stop doing for him hes not on same page as you might rethink the relationship
You’re not expecting too much, you’re expecting the very bare minimum from him - to help clean a home he lives in and to be shown appreciation by genuinely caring about you and your well being.
How to deal? I don’t think you can, you cannot change people, he is not a project for you to fix.
He’s emotionally unavailable
Send him back to his momma so she can finish raising a man. If he doesn’t do for you or isn’t concerned about your day and he thinks the world revolves around him, you need to find a man who appreciates what you do and pitches in to help. He’s not husband material if he doesn’t do it now, he won’t ever.
That’s because in this relationship you are second to him and he sees you as a meal ticket! If he won’t share the responsibilities of a home equally including rent, utilities and housekeeping and the cost of a dinner out occasionally you need to face the fact that he WILL NEVER CHANGE! So kick him to the curb. He is useless!
Stop complaining, they don’t change! Get rid of him
Run!! Unless you want to be a doormat! Guys like that never change. Respect and love yourself
I asked him to leave
Are you so young that you don’t see what is right in front of you?? Talk to your mom, grandma or an elder that you trust.
You can end it now or 5 years from now, but it’s going to end. In the meantime, you will never get the love, friendship, respect, etc. that you long for.
Leave. Problem. Solved.
Leave his ass.
Simple, stop doing things for him
He doesn’t do his share of laundry , dishes, or cleaning and doesn’t show you that he loves you? I’d say bye there’s better out there. It really doesn’t take much effort to show you care if you do! You deserve better
WHY??? Get out of there asap. He is just using you.
Time to move on. He doesn’t value you. Staying with him shows you don’t value yourself either…
You deserve MUCH better. You know it.
Now go get it!!
He’s showing you who he is, believe him! My ex was like that and I spent 12yrs going he’d change, he didn’t… most won’t
You can do better and be happier without him. You deserve someone to meet you halfway not to be so self absorbed in themselves and take you for granted. Life is to short to settle for less than what you deserve.
That’s not a two way relationship. All your wishing and wanting and you so Ng won’t change this. Is this the way you want to live your life?
A partnership is a joint n two way thing. Can’t be all one way traffic. Give n take n choose your battles. You’re a team. But I sense a lone ranger in you. You know what to do. Best wishes X
FUK THAT! People will treat you the way YOU allow them too! Expect more from yourself
Either the two of you or not compatible assuming you’ve had this conversation with him you cannot change somebody who does not want to change themselves
Cassidy Mrosewske I think my bf is cheating on me with this one. Or he might actually have a twin brother
This is him. He won’t change until he sees something wrong with what he’s doing. Which no one can tell him.
It’s early days but honestly you need to move on he sounds like a narcissist.
You deserve better don’t settle for what you have
What do you love about him? What is there to love?
He is cheating: Cheating you out of a real relationship. One in which you are cherished and cared for and helped to do life activities. Dump him.
It is time you move on and not to waste anymore time with him.
Honey…… Walk away. You deserve better. Don’t love someone that doesn’t love you . You have to respect your self, for someone else to respect you. Absolutely he doesn’t love you .
Communication tell him what you want/need in a relationship and why you feel he doesn’t give it to you if he doesn’t take the time to address these matters and strive towards making it better then you need to make a decision is this what you want and deserve long term?
You can do bad by yourself
Send his spoiled behind back to his mama
If your already feeling this way then he is not the one for you. Imagine feeling like that everyday for the rest of your life then ask yourself is that the life you invisioned for yourself? Its not selfish to want better when you aren’t getting anything you need out of your relationship. Cut bait and run before you waste any more time.
Six months is the honey moon phase
The first year is the fragile area to see how they really are and how things will work but anything after that is true colors
If it’s not good now odds are it’s not gonna change
Pfft if he doesn’t care now he never will … find someone who put in as much effort as you
. Are you not seeing all the red flags. This man does not care for you at all. As my mama said you can do bad by yourself. If you the one that hustles to make things better then hustle without the anchor. If he dies nothing to please you or show you your special then why do you hold onto someone who shows you you aren’t special. Come on girl! See the red flags. Do you really want to continue feeling unloved and not special?
I u don’t have kids with him.
Was he overly pandered to by Mommy?
Girl no matter how much you love him he ain’t worth it, move on get yourself sorted and enjoy your life without him… he will make you ill if you stay so if he wants to be the little boy he is tell him to go to his mum and dad let them baby him .
Let me explain something to you, as one of the few men commenting, your prospects of a future with a guy like this is dim. He was probably spoiled by mommy and daddy, and made to think that he’s the only one that matters. You will always be second best to his wants and needs. My advice, cut your losses and find a guy that puts YOU as a priority. Just my opinion.
Bad news it’s not going to change. You need to move on and make YOURSELF a priority.
It sounds like you’re in the relationship, not him.
Sounds like a one sided relationship. Go to someone new who sees you as an equal.
He doesn’t bring anything to the table and doesn’t respect you, please move on and find someone who will truly love, support and respect you!
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I think you already know your answer. I know where you are coming from. I have been in your shoes. Please walk away from this relationship cause it’s only going to get worse if you stay. You are worth more than that. You deserve better. Keep your head up:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Narcissist was with one for like 42 years it don’t get better. I’m finally married to a wonderful caring guy.
It won’t get any better I left an 8 year toxic relationship with a person who is incredibly selfish. Obviously there were tons of other reasons that I’m not going to get into but, still to this day he doesn’t even ask about his children or do anything beyond the bare minimum.
Let him know how you feel. Present your argument honestly and Reasonably and if he does not respond well, move on. He might genuinely love you and not realize that he is treating you the way he is. Give him a chance. If he doesn’t take it, find someone else who will
What we accept is what we tell others we deserve.
Ask him to pull his weight at home at least, which cost no $$$ but would show he thinks of you as US not her and me?
You need to reaches this relationship cause he’s only going to get worse as he gets older.
You have not found a boyfriend more like an ass!
If l told you all of this what would your advice be to me? Because I think you already know that this is a major red flag that will haunt you if you stay with him. It will only get worse
Woukd rethink the relationship.Do you want to continue to live with this?
run far and run fast. i married the selfish boyfriend of mine. had kids. it doesn’t change. we’re divorced now.
Again just a boyfriend, find another who will appreciate more from you!!