we were very young when we got together so ofcourse we’ve had many bumps in the road mostly all with loyalty and trust on his part he struggled with p*** addiction early in our relationship and he knew beforehand that I was not okay with it it’s a boundary of mine it was an issue but I thought it had stopped it has since resurfaced many times as an issue, we’ve had big gaps in our sex life bc of it, he’s also been addicted to video games and had his priorities all out of wack his views on many of these things have always differed from mine but he didn’t want to lose me so he begged for forgiveness and These things “got better” he has also made some other mistakes nothing physical but has reached out and spoken to his ex through social media last year when we were going through some things, through all this he swore to do better he cried and begged for forgiveness and he does better for a few months sometimes longer and then things seem to fall right back how they were or my fear is that he’s just hiding things better though he swears that’s not the case and that he loves he so much and wants to be better for me and his family… okay so the last time we had a big fall out like that was last December— fast forward to now due to the past I still struggle a lot with trusting him and he usually makes me feel crazy for it even tho he is the one who created the issues is the first place… anyways the past year we have struggled a lot with our finances and it has taken a huge toll on me mentally bc I want our son to have a good life, he always says it’s fine and things will get better and he sugar coats things but he puts no effort in to making the situation better time and time again he won’t even pick up overtime most weeks and he always has an excuse (he only works three days a weeks 12hr shifts) I have been saving every penny and not buying anything for myself or anything we don’t need aside from bills and necessities meanwhile I found out last night that he has been buying things in his video game for the past few weeks almost $100 just this month!!! when I seen it on our bank statement it said Get help with charges from apple.com/bill - Apple Support and I was so confused i asked him ab it and he acted so shocked and said he had no idea what it was from and that he didn’t buy anything I even made phone calls almost cancelled our card bc I thought they were taking money from us, the WHOLE time he knew it was him I found the receipt in his apple account last night along with some hidden purchases of adult apps he claims are from years ago… I’ve forgiven this man so many times and I do love him he’s a great father and when things are good they’re great but this cycle seems to never end , Is this even fixable or do I cut my losses?
My Husband and I have been together 4 years 5 in august, we’ve been married two of those years and we have a toddler together.