I never get to see my boyfriend because of work, how do we make it work?

So he sleeps 10 hrs a night has 2 days off a week and you do all the house work and work 7 days a week . I can tell you what I would do , Absolutely Nothing at least for him I would cook for myself do my laundry and clean up after myself and when he asks Why he would be told you want to act like a room mate well now you are one.

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Are you working towards something, Focus on the Goalā€¦ You have someone in your lifeā€¦ The rest of the stuff is just stuff, the hard times will pass, just like COVId, it will get better, head down plow aheah, fine small Joyā€™s each day, make your Joy

I suggest getting some. Real money saved up enough 4 a new place and just. Pull up your britches and while he is asleep go make sure it is a complete break you deserve it best of luck you can do this

My husband works four 10 hour shifts & still will help out @ home if I need him to!

My husband and I both worked over nights. We got home around the same time and left a few hrs apart. You just make it work. Itā€™s tiring but itā€™s life.


You need to check the phone, gaming console & computer history. Looks like you have a winner!

Tell to help cleaning maybe youā€™re have hour together

Stop working 7 days a week

He has plenty of time to do work around the house, you get it done, he can too

I would have a look at if you are living to work or working to live. A job is not worth family sacrifices. Maybe have a chat about a change in shifts, reducing hours or changing jobs all together.

Find a new job :woman_shrugging:t2:

Cant be that much to clean if everyone is always working or sleeping.Better not have kids for awhile.


He canā€™t help it you work so muchā€¦ exactly what he said

Get a new boyfriend or shut up at least he is working

Iā€™d leave-he has a free live in maid,thatā€™s not a relationship

He canā€™t help and find time for you he has to go

Someone needs to change their job.

Kick him to the curb or. Put your. Foot. Down !

Sounds like you work a lot more than him.

Ummmmm go look at him as he is sleeping be thankful you guys at least are in same home. My husband is a otr trucker last time he was gone 86 days home for 10 he left out again July 16th I wonā€™t see him in person again till middle of September. Before any one comes at me that he chose that job let me tell you there is a HUGE trucker shortage if they spot trucking America will grind to a halt.

Boyfriend. Key word. Not happy? Go.


Tell him to take care of his own cooking, laundry, cleaning

You both work, he needs to share the household chores or kick his lazy butt to the curb.

Time to get rid of him heā€™s a lazy bum


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I never get to see my boyfriend because of work, how do we make it work?

I would say Sayonara and get you a man that will help you. He lives there too.


Time one of you looked for another job. Also time for him to man up. You only get to sleep 10 hrs everyday when you live with your mom.


My partner works long days and still
Helps but thatā€™s because I ask for specific things to be done. Every night he tidies up the toys and put the dishes away. Thatā€™s good enough for me. Maybe give him specific tasks to do? May help!


I would definitely have a conversation about it and the responsibilities of the household. It shouldnā€™t all fall on you. You both are a team and despite being tired, stuff still needs to get done. Alternate days with the house chores. Create a plan that works for the both of you - there may be some disagreements that may occur during this process but at least you both will be on the same page. Also try to implement date nights. Otherwise youā€™re prettty much roommates coming and going & life is just passing yā€™all by. It can get sad after awhile and depressing (been thru this) but honesty and communication is key to a successful relationship. Good luck! :people_hugging:


Sit down and have a chat with him. Work out something that works for the both of you. If it isnā€™t working, then why work at it. He best pull his britches up and help, or get lost.


Look for a different job or ask for a different schedule.

Make a cleaning schedule at home. Even if someone just cleans for 20 minutes a day it will make a difference. Or does one chore a day etc.

Or hire a housekeeper if you can afford it.

Carve out timeā€¦ even if itā€™s just an hour of cuddling watching a show or whatever. It should be important to both people and if itā€™s not then maybe reevaluate the relationship entirely.

Do you need his extra income?

Maybe just maybe he is struggling to do what he should be doing but he has to figure that out himself. You can only do so much. Let some of the responsibilities go if you can. Also, tell him to pay for help around the house.

I like the suggestion of
Giving him specific tasks. Itā€™s worth a shot!

