I married my sisters ex boyfriend and she won't forgive me: Advice?

I laughed at how she says ex boyfriend… nah that was her husband of years and the father of her kids. Regardless of her “moving on” from her marriage to him… I doubt she’ll ever trust you or want anything to do with you.
I don’t blame her either, sis right to be mad. You made that bed now lay in it Aunty Step Mom


I don’t even have a sister but I do have female friends and sorry I would never. Especially an ex brother in law. The person means more than a spark and I would of walked away.


Admin gonna have to shut this down cuz these comments are going to be :fire: :joy: girl, you know you messed up. I wouldn’t talk to you either.


Millions and millions of men and you choose to fall in love with your sister’s ex :woman_facepalming:


No way in hell would I end up with my sister’s ex that’s just wrong…I wouldn’t forgive you either.


Gross is all I can say to this

Of all the men you’ve couldn’t dated you go and marry your sisters ex? I’d never do that to my sisters, neices and nephews and my sisters would never do that to me! You know it’s wrong that’s why your trying to justify your choice!

Wtf is actually wrong with you? 4 Billion other fish in the sea and your lazy, nasty ass had to fish out of your sister’s pond? Get help. smfh

Lol. Smdh. Your sister obviously dont mean shit to you.

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Wow :flushed: they have kids together and you are her sister that is just wrong I don’t blame her for not wanting anything to do with you honestly.

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You’re joking right? Wow, what a terrible sister. You crossed a very bold line and there’s no coming back from that. Consequences :woman_shrugging:t2:

She should have clapped both of y’all heads together :joy:


Should’ve put that spark out when he asked her out … not worth making your sister feel awkward at every family gathering

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Wtf?! You got to be on a whole new level of stupid.


Yeah…not a good move… best of luck

Wow. I dont blame your sister for wanting nothing to do with you. As if you went there, you really should be ashamed of yourself.

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Sister’s code…you never ever date or much less marry him…


You’re trash, and if I was your sister I would never speak to you again. How thirsty can someone be that they stoop to this? Like damn no one else wanted to be with you? And your family co-signs this too?! I’d cut everyone off.

There’s no one here that’s gonna help you justify your bullshit.


and the fact that you don’t see anything wrong with what you did is disturbing… you’d rather hear what you should already know from a bunch of strangers, go figure…


Why would you want your sister’s sloppy seconds? Gross!!

Advice, never marry your sister’s ex-boyfriend. :heartbeat:


Maybe you should divorce him? That might help! :woman_shrugging: you don’t get with your sister ex! What!? :joy::woman_facepalming:


Glad you ain’t my sister


Ewe stepmama Auntie… that’s your title… there is no fixing it you messed up in a way that is unforgivable in my opinion. I wouldn’t want anything to do with you either and I would let my kids know that is not what we do to our siblings.


It doesn’t matter how she treated him…there is a line you dont cross and you crossed it big time…I wouldnt want to talk to you either…

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I mean i guess im built different and see 2 sides here. My ex husband which is also the father of my 3 kids asked me to ask my sister if she was interested and i asked her for him. (She wasnt because he wasnt her type) but he also made sure i didnt have an issue with it first. But hes my ex and shes my sister if thats is where their happiness is then good for them…they are an ex for a reason and i could care less BUT if your sister wasnt ok with it then thats on you and you cannot expect her to just get over it

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How would you feel if the shoe was on the other foot? And if it was me I’ll be whopping my sister ass EVERYTIME I see her​:rage::fu:

It would have been different if your sister didn’t have kids with him.


I wouldnt be your sister no more either shit :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


How do you explain that to the kids tho? All types of fucked up smh

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This is too much. You went too far. I have 3 sisters we would NEVER. And I think if one did we would all treat her as you are being treated. There are almost 8 Billion people in the world. Why her ex husband/boyfriend???


Far out I’m trying to figure this out. So your kids and your sisters kids aren’t only cousins but also half siblings? I couldn’t imagine in a million years ever marrying my sisters ex husband. There’s this thing called respect and as far as I’m concerned, you have absolutely none for your sister, shame on you🙄

Thats dead ass your step kids and niece and nephew.

Regardless of your sister’s relationship with he kid’s dad… you never should of stepped up for the position of Auntie-Stepmom!!!


If I was your sister u not him would be breathing…she sparing your trifling ass

So your sister doesn’t want him, but she doesn’t want anybody else to have him… Your sister moved on at that point. At least to everybody else in the public she did. She’s got no say in this at this point.


It kills me how people say I didn’t mean to fall in love it just happened.

There needs to be a “:grimacing:” react.

That’s a shitty thing you did. I’m on the sisters side.


