This isn’t the life you want trust me get out while you can bc it doesn’t get any better. Get out while you can. 100% and Never go back
Best advice I’ve ever heard: stop giving your boyfriend the benefits of having a wife if he hasn’t made you his wife.
It will never change. He is looking for a mom, not a wife. Run
Don’t settle! I have done this my whole life, I’ve found “men” and made excuses for them, things literally only go down hill. I have finally found a person that literally goes through his day making sure I’m okay even on his rough days, he’s patient and he’s literally everything I’ve ever wanted in a man, also what I didn’t know I needed. Please just leave. He’s selfish and that is what my ex husband was and it drained me so bad.
Run. Don’t walk. Don’t look back. Find the one that loves you more than himself. Don’t settle. You don’t need him. He isn’t doing anything for you so why keep him. If you’re doing it all anyway, do it for yourself, by yourself. Wait for one that is worthy.
What exactly do you love about him? Because you don’t love the way he treats you? You don’t love the fact that he’s not there for you emotionally? He does absolutely nothing to show you that he loves you, it doesn’t take money to show someone they love you, cooking and cleaning dinner would be an awesome birthday present and that doesn’t cost a cent. Can you imagine if you get pregnant? Who’s gonna spoil you while you’re pregnant? He’s not going to, who’s gonna get up in the middle of the night and help you with the baby? When you’ve only had two hours of sleep for the last two weeks? I know that hasn’t happened yet but in a blink of an eye that all can happen… and then you’re gonna be super stuck… stop thinking about him and start thinking about you and the relationship you deserve. Just because you love somebody doesn’t mean we’re meant to be with them. 
Run for your life. It will get worst
Yeahhhhh I had that and “tried” to keep it going for 7…8 years and then decided to choose to put that effort into myself. Life has been a lot better since I left!
Classic narcissist. He will never change. Leave him.
You are asking for the minimum. He’s being a child, not a man.
Why do you love him?
Pick someone who meets your standards next time
I just broke up with someone like this…he was always the victim and he always did for himself never anyone else…he hated cuddles and when I was depressed and asked him for a hug…he said he’s not an affectionate person…he never held my hand or held me…he slept on the couch for 2 months cus I would scoot closer to him at night and he didn’t like that…he never did dishes or helped…I felt like I was single in a relationship
If you want him. Draw a line. Put your foot down. He will realize and step up if he’s a man and loves you. Does he know how to cook? It’s not hard to do dishes or help out. If he doesn’t know how to cook give him easy recipes and tell him to try. Or show him. How much do you both work outside of the house? You guys need to talk and figure it out a balance. It’s not fair just because someone works outside of the house to just come home and stare at a screen. If he doesn’t show change and consistency, get rid of him. I know the feeling.
As someone who has been in that exact relationship for 9 years…it does not ever change. He may even talk like it will occasionally but it goes back in no time. Decide if you are ok with this lifestyle forever and if you’re interested in having children, would you be ok with them becoming that way. He would be the male model. These are hard decisions when it comes to someone you love so much. I’m sorry.
Leave he will never change. Only get worse
He is a man. Last night I found out my fiancé feels women are beneath men…. He flat out said it. Said most men feel that way. He tried to cover it up and say not at home. Not out of the work place. Not in the real world. Blah blah blah. So there it is. A woman’s place is to be seen and not heard. Get use to it. Or do as I am doing. Be independent. And without a guy to slow me down.
There’s a man out there that can and will do for u. He ain’t it
Please don’t have a kid with this man.
What you accept becomes your future.
If u know in your heart of hearts that u deserve more?? Please leave that relationship knowing that there’s a guy out there looking just 4 you that’ll treat you like a princess💜
I believe you already know what you should do. You are apparently very unhappy, probably afraid to start over. You have to get to the point where you realize your worth and until you do, then you will continue to be unhappy and staying where you are. Good luck in finding happiness. You to matter!
Elise Catimbang Grimes
This is why I am single
Move on he’ll never change. You will only become more depressed. For once be selfish and put you first.
You cant pour from an empty cup lady. “We can grow or you go” hes not growing with you and youre not being nourished. Time to make some big changes for sure
You’re allowing it. Break it off
Just leave. You didn’t set up expectations or set boundaries and just expected him to do “his part”. If you’re not about that “take care of him like he’s a teenager and you’re his momma” life then run. He has narcissistic tendencies already and while he could still change, it sounds like he’s already set up camp in his ways.
Send that little boy back to his mama’s house,its only going to get worse
He won’t change, run! Better to be single, seriously
He has narcissistic behavior. Not gonna change. Your better off alone.
You need to move on and the next time be the someone that meets your energy equally. Don’t settle, don’t take excuses. If a person truly wants your time the7 will prove it over and over again. Be the queen you are and shine.
He doesn’t want a girlfriend, he wants a mother.