A situation like that Iā€™ll never work eventually youā€™ll fall out of love with each other do you have to work to make a living but I think you should find a new boyfriend I know it sounds cold but your mom got to look to the Future and your happiness


Stop working yourself into a early grave. Take one day off. If he works 5 and you work 7 whos fault is it really? Lets be honest. You want to spend time with your boyfriend but your also not giving him your time. Just keeping real. Me and my husband work different shifts. I am 6am to 4pm and he is 2pm to 11pm. So we dont really see each other but one thing we do is set aside a day to spend with each other. Stop working 7 days a week boom problem solved

My girlfriend works from 7 am to 7 pm six days a week, she still makes a few hours for me every weekday, most of the time we just go to Timā€™s or a walk, I value the time she makes for me and I show my appreciation

Unfortunately, you have to accept that he works graves, and you work 7 days a week. If you want more time with him, cut back 2 days so you can have the same days off. Meet him in the middle somewhere. Offer him a solution where you both have to give and take.

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I used to survive on 4 hours sleep a night so that I could spend time with my family and go to work. Iā€™d clean on my day off. If he gets 10 hours sleep a night and 2 days off while you work 7, heā€™s a leech. If he doesnā€™t have the time then you definitely donā€™t. He has less to do so needs to do more

Go half and half and have a cleaning lady a couple of days

Maybe if possible take the same days off he has instead of 7 days

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Honestly my ex boyfriend and I had the exact same schedule. He worked overnight and I work 8-5M\F. We made it work Bc we both took time to. When he picked up OT or I did we still dedicated one day a week to each other. Or a certain amount of time. I mean you having to do everything alone and work 7 days a week is absurd imo.

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My partner and I both work days. I find that I do most of the housework but if I specifically give him 1 to 2 tasks a day to do he gets them done.

Is working 7 days a week necessary?? Seems like alot. Also sleeping 10 hours a days seems like alot but Iā€™ve worked overnights and theyā€™re tough but Iā€™m also not used to them. You need to remember to take time for yourself also. That busy of a schedule will wear you down and thereā€™s no time to nourish your relationship.

I tried a method that I read up on, in this kind of situation with my boyfriend. It worked for me. I would let the dishes go pile up and laundry sit for couple days until he noticed and he decided to do it himself instead of me all the time lol.


Hire someone to clean

Look for an easier job so you can connect back together. 7 days a week will only wear you out in the long run.


If you have no children, say itā€™s done

Donā€™t live together. If itā€™s a priority, you will find a way And/or hire a cleaning lady. Problem solved

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Dump his ass. Men like this have no respect for women and will not change. Youā€™ll be far better off on your own. (:

He is wrong ! Man donā€™t need a lot of sleep ! True . He needs to man up . You stay home simple . Let him find a partirme job on top of full time .

Girl you need to step it up and let the man rest.

Hes lazy lol you work 7 days yet still find a way to do things
And he canā€™t? Lol throw him away heā€™s not making the effort.


This was me and my husband for a while, working separate shifts but we still made time for each other and to do house work and cook together. Before he goes to sleep he can help out with some cooking and cleaning. He can spend thirty minutes to an hour with you. Heā€™s choosing not to and not putting the effort in for this relationship. You work way more than him and still have time l, so why canā€™t he? Iā€™m sorry but either tell him what I just wrote and hopefully he listens and does or just leave.

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My husband is a 3rd shifter he gets up at 3:30 every day. Sounds like you have a man child and its time to cut the cord


My 18 yr old son works 16 hrs a day, 7 days a week (heā€™s a manager and unfortunately no one wants to work) and still cleans his houseā€¦.

Heā€™s working less than you and cant help??

Ok you work 7 days,he works 5.He absolutely can & should help

Find another job or find another partner

Tell Iā€™m to hit the fuckin road.

My ex was like that as well. I worked more than him and all he did was sit around all night pressing buttons on a machine. The excuse that he needed 10+hrs of sleep was ridiculous. Kicked his butt out when 5 different women where sending him nudes. He was an absent person. He didnt want to be there.

Run ,you deserve better

And you donā€™t work a lot? Tell him to help. Period.

Tell him if he wants a housekeeper move to a hotel u should know to make a relationship work 50. 50 one canā€™t do it all

Tell him bye Felicia

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Get a maid and split the cost.