There is no fixing it u crossed a line there is no coming back, even more so that they have kids together.


You sister husband and boyfriend should have always been off limits period, there us no going back and forgiveness. Very sad :disappointed: you did that to your sister.


I never know if she would’ve changed and they could’ve eventually worked things out! I don’t marry your friends or your sisters baby daddy :woman_facepalming:t2: smh! You are wrong and I would not talk to you!

Aunty and step mom huh… She ain’t turned them kids on you, they mad too shit


Wth! I be mad too. It was her husband you shouldn’t even look at him any type of way. I hope she never forgives you. That’s just wrong :expressionless:


You married her EX HUSBAND not ex boyfriend. HUGE DIFFERENCE. That’s a pretty low & trashy thing to do to your own sister.


I’m sure she has already attended your funeral mentally. At this point you are just another dumb bitch in the streets🤷🏻‍♀️

Dear OP, thank you for this dumpster fire we are about to recieve. Amen :fire:

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You can’t come to ladies with this story and expect support.


You are a horrible person!!! An apparently was jealous of your sister having someone that adored her. How she treated him was none of your business amd doesn’t justify you being a horrible person. If she never talks to you again you can’t be mad because that was some sick mess you did!!


Whew. You went and made yourself Auntie Step Mom to those kids


Girl bye! Girl code 101…you and he both are foul as hell for that. You are sisterless, get over it . That’s just nasty


First of all that’s GROSS they have kids’. You are her kids’ aunt and now step mom you just confused them babies. Dating/marrying someone like that is off limits. She may never forgive you.

Reminds me when my friend married her son-in-law. His kids’ grandma became their step mom that’s GROSS. I don’t understand how people can do that

The fact that she HAS kids w him and you STILL proceeded to date the man is mind blowing!!!:exploding_head::exploding_head:


there are so many fish in the sea why would you do that? how awkward for your sister and your family. i can only imagine holiday dinners together. putting your mouth where your sister climbed…gross. wtf is wrong with you?

As long as you are happy that is all that matters. Love happens in mysterious ways. I unfortunately believe your relationship may be over with your sister, but don’t give up. There are a lot of people in society that have nothing to do with their blood for various reasons. I would just let your sister know that talking to the children in that way is unnecessary and they are innocent. She shouldn’t be mad as she moved on with her life.

Don’t listen to the ignorant comments in this thread. Woman are supposed to stick together…but some just like to stay on the level of arrogance.

Good luck to you and your family!

Trash! Gotta say those kids will remember it forever! Even after you and him divorce! Happened to my mom. She’s over him and her sister, but let me tell you ever since then (been 20+ years) I still think of her sister the same…. Trash!

Your a straight turd :poop: and don’t deserve your sister’s forgiveness. I would never do this to my baby sister!!! That is the father of HER children not just some guy she dated. You deserve every bit of Karma that’s coming back your way for this shady move!! Lying saying her “ex bf” then while they “were married!!”


Of course they said keep it in the family :joy::skull:

So your kids are cousins and siblings. Sounds like she isn’t the one whom caused drama. You kinda put yourself in that situation. Accept that she doesn’t want to have anything to do with you, it’s been four years. Just move on, the relationship will never be the same after that. Counseling might help the relationship, but that’s only if she is willing to go with you. When I make choices I do a pro and con list. Was it worth it? There’s many other men out there you just didn’t seem open to anyone else but your sisters ex whom they have children together.

I am wondering if your sister keeps the kids away from your now husband out of spite? My word I hope not. It’s a trickle down effect that y’all started. I can’t say I’d forgive you. And I certainly wouldn’t forget it either. But at least for the sake of the children I would hope that you guys save face in front of them.

I mean you made your bed and your choice so now you must live with the consequences. It doesn’t matter if you did nothing with him while they were together. This is the father of her children, so why would you marry your niece and nephews dad? You’ve proven to be untrustworthy. I do not blame her for not talking to you. You made a choice and your sister made a choice!! And that’s that!


This sounds dangerously close to incest :thinking: that’s dad/uncle.


Maybe you should have stayed away from your sisters ex and you probably still have a relationship with her :roll_eyes:
There are some lines you don’t cross imo…I wouldn’t forgive you


Those kids are sister/brother cousins! There are millions of men in the world!! Why go after any family members ex? Especially if they have kids together!! She probably don’t want you around her new husband! You might jump on him too!


This runs deeeper than just her marrying him the whole family is ok with to wow nice family feel bad for the sister


I don’t blame her. There are some lines you don’t cross


You have crossed the line she is your sister!


