The reason I’m writing and telling you all this is I’d like to get a women perspective on this, and what to do. So I’d like your permission to not post this but, post the direct question on your group to get womens opinions.
If your not to big on it and say no, that fine and thank you for your time.
I’d definitely encourage your wife to seek medical advice. Also,I think how you have been handling it,is great. Good luck to the both of you.
I think she should talk to her doctor she may need hormone replacement
I would sit down with your wife and tell her exactly how you feel and that you are very much still attracted to her and miss the intimacy you guys shared. I know for a lot of women once they hit menopause it’s hard to want it or they go dry for no reason. It’s definitely something she should talk to her OBGYN about as they can get her on a hormone replacement that could help tremendously.
Everyone has their seasons of wanting or not wanting physical things. I agree she should definitely go see her doctor although it’s normal for that to happen sometimes. There are healthy ways to boost libido. You seem like a very caring husband so I hope I don’t offend, but is there any way that she might be stressed or working too hard? Those things can kill libido as well. There are also foods that are natural aphrodisiacs which might help, as well as being old-fashioned and wooing her and trying to date again. I think a lot of married people get set in their ways and get comfortable and stop dating each other which is normal, but can have a negative side effect on the sexual aspect of marriage.
My situation is the opposite but it’s not because he doesn’t want to but due yo meds and different things he’s unable to. Yes it’s difficult but we just deal with. I’m 63 and he’s 60. More to marriage than just sex.
Lube will be your best friend. Hormones and depression can both cause lack of desire. But also it might be painful for her when it does happen. Cook her dinner, take the garbage out. Foreplay and lube.
Talk with the doctor or try to make it romantic instead of just getting to the deed
Have her go to the Dr. Also try to help manage/lighten stress… Stress can kill many things including the mood.
While she might need a dr for stress, libido and such, is she stepping out? I mean females cheat too at all ages 4 years is a longgg time to not want some dick
Talk to her, doctor for hormone therapy, and “date” nights. You deserve some intimacy.
I only did the deed when I was in the change sex is great now. She should talk to her Doctor to figure out options.
It’s possible she has a thyroid issue or some other medical problem going on as well as the menopause.
I would have her look into hormone replacement therapy. It can be a little pricey, but so so worth it to feel normal. This is a very informative video that might give some helpful info about it.
4yrs is a long time… very unfair of your wife to cut intimacy off … marriage is the whole package not just the bits you like…maybe there is more to fix in your marriage than just sex… just another point of view… good luck
I have an older friend in my neighborhood who talked about this to me about his wife, he’s 74 she’s 69. He said she was going through menopause and didn’t want to have sex. I encourage you to talk to your wife, don’t go cheat that’ll make things worse
I was like that and saw a Dr who specialized in hormone therapy. I got on hormones, and my sex drive went into overdrive for about a year then it leveled out.
I just want to say that you sound very polite and caring. Good for you! I also understand just wanting to be close to her and have that sexual relationship. If I were you I would encourage her to see a doctor, and maybe speak with a natural medicines doctor. There are herbs and natural methods that can be utilized! Just be supportive and try to tell her your needs, and that you don’t want to make her do anything and want her to enjoy that time with you as well
Man, that’s a hard one. I’d start with asking her is she is open to seeing a dr and sex therapist. There might be some natural things she can take or learn that will chemically help her mentally.
I’m the mean time, I’d also advise to make a romantic event that is wrapped around love first. Change things up and don’t just get yours but get in there and throw her legs around your neck and go to town. Catch her vibe of what she responds to and do those things.
I have sex even when I don’t want too. It’s the only thing my partner can’t get anywhere else. Sometime doing it without wanting to makes me want to in that moment.
I’ve lost interest too but my husband is very much sexual. I do the same thing your wife does. Unfortunately my husband thinks it’s enough to walk up grab my ass and say can we do some loving… definitely doesn’t make me want to. It’s hard to know how to fix it but I think at my age a candle light with soft music. Getting dressed up. Having a dance, etc
You need to sit her down and speak to her. Also look up the term “Maintenance sex” there are some decent articles out there about it. And who knows maybe she’ll really start looking forward to sex again if she starts having it. But it’s not fair to you to have your needs shunted aside.
Menopause changes things for women in every aspect. Before and during menopause I had zero desire. My favorite thing to say was “don’t touch me”. The answer to sex was no every time. We didn’t have sex for 3 years.
Now that I am through it, things are slowly getting back to normal. Very slowly.
My husband doesn’t ask any more. He’s hurt and insulted from years of no.
