I know my boyfriend is cheating but I am ignoring the signs: Advice?

You are 20! 20! Move on. Be done. Enjoy your college years because he apparently is!


Until you wash blood stains off the sheet which clearly isn’t yours, (mentrual blood), you are 20, young vibrant, discover yourself, your purpose, get involved with vital things, stock up your head with books, take a walk, appreciate nature, visit orphanages, visit homes for elderly once, volunteer in things you have assertion for, never ever ever, belittle your self, heartbreak never last forever, if you are a religions person seek God, HE gives absolute piece of mind, his love is beyond compare, your health matters sister, and lastly ONLY A FOOL RUNS FASTER ON A WRONG ROAD.

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Oh honey, you’re 20. The best years of your life are still to come. Don’t waste anymore time, tears or questions on him, about him or for him. Trust us when we say to kick him to the curb. The right partner will never give you anything to doubt. :purple_heart:


Just leave!!!
Respect yourself enough to at least do that! You deserve it & so much more❤


If you REALLY want to be with him & he admits there’s no trust. Tell him that you both need to sit down and talk. Set ground rules, no storming off bc your/he mad, no lying, honest open truth. Tell him everything you found that you posted above. Ask for an explanation. Once again, without him getting mad so it can all be settled and done.

You started out say your 20 well geez go live and have fun…he’s not ready to settle and you can’t make him…Be 20 he is…go and live a wonderful life…don’t force a guy to marry you he will hate you later…

Why do you need him to admit it? You know he’s lied in the past to you so you know he has no respect for you. You know he’s using the condoms and will say a friend needed a few so why even ask. Just find someone else before you end up with a STD


Move on! LOVE yourself more. Thats a toxic relationship doesn’t sound like you guys are truly in love, just used to being together.

He’s a narcissist. You already have the answer you are looking for. Leave. It won’t get better. You deserve better.

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I stopped reading at “I’m ignoring the signs” lmaooooo cause sis!

You are still so young hold you’re head high and walk away he is not going to be the one you marry trust me walk away I wouldn’t even get into it about it he obviously has others girls there I would walk away and never look back you end up with you deserve so much more I know it’s hard but believe me hunni you deserve and will find so much better than some one like him honestly he’s a prick who doesn’t care only about him self

Walk away. No relationship should be like that.


You take control of your life by walking out the door and not going back. Hold your head high and show yourself dignity. You are young and will meet someone who will treat you with love and respect.

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Get out now. He’s a cheating prick

Sounds like alot of issues. Your in college. Relationships are great and all but just cut him off. Everything seems negative and your already getting a bunch or red flags. Take time for yourself, and drop him. Your young, beautiful, and dont let a man control your life. You can date multiple men in your life or woman whichever you choose, it will take time to find the right person. You are gonna unfortunately meet some jerks along the way.

Run don’t walk
You already know the answer
Sending love and healing :heart:

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First off your young young. At that age girl nothing is this serious. Second yes he’s cheating you know this. Either accept or not. He used 2 condoms and is going to gas light u in to believing your crazy. This is called abuse. Run. The hairs are there because a female with fake hair was fucken him . Believe me I’ve been you and in this situation. Best thing I did was start taking care of ME. If u still want a relationship then stay. But know it’s mentally draining u. Also he said why would I cheat. Lmfao. Because he’s 20 and raging full of testosterone.

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Girl! Go get a new boy that will treat you right. Don’t start putting up with that crap or you’ll live a miserable life. I know it’s hard. But it’s :100: worth it. I’d live on the streets before I put up with that.

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U already know the answers to ur questions. So go with ur gutt and leave him alone. Ur only 20. There are more things in life than to be with a lying loser. Go have fun, get urself together.


Cheat on him , then break up.


You allow how you continue to be treated. Leave that POS

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Walk out and never look back you deserve better, sex is just sex it might be fantastic but is in worth your mental health and your full commitment and not his

It COULD NOT be more clear.


Walk the hell away. Don’t look back, just go!

If it’s easier for him to lie than to tell the truth, throw the whole thing away…

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Regardless of if he’s cheating or not, you don’t trust him, and he doesn’t reapect you. No man that respects you will dump you during a fight just to make up two hours later. Cut your losses, break up with him, and move on.


He obviously is giving reasons to be questioned & if he doesn’t know how to make you feel secure then time to move on.

RUN! all the signs are there.

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He will probably say a friend borrowed the 2 that are missing.

Just break up and go your separate ways. You’ll be a lot happier in the end.


