I love my boyfriend but he is selfish: Advice?

Leave him? Do you really want a husband like that? Marriage won’t change him and if it does its for the worst

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You can’t change them, they have to change in their own if they want to.


What’s your waist size? These sound like bbw problems

You deserve better 100%


Leave him now, it won’t get better


He is not a mind reader. Men don’t think the way women do. Involve him. Let him know an important date is coming up. Let or make him make some of the decisions.
As I said men don’t think the way women do.

Oh girl I would’ve tossed my man so quick.
But fortunately he dose help with everything down to the 3 hours drive to our son’s Drs.
You can’t change them Hun sometimes you need be we’re you’re appreciated

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He’s not selfish he’s self centered. He probably won’t change so you’ll have to be up front and make your needs known. Such as saying we did what you wanted last time, this time we’ll do what I want. Be nice but be forceful. When he talks about his day and he’s finished say ok now it’s your turn to listen to me. Is he an attention whore too, this type usually is. :laughing: You just have to make your needs known and don’t wait for him to take notice or you’ll be waiting a long time. I say all of this out of experience. :wink: Good luck!

If he won’t or can’t give, either accept or leave. You are in control of Only you.

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From a guy I would say that if he doesn’t put you first then he doesn’t truly love you. Re the chores maybe he is used to having everything done for him growing up. I suggest you have a chat with him regarding that if he isn’t willing to help then to me he doesn’t really care. I guess you have no children which might very well be a good thing atm. If you do in the future you would be looking after them as well as him,like having another child around which is no mean feat. I think you know deep down what you need to do .
Know this you are unique special and you don’t need a man in your life who isn’t willing to treat you that way.


If you have a child the only thing you’ll have then are two kids to take care of and never have time for yourself… Get out while you can and find someone who appreciates a good woman…


Run leave get out before you get in too deep

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Sounds like he doesn’t really care. You will be replaced once he finds what he wants. Get rid of him, you’re going to be his distraction until he finds the one.


Sounds like he wants a momma not a partner. Id deal by leaving him. Send him to his moms. Where he goes is not your deal. See ya.


Look in the mirror and ask yourself why are you still with him and doing things for him :woman_shrugging:t2:


That sad part about this is, y’all are only dating y’all aren’t even married. So if he is like this while y’all are dating, it will be like that while you’re married. He must not have been raised to know how to treat a woman. You really can’t change a person, but you can sit him down and let him know your feelings and ask him to work on what hurts you. That’s a start.


He sounds like a total narcissist. You need to deal with your broken heart and get out of that relationship


Move on. How did you and him started dating? Something had to click in order for him to be in your life. Remind him.

Here’s the question every woman should ask herself if I was to get cancer will this man/woman stand beside me love me have my best interest at heart? In your situation if he doesn’t now he wouldn’t then I have been in relationships early on in life I can tell you that it sounds like this one is relationship of convenient with him being the benefactor stop wasting time trying to build a relationship that’s 1 sided
Investing your love loyalty & life only to be let down in the end you deserve better than what you have allowed yourself to settle for I am 66 much wiser now God United me with my husband of 27yrs now I did get cancer he stood with me held me up when I couldn’t stand on my own I shared this to let you see that there is a soulmate for you you just haven’t met him yet & you won’t as long as you all your loyalty is on this guy he’s not worthy I wish best for you Blessings


Cut.The.Cord and leave him. It seems like he’s just using you.

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It sounds like he’d be fine by himself if you left.


Have you communicated this? Maybe the way he shows love is different than your love language? If you’ve communicated this to him and he doesn’t care- I’d move on. You deserve better

Don’t settle. You deserve someone that is going to treat you like you want to be treated. There are men out there that will put the work in to make the woman they love feel special. I wouldn’t waste your time on this relationship.

Sounds like a loser. Shitcan him now, before it gets any worse. He’s not going to magically change.


Omg leave now, don’t waste any more of your time on him, he’ll never change!! We only have one life girl, there are tons of good guys out there and you deserve someone who puts you first!!


You are in 2nd, 3rd place. His wants, needs and desires will always come first. You’re just an afterthought honey


Yep you will always feel this way because he is the way he is.if he doesn’t work he should be doing everything. If he does and you do too then split the chores. Or just plain leave.

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Sit down and have a heart to heart if he can’t be what you need then leave. You deserve someone who tries.

It will never change. If it bothers you now then I would either have a very serious convo with him or leave.