I wish he would have asked about what was going on, he just stewed in silence.
So good for you for reaching out and asking about it.
What everyone else has said about a doctor visit and lightening the work load, but I’d also work on an emotional connection, women are more emotional and need that emotional connection to feel desire, having date nights are a great start! Or even a night in if she doesn’t like to go out, try something new to spice things up your doing great! Keep trying!
Depriving your partner of that type of physical intimacy for THAT long is wrong… Unless there is a medical reason why she literally can’t have sex… The fact that you haven’t left yet or cheated I think is commendable and that alone should be all the reason she needs to figure out what is going on with her hormonally that she has been completely uninterested in physical intimacy for so long… (for the record I in no way condone cheating, but the reality is that so many people DO cheat because of this exact reason…) I managed 2 Sexual Health and Wellness Boutiques for 8 years and this is a fairly common issue for women who are going through the change. However, most women who are happy in their relationship and love their husbands want to do something about it and have sought out medical advice or even help from the employees at my store. You need to have a heart to heart with her about how you are feeling and hopefully realizing just how much it is affecting you will make her want to seek the help from a medical professional. Sex/physical intimacy is almost always a HUGE part of a relationship and I have seen so many marriages fall apart for this exact reason, especially because of all the people who have opened up to me at my job. You are absolutely right to feel hurt by this and if she really loves you, she will do what has to be done to rectify the situation before it is too late.
HRT can bring its own problems and really best avoided imo. Id say the majority of women go off sex around the menopause because it hurts…because of dryness…she’s exhausted…its not easy to get through it…body changes…not as firm as we used to be.
Encourage her to see her Dr for blood tests incase there’s an underlying health problem. Eat healthy. Exercise and fresh air improves mood.
We dont like to feel pressured to perform any more than men do especially if we have self esteem problems and especially dont like to feel you only touch us when you want sex…so bring the romance back into your lives. Forget sex and be more about affection for a while. Let her know you love her no matter what changes she’s gone through , that you still want to hold her without it ending in sex. Please don’t set a timetable for sex because she’ll feel pressured to perform whether she feels like it or not…instead go back to the hugs and handholding you had when you first met. Go for walks , have picnics, overnight stays in hotels, date nights , new hobbies you can do as a couple. You love her…dont rush her.
You sound like a good man and I hope things turn out well for you both.
I think marriage consoling is a good idea. People can tell you what they think but you need to know what space wife thinks. It’s easier for us to express our self with console in my relationship on hard things because you have someone to turn to when it becomes a lost or dead end conversation. You can explore other things with toys as well she can be involved but not in pain. Good luck Thank you for loving your wife enough to reach out for help and not another relationship you are a good husband
My guess is that she doesn’t have orgasms. Probably never has. Fix that or she won’t ever want sex.
Sit down and tell her how you’re feeling. And maybe she needs to see her Dr about hormone replacement. You’re handling it like a champ. I hope things get better for you both.
Maybe do something that you both loved when you were a bit younger. Remind her why she loves you and why you love her. Maybe talk to her doctor about something that could help. If thats not the way she wants to go just love her still with all your heart. Yes making love is an amazing, beautiful perk but it is not everything. I wish you both the best of luck!
I would ask her if she is willing to seek medical attention for it. If not Express you have desires still. She needs to understand this is hurting you.
Also good job reaching out and not being a loser man not cheating
My husband is 61, I’m almost 46. It’s not easy going through the change. We feel like our body is failing us…We want to still be that hot desirable 30 yo. Alot of what could be going on is pain during intercourse which leads to mental stuff. Try communicating. Maybe seeing her Dr together will show her that you are in this entire thing "together ". Best of luck and more men need to take lessons.
Testosterone has helped me a lot during menopause. Unfortunately this is such an issue that there’s groups specifically to support those who are in sexless marriage. It happens on both sides and can be tough to live with. It’s tough on your self esteem, intimacy and stress levels. I wish I had good advice but best I can offer is seek out a support group and maybe ask her if she’d be willing to look into testosterone replacement. I know it’s been a life saver for me and not just in the bedroom. I think clearer and feel more energetic.
It could be an emotional thing (try to rekindle affection and spend some time together on a date night or she’s dealing with a lot of stress, etc.), or a hormonal issue (she may need to see a doctor, use lubricant, etc.). There may be another reason but I would just ask her why and see about maybe getting counseling if it’s not something that can be fixed easily
Get y’all some Gracefully Natural
She’s 51??
