I offered to host my friends babyshower but she doesn't want kids there: Thoughts?

Hire a sitter to stay in the venue but away from it all. You can sneak away to BF if you really need to in the however many hours you think you need to be there.


Talk to her explain your situation. And if she doesn’t understand you do you boo and tell her you cannot attend.


I love a no kids no men baby shower! It’s wonderfully quiet and we get to actually have a conversation without having to deal with worrying about anything else. She’s not gonna get girl time much after the baby so I’d do it, you might like it


I totally feel where you are coming from on this one. My baby is 9 months and I still have a hell of a time leaving him for more than an hour or two. I’m sorry your in such a predicament!

She don’t want kids there yet she’s having her own? Nope stay home!


I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want children at a baby shower 🤷


:joy::joy: cut that entire dumb bitch off, does she realize she’s about to have one of those?

Well, being exclusively breastfed shouldn’t stop any parents from spending a few hours away from their baby. Esp at nine months. But that’s up to you. Some woman are picky, she may consider kids as a distraction that will take the focus off of her. Some women take it as seriously as a bridal shower. Their “special day”. That’s prob why she doesn’t want them there, I personally think it’s Silly!! If ur co hosting ur prob very close, just have a chat with her


I know it’s hard but you need to leave baba behind at some point. Dint do it to please her but do it for yourself you’ll need time to be away. At 9 months ba y will be weaning too so it could be that leaving a meal with someone would be enough. Use it as an excuse for some previous precious me time. I cried at my first part away from kids. Now I’ll find an excuse to leave them not because I don’t love them but because you need to remain you and you need some space too. Said With love.


Bring him anyway? If she didn’t directly say “don’t bring you’re baby” then bring him. (Maybe she’s referring to older children)? Really weird that children aren’t allowed to be there but whatever lol


I’m an entitled bitch but if someone brought their kid when I said no, they wouldn’t actually be attending. Get a babysitter or don’t go. So simple. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Just talk to her. If she is adamant about no children allowed then I would not attend. How would you be able to co host with a 9 month old?


She sounds like a pain the rear:/

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Your child is too old to be exclusively breastfeeding so they will be fine for a few hours away from you


For me kids and babies are different at showers. I wouldn’t mind you bringing your baby because they’re not running around getting into things the way kids do/ can be. Talk to her and clarify or try to understand her thought behind the request. If she’s stern then bow out and let her know you’ll be there but won’t be able to stay through.

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Dont throw it no one will go anyway :rofl:

Tell her you can’t attend


I would tell her I’m not coming. That’s so unrealistic.


Pump and have the father or a trusted family member watch him. I have a 9 month old and he eats every 4-5 hours. No reason you can’t enjoy an afternoon and be there for your friend


Do not go to the shower or get a babysitter he will have to breast pump the decision is yours stop putting it on your friend she does not want kids there I don’t know why people get ticked because somebody wants something for their party deal with it grow up suck it up

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Cancel hosting. I know the party is for the mama, but also it’s pretty choosy beggar to say “no kids” to your party host who is exclusively breastfeeding. If you’re close enough to offer to host, then you’re close enough the soon to be mama should know you’re exclusively breastfeeding

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Sounds like this party is gonna be a quick one.

I wouldn’t host it neither go to it if someone else hosts it.


I wouldn’t go. I’d tell her I couldn’t be away from my baby. I didn’t leave my son for anything when I breastfed. He came first and I wasn’t comfortable with it. My second and 3rd kids I was more comfortable by that point. Do what makes you comfortable to each their own.


No children. At a party specifically to celebrate…children. Ok.


Sorry but I don’t think it’s a place for kids let alone babies. Leaving a baby with prepped bottles of breast milk and a sitter preferably a family member to ease your mind would be best. We as adults need to respect others wishes. Not all things are going to make sense to us in our heads but we need to respect others wishes. That’s my advice take it or leave it.


Don’t host then just politely tell your friend that you will have to pass on the co-hosting because you are comfortable with leaving your baby for that long especially sense he is exclusively breast fed.


A lot of these answers is why I don’t deal with anyone anymore. People don’t know how to be selfless anymore. If my friend asked me for a day to be an actual friend and celebrate a coming of a new life. I would accommodate her because that’s what real friends do. I have another 364 days to be supermom. Just because you take time away which healthy parenting adults do doesn’t make you a bad mom. It gives you much needed adult time. I would totally cut that friendship off if she didn’t attend. Immediately.


I’d respect that she doesn’t want babies but I’d also tell her someone else needs to host the party as you wont be attending


You can pump enough for him to take from a bottle and at nine months a little time away from mom might be good for both of you


Tell her you can only host if your baby is allowed if she doesn’t like it have someone else host…

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Everyone saying don’t attend and all that… is she your true friend? If so, attend and find a babysitter. 9 months old is old enough to be with a sitter for a few hours. And I understand why she didn’t want kids… have you ever hosted or been to a baby shower? Kids add chaos that not everyone wants to deal with. I would take it as a nice day with my fiends and no kids. But that’s just me. Could also be that I’m a mom of 3 and a stay at home so kids are pretty much all I see these days. Hope you make the right choice


I can see how the mom to be wants no kids there. The shower is a celebration of her and her soon to be baby. Having other kids or babies there may take the attention away from her. Especially with a 9 month old. Every one will be asking the questions or wanting to hold her.


I would just cancel hosting and not go


Bow out if you are uncomfortable. Your friend wants no children I can understand that.

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Don’t get involved…just send a gift if you like.

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Don’t go. Stay at home, feed your baby while watching Netflix.


I personally wouldn’t wanna be away from my baby …maybe she meant like, small children and toddlers? Not babies? You should ask her to specify.

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Tell her how you feel. She can either accept it or not. Take the baby anyways. The worst she can do is tell you to leave.

It’s her baby shower. She has a right to say no kids.
However, she’s a twatasaurus Rex if you have spoken with her about you exclusively breastfeeding and she still doesn’t understand.


Well it’s not about you so honour her wishes or explain to her why you can’t go

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Please find out. Mostly they mean children and not babies

A baby shower doesn’t need to be more then a couple of hrs anyways. Feed baby before you go and try to be back for the next feeding. Not so difficult to give your friend a great couple of hrs on her day.


An expectant mother? She needs a wake up call as to what to expect. Kids or babies? Not the same. Would she expect to have her own baby excluded?
Or, does she just want to be the center of attention?

It’s her party. If she doesn’t want kids there that should be respected. When I had mine I put right on the invite that nobody under 21 was welcome (we had alcohol- wine). When people texted and asked about bringing kids I straight up told them that they aren’t allowed if they are under 21 and the parents would need to find a babysitter. They could either respect it or just not come.

Pump before baby shower. This is her day. If this is her first baby, this will probably be the last time for a while that she will be able to enjoy adult time without kids.


I have never heard of no babies at a shower…only weddings.

Ask her directly if it’s alright to bring your baby. Sometimes when people word something like this, they mean older kids that are up and mobile.

I don’t understand, no children at a baby shower? You have a child growing in your stomach. Honestly I would not be her friend anymore. I hardly ever go anywhere without either of my children. They can’t go then I don’t go.

Hire a sitter to take care of the baby in a different part of the house.

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Just don’t go. She knows you have a baby and it’ll come back at her when she has her’s. Send a gift.

I have never been to a kid free baby shower. I have been invited to no kid weddings and let them know I cant come. But if someone else is helping out see if they can do it. Then go for a few hours and have to leave.

So youre gonna host. But all your time and effort… snd in return she wont even let you bring your own child!? Messed uo. Tell her to find someone else to do her babyshower