This question was submitted anonymously by real people looking for real advice. Please be mindful with your responses. No bashing or derogatory comments will be tolerated.
They are such fighters!! My daughter was born at 29 weeks just under 2 lbs and spent 60 days in the NICU and is now almost 3 with no problems. They just need that little extra time to catch up and then they just take off and keep growing. Best of luck to you and your precious baby from a fellow preemie momma
I don’t think any 2 situations are exactly the same. Regards of how premature they are. Prayers that all goes well for your Little One.
My youngest was born at 32 weeks old but he was almost 8 pounds. I hyperemisis graviderim (I am sure I spelled that wrong), the entire pregnancy. He went straight to the NICU because he couldn’t keep his oxygen saturation up. They had to give him some medicine and he was on a CPAP machine for a week, until he could breathe on his own. They thought that because he was such a big baby, that he couldn’t be a preemie, until they got the lung X-rays back. The first 2 years, he was sick a lot but other than that, he was fine. He’s now 15 and and obnoxious teenage boy. Not really. He’s a great kid. He’s super smart. Every child is different. You have to be your baby’s advocate and your advocate. Ask questions. The staff will answer them. Ask the doctors and the nurses.
I had twin girls 2 months early.they had their good days and bad days…they only had to stay in the nicu for a they are 18 and graduating high school.
I know someone from work who had a baby at 23 weeks - baby is fine and at home after spending 3 months or so in hospital.
I know when I had my preemie at almost 28 weeks the survival rate was 75%. Unfortunately she only lived for 16 days bc of an infection in her intestines called NEC. That was a little over 9 years ago.
My son was almost born at 25 weeks but we were able to stop it. It was good odds at 25 so I am sure 29 is much better! My son was born at 33 weeks and he was in the NICU for 18 days but he is healthy as can be!
Each child is so different. My daughter was born at 29 weeks 4 days she was 3.3 pounds. We were in the hospital for 67 days. She is now 10 and other than her vision(which is corrected by glasses) she has no other issues. It did take her awhile to put on weight but once she did she was amazing. It is definitely a roller coaster of emotions. I did a lot of praying and relied on my family for emotional support(mostly my mom because I was a single mom). She is perfect and a normal sassy 10 year old. So much has changed in the 10 years since she was born just talk with the doctors and make sure you keep up with what is going on with their care. If I couldn’t be there I called multiple times a day they were always willing to tell me everything. Praying for you and your little one!
I have 3 grddaughters that were preemies different mothers 1st one was born 26 weeks 1lb 15 oz she is going to be 22 yrs old in July doing great 2nd one was born 27 weeks 2lbs 7 oz she is 15 yrs old doing great too 3rd was a micro preemie born at 20 weeks was stillborn 6 yrs ago…
I dont know th le survival rate but my nephew was born about 29 weeks. He was small 2 lbs. He did well. He is now 6 years old and so smart.
Praying for you and your baby !
My daughter was born at 24 weeks, 1 ib 5 ozs. She turns 14 on the 24th
My older brother was 25-26 weeks he’s currently 23. My little one was 35 weeks but I started dilating and having complications at 25 weeks she was almost transported to a special care facility cause with in her first few days she wasn’t gaining weight properly and had some minor breathing issues , she’s currently 9 months and perfectly healthy. Premie babies have a good survival rate the beginning parts just a little bit harder
Obviously every baby is different, but my daughter was born a 26 weeks. She weighed 2lbs even. She was in the NICU for 76 days and there were MANY ups and downs. She is 11 years old now and you would never know it, she’s thriving and she’s wonderful. Hang in there, and my very best wishes (also feel free to msg me, as nobody understands what it’s like until you’ve gone through it).
My daughter gave natural birth in a car 9 weeks early. My grand daughter is about to turn 2 years old in a couple weeks. She was born weighing little over 3 lbs. Prayers for you and your baby. I agree with other. No situation is ever the same. My grand daughter was in the nicu for about 5 weeks I believe.