She needs to talk to her Dr. I know being pre menopausal is killing my hormones and desire for sex. My Dr and I are working on it.
Also, make sure you talk to her.
Make sure you reiterate that YOU are her safe place. She can talk to you about anything and you want to help if she needs it.
When that change comes, at can really mess with your self esteem. Get dolled up for a night out and remind her your love her.
But 100%, suggest she talk to her Dr.
She needs harmone replacement. Same with me and then my husband passed away. It changed my life and I am not seeing anyone. So I understand and tell her she will feel so much better being on it… good luck
Take her to a good woman doctor and a sex therapist
I know many women that prefer not to have sex. It isn’t easy for them either. She can’t make herself want sex. It’s like eating a food you don’t like. Maybe settle on a compromise about toys or other options.
Maybe some supplements or hormone replacement. I would talk with her and let her ask her dr if she wants to.
#1 have u hurt or disrespected her in the past with porn or other women? Could be she shut down feeling in that area
#2 maybe she is just tired , not all women want sex everyweek. Does not make her love u any less♥️
Have no idea how to answer this I’ve had those issues for many years and I just turned 39 I had a hysterectomy three years ago everybody promised me that my drive and everything would get back to normal and it didnt if anything it made it worse. I know it’s not the same as menopause but I have no desire whatsoever a lot of the time. I feel inadequate I don’t feel like a normal woman should and haven’t for about 10 years trust me I’m sure she’s just as frustrated but not saying as much. I wish I could offer you an answer but I have pretty much tried everything and nothing has made anything better on my end. just don’t do like my husband did and run out and sleep with the whole world. That’s a good way to destroy her forever
I would say have a discussion with her. Tell her your feelings. Also make sure she knows that sex or no sex you love her and that you understand she’s going through a lot in her life. See if she would be willing to talk to her doctor, with or without you there (so she knows she has your support), about the lack of interest in sex. Its probably hormonal and depending on her medical history, the doctor might be able to help with it.
Also, I’d like to say its wonderful that you came here asking for help, especially in the respectful way you did. It sounds like you’re a good husband just missing his connection with his wife. I hope it all works out for you two.
Definitely, talk to a doctor. There is a medicine called Addyi. It is for women who are premenopausal and have low.libido
Have to tell you. At 68 I miss the old me. Things that used to feel so wonderful ,don’t anymore. We were in love. My God we were rabbits! I miss the woman I was, and I know he does to. So I have no good answers
You’re gonna have to do romantic gestures that lower her stress and put her in a happy mood all week And please don’t let her undress herself; you should be kissing every square inch of her skin after 20 years of marriage
Sex is an all day thing. Do you start your morning on positive note and continue it all day? Maybe cook or do the dishes or anything to help her all day every day to go good. Some men treat their woman not so nicely and then when bedroom door or he takes his clothes off, thinks that’s all there is to it. We women get stressed about bills, kids, laundry, house cleaning, and so many other things men usually only has to remember if he put in the right socks for work and where the remote is. Women are so tired and stressed from so many responsibilities that when it’s time for bed they just want sleep. Think about your words and action all day long, it may sound like we ask a lot but we don’t. We are just exhausted of life.
And if your intention to come on here with that question I hope it was answered and if it was to let us all know you need sex three to four times a week still, it doesn’t impress most of us. Hahaha but good for you! Lol.
She should go to the doctor and see about hormone replacement therapy. Also there are pills to help
Woman with that. No sex for over three years is ridiculous.
I dont have any answers but I have to say I LOVE this post!! keep trying sir!
Hormone pellets … She will want it once a day or every other day. I couldn’t handle the pellets going on vacation driving omg its all I thought about.
Maybe spend more time with meaningful caresses and cuddling, giving her a massage, gently kissing her neck, foreplay etc to get her in at least a loving cuddly mood. She is a lucky woman! My man is 45 and he hardly ever wants to do it, I am the one wanting it all the time! You are so understanding of her menopause issue, hormones are a real thing. Just try to find ways to be intimate that might not involve sex all the way but maybe she can please you in other ways too like her with hand etc
I agree with those saying talk to her about seeing a doctor. Also offer back rubs, foot massages anything just to show more affection without the expectation of see but let her know how much you desire her and miss that physical intimacy. I have chronic pain from a back injury nearly 20 years of constant pain there were times with my ex fiance that I could not even think of see, but I would do other things usually with my hands or even orally maybe she would be willing to do the same for you.
