I know my boyfriend is cheating but I am ignoring the signs: Advice?

He’s getting defensive because he’s cheating. Know your worth and don’t waste your time.

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When I was twenty I had a boyfriend just like that. I decided we were in an open relationship and openly dated whoever I liked. He would get upset but at least I was being honest. My petty years lol just leave him. No good is going to come out of that kind of relationship.

There’s no question, LEAVE. Don’t think well… NO HES FUC*ING other women. It’s time to go and find someone that won’t cheat on you and lie to you.

sounds like 2 people who need to grow up. You know in your gut he is cheating, why stay? Have more pride in yourself.


Look in the mirror. Doesn’t this person deserve much, much better? You already know, you’re just afraid of the heartbreak. It’s gonna suck, but it’s going to worth it. Move on, love yourself, let yourself heal and when the time is right, you will find someone who’s gonna love you without this messiness.

I wouldn’t need a conversation with him. I would just be done. Damned if I’m going to sit and worry if a man is cheating or not. If there is No trust, There are better things to do!

If your right, you better use those condoms, if your sticking around.

You don’t bring it up. You don’t say anything other than, “this isn’t working, I’m done.” You are better than his lies and manipulation.


Oh, this sounds very familiar to me. Honey, go. He doesn’t deserve an explanation, he already knows what he has done. Block his phone number, block him on social media, do not let him manipulate you. Be strong. It is hard, but you don’t deserve this. He is gaslighting you. You won’t change him. Just do what is best for you.


Idc how much you love someone, you need to love yourself more! You already know its happening so him admitting it is null and void. Love and respect yourself enough to know you deserve better and just leave him alone!!


Real men can sit and talk through any insecurities you might have. Defensive people often have something to hide… if I had seen evidence that quite frankly looks bad 1: I wouldn’t be made out to be crazy cause there is LITERAL hair in your bed and 2: my hubby would sit and talk me through any issues I was having, regardless of trust… of course there’d be no trust there when he’s already lied… HE did that, he broke trust first! this is manipulation at its finest darling! Go get yourself a man who has communication skills👍🏽 fuck this silly boys😂 you got this girl!

Pick your stuff up, walk out that door, block him and live your life. He will know why and will have to live his life knowing what he lost, maybe that will make him realise that he can’t treat people like shit and keep getting away with it.
My ex used to cheat on me left right and center and I used to ignore it because he made me believe noone else would want me. DONT PUT UP WITH THAT SHIT!
Youre too young to be in a dead relationship. Hold your head up high and own your life.
Good luck hun x

You’re 20 years old. You have YEARS to find someone better than this. Leave. He gets defensive and throws it back on you to manipulate you and get the attention off of himself. Even if he’s not cheating, he’s still manipulative, which is a sign that later on, it will get worse. Just leave him and block his number girl.


Also the people commenting and being nasty… you are not in the situation so telling this girl ‘to grow up’ etc isn’t really a better way… belittling people over there experiences are no better than what this man is doing :hugs: we’ve all made silly mistakes for love :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Girl, what do you want? A billboard to tell you he’s cheating? Love yourself and be proud of who you are! Find a man who will cherish you! Take a walk and don’t look back.

Sounds like narcissit man.
Trying to convince that you are the bad guy and turnings things up on you for calling him out.
I would leave before its too late and it takes your sanity of mind and alot more.

Whatever is going on with him it is plain as day that for whatever reason you do not trust him. If he had nothing to hide why get defensive? If he loves you and is doing no wrong he would happily gibe you the genuine reason these things have happened. Also he is gaslighting you saying you do things so you can go and see guys, pack yer stuff and run a mile

Ask yourself what about YOU makes you accept this type of behavior. Nit victim blaming but for me when I was in that situation I loved the guy more than I loved myself. It wasn’t u til I dripped by that dorm room and he answered rhe door in his drawers and I saw the female on the bed that I woke up. Don’t be me. You all ready know. At the very least you are not haooy on this thing let it go.

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Why are you trying to make this work? If I dealt with one of those things it would be over, let alone all of them. Think of it this way, every minute you are with the wrong guy is another minute you are missing with the right one. Run!!!


Your too young to be putting up with this. Next

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Please have more respect and love for yourself. Why do you think you deserve this?

