I just found I'm pregnant and want to know do they drug test at pregnancy appointments?

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They do but depending on your dr and where your at pot isn’t a huge deal

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Yeah-ya! But you didn’t know.

Ive never been drug tested at my appts but was drug tested at birth. It just depends on your Dr’s office and hospital.


Uhm. Yea… they do. And no, you’re not safe if you smoke weed either. I live in a legal state and they will still call dcf for weed because it’s not legal federally.


It depends on the doctors office police and also your insurance

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You pee in a cup at every dr visit you have with your obgyn.


Depends where you are
They used to be alot stricter with Marijuana in the past years, but for the last about 13, it’s been less

My doctor ran a full panel drug screen when I was pregnant. I guess it just depends on your doctor

He did at my first appointment. Looked at me told me I needed to stop smoking pot. Lol. Which I did just because I needed my system clean when baby is born. I wasn’t tested with my other two. Guess it’s the doctor or the guidelines they go by these days.

If they don’t suspect it they wont. But it varies on your State/ Doctor. Of course please think of your babies health and development first before Any drug. Not bashing. Best wishes


Yes they do, They run full panal tests they don’t do it in the office they send it out to lab

I dont recall that i ever was with both my pregnancies but i stopped smoking when i found out.

Unless they have a reason to suspect you’re on drugs they usually don’t but if you are on drugs, it’s a smart idea to quit immediately if you care about that unborn baby if not abort and carry on with the dope… (I’m in Canada, could be different across the world, I just know I’m pregnant never been drug tested and never worried cause I don’t do drugs anyways)


I have 3 kids, have access to lab results through mychart and I have never been drug tested while pregnant. They ask the regular do you drink or do any drugs and that was it

Yes every time you go doc.

Depends on your insurance. Private insurance is less likely to run a drug screen, but if you have government insurance, then yes they will run a drug screen at birth. This also depends on your state laws.

Pretty sure every time they have you pee in a test, (every appointment) they check for UTI and they do drug screening

Yup every time when you pee in the cup

In michigan no for marijuana/cannabis.

They test in Arkansas

If you have to ask this then please consider giving your child to a family who can care for it properly… :woman_facepalming:t4:


Don’t judge. She’s not saying she’s going to continue to do whatever while pregnant.


not unless you smell of drugs, I’m assuming it’s marijuana.

Yep! As they should.


Yes! They absolutely will at the time of birth too!


My dr tests at the beginning of pregnancy towards the end and then at the birth :woman_shrugging:

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I believe they do drug test everyone. And the baby at birth.


They test in missouri

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if you’re worried about a drug test you don’t need to be pregnant.


Yes they do. I had it done 2x during my last pregnancy. I don’t do any drugs but yes they do

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I just found out and at my first apt they did, they email all kinds of paper work to fill out and ask for permission to drug test( i don’t do drugs or smoke weed so I knew I was ok) but idk at every office, but yes they did just my first apt so far.

When I had my first set of labs my ob ran a full drug panel on me

It really just depends on state and even countys… no judgement here but please do what you can to keep you and baby safe

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This wouldn’t even be a question/concern for someone who isn’t using drugs…


Y’all jump to conclusions sooo fast :joy::joy:🤦 she could be asking for someone else, could be asking bc maybe it happened at an app and she was offended by it and wants to know if its normal. Like sheeesh everyone always thinks the worse instead of just answering the question​:joy::joy::joy:🤦

They test you every time you see the obgyn if you test positive for meth or opioids they make you meet with a drug addiction counselor and cps or dcfs depends on your state and your obgyn



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I lived in washington with my last one they did when I was 34 weeks and the girl let me know that I would be tested the next time I was just like ok I never did anything lol. It depends on the Dr. And if it’s for hardcore drug use figure out what your gonna do to stop.

Y’all don’t even know what kind of drugs and y’all just judging . I smoked a lot of weed. When I found out I stopped though but can’t wait to smoke again

Yes but if your totally honest sometimes the Dr is cool with it mine didn’t have a problem with it when i was pregnant with my twins but that was in 2016 but still be honest with your Dr.

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It depends on which state California I’m not sure if they overruled it but when I gave birth in 2014 day was and they were testing everybody.

Yep your in trouble…lol

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Just stop everything now :+1:t2:

Yes they do. And my insurance didn’t cover it, got a $200 bill for it. Never done drugs in my life. But because other people make poor choices, I get stuck with the consequences. I get that it is to protect unborn babies, but $200. Really?


Yes and sometimes every visit. Idk what you’re doing but you gotta get clean asap hun.


If you give birth high in the US they will call CPS. If you’re using opioids, the safest thing for baby, should you decide to keep it is methadone for pregnancy (I’m a drug and alcohol counselor nobody come at me). They may do a drug test as a battery of other blood tests and work ups if you consent to that but depending on what you’re using you need to take precautions now to avoid long term damage and severe withdrawals when baby is born.

Yes, but some doctors are cool about it :woman_shrugging: fyi for all these hating A$$ people I know allot of people that smoked bud up until baby was almost born and doctors we not against it. I smoked with my first my doctor encouraged it actually bc I stopped smoking when I found out I was prego but then I could not eat had 0 cravings or appetite and my doctor told me to go back to my daily routine just to cut back on how much I did smoke and As long as you stop smoking when your about 6months so you can detox and both yest negative. You will be just fine :heart::heart:

Texas yes every appointment

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Yes they do! Be honest with your doctor. They are there to help you and will be able to give you better advice than anyone here. GOOD LUCK! (And please ignore these asshole comments.)

