I need some advice/words of encouragemen

For a couple years I’ve had some problems with my mental health. Mostly anxiety and Depression and I haven’t sought treatment. This past year or so I have noticed that I have mood swings a lot. I googled it and it says Bipolar disorder mood swings and mania usually last days/weeks so I don’t think I could be experiencing it because I’m having good swings numerous times a day. I found something about BPD and I have all the symptoms except for paranoia and delusions. The thing is, I’m scared to go to the doctor because I’m afraid I’ll be labeled as crazy. But I can’t go on like this, it’s affecting my marriage and my husband deserves better. How would I go about going to see a doctor for this? Can you please give me some advice and encouragement, and tell me about how you’re treating you BPD wether with meds or therapy.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I need some advice/words of encouragement

Start with your regular doctor

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No one labels us as crazy anymore
Better to be diagnosed with treatment than to continue spiraling out of control until it’s too late


I am currently in therapy for my BPD and I’m so glad I sought out a therapist. You are not crazy. This diagnosis does not define who you are as a person. They will teach you ways on how to manage the depression and anxiety just like if you had diabetes or hypertension.

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Your not crazy and please don’t try to self diagnose depression its self can cause mood swings as well as stress caused from un treated anxiety … there is no Shame in seeking professional help please know your not alone it gets better but also don’t expect a pill to work over night they take weeks to work and you may need to try several medications or different combos before you get the right ones… best of luck

It’s best to get checked, check for illness, bloodwork, hormones and vitamin deficiency. Could be lots of things. If it is something else you can be treated appropriately, no one is going to say you are crazy.


Honestly my obgyns over the years were the ones that helped me find the help I needed best help. But whether it’s your obgyn, your regular doctor, a pastor or just call a therapist that’s has great reviews in your area. It’s really hard to take that first step but just know you aren’t crazy and they won’t label you crazy (I felt the same way too for years) but just start by talking to a trained professional and talk about your options because once you start to help yourself you’ll feel so much better. Good luck momma you got this

See a doctor. They won’t diagnose you with anything until you have been seeing them for a bit and see how your progress goes. There are a lot of reasons for your mental stability to go downhill and not receiving treatment for your initial issues may contribute to some instability later. A doctor can help you get the treatment you need to find your grounding again and if there is a diagnosis of something other than anxiety or depression, they’ll have some next steps to help with that.

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I went to a doctor who thought I was bipolar but a lot of the symptoms are also signs of ADHD. It’s harder to diagnose girls so most women don’t find out until their twenties. I’m not sure that’s it but it’s something to look into. I’m currently trying to figure myself out too.


The stigma with mental illness is just not fare and I totally hear you.
The awareness of that is also getting louder.
It’s self love /selfcare to be seen by someone, and theirs nothing wrong with that.
You won’t be labeled as crazy, get yourself help with your Dr, And then go from there.
Keep it to yourself, nobody needs to know but you, except maybe your husband. If he labels you that way then I’d have to wonder if some of the issue isn’t just your mental health. :thinking:

BPD is a personality disorder, which means, while meds can help control symptoms, you need someone to help you retrain your thinking processes. With a good amount of effort and a knowledgable and skilled therapist, you can make great progress to overcome it.
Dont make a habit of diagnosising yourself, but it is definitely a good place to start to know your options and understand what you feel “fits” you and what doesnt. The doctor can help you narrow it down from there.

Start with your primary, and ask for a referral. Then call your insurance and make sure the refered doctor is covered.

Also, know that if you are not comfortable with your therapist, you arent required to stay with them. You can find lots of helpful people out there, just make sure its whats best for you.

And as far as being called crazy… I’d rather be “crazy” than whatever it is that people have that makes them feel obligated and entitled to judge others. Doing whats best for you isnt “crazy”, its maturity, and hard work. Its “adult”.


if one has bipolar mood swings very frequently they are called ’ rapid cyclers ’ Many people live perfectly normal lives on medication. See a doctor and feel better soon :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Vitamin deficiency can cause chemicals in the brain to change. Please have your Dr do a vitamin panel to see where you are deficient.
Niacin is one.
I have a vitamin encyclopedia that I have been reading. I have no insurance so I thought maybe I could take care if my Thyroid Disease with vitamins. I have and I’ve been feeling so much better. More energetic and I’ve been able to lose weight and swelling. Have your thyroid checked out as well. It can cause this as well. Your not alone.
But, you Must see your Dr before starting a regimen.
God bless
If you do have thyroid problem, have your children checked as well. It’s genetic.

Please see your Doctor as soon as you can. She will refer to someone else if she finds it necessary.

Hope you will see a qualified doctor soon. You might want to tell your Internist about your issues. And take his advice on the situation.