There were tons of signs my ex was cheating on me as well, every time I brought it up he would say only those that accuse are the ones with something to hide, then he’d accuse me because I accused him, then he would manipulate me saying I don’t trust him, and I don’t care about him, GIRL… RUN, it starts off small and then the manipulation changes. You are 20 there are tons of guys that would kill for you be their girl, that would turn your 10/10 to 20/10, don’t settle because you are comfortable with him and scared of change


You don’t explain nothing. Just walk away with your head held high. Id literally just collect your stuff & walk, block his number etc

What makes you stay? Why are you refusing to leave but acknowledging he’s cheating? What you allow to continue will continue. Go find the 20/10 sex and report back to us. :heart:


He use to cheat all the time ya he is still cheating all the time. He is fucking someone in the bed you and him share its nasty asf. You need to realize he is cheating and move on. I guess the only thing good about it is that when he is cheating on you he is using condoms.

You know why you want to talk to him, you know why all women want to talk to their cheating partner, you hope he’ll give you a good enough excuse that makes you stay. You know he is cheating, & every cheater knows they can create enough doubt, to have you clinging on. The questions, the… that’s all for you. Cause what is he going to say… you want him to stop cheating, & be faithful to you, but he is already cheating, so there is your answer. Walk away stop giving these people an opportunity to make you stay. After you stay through… they do not respect you more, they know you will put up with the lies, so they lie more, they know you will put up with the cheating, cause you have. How you avoid being manipulated by a liar & a cheat… you leave them alone to do those things. You don’t, you will look back & regret not leaving now.

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If he is going to manipulate you, I would not give him any reason. Just tell him you’re done and that it’s over.

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Get out now! He is a narcissistic boy with explosive defensive behavior which can get ugly and out of control in a split second!

You already know according to your own words. Now what you need to focus on is loving yourself enough to not tolerate the bull shit. Clearly the relationship is toxic and it will not get better. It’s best to end it now.

Your not crazy, he’s not sorry, he’s gets annoyed and freaks out beacaue truth hurts, and that you are smart and cought him out… Girl pick up your pride and walk away from this toxicity :ok_hand:t2::kissing_heart:

Just leave. Please. You’re 20. Don’t waste anymore time of him.


He sounds like a major narcissist. Don’t let him manipulate you and just get out. You’re young and have your whole life ahead of you. Don’t waste it on some scumbag

You deserve so much better girl. Don’t settle for this trash. Stop selling yourself short and move on.


A sex life is NOTHING to stay for. Imagine you get pregnant and deal with that fuck boy behavior the next 18 years of your life. That would scare me enough. Boy bye! Aint no dick worth all that lol RUN while you have time!


Sorry that you’re going thru this. It’s not easy and being alone isn’t easy. But once you realize your worth it will be much easier.

Yeah he’s got that hold on you. It’s hard to let go when you love someone that deeply. It’s like even if you find out they are for sure cheating you will probably still look past it. I’ve done it.

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Leave. Love yourself more


Walk away. There is nothing for you to do. He has done it all. Walk away. No, RUN

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You have all the proof you need. You dont need his admission. Believe in yourself and bounce


First if your feeling that you need to walk away. You know what’s going on, even if its hard to admit it to yourself. As for no condoms, if you have EVER suspected him of cheating you need to start using them! You don’t wanna get anything he may have picked up from his fling of the week. Good luck!


you have already answered all your own questions PLEASE dont wait till there is a life involved in this situation PLEASE USE this as a learning expierence for yourself you seem like a intelligent young lady close this chapter and get on with enjoying your life

Why bring it up yo discuss it with him? He’s just going to lie you. Cuz girl there’s dozens of red flags flapping in your face but you keep letting it go when he gets defensive. Just break up with him and tell him that you’re not a fool and that you deserve better than to be cheated on and lied to. He’s a serial cheater and won’t stop so drop that mf. End of story🤷

You’re 20 years old searching for hairs in your boyfriends room… Whether he’s cheating or not you don’t trust him because of past issues. It’s better to move on now & save yourself the stress of worrying all the time.


Leave. You’re 20. You’re young. Have fun, enjoy school, enjoy the freedom and not be tied to someone who isn’t cherishing you for you. Don’t put up with it. :woman_shrugging:t3:

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I didn’t read beyond ignoring clear signs of cheating.

Yhuuuuuuu girl. You are only 20.
Sooooooooo young, what do u do?
Are u still in school? If yes are u excelling?
Are you working?
What is your 5 year plan?
What have you been procrastinating that you need to do?
You sound like a married woman who is tired of being in a mirrage but is still married bcz the kids want daddy

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Don’t bring it up. You’re not crazy. He’s not worth it. Pack your stuff (ALL OF IT). Walk out the door and never walk back in. Block his number and all of his social media. This isn’t behavior he wants to change.