I gave birth to my surviving twin at 28 weeks back in 1991. 3lbs 4oz. He is now 30 years old, 6 ft tall and married. Has a degree in business and perfectly healthy. When he was born, they had first started surfactant trials. They’ve come a long way. There will be good and bad days/news in the weeks ahead. I believe the more you let them know you’re there the better. Good luck Momma.
Praying for you and the little one I have four girls 2 were preemie my 2 nd daughter was at 29 weeks. And my third was when I was at 34 weeks.
You can’t really compare. Each baby is different regardless of gestation. I know its hard when your baby is in NICU but try not to think about statistics. Each one has different obstacles to over come. My son was born at 38 weeks and taken to NICU with Diabetes, he went into hypoglycaemia, he didn’t make it, passed away at 2 days, 6 hours and 37 minutes old but there were babies in there who were premies and even micro premies who made it. My daughter and my nephews were all born well earlier than my son was and are perfectly fine. x
My son was 6 weeks early 3.11oz. Hes graduating high school this year. It’s a tough road. Be strong and don’t give up hope.
My daughter was a 26 wheeler and spent 3 months in NICU. She’s currently 15 and doing great. It was a lot of dr appointments and stuff for the first 4 years but most things were resolved. I’d guess your preemie will do just fine. Best of luck.
Very high my 28 weeker did amazing
but also every preemie has their own problems
It all depends on the situation. My first born son was born at 28 weeks, but 18 years ago, and there are better facilities and knowledge as time goes on. Did your baby’s doctors discuss any of this with you? Are there any complications? We lost our son after 3 weeks, after he developed an infection in his intestines. But babies are being born earlier and now surviving and thriving. Each case is different and I wish you and your family the very best
My son was born at 29 weeks and was 3 lbs 7 oz and is 3 years old now. Preemie babies are such fighters. #preemiestrong
I had a baby at 27 weeks she was very sick spent 125 days in the hospital
My 2nd daughter was born at 29 weeks.she 31 today.
I definitely would not be comparing
My grandson was born at 26 weeks, was at NICU his first three months, he’s now 20 and healthy.
Isn’t this something your doctor would have provided you with? Basic info on premature births?
My nephew was born at 23 weeks and will be 14 next month!!
100 % if taken care of properly, and the will to survive
From what I’ve seen online it says 90-95%
My coworker and I where due at the same time. Her baby was born at 26 weeks at 1lb 11in growth restriction and is now a happy 2 year old. I also know another girls baby at 29 weeks and he just turned 7
24 weeks doing awesome.
Ask the nicu doctors all the questions u have love they will give u all of that … currently going thru something similar so I ask the nicu doctors all of that
20 years ago I gave birth to a 26 week preemie. She’s healthy and sassy 20 years later. It was a rough road at first but we made it!
Depends on your baby?
I know a 22 weeker who survived.
I dont know but i just wanted to say im praying for your baby
Be positive momma !
Ask for apgar score. That’s the number they give the baby based on what state they were born. It goes 0-10…basically it’s a scale to determine life expectancy
Not sure of survival rate but my step daughter was born a few days shy of 25 weeks at 1 pound 1 ounce and she is now 9​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: she has a asma issues from time to time and when she gets allergies the drainage causes her to vomit but other then that she’s super healthy, she did have to have eye surgery as an infant but it went super well, she wears glasses but her sight isn’t really bad as her dad wears glasses as well so it could be from either one. Congratulations on the little one momma​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Stay strong, they are absolutely amazing with premies these days. I watched many leave that I thought mightn’t whilst my daughter was in the NIC Unit
I was born at 24 weeks … I’m 42 years old. The doctors gave me a 50/50 chance of living. I proved them wrong. I had heart surgery at a month old too. Praying for your preemie!
If baby is female, better odds of survival. Females fight harder…I’m living proof of that.
Its about 90 percent but it also has to depend on the baby. I had my daughter at 24 weeks which is 60 to 70 percent survival rate but the doctors said she had a 50 percent chance because of everything that was underdeveloped
I was born at 24 weeks and I am now 22 with a healthy 2 year old son the only thing is my vision is very bad but other than that I am perfectly healthy
You should joine nicu moms group on Facebook life saver for my babies nicu stay
Mine are now almost 8 i myself was also a premie and I’m almost 30 they have alot they can do for premie now
Stay strong momma! I had a friend who had a baby at 24 weeks and he’s a perfect, happy toddler now!
