I invited my boyfriend on a getaway and he invited his friend: What do I do?

You will have a much better time with your daughter & grandson! Priceless memories & money well spent! No regrets.


Um… That would totally ruin it for me!!! I’d be miserable the entire time. Have a talk with him in person about why he would even ask her to go on a private getaway with you two. I’d bring up the topic of being exclusive and why he doesn’t want to be. If he can’t commit, he doesn’t deserve you or this amazing getaway with you!!


Daughter and grandson


Dude no that’s straight up RED FLAGS. And if you want exclusive and he doesn’t then that’s because he’s fuvking his “friend” on the side trust me.


To right f him of n take ya kids how rude of him did that

nah def take your daughter he just going to play you an your going to have a shit time now he has invited others it is what it is

Girl tell him it’s cancelled and take your girls on a girls trip. If you don’t have friends ring us up in here , we’d love to go with you. Fck him!! F ck her too. Fck everybody. You go and enjoy yourself. Or better company take your daughter and grandson. More reserving than that dck head

Nope! Take your daughter and tell him to go with Nikki find someone who respects you


Sounds like he is using you for his own satisfaction. Please choose daughter and grandson that sounds more of a real authentic love than what he is offering.


Uninvite and bring your daughter and grandson, or even your own friends. That is so disappointing he ruined all your hard work for that trip.

Did he know it was supposed to be a romantic getaway for just the 2 of u? And u said u invited him on this getaway but are expecting to pay for half the room? Would u expect to do the same if he invited u?

Nope, not ok. You’re definitely not being too sensitive. I have a feeling he’s seeing her

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I would tell them you are not feeling well & are goingto have to cancel. Take your family! And ghost the guy & his girlfriend.

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Leave this guy behind.

You deserve better tell him how u feel if he don’t respect it take the kids

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Spend the time with your family… it’ll be a blessing in disguise.


Daughter and grandson


Family… Less to regret later


Say something came up Im not going after all.

Fuck that dude, wtf!?!? Who invites another chick to a romantic Getaway??? I’d be pissed too! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Yes, you should… DUMP THE LOSER!!!


I would have said NO…a big fat NO!!


Just be like oh hey change of plans my grandson and daughter need some time away and something happened so I’m going to bring them instead thx bye


Definitely cut him off .


Tell him no you don’t want her and her boyfriend to go. It’s for just you two exclusively. If he doesn’t like that answer then take your family. Oh, and I wouldn’t expect him to pay half if you invited him as a surprise.


Enjoy with your Family


He’s a HUGE red flag. Bring your family, build memories and find someone who wants to commit and appreciate the efforts you make !:sparkling_heart:


If he invited his friend(?) then he’s not your boyfriend. Go with someone else or take a family member. Case closed!!!


Taking you for granted! Bring your daughter and grandson.

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I love it - you’ll have unconditional love and great memories if you bring your baby and your baby’s baby. :heart::sunflower:he sounds inconsiderate by the way - :wink:


Take your family and tell him to go rent a room with Nikki and her boyfriend. He sounds like a looser and if it’s been on and off for years it’s time to find someone else. Stop wasting your time.


Take your family, or invite your friends and make a weekend of it.

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Ah no. Take your daughter and tell him to go stay with the other chick since he wants to vacay with her so bad. Rude to invite someone and them to invite another person without at least asking. Be different if you was splitting the price of the trip.

Do for you honey and enjoy a family get away. He’s not worth it and obviously doesn’t respect you if he’s asking if another female can come along.
Remember, you paid for this not him. It’s your choice to decide!


Daughter and grandson

Tell him to go with Nikie your all set take a friend or girl weekend away or your daughter it’s clear you are not on the same page with each other.

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I like your plan B
His not totally into you why put so much energy into someone that is only 1/2 there for you?? Daughter and grandson trip sounds wonderful and memorable :blue_heart:

Girl, naw don’t bring him. Kick him out of the trip and take your daughter and grandchild. You will have more fun and memories with them,.instead of him. That was so wrong to invite some other girl, when you planned that for you and him.

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I would straight up cancel or spend the weekend pampering myself! I’ll be damned if a dude brings another chick on my dime… nah :v:t2:

Just tell him the truth, that you wanted it to be the two of you and not her or her boyfriend


I’d say something came up and you’re sorry but will have to reschedule at a later date.I’d be pissed you invited him not his friends.