Stop googling shit n see a mental health specialist, not some rinky dink doctor

Go see a Dr. I have bpd in medicated and see a therapist best thing I could have done it saved my marriage and me from myself…

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Mood swings are also apart of depression & hormonal issues don’t think the worst just go and see a doctor

Although mental health awareness seems to be at an all time high, the negative stigma towards it is still very present. Your brain is an organ. If you show signs of kidney failure or bowel obstruction, would you stay at home in fear of what others may think of you seeking medical treatment? No. Because mental illness can’t be seen by others, it’s hard for them to understand, especially if they haven’t experienced it! Not having answers to “what’s wrong” and “why am I feeling this way” is likely adding to your underlying anxiety and depression as well. Based on experience, I highly suggest you swallow any pride or fear and see your family physician for an initial evaluation, get on medication if seen fit along with therapy. You will be glad you did!

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I’ve gone down the road you’re on. With BPD, proper medication is a must. Without it, you may experience mania, extreme depression, anxiety, cycling, etc. It may take months to find the right combo of medicine, but to feel “normal” again is soooo worth it.

If you’re not into taking medicine you could use doterra oils. Those really help with some of that along with a strong support network that is consistent in checkin in on you, and communicating thru it.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I need some advice/words of encouragement

I completely understand how you feel. I’ve been through all that. You need to talk to a doctor and find a good counselor. It might not be as bad as you think, but it could be worse. I know it’s scary. No one is going to label you as crazy. I know there’s a stigma about mental health. I fight it every day. I was diagnosed with Schizoeffective disorder, Post-traumatic stress disorder, general anxiety disorder, and clinical depression. The chemicals in my brain fluctuate constantly. It’s taken years for me but I finally am able to lead a somewhat normal life with medicine and counseling. I can run my household, take care of my kids and husband and myself. I can’t stress this enough: go talk to your doctor. Tell them your concerns. Let them help you. It’s not easy but it’s better than suffering needlessly. Good luck!


Actually, this could be a lot of different things from thyroid issues, depression, or adjustment issues. First, remove your stigma. Mental health is real and no different then seeking help for the flu or a broken arm. Chemical imbalances do not equate to insanity. Is there an outpatient psychiatric hospital near you? They take self referrals, you call make an outpatient appointment to be evaluated (the doctor will listen and do some screening questionnaires with you to help determine what you are dealing with, Take a full medical and social history, and them give you what they think the best treatment plan (meds/therapy) for you. ) You will follow said treatment plan with any adjustments as recommended and you will soon feel better!


Please it is important that you get checked out. Only a clinical psychologist can accurately diagnose you and treat you. Do not forget BPD comes in varying degrees. So you need to get checked out and treated right

Well first off you can have something and not have every single symptom of that disorder. I have bpd and don’t have paranoia or delusions.

Secondly, getting diagnosed with bpd later in life is tricky they always hit you with bi polar and then try to treat that. It’s a roller coaster and there’s only extensive therapy for bpd. You can treat every single symptom though.

Thirdly, get in contact with your local mental health they’ll do a intial intake and it’s a process. But you got this and you’ll be better in the long run. Also, so what if they label you crazy all the best ones are. I’m here if you wanna chat about it just send me a message.

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Before you jump to the conclusion of mental disorders, it’s probably best to rule out medical causes ie thyroid, hormones etc, and try to get your depression and anxiety under control. Depression and anxiety themselves can cause moods to fluctuate excessively as well. It may not be that there’s some underlying mental condition, it may just be that you haven’t found the right treatment for your depression and anxiety yet, and fluctuating hormones can also play a big part in that as well. It all starts with having a good talk with your GP to get to the bottom of it. If you lay it all out on the table to them, they should be able to help you figure out where to go from there.
I was misdiagnosed with bipolar years ago for similar reasons, that were eventually contributed to other health issues. If you do go down the route of BPD diagnosis, that will need to be done with a referral to a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist.

Start with your primary doctor, they will give you a referral. Don’t diagnose yourself off the internet or by why others say. Only a doctor can diagnose you. It could many things.


I have depression and anxiety and PTSD and I sought out my doc and got on meds and now see a counselor and it seems to be helping me I was on anxiety meds for about 4mos and my doc took me off it but I’m still on lexapro for my depression

There’s no meds for bpd but they do have mood stabilizers and there’s a therapy out there just for people with bpd. It’s not the end of the world even though it feels like it. I would know cuz I’ve had it my whole life basically

Please don’t diagnose yourself from Dr. google. Seek help. They don’t judge I promise.

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Stop googling symptoms. Google will scare you to death. Go to your primary doctor

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go to the doctors. u might just have major depression. and they will never label u as crazy. take it from someone who has veen thru hell the last 3 months cause mental health problems…go to ur doctor and get help

I suffer from numerous mental Heath issues one being bipolar. If you wanna chat message me

Please just call your PCP or your local mental health center.
Explain just as you have- moods, mania etc…you will not be labeled crazy.
Worst thing you could do is get caught up with trying to diagnose yourself.
It’s never crazy to seek help- it’s crazy not to.

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Self diagnosis is not a good thing, go see a doctor. There are many things that a doctor can refer you to.