I had my boy/girl twins at 24 weeks. They’re 4 next month and going up to big school in September.
Yes my grandson was born at 29 weeks he’s 14 months now and doing very well
My hubby was born at 26 weeks and he’s 31 now xxx
My husband is now 38. He was born at 28 weeks all those years ago. Fingers crossed you get your baby home safe and well soon. Big hugs x
Every baby is different. You need to ask the doctor this question.
In which country? Because that’s going to make a huge difference
Don’t compare your bub with other bubbies cause each one is different and you might upset yourself unneedlessly. Have faith in Drs and nurses who will look after your little one like they were their own.
My daughter was born at 29 weeks and weighed 3.5 pounds. She is 8 going on 16 now. Congratulations on your wee one.
I was born at 28 weeks. I weighed 3 pounds. I am now 76 years old.
One of my coworkers had a daughter two years ago at 25weeks. She was 14oz at birth. She’s a healthy happy little toddler.
I had a son 36 years ago was 27 weeks and 1065 g born and I look at him ev
Our twins were the same- spent a month in NICU- some speech delay but otherwise good boys!
It depends on their weight and country they’re born in. But typically around 92%.
I was a primm 2.lbs 08oz I’m 61 years old
Weight please and country.
I had a son at 26 weeks born 1lb 1oz. Had no issues and now 24yrs of age.
Just take it one day at a time and pray all things will be just wonderful.
My son in law was born at 26 weeks and is 35 now.
What a horrible inappropriate thing to post here.
Ask the doctors not facebook
My son was born at 29 weeks and weighed 3.6 lbs. He’s 3 and a half now and perfectly healthy. He’s the tallest in his class too.
Place her in God’s hands. She will survive.
My son was a 24 wk preemie. I lb 13 oz at birth. He spent 4 mos in NICU, and had 3 surgeries and multiple blood transfusions before he came home. Today, he is a strong and happy 22 y/o, with a heart of gold. He is the light of my life, and I can’t imagine my life without him. We had the love and support of family and friends, but more importantly, we had the Power of Prayer! Our God is an awesome God!
My daughter had her twins at 29 weeks; 2 and 3 lbs. they were in NICU for several months. It was a long hard road but they are the best BIG 2 year olds now. Hang in there. Thoughts, prayers and xoxo. Get a good support system!!
With today’s technology your baby will stand a very good chance of being around for a very long time. Just love the infant and Gods plan will take care of the rest. I have been a nurse for 30 years. 15 as a pediatric nurse. You got this
I have a 22 year old grandson born at 29 weeks. He is in college now and 6’7”. He is healthy and was in gifted classes. It is a hard road but well worth it. Good luck. Dee
Get your family on a prayer chain as well! Prayer works! I was getting test done for an issue I was having. Everything was looking good until Urologist ordered CT of abdomen. They found a 4" tumor in my kidney and 10 days later, if that long, they removed the whole kidney. I prayed and prayed and told God if all these tests come back with no other cancer I would quit smoking! It has just been 2 months of not smoking but I prayed and asked and got the answer I prayed for so held up my end of the deal…no other cancer no more smokies for me! I feel pretty darn good too! So pray for this baby…
Heavenly Father I come to you tonite and ask that you put a hedge of protection around this premie baby, hold her in your loving arms to help everything develop correctly. We know it’s your will but just ask for a Miracle for this family! Give the family the strength and courage to do what they need to do and give the doctors the wisdom to know and a steady hand for any surgeries! I pray this in your Holy Name, Amen and Amen!
My son was born at 27 weeks, 2 pounds 11 ounces. He is now 26 and strong as a ox. The only issues he had were with his eye sight. The eyes turned in to his nose.
I have a granddaughter born at 29 weeks, she weighed a little over 3 pounds–stayed in NICU for 9 weeks–she just turned 19 a few days ago
My daughter had twins at 30 weeks. They were 2 lbs each and In nic unit 45 days. They did great! They are 10 now and have always been healthy since. Congratulations
Do not be afraid to ask questions! There will be good days and not so good days. My son spent 49 days in the NICU almost 35 years ago3lb 11 oz at birth. He is now a father of a beautiful little girl who turns 6 today.
