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"I’ve been home all week with a teething baby who is not sleeping and sassy toddler (babysitter was out sick so I used the last of my PTO to stay home.) Hubby told me before he left for work he would be out of work early so I could get groceries and he would stay home with the kids. He called me while at work and said he would be home at 12:30. Perfect, I’ll get them all set with lunch and nurse the baby so baby is set until I get home…12:45 rolls around and I called my husband to see where he was. He said it would be another 30 minutes before he’s home. He walks in at 1:30 and proceeded to chew me out!!! How dare I call him and have an attitude with him on the phone and ask him to call or text me next time he’s running late. And then screamed at me because he’s broke and now I’m asking for grocery money (he makes double, sometimes triple what I make)… and when I started crying, he told me to suck it up and stop crying whenever I’m upset… I’m just shocked and hurt he did that. And now he’s acting like he didn’t just blow up on me"
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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.
"I know I can be sensitive when I make plans and it goes differently. ESP based off what he tells me and kids involved. Also, try and have the most honest look at the situation with yourself. If he really was being this horrible then he’s an ass and needs to work on things or whatever. If not, try and contain you expectations. Things happen."
"People have bad days and they build up over time and then little things set them off. I know it hurt your feelings but sometimes it’s better to just let go of what happened instead of bringing it up all over again."
"Yea, noo. My husband did that we would have some problems. You two need to have a hard long talk. It’s one thing to have a bad day but disrespectful and downright asshole is not okay"
"Bad day all around?? Both need to take a breath. Give him a big hug and kiss."
"Take the kids and leave for awhile. I wouldn’t deal with this and having to ask for money is financial abuse."
"leave the kids with him and go do you for a couple of hours. some self-care."
"Have a soak in the bath and get some sleep…heightened with hormones after baby…both sleep-deprived…chat to him bout it."
"I think u were high strung and desperate need of a break due to the teething and screaming baby and then snapped at him.
He was an hour late. Apologize and he also needs to chill and apologize. This is not a situation to leave him."
"Adulting and parenting is hard. Give each other a free pass today. Life is short and you are blessed with 2 children."
"If my husband ever told me to suck it up and stop crying that would be the end. I get everyone has bad days, but you have to work as a team and communicate. The fact that he’s being so ignorant to you is uncalled for. Parenting is not easy!"
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