I have suffered from anxiety and depression for years. Prior to proper medication and management, my mood would swing all the time. I was quick to anger and would cry for absolutely no reason. Talk to your doctor. You won’t be labeled as crazy. There are so many people out there with mental issues, that this is just normal routine for them. Medication and counseling help in so many ways.


Don’t Dr google yourself. Anxiety and depression can also cause mood swings. The best thing you can do for yourself is to seek help by a professional. Let them diagnose you and help you with what steps you need to take next.

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don’t ever use google to sell diagnostics , I’ve learnt the hard way, go see your doctor ASAP

I did better with therapy. Meds just made me a zombie.
Was going threw an ugly divorce and physically sick at the time.

Honey maybe you have an anxiety disorder? I DEF RECOMMEND a psych dr. Im a mental/:brain: patient too. I hardly slept/ate for 4 months. The psychiatrist has helped me alot. I let mental illness/depression get so bad i lost cognative abilities and had to start staying home from wk in june Im still not past this but im doing little better. My point, dont let mental illness fester as long as I DID. It goes much deeper than emotions if you dont take care of mental illness. Life/health get worse in tiny incraments EVERYDAY. Sometimes you dont notice it happening

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By definition, you are crazy. :blush: Do not worry about labels. Worry about your mental health and the well being of your family. I am diagnosed BPD and I manage mine with medicine. I still have some issues but I’m doing well. My family is very supportive and loves me through my mood swings. Make an appointment with your primary doc and ask to be referred to a psychiatrist. They will have all the answers you need.

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Do not diagnose yourself through the internet. Seek help through your Dr. Please don’t be shamed by this. More people than you can imagine suffer from Mental Illnesses. It is a illness just like any other in your body, but this one takes place in your brain. Medication isn’t always the answer, there is therapy as well. Calling people “Crazy” is archaic & demeaning. Please see your Dr. & get help. Praying all the best for you.


Nobody has to know that you are going or your diagnosis. But please seek therapy. I pray for your healing :pray:


A doctor will not tell you you’re crazy. They will help you with therapy and medication. If you don’t know what kind of doctor you see, go to your regular primary doctor or even your gynecologist and tell them you need a referral for a mental health specialist.


Your not going to be labeled crazy. Get yourself help. I’m bipolar,servere depression and anxiety,add,ptsd. See a psychiatrist and get a diagnosis. Start therapy. I honestly went off all 7 of my meds because they were worse for me than anything so I self medicated with cannabis. I stopped tho because I’m pregnant. Good luck

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You’re not crazy
Ask your family physician to recommend someone. Good luck


First of all don’t try to diagnosis yourself. Secondly, there is no shame in seeking out mental health treatment! Anxiety and depression are physical illnesses, just like any other medical issue! You can’t help if you have a lower level of serotonin on your brain, but you can seek out help to treat it! Look for a community mental health center that has mental health counselors but also medication management which could be helpful. Once you start going you will see that it’s totally normal to seek out mental health treatment. They say that people live with their mental health concerns for 8-10 years before they seek treatment, don’t wait that long when you can regain your life now!


I went the longest time trying to just “deal” with my depression. Until I couldn’t. You have to want the help. It’s ok to need help. No one will label you. Everyone is going thru something right now. You need support and that’s ok


If you are taking anything like ibuprofen or naproxyn, stop immediately. Those drugs can cause exactly those symptoms. If you are on any other medications, visit your doctor and ask if they can cause depression (a lot of medications for chronic pain and also hypertension cause depression as a side effect, as well as montelukast the allergy medicine). If your doctor says it isn’t a medication side effect, ask for a trial of prozac. It can really help mood swings and depression.

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Go to an endocrinologist AS WELL AS seeking psychiatric care. I’ve been on antidepressants for near 20 years. But the last year of healing my hormone imbalances has done more for my clarity of mind and the stability of my emotions than any therapy or drug did in the years before.

Depending on your age, you may possibly be entering into early menopause

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Treatment is self care. We’re all crazy so worry about that. You not getting help is what’s really crazy. :hugs:

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Go to the doctor. I promise they won’t label you as crazy. I put it off for years for the same reason & I was miserable. I’ve been taking meds for the last 8 years. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done for myself and my family. Please go to the doctor sweetie. I promise you won’t regret it

Don’t diagnose yourself.

It could be hormonal. Some women are more sensitive to the subtle changes ( I am ). I was diagnosed with anxiety and brought up bpd and but therapist said it doesn’t seem like that’s what it is just the highs and lows that come with anxiety/depression/hormones/life. If you are concerned about being crazy that’s classic anxiety. Also, if you do have bpd, you will be ok !! There are things that can help. I wish you the best.


I am bipolar and I don’t have those either you can have a illness and not have all the symptoms whether it’s physically or mental

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Just go to a doctor. It’s no big deal and you’re most likely misdiagnosing yourself.

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Why do people ask for medical advice from strangers on FACEBOOK but they are scared to go to their MEDICAL DOCTOR? AND STOP SELF DIAGNOSING YOURSELF ON GOOGLE.