With modern medicine chances of survival are better than 90%. Little one is going to spend some extra time cooking in the incubator. Likely 6-8 weeks before she’s ready to come home. But that depends on a lot of factors.
I survived i was born at 28 weeks back in 1978 my mother told me i fit in the palm of her hand
My husband’s cousin had a 28 weeker! She spent a lot of time in the NICU as to be expected. She’s nearly 3 now and thriving!
This is a discussion between you and the doctor. Every child is different. Prayers for the baby and your family
She had no fingernails , eyelashes and very little hair . But she was beautiful and very active
My Daughter was born at 26weeks at 1lb 13oz. She was on a oscillator for 26 days to help her breath and didn’t get to hold her but on her 100 day of life, at 7lbs 10oz, I got to bring her home. She is healthy and almost 10yo now.
It’s a long road in the NICU but your baby has a good survival rate with modern day technology. Sending prayers and good thoughts your way!
My little guy was 28 weeks at most, but likely much less (he’s adopted). With therapy and a lot of love, he’s done great! He definitely soaks up life for all it’s worth and is such a little joy bomb at 3!
My little man was born at 24 weeks and is currently 35 weeks! It’s been a long hard road but you have to go day by day!
Good. They are so on to of it now. My granddaughter was early, not that early but spent some time in the NICU and couldn’t have had better care. They save babies way earlier than that. It all depends on the lungs but with modern equipment and meds they have amazing luck. Just do what the nurses tell you to do and know they will fight to keep your baby alive and well. Pray for the nurses who are there. They are angels of God in my opinion.
My twin girls were born at 28 weeks one weighing a little over a pound, and the other slightly over 2 lbs. I’ll be honestly that it wasn’t an easy road in the beginning but stay as positive as you can. My girls will be turning 7 years old this Friday.
Trust in God
I had a premier 12 weeks early. 2 # 8 oz. They told me she would not survive. I said yes she will. She is now 47 years old.
My daughter had Triplets at 29 weeks…they weighed 2.2, 2.9 and 2.13 lbs…they are now almost 15 years old and in perfect health!! Rest in God and accept Nothing but the best for your baby because HE is in control and will see your baby and you through!!!
I was born 6 months weighed 2.5 oz in 1969 was given 5% chance of living I guess was 4 months in hospital. Non of my kids were premiees. I am not the smartest I remember a 3rd grade teacher said I would never gradate HS. I graduated years later went onto college not the smartest comprehension etc had wonderful instructors ( I would meet with them and would explain things for me to understand) BS and 2 AAS degrees not even working in my field. Survival rates now are soo GREAT!
I was born at 28 weeks. 32 years later and I’m going strong! This was during a time when premature pregnancies were just starting to get the care they needed! Medical advancements have come SO FAR since my birth. The baby has a good chance! <3
Think positively and say prayers. Your baby is in great hands. I know several NICU nurses that are wonderfully qualified to care for your newborn. HUGS
My twins now 9 were born at 26 weeks and weighed less than 2 pounds. There are challenges but you can do this. The first four years were the toughest concerning their physical health. Lots of asthma and pneumonia, but they finally were old enough that every time they got sick it didn’t go to pneumonia. My twins are of above average height for their age.
My daughter was born at 28 weeks almost 28 years ago and is fine. She was 1 lb. 10 1/2 ounces and 12 inches long.
I had my son at 24 weeks.He weighed 1pound 13 ounces. He is about to be 7 and is perfect. Take it one day at a time.
At 29 weeks they’re itty, bitty & mighty! Preemie care is so high tech & advanced … protect, feed & touch . Hearing your voice & feeling your touch is so important
Our 1st born was a premie, horn 3 mos premature at one pound 14 oz. 14 inc he’s long. He will be 32 in June.
My grandson was 26 weeks 1pd 11oz 12 inch long hes now 23 doing great. Its going to be a long year for you and baby, but with the lords help you can do this.