That is not a healthy relationship of two people working in harmony to acheive a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
Time to move on mate
Why are you settled on this person? Why have you settled for this person. He’s literally showing you what you mean to him. Time to treat yourself better or find someone that does.
Red flags. Narcissist
Child! It’s absolutely insane how many women settle for men who are children still.
Why are you waisting your life on someone that does not care??? Move on and send him packing!!!
There’s no better way of saying this but you shouldn’t be with someone with whom you don’t feel seen, heard or appreciated
He’s mean & broke Save yourself…you can struggle all by yourself.
Cut down the loss and grow with someone who will contribute and nurture in this life. Not suck it all from you.
He’s a narcissist. One of the worst kind of people to be with it will always feel this lonely. Not meant to be get out of there. Don’t sacrifice the rest of your life to unhappiness.
If it bothers you now; it will bother you forever. It’s only been a year and a half and you have a laundry list of complaints here. It seems to me you have different ideas and expectations of each other. If you haven’t talked to him about it- now is the time. It’s unlikely he will change or that any changes he makes will last, but at least give him the opportunity to know what you want from him in your relationship and give him a chance to fix it. Think of the top three things that you’re looking for and start there. If it’s for him to pitch in more- be specific. ‘How about if you take care of the annoying chores on tuesdays and thursdays so I get a break?’ If it’s romance, ask him to plan one night a month for a date night. Doesn’t have to be $$ and fancy, even just Take out and a movie. Talk about your live languages and what each of yours are. Ask him if you could do anything for him that shows him how much you care, what would it be and vice versa? Tell him you think it’s important that you BOTH feel loved and appreciated in the relationship and communicate how he can show you those things. Good luck!
Everyone is different and all relationship dynamics are different. Please don’t listen to the narcissist diagnoses here .
He isn’t necessarily doing anything wrong. He may just not be right for you.
Damn I thought you was talking about my husband.
ya leave because it will never change. I did this for 8years with someone and had 2 kids with him. I was the one that did everything he never had money to help when I needed it but had the money to buy big boy toys. I left that relationship in debt and in a court battle over the property we purchased together because he took it all including things that never belong to him. Get the F out now!!
It will never change. Do not marry him. Leave now.
Leave him he things everything is about him when it’s not leave his ass in the dirt
You don’t expect too much. You should get rid of him.
I know you love him, but why would you stay with him when he doesn’t seem to care about you at all. He’s only in it for what you can do for him. Stop doing for him and see how long it takes for him to leave you.
Leave. It will only get worse.
Honestly I was with this type of person for 2 years leave I would rather leave with a broken heart then have kids by this man an have to deal with co parenting with him that’s a whole nether nightmare
Try putting yourself first. Find a better boyfriend. You deserve to be happy. He’s never going to change. So, unless that is what you want for your life then do nothing!
Leave him it won’t get better, he’s a selfish child.
Why are you with him?
You are not in love. Love is about respect caring. Start loving your self. Do for yourself what you want him to do. Go love yourself and live Your best life. God bless you. You are in my prayers.
Girfriend…move on…he is not the one.
You should be first!! He doesn’t love you and you can’t change him! If you’re already told him how you feel and he hasn’t changed the he’s not the one for you!. Believe me when I tell you when he falls in love with a woman he will put her first or he’ll end up alone! I been married for almost 24 years have 7 kids and 6 grandkids
I’ve always said “Sometimes love is not enough.” If you feel this way after only 1 1/2 years then you already know the answer. I was married to a selfish controlling man for 24 years. Get out while you can and find someone who thinks of you as much as you do for them. Don’t settle thinking he will change.
Girl it’s time to re evaluate your relationship. Selfish men do NOT change. You can try talking to him about it but from experience, he’ll change for a week or two and then it’s back to the same crap. YOU DESERVE BETTER!
Girl, RUN!! If you wanted to take of a child, you would have a baby. Get out while you can!!
An old man gave his grandson an old but clean and running car. The grandson tried to sell it to friends but they didnt want an old car. Took the car in a dealership and only gave him few hundreds because it was such an old car but was working. The grandson didnt give up. Took the car to a museum and they gave him thousands because it was an antique in a fine condition. Moral of the story: your value as human doesnt go down because people ignore you. But please search to find someone who appreciates your true value
If you’re not happy now, imagine how unhappy you’ll be in ten years with more responsibilities and less help or consideration from him. Value yourself, and move on.
Narcs like him are manipulative takers who prefer these types of relationships because they know their girlfriend will put up with all their BS. You’re his maid and personal assistant who’s obviously not getting much from him and he’s only with you because you’re meeting all his needs atm. You’re not well suited and, tbh, it sounds like he doesn’t even like you very much, much less love you. Get out before he baby traps you or cheats.