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Let him go…you need to be loved, acknowledged, appreciated and cared for

You are doing great…

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You can communicate to him he may do good for a while but go back to the way he was. Usually it very hard to get a selfish person to change but I believe it can still be done

Buy yourself some flowers you deserve them

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He won’t change this type of behaviour. So either accept it or find someone who will treat you better. Being selfish is a red flag.


Sounds like a narcissist. Either you decide you can live with it or you leave. These things don’t change.

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Time for a new boyfriend!! He’s doing all the taking and what are you receiving? The way it sounds it wouldn’t bother him if you were gone…

If he is like this now…will be way worse in 10 years…

A new boyfriend is the best answer to that problem.


Relationships take work and effort - love is often a reason to put in that effort, but it can’t replace it. People can be loveable and wrong for you at the same time. It doesn’t make them (or you) a bad person, just the wrong one to be in a relationship with.

You say you love him, why? You deserve better!

How many red flags do you need? Run! And keep running xx you deserve so much more please do not settle for s*it


Run away! I currently have two kids with a man. Same
Way doesn’t do anything at home and is selfish run awayyy!! Before it’s too late. It’s isn’t too late for me but it makes it harder


You deserve someone who puts in the same
Energy as you in a relationship

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You deal with it by letting him go and finding a person that isn’t a self involved ass. Love yourself enough to know you deserve so much better :heart:

How do you deal? You dont… by staying, you’re accepting that behavior. Alot of guys are immature. Sounds like yours needs some time to grow up and mature. Hes not relationship material. Nothing you do or say will change that until he decides to look inwardly at himself.


Find a new boyfriend

Some dudes are just selfish. Mine is sometimes when I make him mad lmao

He helps when happy. Buys things for me without me asking when he happy.
But when he’s mad, I might as well be his enemy and am for a bit.

Guess that’s what I get for staying 7 years later…
Just invite him to box it out, that’s gonna be my next move.

Probably won’t change

Doesn’t do his own laundry? He would be running around naked if it was me. Stop doing things for him. He sounds immature. Does he work and contribute towards the bills? He needs a wake up call. I would likely boot him to the curb. Shape up or ship out is my motto.


He is a narcissist. Get away

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This relationship is not going to work unless he puts you first. That’s what a relationship is: giving.
First of all stop, stop doing things for him. Be selfish yourself. Only do for yourself. Show him how acting selfish hurts everyone.
He isn’t going to change. Selfish people rarely do. I know you love him, but do you really want to deal this for the rest of your life?
Do you have kids? They shouldn’t see their mom giving and giving and their father/mom’s boyfriend just taking. That’s the dynamic they’ll grow up with and they’ll think that’s ok. Would you want your daughters to put up with a man like that? Would you want your sons to be a man like that?
I would sit down and have a serious conversation with him. If he cannot change now, he never will.

Ya he’s not going to change. You’re not asking for much.

I think you answered yourself in what you need to do! You deserve soooo much better!

Time to move on. He isn’t the only man in the world. You are not asking for a lot. He simply does not respect you. You even said it. He doesn’t do anything unless he benefits from it. That right there is very selfish. And disrespectful of your kindness.

You’re literally wasting precious years of your life on someone who wants you to treat him like a child. Leave and find a real partner who is going to pull his weight and do his share. You deserve someone who cherishes you not someone who takes you for granted and uses you as a maid.

What are you getting from this relationship? Seems your giving alot but not valuing yourself in the process . Relationships are 2 way team / partnership, leave and discover a new you ,who wouldn’t accept anything less than equal , kind selfless love .

Throw the whole man out and find a new one

You either love him how he is or you leave. You can’t change him he has to want to change. Talk to him about your feeling and concerns. If that doesn’t help then you know your answer.

You said “boyfriend” meaning no commitment there.


Why are you still with him? Honestly you are getting nothing back he is using you as a live in housekeeper. Move on.


Girl why are you giving wife energy to an unworthy boyfriend?


Sounds like you need a new bf


Lmao ! It really wouldn’t matter if he had the money… he’d spend it on himself

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Love from a distance. He will not change. Self absorbed and selfish is something you can’t fix no matter what you do. If you are a pleaser you need to get out and be careful you don’t choose a copy of what you already have.

Stop. Get the hell out. Nothing you do will ever please someone like this and god forbid you have children.