There are 3 stages of Menopause. But, I know it drains her of hormones. I too am going through the same and feel as she does. Ask her Dr to run a Vitamin Panel. I’ve started taking a multivitamin and it has helped a lot. But, she needs to know where she is low. She may need prescription Vitamins. Menopause also can cause painful intercourse. Ask her if that could be the reason as well. Try Estoven. It’s a hormone replacement Vitamin.
I honestly love how you approached all of this! And love the fact that you’re asking a woman’s perspective on the situation as well, not many men are willing to do that. I wish I had an answer for you. Good luck to you both sir.
Ugh I feel her and you…
To be honest my doctor said the more you do it, the more you’ll want it.
I know it was horrible for me hearing it but I force myself to even on days I have no desire too.
The change really does change us, it actually doesn’t feel good at all but I’m trying to move past it and my hubby gets it at least 3 times a week.
It’s a struggle and I give you so many props for sticking by her side through all this.
Maybe try and start dating her again, get those butterflies back… simple things like flowers, a note she wakes up to, a surprise date or weekend away.
Sending you and her lots and lots of prayers
I had a hysterectomy at 34. I use a hormone compound daily prescribed by my doctor. I have my hormone levels checked yearly. No problem with sex drive.
You’ve went over 900 days compromising with her, she can do the same if not once a week at least 2x a week. That is a very important thing in a relationship (unless you guys are asexual). To me I don’t think it’s fair for you
Tell her to see her doctor there are things she can try .
I’m 64 and don’t have any interest. That’s all I can say about it
I was like this with my husband (ex), I had no libido and also the contraceptive I have in me contributes to this I’m sure as well as having 8 kids…still 3 under 11 years at home, no help at all with anything (like I was single)plus an ADHD child and appointments ect…the more he bagged the more I didn’t want it.It started to repulse me as well as him.Fell out of love for many reasons.I was also premenopausal…I’m in my 40’s.
Have a talk with her(if havent already)and see what can or can’t help.Try for a date night or lunch once a week, even if it’s a park with a bottle of wine and nibblies.Suggest counselling.It night not be you but she’s just lost interest with sex in general.If so then it’s up to you to accept that or not.
She might be depressed or over worked. Sex sometimes is very painful during this transition. Ask her. Be romantic. Sex is no fun for a woman if you are the only one having an organum. Are you making sure she is satisfied?Do u make her feel beautiful? Treat her to a day at the beauty shop and a nice dinner. Maybe a glass of wine and a soft massage.
My marriage went out the window because of the same thing, went to doctors tried everything out there and just didn’t want it so he went to someone who did
Probably going through menopause. She needs to talk to her gynecologist to look for alternatives to help her out. Good for you for being loving and supportive. Be sure that it is not personal but that is the age when most women go through those huge changes and the hormonal imbalance can totally affect her desires. So be honest talk to her an look for solutions together
I would say get her to talk to her gynecologist about it honestly. I’m 50 going through the change and my sex drive is still normal and my hubby loves it.
Are you talking any sex, or just your preferred sex? You say when you initiate it, she says ok, she gets undressed and just goes through the motions. So are you getting it or not? It’s very hard for anyone, man or woman, to age. If your relationship is good in all the other ways, then I’m sure it’s not you. All I can say is I feel for you both. It’s hard. Sometimes this can be adjusted or fixed, sometimes not.
How refreshing to see a man seek advice from women because he is so in love with his wife and wants to be intimate with her instead of straying and cheating like every other post we see here! I have nothing to add apart from the fact you sound like an amazing gentleman and I really hope you find your answers. Good luck xx
Most of us women view sex much differently than men. I think a lot of men believe that women get turned on the same way that they do. But for most women, sex is much more about an emotional connection than a physical one especially when it’s someone we are in love with. While I believe that your wife should 100% talk to her doctor, in the meantime you can also start by dating your wife again. Help her out around the house, flirt with her & tell her all the things that you love about her. Send random texts or leave her little love notes. And when you do have sex, make sure it’s not just sex. There is a reason that it’s called making love. Make sure she feels it. Personally for me, the more intimacy that my husband & I have, the more I think about it and want it. Best of luck to you!!
I understand how she feels… been there myself…and something she might not tell you is it can be painful at this point for her…I’m sure she still loves you!!!