Sounds like your raising a child…
This will never get better. Sad, but true. The saddest fact is that he doesn’t love you. You should leave and find somebody who does love & respect you. Is this the life you want??? I didn’t think so. Please listen to us, the voice of experience.
I was with this type of person for 4 years. I’m so glad I left. I was able to grow and become a much more confident person. Now I’m married to someone who cares about me and what I want/need
You don’t have to deal with feeling like you’re in second place. You should move on from this relationship that makes you question your worth. You will find another that you love that also treats you with respect and admiration. You deserve to feel wanted and prioritized.
Love only goes so far. Leave there’s so much better out there. And I promise he won’t change
He’s not the one for u. Move on u will met that one that’s for u.
Well it seems more than evident than ever that everyone has come to the same conclusion he’s not for you, plain and simple.
Your first issue is doing everything for a grown Man!!
Leave his butt and find someone who cares for you, he truly doesn’t. You don’t treat people you love that way,l don’t care who it is.He’s only using you,don’t know how you have put up a with him that long. Get rid of him and find somebody who will treat you right and love you the way you love them.He’s a Dead Beat.
Stop doing anything for him. If he can’t celebrate you on your bay or Christmas return the favor. Stop cleaning up after him it’s not your job to be his mama. He knows he has a good thing without putting in any work for it. We allow ppl to treat us how we let them.
Very narcissistic. Get out!
Omg, is this even a question? You KNOW what to do
Get a new one he sounds worthless
Dump him. What have you got to loose?
Talk to him if that doesn’t work leave because that’s not how a relationship work you put it in and you’ll get the same thing back
Have you talked to him about it? It helps if you set the expections in the beginning but you also need to communicate these things. If that doesn’t help then you should leave.
Why do you love him? Because your entire post is a reason to be single, and he only treats you the way he does because you allow it. No you’re not expecting too much from him he’s selfish. You have been together over a year? and this is where you are? Smh , When someone shows you who they are believe them. If I were you I’d move on because whatever you’re feeling it can’t possibly be love, love isn’t selfish and obviously your boyfriend is, and no you can’t change that. When people show you who they are you should believe them and move accordingly.
How long have you guys been together?
I know you love him but it will never get better
Don’t have children with them if you don’t already, it gets worse.
People treat you the way you allow them to treat you.
Get the HELL on. He not thinking about you, he love him
And how you know he ain’t cheating. Well I guess you do know, why would he when he can walk you like Christ walk the waters.
He is a narcissist, run fast.
You need to communicate your feelings with him and let him know what your relationship expectations are. If he doesn’t want to be a partner and fulfill your expectations, you need to find someone who can.
Know your worth and hes not worthy of it
Sounds like a narcissist.
Please ask yourself: Am I better off with him or without him? You are not going to change him. He is so into himself that nothing else matters. You are his maid and you give him free sex. What is in this relationship for you? You are never going to be completely happy with him and, if you have children together, you will come to resent him and his selfishness even more than you do now.
Please figure out how you can move out and get away from him. Get counseling and work to figure out how you can spot and avoid men like him in the future.
Good luck, dear.
For the love of god do not reproduce with this man. It will be awful for you and the kids.
You can’t change people and you don’t have to have money to be thoughtful.
If you don’t like it now , You will hate it later.Your bed if you want to lay in it. keep him, if now imre to get rid of him
That is how my ex used to be, I used to do a 10hr night shift then cook and clean while he did nothing. His mum made excuses for him like “he’s male what do you expect” and how her husband never did anything or change a nappy with the kids because men don’t really do that stuff.
Shows where he learnt his habits. Used to throw his dirty washing out the bedroom/bathroom door and expected me to come pick it up and wash it for him like his mum did with him. He knew I had 1 foot out the door and tampered with contraception so when I found out I was pregnant he said that I can’t go anywhere now.
I eventually got so depressed that for the sake of the baby I had to tell him to leave, it wasn’t safe for my mental state to put up with it.
Does he pay bills? And check what he says he’s paying because my ex lied about paying them and used to hide the post when I was asleep and left me in serious debt.
Start putting him on the back burner treat him like he’s been treating you. Also I wouldn’t have children with this guy because it only get worse from there.
You don’t have a boyfriend, what you have there is a baby to look after.
The one you have has malfunctioned, Pack up his things and send him back home to get the “man edition” installed. Leave him there and go find yourself and ACTUAL adult man who is capable of having an adult relationship…
And again why do you love him??? Is it the D? Cause baby this same reason will start to burn In Your soul and you will get fed up!!!
I bet if you treat him the same way the real him will come out…what’s not already showing that is
Oh girl is that what you want for yourself??? They don’t change I promise if you let him get away with this now and you’re there for the long haul your life will be exactly that… Back burner…
It’s never gonna change expecially when you have kids
Put up with this for years it’s only going to get worse the longer you stay the harder it is to leave get your ducks in a row and bounce that’s a man child you have on your hands …run