Run. Far away. It will only get worse. Get you a man that doesn’t make you want to count the condoms in his drawers.


Po lil tink tink.
He’s a narcissist and you’re getting played - playing yourself.
Drop him. No need to bring up the condoms, just dip.
:running_woman:t5: :running_woman:t5: :running_woman:t5: :wind_face:

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Your 20, you see the signs now get the hell out of it before the lies and sneaky gets worse… No kids not married leave! Like you said. You know and ignoring the signs.


Trust your gut and drop him. It’s very obvious he is. Be blunt and tell him you know and if he isn’t man enough to admit that then fine but you aren’t stupid and you are leaving. Don’t waste your time or spare his feelings he does not care about yours so don’t care about his. Don’t let him walk all over you.

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You have no kids run as fast as you can!

He’s only 20 and has cheated with all of his previous girlfriends? At this point in his life he wants to change? He’s only 20 lmao not 40. So many red flags; run.


He said, “I just accuse him of things so that I can go off and have fun with other guys.” I would be willing to bet this is exactly what he does to you, then makes it all your fault. Denies he accused you of anything, convinces you that YOU brought it up, etc… He’s a seasoned gas lighter. Don’t just walk away, girl… RUN!!! Even if he weren’t cheating, your gut is telling you he’s not the one. Trust it.


Don’t keep doing this to yourself. You are worth so much more than what he is offering. It will only get worse and it will drive you crazy and it’s just not worth it.

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Sometimes things end.

That’s what guys do when they get cought. They turn it around to make it your fault that you noticed the signs. But like everyone else is saying. U don’t trust him. He has admitted to cheating in the past. Either confront him and trust him or run. You don’t want to live the rest of your life like this. It is enough to drive any woman crazy. You are young. Find some one you feel comfortable around and that will cherish you like all women deserve.

Girls are a lot more mature than guys. You are ready for a committed relationship and he is feeling pinned down. He wants to run with the crowd and have fun. At his age that is normal. He has admitted he has lied to other girls and now he is doing it to you. You can ask him about the condoms and will tell you he gave them to someone. Will that be the truth? I think you should cut him loose until he grows up, if not he will either drive you crazy with lies or break your heart.

Just leave! You don’t use condoms, so don’t talk to him about it, just leave before you get pregnant and have to put up with him for the next 22 years!

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And don’t let him talk to you about it! All he’s going to do is some sort of “Well wahh sob story feel bad for me help fix me” and then you magically feel bad and stay with him. Forget it just go.

You are so young. Believe me when I say you need to date around and have fun and date lots of guys.
You have kiss some frogs before you find your prince. Kick him to the curb and GO HAVE FUN! You’ll never get these years back. #yolo

Simple. Block him on every social media and his number and forget him🤷 youre 20 years old. Hes literally holding you back- its right infront of your eyes babe, dont waste your time anymore. Block him and ignore him👌


You’re still young! run away now before it get worse…obviously he’s cheating!


It very obvious he’s cheating. Why are you putting up with it?

RUN! Leave his sorry ass. I was in a very similar situation and was engaged to the guy. I was way to trusting of him, even with having bad feelings like he’d been cheating and confronting him about it multiple times- I believed he didn’t mainly cause I didn’t want to fight or have drama and he had a way with words…he was good friends with his ex still - as was I. Little did I know they were still sleeping together every single time she’d come to town he’d go pick her up and have sex with her in “Our” bed, when I was working or with family/friends. I only found out cause she told me and didn’t want to lie to me anymore. He 100 denied it at first then confessed that he did and said he didn’t tell me cause he didn’t want to me to get upset or leave him… the fuck kind of sorry excuse is that?

Soo incredibly happy I left him! I’m now in love with an amazing man and have a child together and engaged. :heart:

Life will be so much better for you, if you leave his sorry ass. He doesn’t respect you. You are still so young and deserve so much better. :heart:


Leave him! He isn’t worth the drama and anxiety

The fact he kicks off screams guilty… you deserve so much better… kick his sorry ass to the curb! :heart:

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How old are y’all? Take no offense. I’m 31. I’ve been there. Just trying to get an entire perspective.

If he’s having sex with other people and cheating, which he most likely is, then you need to get tested asap because you don’t use protection with him. I have a horror story of someone I know contracting a life changing and life ruining STD from someone that they were in a committed relationship with, but their partner was consistently cheating, my relative didn’t know that. Get tested. If you’re scared to talk to him about something that’s hurting you, and you’re scared, it’s clear that you have been emotionally manipulated and gaslighted, which is abuse. Leave, and don’t look back.