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I’d just say fuck it, and invite daughter and grandson instead

Make it a family vacation!

Take your daughter and grandson. Leave the Steaks and Crab at home and eat them when you get back.


Tell him ur bringing daughter and grandkids since he invited her and also tell him u had planned it just for the 2 of u.


Didnt pay his half when you had to. Probably won’t. Not exclusive by his choice but seeing each other for years. Yeah sorry but time to move on. He’s a lost cause. Huge red flags. Do you tell him to kick rocks. Take your family and enjoy the money YOU’RE spending!!


Absolutely tell him to get lost and take your daughter and grandson, you’ll have a much better time with them! Heck go by yourself sounds like you could do with some pampering and some head space from the guy!


I would take your grandson and whoever else you want to and tell him if he’s going to bring her and her boyfriend that you’re not interested in going because you booked it for you two to spend it together not to spend it as couples


You want exclusive and he doesn’t. Don’t waste any more time.


I would take the family instead of him.


Cancel on him and take your people and please be done with him. He doesn’t want exclusivity. He was gonna use her and her bf as a buffer. He knows that you want a real relationship, he doesn’t want that. Move on. Stop wasting time with someone who doesn’t want what you want.


make it a girl trip stuff him and say was ment be a romantic 1 guy

Invite your daughter and grandson bugga him

Family….and rip the excitement away from him


Take your family!!! The writing is on the wall iam afraid .

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Plan B sounds better. I know it would be more fun to be petty and have him come but make him stay with Nikki and her be but that ruins your time. And then you are putting more time and effort in to ruining his time that you can enjoy your time. I’d say just take your grandson and daughter. Remember he said “not exclusive” so that’s his fault. Why go through so many hoops for a person that isn’t in your true circle. Sounds like he thought u was just gonna pay for everything he just has to go. Nope notaa. Stop him in his tracks. If he wants to go somewhere he can go with Nikki

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Daughter and grandson

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Take your daughter and grandson. He doesn’t deserve you.


oh F him let him go and be with Nikki then dont make a fool of urself take ur daughter and grandson instead

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Nope. Off & on for years + not exclusive = you’re just there to hold his :eggplant: when nobody else is. Know your worth.


Kiss off and don’t look back

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He doesn’t care!! Find a guy that does. Take your family!


Go with your daughter and grandson! Enjoy yourself with your family! :two_hearts:

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Take your family! He needs to go!

He can go with nikki and GTFO

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Don’t waste your time take your kids and granny have a relaxing weekend and he can go kiss Nikki’s ass because it sounds like he is anyway. Sounds like he wants you when his side chick doesn’t want him

He revealed that he isn’t part of your tribe. Waste no more of your valuable time with him.


Go with your daughter and grandson. Because if he can’t see that you wanted it to be just you and him and went and asked someone else to come without talking to you (the one who paid for it all) then he doesn’t deserve you and your effort. Esp if it’s been going on and off for years and still nothing. Don’t put yourself in that situation because you’ll get no where with it. Move on and find a man who will want nothing more than to spend time with you alone and make it official to put effort in because he wants only you.


Yep!!! And dont look back

Definitely take your daughter and grandson …it’s was not his place to invite anybody on your planned getaway


You’ll regret going with him. Use the opportunity to make nice memories with your real family


Stop wasting your time!!!


Sorry girl, he friend zoned you and not looking for anything more. He’ll give you attention once in a while so he can get to you when he wants to but he’s actually pursuing Nikki till things don’t work out then he’ll make you a priority again.
Make sure to equal out the payment of the house and food. Don’t let them use you for their benefit and if Nikki is keeping you on the outside, then she’s part of his game which means they talk about you and know your weaknesses.
I get you’re trying to have fun but not with this guy, you’re only gonna get hurt. Keep him as a stepping stone till you find your man that’s suitable for you, that will adore you as much as you adore him and that will respect you.
Hope you find your one, good luck


Daughter and grandson . He’s not committed to the relationship


Tell him straight up, its tmrw!! And u had things planned for just the 2 of you.
Also on and off for YEARS!!??? UGH girl what the heck are you doing?!?!:woman_facepalming:t4::upside_down_face:


Yes do exactly that go with your family you’ll enjoy more they will be grateful make memories and possibly find yourself a real man cause he sounds Iike a looser


Definitely tell him to kiss off. My mama used to tell me if the milks free why but the cow. Not an insult this just reminded me of her. BTW it happened to me.