Iv been with someone like that. It was 2 years with very little change…even a child. Its pointless. Thats part of their personality. I suggest moving on

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So… What is it that you love about this man?


He is a narcissist and he will make ur miserable.My advice is to walk away.


Run…you deserve more


Sounds like you took over for his mama?? Your both young. Move on!! You know what you do n don’t want!! Get your own Place alone and Do You!!


:woman_shrugging:t2: why are you with him?


You don’t deal with it. Those are what we call red flags. Red flags are warning signs, not an invite to a fun carnival ride. You then work on you and set for yourself what you will accept from and in a partner and what type of partner you will be and start over.

So what is there to like?

Treat him how he treats you . He is boyfriend not husband . See how he like it. If nothing changes move on

So no kids and not married and you’re still hanging onto him becauseee?!?!? I’d be gone :v:t3:

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Stop doing things for him.
Can you see the red🚩
Is he worth your misery.
I wouldn’t get to attached.its early days yet . move forward girl.:crossed_fingers:

He’s either going to change magically one day because he finally realizes your worth… OR (and forgive my pessimistic take here but I 100% think this will be the case), he is going to keep running you into the ground mentally & emotionally until you are nothing but a shell of who you used to be. Until your whole life revolves around him only. Then in will creep the abuse, subtle at first, until BAM you can’t spend money without feeling guilty, you can’t tell people the truth of how you feel because it’ll “make him look bad” (newsflash, he’s probably a c#nt anyway), alllll sorts. It’s a slippery slope & one hell of a tangled web. Get out while you can I say.

Dump him, from experience it doesn’t get better

You need to ask urself why are u in this relationship, something is keeping you there, sounds like you are caught in a rut, you say you love him it have only given the negative things about him, are u sharing you days with him are u trying to talk to him are you trying to share Conversations with that are being dismissed by him, if u are giving ur all and getting noway then maybe its time to say goodbye xxxx

It’s never gonna change so stay and be miserable for the rest of your life or move on and be happy , your choice

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I don’t understand what you love about this guy if he’s that selfish??? Do you just love his looks? His dick? :joy:

Girl …… time to say good bye

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You are not a girlfriend, you are a unpaid maid :unamused: why waste your life for some simpleton, who wouldn’t give you time of his day? Don’t be desperate, be smart.


So what do you love about him?
I’m confused…

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Be thankful he is your bf and not husband. Dating is for you two to get to know one another and see if he or you is the kind of life partner you want. What u are seeing from him currently, his how he will be if u marry him. He is showing u who he is, u decide if that is what u want to put up with … also don’t settle, so many women think marriage and kids will get the guy to grow up, it doesn’t.


Leave and don’t look back


So…what exactly is it about him that you love?


Been there. He will never change. Don’t you deserve better? Is it the physical that you love? The fear of making it on your own? Find a way to leave. And then one day at a time work to make your life better.

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Get a new boyfriend.

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He sounds like a narcissist. You won’t be able to change him. Get out now because you will always be last on his list. You deserve better. Someone who appreciates you :relieved:


can you face any more time living like that?

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Stop buying him stuff, put yourself on equal footing. If he complains, you don’t need him.

He acts like that because you aren’t the one for him. You are just a fill in until the one he truly wants comes along.

Because she’s young and dumb. She has no idea what love is!

Are you in love with him… or your idea of what you think he could be?

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Run away as fast as you can. He will not change.

Step one: break up

There is no step two.


Do you like being treated this way and feeling sorry for yourself. If so stay with him. If not kick him to the curb.


You’re absolutely not expecting too much you deserve to be treated well however sometimes without realising it we can often allow this behaviour so they get used to it and when we get fed up they wonder why because it’s always been that way. If possible I’d suggest dating yourself and put him on the back burner the same way he’s doing to you. Not out of spite but simply out of self care and necessity. Start looking after yourself and buying yourself flowers etc. if he asks why be very honest and say because you won’t do it so I’m sick of being disappointed and stepped up for myself. Stop making him think what he gives you is more important than what he can give himself and one of two things will happen either you will split up (clearly not what you want, but maybe what’s best in the long run) OR he will start realising you deserve better and he will start acting better

If you allow him to treat you this way he will.
Why are you less important?
Its a great lesson of self worth for you

You are describing my bf perfectly. Hope he’s not the same guy lol jks.
You can only deal with so much before you walk away to have respect an love for yourself. Even tho itll hurt like hell.