I invited my boyfriend on a getaway and he invited his friend: What do I do?

Go with your daughter and grandson.

Maybe he’s trying to get a threesome in? Sounds sus asf girl

Take your daughter and grand baby, he totally ruined everything you had in mind for a weekend alone for the romantics of it

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Cancel it and either nobody goes or you go by yourself

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Get him out your life

Take your daughter!!!

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red flags!!! RED FLAGS!!!


Take your daughter and grandkid and throw that man away. He is not serious about you. Very selfish, you should not allow him to treat you this way. Not being exclusive is basically having all the good that comes with a relationship without the bad. Not fair.


Sounds like my ex. Which wasn’t my ex because he never committed, not even after 3 years. You really should take a little time to yourself and reflect on the relationship and ask yourself what it has to offer you, then what he is gaining from it. If he is gaining everything and you’re giving and never receiving, you’re the back burner and he’s more focused on his friends and won’t commit to you… it’s a pretty bad deal. Trust me. I went through this and thought it was going sooo great but at the end of the day it all is a waste of time. He’s never going to want to be with you. This is time, effort and money you could be spending on a person who wants the commitment. It’s gonna hurt when he gets bored or finds a new FWB and leaves.

Tell him to kick rocks and take your daughter and grandson!

Yeh…no that wouldn’t fly with me. Take your own family instead.

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They are using u! No Way!

Id rather spend my money on my kids and family then some loser who’s obviously not taking you seriously. Leave him behind, and maybe you will meet your prince on the getaway. You deserve it


Take your daughter and grandson! you’ll make special memories and definitely enjoy your time together! kick nikki’s “friend” to the curb ASAP!! Enjoy your family special surprise vacation!!

I’m sorry but that’s way uncool and really insensitive. I’d leave him home w his gal pal and take someone else.

Take your daughter and grandkid. Fuck em.

Id imagine he wants you to get to know his friend like he does.

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I’d tell him kiss my ass he isn’t paying but thinks he can just invite whoever. Girl he’s using you

Definitely take your fam instead.


That’s ridiculous
Take your daughter and your grandson instead


Daughter and grandson needs to go I mean he hasn’t paid his half …. Inviting his bestie and her bf :roll_eyes:and y’all not even in a committed relationship…… please save yourself and be single


Tell him to kiss off for sure

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Take your own family out, he is showing tons of red flags


He’s not your boyfriend he’s your friend (if that) with benefits and just using you… take your daughter and grandson. Move on and find someone more deserving of your worth.


Take your family and enjoy your mini vacation. Inviting another female is a huge no for me.


Tell him to go stay with his best friend.


Nope. They are using your kindness for their gain. If it’s his choice to not be exclusive but has a chick on the side hellz nooo…

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Tell him to Kick Rocks with his friend and takes your daughter :100:


Take your daughter amd grandson…he doesn’t deserve you nor your time that he’s obviously wasting

Take your daughter for a girls weekend

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He’s trying to bring his Mistress. Uninvite him and then dump him. Bring your daughter and granddaughter instead.

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Very uncool no way cancel the date

Take your daughter and grandson and tell him to buzz off !


Invite your daughter.

Big red flag :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: tell him to get lost and take your family :sparkling_heart:


He hasn’t given you any money towards this? He’s using you sorry hunnie. Any real man pays his own way, doesn’t expect the women to pay for it all and now he’s inviting other people? :neutral_face: Hes playing you, isn’t making any commitment and taking you for a free vacation now. Red flags.

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Kiss off and take the family

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Invite your kid and grandkid !

Daughter and grandson

daughter n grandbaby win by far!!

Don’t let a man treat u that way. He’s into the Nikki girl.

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Take your family
Screw him!

I’m going to disagree with most here. I personally would be extremely disappointed too. However, if I wanted to spend a private weekend with someone, then I would have rented a more intimate place to stay, not a 3 bedroom. Perhaps he is concerned about the cost? He may have even just mentioned it and his friend Nicky volunteered to tag along. I can’t imagine getting upset with him or her for wanting to take advantage of a cool mountain weekend when there happens to be not one but two extra rooms available. You’ve apparently already taken your mistake out on him and his friends. If you can correct course, do so by telling him that it would be okay and then sometime over the course of the the trip, level with him and tell him that you would like to do something special with just the two of you in the near future. At that point, he should either agree that he would like that as well or let you know that is not is not how he feels about the relationship. It sounds like he is clear about the status of your relationship and you want more than you previously agreed to. How is that his fault?

Just take ur daughter n grandson

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100% forget him & invite your family…you will be much happier


You go enjoy… hes not a boyfriend and not a relationship… take family and enjoy


I was going to say drop him and go alone or with friends or family.

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If he hasn’t even paid his half yet then he doesn’t intend to. Definitely take your daughter and grandson or enjoy the time by yourself. This guy is letting you know he doesn’t want anything serious with you and if you keep humoring him he’s going to keep using you. Block him and start your healing process


Boy bye… for good this time

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Run… ditch this guy… I did this once and got a nearly identical story… turns out I was paying for my live in girlfriend and her girlfriend to go on vaykay… meanwhile me and the beard girlfriend got left in the lurch for the bill… Nikki I guaradamntee you and he are together and you just don’t realize it yet.