I would take your daughter & grandson & forget about him! I would be furious if I paid for a nice vacation & another woman was invited along! Omfg I can’t even describe how mad! A guy who loves you would be excited for a vacation with you! And the on & off for years??? I’d be looking for someone new unless you’re okay with that :woman_shrugging:t3:


Tell him no way! This was meant to be just for the two of you!


Never make someone a priority that doesn’t return the sentiment. You said this has been going on-off and on-for awhile now. Sis, forget that fool!! If he hasn’t made you his priority by now, it ain’t happening girl!! I’m so sorry, I know you don’t want to hear that but it’s the honest truth. There is someone out there who IS deserving of your love and attention but this one ain’t him. Kick him to the curb and you go enjoy some quality time with your babies!! :kissing_heart: Let Nikki have him. Best of luck to you!!


Just take your daughter and grandson and leave his ass he’s obviously not interested in you

I would NOT go with him. I would UNINVITE HIM just as easily as he invited others on your trip!!! Absolutely NOT. Stand your ground!!!


Just tell it to him like you did here. Even if your not together-together it’s okay to be honest and say you just wanted to have a getaway weekend with him so you could spend the time focusing more on each other than everyone else


Sounds like your idea of where this
Relationship is and is going is
Different then his!


Yes take your Daughter & forget the dead beat he is not happy to go by the sounds of things " take your family & have fun :blush:


Tell him to kiss off and take your fam and enjoy yourself.


Tell him sorry other plans came up. Take family members and have a great time

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Just tell him you changed your plan and you have other plans with your daughter and grandson…that guy isn’t serious and believe me things like these are just going to hurt so just leave him


Yeah, I would uninvite him and have an awesome weekend getaway with the girls instead.


Run, fast, right now. Red flags… get out… spend time with those babies instead
They’re always in your corner :100: treat them to a fun weekend


I would tell her m to get lost

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Yes, your daughter an grandson please, let him keep his money an you go without him, loose interest please, a waste of your time, he is not interested.


Dump him. He’s clearly sleeping with Nikki.


Take someone else! He sucks.

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Obviously he’s seeing her too… I would tell him that it was meant for you both… and cancel. He’s Obviously just using you… he can pay for him and her another time.


Def tell him to piss off (permanently) and take your daughter and grandson.

Say goodbye to him. You deserve a real relationship with a person who loves you. Don’t settle for mediocrity…… It’s very unattractive


Try going see how it goes?

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Tell him how you feel. Relationships are based on honesty and trust. It’s possible he didn’t understand that this was suppose to be a romantic getaway for only the 2 of you.

It’s also very possible he doesn’t feel the same way you do, and that he understood very well that you wanted a romantic getaway, and he doesn’t want the relationship to get that serious.

There could be a million reasons why he asked his friend, and her bf, to come along. You won’t know the answer until you ask.

You can’t expect him to read your mind. If you are not exclusive to each other, by his request, this might be his way of letting you know that he enjoys your company & enjoys having fun … and wants to continue doing so … but he still doesn’t want to make a monogamous commitment.

At this point, you’re guessing. You won’t know unless you talk to him.

You need to be very clear and honest with him about what you expect from him. If he doesn’t want the same thing, it’s time to invest your efforts in another direction. You mentioned a grandchild, so you are of an age that you realize it’s a waste of time to chase after someone who is still looking for something else.

Life is too short to waste it, chasing after someone else who wants to live a different life than what you want. Life is also too short to squander precious time not asserting yourself. If you know what you want in life, pursue it with someone else who wants the same things. He might be the one, and he might not be … you won’t know until you make your wants and needs clear to him, and give him the opportunity to let you know what he wants. Could be a good time to go separate ways, and stop wasting time.


Totally a no class guy…1st of all, he doesn’t have the right to invite someone else to an event he’s been invited to…2nd…he’s a douche bag if he couldn’t see the meaning in what you’ve done. Drop him. Hes not good enough for you.