Yo you just nasty af.!! I would never forgive you either…! That’s some backwoods redneck shit step momma auntie :thinking::thinking: yeah no I hope you feel shamed id knock you out if I was ya sister hands down

What a horrible person… so many men out there, and you decide on the one that should have been off limits. That’s not having respect or dignity as a woman. What example are you going to set if you have children with him?? Good luck explaining that shit . Lol

Don’t expect reconciliation. That is like an unspoken rule. Don’t date and definitely don’t marry a friends or sisters ex

You can’t fix stupid… how many guys are out there and you chose him?
It’s the she’s constantly causing drama for me. Hello you are the f-ing reason

this is horrible there are lines you don’t cross and now you sent from the kids aunt to step mom? this is crazy even if i felt a spark …naw it wouldn’t have went that far but even if after a long convo i felt like yoo im feeling him, i’d turn it off quickly because my sister had you first and i wouldn’t go there i’d feel awkward and dirty and if you don’t feel that then you’re gross and awkward …sorry

I wouldnt talk to you either ! Thats to much for the kids if y’all have kids there brother/sister cousins …smh


How is this about nails unless you guys broke one in a catfight


:sweat_smile::sweat_smile: if they didn’t have kids together I think she would of got over it by now. But I’m just as shitty if any of my mates get with my ex’s let alone marrying them.

There’s a line you just don’t cross and I think you did just that


Wow this is low! You NEVER date or worse MARRY your sisters ex! That’s hoe shit! You’re disgusting and a horrible role model! His kids(your niece/nephew) will find the truth later on and wonder why their parents broke up. If u were my sister I wouldn’t have anything to do with you either

You are wrong as hell and I wouldn’t talk to you either! They have kids together! How low!


Your thoughts where? It stays in the family? Wow i don’t know how I would feel about that one, but thats a nogo! :woman_shrugging:t3::see_no_evil:

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That’s a big NO NO!! if u don’t see a problem with that…ur a different kinda crazy! Obviously u have no respect for ur sister…She has every reason to act the way she’s acting…My opinion anyway :woman_shrugging:t4:


What a perfect way to divide the family :woozy_face:


This some Jerry Springer foolishness. You lucky she ain’t whooping yo ass every time she see you

Makes me glad I don’t have any sisters :woman_facepalming: you HOES ARE NASTY! So if you decide to have kids they’ll have brother cousins and sister cousins :face_vomiting:

I started reading this hoping that he and your sister had a little fling or a short lived relationship…but that was her HUSBAND and her kids father!!! WTF is wrong with you??? So you’re now aunt and stepmother to those kids. Fuck love, love is a choice, you should have chosen someone else to love! And kudos to your sister for not beating the shit outta you!!

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Do the kids call u aunt or step mom? :face_with_monocle::grimacing:


Um your the issue sorry not sorry


Nasty…no loyalty…again NASTA!!! I wouldn’t bring my dog around you…you may say i fed him to little…I hope karma eat you alive…make sure you keep him away from whose dear to you…you deserve everything that’s coming to you…

Brittani C Robinson read this :woman_facepalming:t4:

Live your life but them dating for 3months I would be 100% on your side. But being together for 3 years and having children? Not to be mean but I see why shes upset.

At the end of the day you have to live your life. You cant ever expect her to be ok with it. You have to realize that she is hurt. Usually we see our exs from a distance but no one really wants to see the ex at every family event.


Shit I wouldn’t talk to you either :woozy_face:


She’s constantly ‘creating drama and causing issues’… Are you having a laugh? Seriously tho, do the kids call you step mum or auntie? :thinking:


Too weird for me but I know people with no standards who would do it along with their cousin

I say you crossed the line. But I’m not going to attack you like everyone else. If there wasn’t anything while they were dating then it shouldn’t be a huge deal. I personally couldn’t do that, but I also slightly saw my ex best friends brother… she warned me- I didn’t listen… so happy that friendship is over and that relationship!

All you can do is move on and be happy!

Should never married to sister ex bf And your the aunt of their kids. That is gross!. I wouldn’t forgive my sister if she married him or date that sister code!. Never date the exs

Ohhhh helllssss to the nawwww!!! Sister code you never ever disrepect your sister like that. Stop even trying to mend bye sister :point_up:t4::nauseated_face::confounded::-1:t4:

Do you the aunt and the step momma.

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You aren’t trust worthy

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I wouldn’t talk to you either… that’s a lone that should never be crossed. This runs really deep and the fact your family is ok with it is awful. You must be lying :rofl:


Idk …why or what you were thinking asking fb…the whole situation is trash if i was your sister…i wouldnt be causing drama an problems i would have beat your ass…thats so trashy…should have called jerry…or maury…