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Leave enjoy life you are so young and deserve so much more.

I don’t want to accuse someone of being a little mentally unstable but umm… he sounds like he has anger issues maybe. Manipulative … maybe even throwing some narcissistic behavioral vibes my way. Now I’m not trying to be mean and there’s no way to really tell from this small story you’ve shared with us but please be careful. He sounds like he knows he can get you back and repeat the same hurtful actions over and over because it very well does sound like he is being unfaithful. Especially the part where he admits he has been unfaithful in previous relationships. If you break up again… which I’m sure you will (sorry for the brutal honesty) don’t go back. The issues will be more severe the more times you come running back. Bless your heart.

You’re not sure, he’s defensive and the hair under the pillow is the clue. Take a break from him.

Know your worth.
You deserve better.
To be treated better.
To be respected.
To be loved.
The sex might be great, but is it worth herpes?
Or worse, falling pregnant to him & being tied to a man who doesn’t care enough or respect you for the rest of your life?
Know your worth.
You deserve better.


Start using those condoms :tipping_hand_woman:t4:

You know you have to leave, I’d actually feel sick I wouldn’t be able to stay in the same bed as him, youre 20, start respecting yourself more if you allow that to slide its just gonna happen again and again, get away from him and break the cycle don’t believe a word he says sounds like a manipulative defensive little slime

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Ok here’s what you do. All those questions you asked at the end there? Do none of that. None of those conversations need to be had. The only thing you need to tell him is that this relationship isn’t working for you (it isn’t) and you’re not happy (you’re not) and it’s time for you both to move on (he already has). You’re too young to waste time with this nonsense. He could be immature, but given his track record for cheating, gaslighting is more likely. This sets a dangerous trend for you and your dating future. Break out of it now, and save yourself some future mistakes. Good luck.


Why do you need so much a confession??? Clearly you are having problems and doubts. If he makes you feel this way, HE is lacking :100::100::100: just walk away before u end up pregnant


If you have to ask us you already know what to do. Your 20 you have a whole lifetime ahead of you. Be free. Find your self. Date your brains out. Don’t tie yourself to one. Enjoy your 20’s. Hope you find the courage and strength to walk away. Remember you are worth so much more. :heart:


Why are you asking? You know he’s cheating, you choose to ignore it. What do you want to hear? Leave him? Ignore it? Talk to him? You are gonna do what you want to do, just as you have been. I’m not being mean…just being real. Good luck with whatever you decide.


Run. Live your life. Don’t settle for what you clearly know is happening and will inevitably continue because you allow it. Experience talking from two failed marriages. You already know. Now go.

You deserve a man that will respect you and be loyal to you. You have to want that fir yourself. This won’t stop and honestly will just get worse. Be honest with yourself about when enough is enough and when you’ve had enough then leave. And until you are ready to leave please protect yourself as its pretty obvious he is out there "dating/sleeping with " others. I wish you luck and I pray you don’t allow him to hurt you anymore :heart:

At 20, you should not be worrying about a boy who hasn’t reached maturity, and I don’t mean that in a bad way. When you have to go through his things, look and find strands of hair, and have no trust, it’s time to go. You are young and you have your entire life ahead of you. You already what he’s doing so you need to be using protection as well. Walk away and live YOUR life


20??? If you don’t break up with this boy and go enjoy life !!! I don’t understand why in the world do you need somebody to admit that they are cheating on you.


Pff I’d move on and not bother telling him. Ignore him and move on. He is clearly cheating . You’re young and have your whole life to deal with this nibbly bibbly bs. I’d be cold , calouse and aloof to him.

I stopped at lied about being out of town. He gave you more than a red flag and YOU are choosing to ignore it. He’s made it clear you are not worth respecting, yet you stay? This is on you.


I’m sorry, but you clearly are ignoring clear signs and that’s dangerous. This could cost you your health if you don’t start caring now. Leave him and that’s it. You counted and you found hairs. He told you he’s cheated on everyone else before you, so you’re no different and cheaters never change. Move on and that’s the only advice I have.

Your health. Your dignity. The chance to have kids. All of those things are lost if you end up staying. STDs exist and they could cost you everything.


Leave your 20. There are plenty of fish in the sea. Good sex and chemistry are easy to come by in your 20’s. 20’s should be for exploration & if you stumble upon the one in your 20’s great if not don’t stick around for the ones that aren’t respecting an agreed commitment. Good luck hun :heart:

Stop worrying about him. You cannot do anything to change him. You need to think of yourself,if you’re constantly worried about what he’s doing, you’re not happy.