Whether he is cheating or not doesn’t matter at this point. You don’t trust him - that’s a deal breaker in my book. If there is an any suspicion at all its time to get out because you will never be satisfied with the answer.


Walk away honey you are young and full of life

Been there found condom in bin etc stayed had kids with this dude cheated on while preg and disappeared for months from birth . please just leave stop breaking your own heart you are NOT paranoid your gut knows


I don’t know what you expect people to say…

This is a pretty easy one. No sex before marriage. You cannot expect your relationship to be blessed if you are in a state of sin. I am speaking as a former expert level sinner only saved by the grace of Christ. Your body is a temple and you are not to give it away to someone not your husband.

Prayers you come to Christ and vacate the relationship quickly. He heals and forgives! Blessings.


Short answer- you don’t. No reason to address it- you’re already aware he’ll deny it, gaslight you, and go on to do it again. You don’t need us to tell you what you already know but here it is- you’re way better then that. Walk away from the garbage dump of a human being and be glad you have your own place to get to. Good luck❤️


Baby girl… you are 20 years old!! Hold your head up high, and close that door.


Bruh just leave once trust is gone the whole relationship is gone


Girl , your 20 years old. Focus on getting your degree and self together for a great future. He’s enjoying his days while your there waiting on him. Move on do you and better will come along.


Move on. He’s not worth it.


At this point I am not sure if you will ever have trust don’t waste time… you are young!!

Girl leave I was in my last relationship and I ignore red flags and my gut feeling so many times and it ended bad. Get out while u can! Get away from the loser!!!

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You don’t trust him you see the flags you’re young…Bounce Block Delete.Hard move I get it The day the thought of what he does to you makes you Litterally want to hurl you will leave 100% with no regrets. Strength your way💗

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What all the people above me said

Just leave ain’t no dude worth this much stress your only 20. Do yourself a favor


You can have 10/10 sex with someone who values you. Dump. Him.


You are worth more keep telling your self as you walk away

Just leave he will think of a 100 different things to say and he can say he gave the condoms to a friend anything it’s not worth your precious time


He won’t admit it. Cheaters deny deny deny. You could see him kissing another girl and he would say your delusional. Once a cheater always a cheater. Just leave it not worth it.


This whole thing gave me a headache… Get out now… You are a beautiful 20 year old girl who has her whole life ahead of her… Fuck him off and concentrate on you and the right one will find you xxx

if it bothers you that much to put on Facebook And u know
He’s cheating. Advise find someone
who adores you.
If he loved you he wouldn’t cheat. PERIOD

I knew an ex of mine was cheating yet I paid all of our bills, raised his children and quit college because of this man.
I remember my mom saying to me after yet another spat, how many more years are you going to waste? How much more of yourself are you going to give to someone you know isn’t worth marrying?

I left him 6 weeks later.

Girl, you’re 20. Dont stay for good D. Trust me, when you’re in LOVE and he loves you back, you’ll find it gets SO MUCH better.


He’s a narcissist…move on!!


Leave know your worth, and never be someone’s option!! If this is happening now just imagine down the road it’s only going to get worse. Leave and find someone that values you and makes you a priority! You are young and there are many other guys out there than this one!

Cut your loss and find your self esteem and self love by spending time and effort on you. This guy is a boy not a man.

Walk away and don’t look back. Once a cheater always a cheater.

If he gets defensive instead of respectfully addressing your concern, then yes…he’s hiding something! Trust your gut! Too many red flags! Get out! It’ll only get worse!

Just leave him. No dick is worth trouble or stress. Cut him off and find another dude.
I don’t let dudes stress me out or make me paranoid about anything. I leave real quick and real easily. Trust me, it makes life better.

Girl leave and do the look back. Don’t invest anymore time or energy into this relationship. If he’s cheating and telling lies and laying next to you like nothing ever happened. HE’S GOING TO KEEP DOING IT. Get out your 20 someone else will pipe you down 10/10 don’t stay cause the sex is good. If he’s out here sleeping around like he is then he could give you an std or anything. Not worth it! Find someone who values you and adores you. Fuck him, he sounds like a chump!

You’re not crazy only if you stay with him kick his ass to the curb good luck stay safe stay healthy one more thing stay away from him

Yor girl… Just leave. :ok_woman:t5::ok_woman:t5::tipping_hand_woman:t5::tipping_hand_woman:t5::tipping_hand_woman:t5::tipping_hand_woman:t5:

You already know…you cannot go on like this, or maybe you can but you cant question him or he’ll admit it by getting mad and walking out and breaking up and well, that’s admitting hes been caught…stop lying to yourself girl.

