish your dream, then if y’all are still together bring up children and your future. I’ve been with my bf for coming up a year and we’re expecting our girl next year, we are older and have done what we wanted to do in life. Please take in consideration the end result of each. Take your time, don’t rush. Love each other, date each other, get to know each other better. Focus on being better for each other that way when the time does come for you both to be parents you’ll be ready. Best of luck!
so there’s 4 year medical school & then four years intern ship … so you’ll be almost 37 by the time that’s finished. Medical school takes soooooo much time and dedication. If you can have a baby and do it … by all means … do it … but just make sure you can focus how you need to.
" I like him so much," SERIOUSLY??? You are considering getting pregnant by someone you LIKE?? You can’t even say I love him HERE… stay in school, get your degree… When you can actually say I LOVE HIM… then have the baby… Him trying to get you pregnant NOW is nothing but control and it’s the child that will suffer
I never believe these questions, if something in you isn’t screaming no to this whole thing then idk
I didn’t read this whole paragraph just the first few sentences and I am here to tell you, ABSOLUTELY NOT:bangbang:
Focus on you & accomplish your dreams.
If u kno he’s the one then why rush? 2 months is a very short time
Don’t do it finish school first
Omg, pick one or the other….you sound like you ain’t nowhere near med school mentality honestly, In my experience, med students are pretty focused and responsible, like to a fault…you seem very reliant on whether this dude is gonna carry you through your dreams….maybe you should just have the baby and let him take care of you like he wants to and keep dreaming.
Follow your dream!!! If this man is going to be here for the rest of your life then he will still be there when you have accomplished your goals in the correct order. Don’t rush this, you’re a great catch and he knows it. Graduating first will secure you what you’ve worked so hard for isn’t a waste. Finish what you started. Secure your career first! Get the 3 year B.C. implant in your arm and allow yourself the time to set yourself up first, buy a home, get married, live together then have the baby. This is the correct advise. When ever in doubt, use logic and not your emotions.
TWO MONTHS?!? Is he in the military or something? What the fuck
Imma tell you straight up…
If you wanna go to medical school you gonna have to wait on that baby. Medical school is HARD and a full time commitment. And then AFTER medical school you have to do residency. Girl you should just wait
Don’t do it! Having a baby WILL put med school on the back burner for who knows how long. Its new. Get to know each other and enjoy each other before adding a baby in the mix. I say go get on birth control ASAP. He can talk the talk but can he walk the walk. Words don’t mean anything, actions mean everything! Good luck!
I can’t get far. After the first few sentences I just wanna shake you. But you do you boo. Good luck.
2 months? Girl if you don’t go get on some birth control and sit your a** down somewhere.
Have kids I have 4 I’m 27 I’m going to school n work n still my husband is here depends tho cause is not cheap
Also girl… USE SOME TYPE OF BIRTH CONTROL. Sweet lord almighty. You’re setting yourself up for disaster and to have your dreams possibly crushed or to board the struggle bus
And what he is doing is abusive and RED FLAGS. Baby trapping someone is a HUGE red flag. You’re not being dumb but you’re being naive. What he is doing is called reproductive coercion. Since you’re not using birth control and he’s trying to talk you out of plan b whenever you have sex, he’s trying to coerce you into being pregnant and that’s not cool or ok. That’s abusive behavior, especially if you’re unsure or not ready. He’s essentially tampering with your chosen form of birth control (since that’s what plan B is) and trying to convince you not to use it.
My recommendation is a: please get on some permanent birth control, it does not have to be hormonal and b: have a real heart to heart with him how this is not ok. Telling you that you can’t take plan B is not ok. Trying to get you pregnant without talking to you about it is not ok, that shows little to no regard about your well being and plans for your future. If he really is the one for you, he will understand. And If he doesn’t and it turns into a fight and you guys argue about it that’s another red flag and you may need to re-evaluate this relationship
All my kids were part of the honeymoon stage and the relationship did not last. Two of my kids have the same father and I repeat IT DID NOT LAST babies are such a blessing but follow your dreams first.
Only in a relationship for 2 months and you are already arguing? Like you said, you are in the honeymoon phase, shouldn’t be fighting already. And yes, you are being dumb. Sorry. But no matter how much he is there, it would make med school so much harder! Run girl run!
Sounds like a gold digger
Girl you guys are still in the honeymoon phase. All new relationships are butterflies and gum drops. Focus on school and see where the relationship goes. He says he’s trying to get you pregnant that’s crazy. I have never been to medical school but I can imagine its grueling and add a baby in there plus barely knowing each other. You are setting yourself up for a hard road. Let me clarify…children are a blessing from god so I am not saying that a child is a hard road
Chase ur dreams baby girl… if he loves you, he’d wait… get what you want out of life… before tying down with a baby. As a mother of 2 I lovey children… but I wish only that I pursued my dreams so I could’ve made a better life for my children and myself. I wanted to be a nurse in my younger days. Children are a blessing, as a young woman yourself… I’d say get the schooling done… hey, marry the guy also… and in the mix of school and marriages. Have a beautiful baby. God bless you and your final decision… only you and your heart, knows what’s best… Whatever you decide… God bless you guys
What kind of commitment is he giving you? Is he gonna marry you or just have kids with you? Do you want to be married? I personally would want a better commitment but you just need to know what you want and then tell him so he knows what your expectations are. Don’t leave it up to him.
I personally don’t think going to school and having a baby is the problem, it can be done. I think it’s the short amount of time you’ve been with him and you don’t really know him I say wait on the baby at least minimum a year get to know each other first. God knows now a days a lot of kids don’t have their mother and father together and it’s becoming a norm it’s really sad.
love is love but got to have some kinda of plan. I know plans change but focus on getting to know each other more before bringing a baby in the mix. grow together grow stronger in love. 2 months is not long enough to truly know eachother.