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I’d go with someone else.

Youre not exclusive by his choice. Personally I wouldnt be calling him my bf…heaven only knows who he’s sleeping with :nauseated_face:.
Id get tested for std, tell him goodbye and take your family for a nice break instead. Find someone grown up to spend your time with


Take the family, and leave him and his friends behind since it’s no longer a romantic getaway.

I’d tell him you don’t feel comfortable and that you planned it just for you two cuz that’s just fucking rude

Nope. Last minute plans on HIS part. I would say no, I’m bringing my kids and grandchildren. Romantic plans are for a couple.


Dump his ass, sounds like he is using you

The way you feel about him, sounds like he doesn’t feel the same about you. Cancel it gal, he is using you. You deserve better.

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He was trying for a little extra fun probably

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Invite your daughter and grandson!


Bring daughters and grandson

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Take your family or other friends

Ditch him. Not worth it.

Go enjoy family time and Block this man

Break up entirely with him and invite your family. Have a nice get away to relax.

Don’t waste anymore time on him…he’s just using you for his convenience.


DROP HIM. Seriously know your worth and leave him be. You deserve better and F that girl.

Red flags all over the place.
Take your daughter and grandson to make memories you won’t look back on and cringe about! Sounds like they are more than friends to me, oh and stop holding out for a dude who doesn’t know how he feels about you- the truth is he DOES know exactly how he feels about you and won’t ever commit to you. Im sorry.


Take the daughter and grandson.

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Oh hell no. That’s a huge message loud and clear. You’re not reading this flag incorrectly.
Not only is that the mother of ALL flags but it is the deepest brightest shade of red imaginable.
The fact that he’s not willing to be exclusive with you & you’re tolerating that (probably hoping he’ll change his tune as time goes on) now that?!
He is absolutely using you.
Does he feel you guys need a chaperone?!
Does he enjoy knowing he can keep one foot out the door and “relationship” & have somewhere to run to if he so chooses while you’re there?!
He sounds like the type that wants what he wants then never wants it again. It’s as if he got whatever he wanted/needed from you and is only staying on now for the perks.
He deliberately manipulated you into this getaway by nonchalantly mentioning it because he must know your personality and feelings for him enough to know you’d do what he wanted.
In this relationship you’re a marionette puppet and he’s pulling the strings.
Please take a deep breathe, tell him to go kick rocks then go treat yourself to a seriously needed and well deserved spa day before you, your daughter & grandson enjoy this getaway together.
Wish him a Nicki all the best :v:t3: and wash your hands of him knowing you’ve dodged a bullet.

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Two things stick out for me. One is he doesn’t want a relationship, and two he invited another girl. Friend or not. Red flags like crazy. Take ur family and have fun!!


Nope. You said its his choice to not be exclusive but you’re going all out for this guy. Why? No. Be done please. You’re headed for even more disappointment


Either he’s with you or he’s not and clearly he isn’t!!

I’d leave him behind and take your family :v:t4:

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Hell no and leave him completely and make it a girls weekend!!!

Honey know your own worth!!! He doesn’t want to be with just you and Nikki isn’t just his friend. He knows it’s a romantic get away so he invited someone else??? Hmm no thanks.


If I were you, let her come then sleep with her boyfriend


I’d take my daughter and grandson if it was me! He was the one mentioned about getting away with you! Not you and his friend. Something else is going on or is going to happen!!


I agree that’s not right take family forget him!!

Wow , dump that loser


Kiss Off sounds suitable!

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I would go with daughter and grandson instead…


You’re catching feelings for an unavailable guy. Tell him something came up and you can’t go then take your family


The real choice is:
Are you taking your family and have a great time
Are you taking a guy that really wants to spend time with nikky and have a terrible time.


Drop the man & bring your best friend! Trust me, you’ll enjoy your vacation much more. :purple_heart:


Take the family and actually enjoy yourself. :relaxed:
You’ll have so much more fun with them then him and some Chick

I would tell the dude go and have fun with Nikki, but not on my time or on my dime. Then I would “accidentally” block his number.
No way would I deal with this crap for even two months, never mind over two years!


Stop wasting your time


You can do what you want and invite whom ever you’d like but it looks like whatever you choose in your situation you’re just likely to be let with a hug in your path but that’s about it unless you express to your boyfriend that you’d like more personal time with him.

I’d take your family. Even when my boyfriend and I weren’t exclusive if a trip was planned it was talked well beforehand if it was going to be the two of us or a group of us

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He chose not to be in a committed relationship with you. Regardless of inviting his friends, you’re wasting your time planning romantic get aways for a man who won’t appreciate it


Tell him and Nikki to go themselves and bye


Take your family instead that’s what I would do :blush:


Tell him you changed your mind… tell him good luck with his boyfriend…. And adios amigos…

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Go yourself with your daughter an grandson and I wonder then without him going if you will still run into this Nikki person I bet she cancels xxx


Take your family drop the loser


I’d cancel the trip or un-invite him or get him to realize what you really expect.


Are you sure they are just friends :thinking: I would take the family and have a great time than be miserable your the one paying :grin:


Don’t take him, he’s not looking for romance with you!


Take your family, fuck him.

Nikki is defo more than a " friend " who the hell suggests bringing a friend on a romantic get awake away