Havent had sex for 20 years on ante depressants and lost my sex drive I cant help it lucky my husband has never had a big sex drive He 74 I am 69
When I went thru the “change” I wanted sex more. My ex hubby did not. Hope u guys can compromise somewhere along the line
Ok little insight the change is good tell you wife that it will go back to like being a virgin all over again l enjoy having sex with my partner 3 to 5 times a week and we spice it up in the bedroom good luck lubricants work amazing
If she’s over 45, she may be dealing with menopause. And that will make her tired and not wanting sex. Lol idk I’m not there yet but I seen someone I love so much deal with menopause and she is jus always tired.
Give her some time!! It will go away. And you love her. She is almost through it. I’m sure she loves you. You got this.
I think she has lots of love for you. I am on the other end my husband is much much older then me I’m the rabbit he can hardly get a drive and I deal with it its rough I get that but I also understand him I got me some me myself and I stuff and I do me on my free time lol I’m forever faithful and love mine bunches. Sounds like you love and respect her so much so you came here. I have no helpful advice other then find beautiful ways to bond with your wonderful wife and treasure it life is short sending love.
Dear sir - bless your heart and your lady has a special man in you. Well kiddo sounds like the fire might be low on her side. What ya gotta do is remember what attracted her in the first place. Then kick it up - flowers, letters, cooking a meal, going for rides , spending quality time together and talking - are always winners. Be honest and communicate- you’ve got a good marriage -give it time - you sir are truly blessed. May Our Mighty Creator Bless You on your journey to reconnect like days of ol’ my friend.
I have no opinion or advice for you but I just wanna say, you are a rare kind. Most men would definitely go play around to get some if not from his spouse. Kudos to you for staying loyal despite the dilemma. I wish you both could find the best solution to rebuild or rekindle that fire wish you the best!
More lube, more foreplay. The more orgasms she has, the better for you !!! Maybe an adult, personal toy to spice things up ???
Can I just say I love the fact that he came and asked for advice from women, that’s says alot in itself, instead of just runnin out and seeking attention from somewhere else.
I’m going through my first stages and I’m feeling the lack of myself I’m not sure if it was me or other things could be those other things to. Believe me I turned away trying . I feel for u though.
I’d pay her a lot of attention flirt with her relentlessly, make her feel like a queen. She’s probably feeling like shit right now. Plant a sexy seed and keep it growing. Use are a good age and the lust would have faded. Make sure you are fresh and look good and encourage her to do the same in a gentle way, so you both feel good. Be really sensual with her lots or rubs and massage and encouraging words so she feels confident in herself and she will feel aroused with the love you have for her.
I think it’s great you’re asking the question and I’m sorry that you’re going through this, but I’m a bit confused. You say you haven’t had sex for 3 years, but you also state that when you do ask, she gets undressed and just goes through the motions. While that is obviously not great, it implies that you are still having sex. Have you not had sex for 3 years or have you just not had sex that she seems to actually enjoy?
I am going through this and I turn 37 in March. I’ve had two boys that are now 15 and 16. My husband is 42. My husband is very good in bed and given the chance he definitely does turn me on…but…I just don’t think about it or even feel like doing it most of the time. It’s not him. It really is me.
Plan a romantic weekend get away
Learn to do a lot of foreplay. Something’s that’s better than intercourse.
The two of you speak to her gyn or a therapist specializing in sexual relationships
People vary in ability and desire with age
My almost 99 year old Grandmother was sexually active after her menopause.
I remember the look that her husband had when it was time to go to sleep.
Menopause sucks! Hormones get crazy. Be patient. Do date nights, flowers, little love notes. Opposite here last 2 years. Hubby is 71, I’m 65. He’s having ED. Sometimes it’s frustrating to the both of us, but when it happens, it’s great! Be patient… I think majority of people have issues- have faith! Prayers for you both. You are a wonderful husband.
Menopause can cause that. It should be addressed with her doctors for the physical symptoms, but she may also be depressed too. It’s common for women going through huge hormonal changes to get depressed and that can cause low sex drive.
For some woman that age it actually becomes boring 1 2 finish Lamo unless your superman and your flipping her from one side to another
maybe put on a cape
It’s really sad how a lot of women on here are praising him for not cheating like he’s a god . Anyways sir, either take her for a romantic trip or try foreplay (WATCH HER EYES AND BODY MOVEMENTS) woman are very telling when you’re doing it wrong. Hell, maybe even try doing some of the chores she usually does around the house , run her a nice bath with roses, kiss her, play with her hair, rub her down in warm oil or lotion. Make her feel young.
Talk to the ob doctor they can help because most of the problems is probably pain from hormones being put of whack
Take her to see her doctor and pay attention to what’s discussed during the appointment.