Go with your gut, it’s usually right. When I was around your age, I dated a guy for close to four years. Everything was great until it wasn’t. I had a feeling in my gut that he was cheating and, like you, I didn’t want to believe it. I stayed longer than I should have until I finally caught him. It ruined me for a long time. Do yourself a favor and run, don’t walk. You’ll thank yourself later.


Girl he’s cheating me personally I’m an honest person when it comes to everything I would just straight say hey I looked in your drawer there’s condoms missing explain yourself and if he tries to lie to my face even though I see the evidence or tries to manipulate me I would walk out

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Don’t even argue with him about it. Tell him you know he used the condoms and that you know he’s cheating. Break up with him, block him and move on to someone better.

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I am sorry have self respect he is gaslighting you. You need to call it off and do not let him crawl back. He thinks your stupid and he is manipulating you. You know you can not trust him he has proven that to you. Your afraid of being single which is why you have not kicked him to the curb. Think about it this way he is sleeping with at least one other person if not more in the same bed he has slept with you in. You say there are missing condom, you have said you two do not use condom which at some level says he dose not like them which means yes he may have used them with other or he may not have but was definitely with other people. Since he has proven you can not trust him and you know he has slept with other people you need to get checked for sexually transmitted disease because you are not at risk. Kick him to the curb get your self checked out and say Thank God I did not get pregnant by a man I can not trust to be a good boyfriend let a lone a good husband or father. Move on you will be happier find someone you can trust.

My partner did all these things and it was a harmless mistake for me to accuse him cheating turned out that he was using them as he had high sex drive i was totally embarrassed by asking him

You already know he’s cheating on you, you already know you’re ignoring it… If you’re not going to leave him then for goodness sake start using condoms with him! He may have used 2 of the ones he had but there’s no telling how many other girls he’s sleeping with and if he’s using a condom with all of them… Protect yourself before you end up with an STD, some are pretty simple and can be taken care of with an antibiotic and some like HPV can cause cancer. Even the simple ones can turn severe if not treated quickly enough, and you could end up with complications that could affect your health and fertility.


Stop ignoring them, decide if you want to leave or deal with it until he leaves you. Personally I think you need to leave before there’s a baby or marriage.

You teaching him how to treat you. No consequences so he will keep on cheating. You deserve better. You are the Prize, believe that. He do not deserve you.

Breakup. You are 20 years old and you should be enjoying you life! Safe yourself a lifetime of pain!!!

I’m sorry if y’all are having issues of being honest and open with each other, then this relationship is doomed. You know what you should do. You already know he’s not being faithful, so why subject yourself to the torture by staying. Life is too short. Find your happy and some who will be faithful and honest with you.

You have proof he is lying to you, and that’s proof that he doesn’t respect you. You deserve better. I know its hard to let go sometimes and leaving a toxic situation is often easier said than done. But the sooner you do the sooner you could be thriving, and happy.

Been married 43 years, if you question your relationship on trust issues. Hate to say it but it’s time to move on. No trust, No relationship.

Leave and don’t look back. While ever you are with him you will not find your life partner. Years can be wasted on cheaters and leopards don’t change their spots.

Also if you believe he’s cheating so much go get tested since you have no clue if he’s having safe sex with anyone

Girl, don’t even bother. Walk the f away. He’ll make you feel crazy and convince you because you want to be convinced but you already know.

If he gets angry, that’s a huge sign of being guilty. Trust your gut, it’s usually right!

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Been there. Leave while it your choice. You won’t feel as hurt. Trust me.

Your only 20 go on with your live…his not the only one on earth…

Some great advice from almost every angle. Love it!

Don’t let him waste your 20s especially if you don’t have any kids yet, go live until you find someone on your level

You are 20. You need to enjoy life. It’s only going to get worse. Why would you choose to ignore all these red flags? Get out ASAP.

Why oh WHY would you put up with this?? Are you not worthy of being treated like a queen?

You are 20. He is lying, gaslighting, and deflecting. There is so much better out there, why bother?

Why.ask what should u do…when.he giving u all the signs.of cheater…best to walk.away

Girl dump him before he gives you an STD. There are PLENTY of fish in the sea

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Past time to move on with your life!

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My number one rule is if there isn’t trust there isn’t a relationship.

Go enjoy life and be happy before you end up pregnant and alone!

Why be with someone you don’t trust

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As soon as you had to play detective you should of just walked away, your young and hot don’t waste these years on a scrub

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