Girl you worth more than that,yes both of you are young move on leave him with his cheating ways it will catch up with him know your worth!!

You’re missing the signs girls. Overlooking to the max. Get. Out. Now. He will continue and you will continue feeling like your not the only one. Cause your not. He’s def got a side chick.

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He doesnt wear condoms with you,be smart and dont get an std.

You don’t need the closure you’re looking for. What you have is evidence enough, leave while you can.

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From experience, cheaters usually NEVER admit to cheating. Even way after the fact. I’ve only had one cheating ex that actually admitted to cheating on me, and it wasn’t until we were married nearly 1 year(he cheated on me during the entire relationship/engagement prior to marriage, apparently). The signs are all there. You are not crazy. You know what you’ve seen, and you’re not wrong. Trust your gut, girl! You’re super young and this is your time to enjoy life. Don’t waste it on this guy. There are so many others out there. Good luck!

LEAVE BEFORE YOU END UP PREGANT AND TIED TO THIS NARCISSIST FOREVER. seriously girl, you deserve so so much better and you WILL find it. But this guy. Is NOT it.

I went through this at your age too and you seriously just have to bite the bullet and end it. It was the best thing I ever did. I was staying because of the way things used to be and wanted and craved that so badly but in the end I just had to face it that things weren’t going to get better they were going to get worse. After leaving I felt so strong hurt but strong. Plus staying is only letting him feel like it’s ok and he is “getting away with it” you gotta leave and find your independence your only 20 you got so much time to learn, grow and love again! spend some time focussing on you and enjoy that. :heart:

Girl get out of there. My kids dad was the same way and i found out when i was 6 months pregnant and wed been together iver 2 years that he cheated on me with 2 different girls, and i now have proof that he cheated on me pretty much the whole relationship. Just get put now before he hurts you more than you even realize he can.

Always trust your instincts they are rarely wrong. I would leave if I were you before you waste any more time on a guy that will lie about something so simple. You’re young and you don’t want to look back on this portion of your life with regrets about wasted time.

Just leave u already know he is cheating

You’re 20! In college. Leave him🤷
You’re young and have a full life ahead of you! Sure it’ll suck and hurt but trust me you’ll get over it!
Move on to bigger and better things!

Tell him you were going to borrow a pair of his boxers to wear as shorts or a shirt or something. Theres no need for him to have condoms unless he’s using them. Hair doesn’t just magically appear.

Get out and please don’t look back it doesn’t get better trust me if anything he thinks he got away with it because he was obvious which makes u get worse the 2nd guessing urself doubting ur worth as a woman and the fire in u dies the more u put up with this shit be strong and walk out stop taking him back I know its easier said than done ur happiness depends on u treating and loving urself more than him. I stayed with mine we now have 4 children together that he didn’t want I loved him back then and I still love him now he was honest enough to come clean about the cheating and lying to me eventually multiple times and multiple woman it broke me every confession my heart hurts sometimes I would wish the emotional pain would have just ended it all death isn’t what I wanted and living for my children has helped heal me. If ur strong enough to move on please do it and if u decide to stay one thing for sure is u will never forget good luck with what u decide I wish u all the best x

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Girl, don’t waste your youth on this nonsense. Date casually and get through school.


Run and never look back. There is a ton of immaculate sex out there. Don’t worry about that!
Pair that with someone who doesn’t question your self worth :heart:
You deserve the whole package so don’t settle until you get it.

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Please don’t stay with a cheater.:disappointed_relieved:

At this point it doesn’t matter the relationship is over

Sling it to the kerb!!! X

You are young and haven’t even began to really experience life. Do yourself a favor and don’t settle for him just because you are with him now. Believe me because chances are you will be a divorced single mom in your 30s.


Even asking this question… you already know what you need to go. Get out of there as fast as you can before you really get trapped. Be freeeeee :slightly_smiling_face:

You are in major denial. How do you approach this subject? You tell him you’re done. He’s cheating now. It’s not going to change. There will always be someone else. This is not fixable. If by some crazy reason you decide to stay, start using condoms with him. Even if he is using condoms with the other partners, some stds can be picked up other ways. Your post sounds like you want someone to agree that fixing this is the right thing to do. It’s not. Put your big girl panties on and be done.

Sis you are better than this. Cut it off. You are only hurting yourself by staying with a boy you believe loves you. Break it off and block his number, enjoy your college years. As for condoms, the second you had suspicion you should have been using them too. You don’t know who he’s messing with and what he could transmit to you.