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Never can a woman come to another woman without shade being thrown or passing judgment we’re supposed to be uplifting each other not breaking each other down


Depends on the state

Depending the state they usually won’t test the first appointment unless u mention it to them that u use drugs quit
Now because u don’t want cps involved

Yes I was drug screened at my first appointment!

Get clean or take your birth control sis


I’d just tell them , and tell them you didn’t know you were pregnant at the time

Them nails look good tho…! I didn’t know nails could get pregnant as if we are in a “nails” :nail_care:t2::nail_care:t2: group


Yes. Especially if you’re getting state medical assistance.

I didn’t get drug tested at all during my pregnancy but once my daughter was born we were both tested

If you were a drug user be honest with your doctor tell them what’s up and stop doing drugs. If you need help ask for it.

Some people shouldn’t have kids!


Are you getting your nails done there too? I thought this was a nail site


Honestly I would just be honest with the dr because it could effect you’re birth plan or even the baby and its health.

Also. Where are the nails and when did this become Ask Nails??


They don’t necessarily test for drugs but they might check urine and blood for other things and maybe it’ll show drugs in your system but they normally don’t check leave the drugs alone if u plan on having the baby before it’s too late and damage is done flush them out with fluids especially water

Yeah. They will throughout pregnancy and at the hospital too.

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Wow there’s no such thing in Australia you guys must have a lot of addicts in USA!


Yep every appointment.

So much judgement here, it’s sickening. But to answer your question, yes, most likely you will be tested at some point. There is a lot of help for pregnant women who are struggling with drug or alcohol use. Please be honest and reach out for help. Now is the perfect time to start a new chapter. I wish you all the best :heart:


These comments were gross and judgmental. Not even 100% sure what this page is but This was whack :no_good_woman:t4:

Yes ur blood is tested!

Tf is this shit. Mannn I’m out. If you have to be told not to do drugs if you could be pregnant you need a fucking drunk test. Gtfo.

Depends on the doctor

When I found out I was they drug test me and I failed for weed and they tried to make me take substance abuse classes. I’m like damn when I smoked I didn’t know I was pregnant but stopped once I found out. But that was back on 2001 so idk about now

Yes threw your blood

Yes, if it’s not out your system by 28 weeks along, they call child protective services

Yes and they don’t necessarily tell you until after it’s positive! They give you a chance to get clean however if your baby tests positive for ANYTHING they will call child protective services and you won’t see your baby until 1 you’re clean 2 your house is fit and you’ll have an open cps case for a long time it’s a mess not worth dealing with


It’s no different than people who don’t realize their pregnant and drink. It’s not like it intentional. I smoked up until I found out I was pregnant then I quit. People are so judgmental.

Not in chicago unless you look like some type of addict…

Drug text each trimester ! Kaiser is every dr visit!

In Florida they will test you at birth for a fact, they will not allow you to breastfeed if you are positive and dcf will be called. Don’t know what will come of it but they did it to a friend of mine.

I had to give em a sample every visit, they check about ur proteins n other stuff but even though they never tell ya about it, they still do. Once ur baby is born they too will be tested. I’m in NC so idk about other states

Depends on the state and circumstances

they also test the placenta cus it grows in layers and they can they how much what was used for how long and when

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Put it this way every piss test is a drug test amongst other things and blood work!!


Yes every appt and they test the placenta and cord blood at birth


Only if you tell them you smoke

Literally my feed…


Yes at every appt they even test baby when born


Yes especially the first one. Some don’t after that unless you tested positive at the first one. I’d tested positive at my first appt bc I’d gone to the ER the day before and was given pain medicine. They saw that it was given to me by a doctor and they still randomly drug tested me on one or two pre natal visits.

:bangbang:Damn. I thought this was a nail group​:thinking:


In Australia unless you are on welfare’s radar & there is a court order they’re not allowed to report it without fearing for the safety of the child. Regardless l, This question is fucked up. What drugs are we talking about here? Time to quit, it’s not about you anymore. . And yes, I am Judgemental when it comes to the safety of a child. I have had friends have smoked all through their pregnancy claiming that it stopped them being sick and the kids have come out very small. If someone didn’t want to give up their lifestyle someone shouldn’t have gotten pregnant.

Everytime they take anything from you they check it all. My friend lost her kid because they kept all her test results in her file and called cps when the kid was born. She hasnt seen her kid since.

Yes they test for everything when ask for a pee test

Depends on your dr ive never heard of random weed blood tests if your not a known drug user

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If u have state insurance they sure do

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In California, they test at birth. I was never tested throughout my pregnancy. I have had friends who do hard drugs and they never said or did anything until the baby was born.

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If you been smoking weed before you found out just say that and just stop they do check while their checking for your proteins in your urine… I’m due on Monday and I was honest with my doctor since day one. They did tell me to stop which I did at 5 months because it helped with the nausea… don’t listen to these dummies who apparently never done anything in they life but lay on their backs but have an opinion and want to freakin judge someone :roll_eyes: NOW if your doing something besides smoking Weed than sweetheart you have a problem and need to stop before Dcf if sitting next to you after you deliver that baby and will be on your life for the first 60 days of your baby’s life.just know drugs or no drugs if your baby is going to be born with a genetic disease or a deformity they just are…

3 babies and I’ve never been drug tested x

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If you have to ask that then there is a problem