Also get her screened for depression. That can kill a lot. If she’s already on antidepressants, that might be dampening her libido too, and other medications can have similar effects, so talk to her GP.
See about a marriage counselor and/or reputable sex therapist too (ask doctor for a referral). Sometimes a professional can cut through the fog to the heart of what’s wrong and work with you to find solutions you can both agree upon.
Maybe she feels old and ugly and depressed that she can never have more kids, even if she wouldn’t want to. How about a spa day where she gets any or all of the follow: a manicure, pedicure, facial, massage, hair done, a sexy (not sleazy) new outfit (call the store in advance so they’ll be ready for her). Nordstrom’s is pricey but their people are amazing.
Get her Glamour Shots photos taken (they may do hair, makeup and provide clothes/props), or a boudoir shoot with a woman photographer to show her how sexy she still is. Maybe watch reruns of the show “How to Look Good Naked” to show her all body types can be sexy. Clearly you still find her attractive.
Find some joy! Take ballroom dancing classes, motorcycle lessons together, take her out on a rowboat and read her romantic poetry, surprise her with flowers, neck in the back of a movie theater, go on some rides at an amusement park or carnival. Pack or buy a meal and take her to a park, the beach, the woods for a picnic. Or get away to a cabin in the mountains. Or spend the night or a weekend at a hotel with a pool, hot tub, a big bed or two, and breakfast in the morning. Forget about your cares for a night. Play strip poker or strip Uno or Fish.
Plan an exotic vacation. You don’t even have to go! Just make plans to go to, say, Hawaii, dress up in Hawaiian shirts, put on some Don Ho music, serve mai tais and Polynesian foods. Learn how to do a hula from a You Tube video, look at pictures of things you’d like to see.
Or pick Paris, play some Edith Piaf, Jacques Brel (OK, he’s Belgian but he sings in French) or Charles Aznavour music, have French wine or champagne (or a reasonable facsimile), baguettes, fancy French cheeses (or an approximation), onion soup, quiche or crepes or steak frites, strawberries in Grand Marnier whipped cream, and look through French guidebooks and videos. Learn some French phrases, play footsie, re-enact a scene from a French movie (skip the smoking of cigarettes, but you can pretend).
If possible, start saving and make your dream vacay a reality sometime in the future.
Men are like microwaves, but women are like regular ovens. You have to warm them up quite a while in advance, especially as we get older. Make love to her eyes and brain before you go for her body. And yes, lube can help a lot.
Try a new position, add whipped cream or chocolate sauce in the bed, role play, buy some sex toys to use on each of you, play flirtatious games, tie each other up, watch romantic movies or soft porn together, make love somewhere else in the house (be sure it’s warm and comfortable: throwing someone 40+ on the kitchen table doesn’t work as well as when you’re 20).
Write her love notes and send her romantic cards. Take her to places that have meaning for you as a couple if they’re still there. Buy her a new ring (doesn’t have to be diamonds or gold, doesn’t have to be for the left ring finger, but anniversary bands are made for this) and propose to her all over again. Suggest a renewal of vows if you want to have big celebration, and potentially a second honeymoon.
Good luck! So much to try out and I hope you have fun doing it all. Whatever doesn’t work might give you both a giggle. The doctors and/or psychiatrists should be able to ameliorate physical or mental barriers to being intimate again. Hope you get some soon!
My hubby has had ptsd for the last 4 years … I love him our relationship is more than sex… so I understand it is medical and not me, and inrich our relationship in other ways… we stronger than ever you have a hand use it… only do it I he initiated it. I am sure I do not cover all his needs I can forgive him for not covering 1. Ps this is my story and tak on this subject
Hormones at this age suck! Just make sure you know it’s about her hormones, and has nothing to do with her attraction to you🥰
Get that girl to the doctor to have her hormone levels checked. Likely her testosterone is low. She will feel better and you will feel better, but be prepared, as you may get way more than you asked for.
Sir I’ve been married 35 years been together since we were teenagers . We were rabbits not gonna lie . But early 30”s my liver failed due to auto immune disease . The drs did a consult with us and told my husband “ sir are you sure you are ready to go through this ? Only 2% of marriages make it as her sex drive will go to absolute nothing due to the drugs she’s taking “ he looked them straight in the eye and goes “ that’s my wife I married her not for her sex but her heart . That was 16 years ago and TWO transplants later . That’s true love there
Talk to the dr together about this. All the romancing in the world will not change hormones. Be sure to ask the dr (or internet research) is part of this her medication?
You are a fine man for bringing this to the forefront. Best of luck