I overheard my husband tell his friends his first marriage was his real one: Advice?

I would have made a huge scene… LOL he didn’t care about talking :poop: about you in front of his friends so why would he care if you did :woman_shrugging:


Good for you for calling him out in front of his buddies. Screw him. He obviously is showing his true colors. And what does that even mean? :roll_eyes: girl make your exit plan and bounce. If you were already talking about separating, it sounds to me like he’s showing his true feelings and saying without saying what he wants… You know what I mean?


Nope you didn’t do anything wrong. Good for you. I would’ve added why did you get a divorce then from your first marriage. What a AH.


If his first wife was his real wife she can take care of his stupid ass​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: bet he gave you a shit reason for their divorce like “she was crazy/psycho” nah, drop him​:wave:t2::wave:t2:

No you weren’t wrong one bit.Would he have burst in the room if he heard you saying your first marriage was your real one?….
You guys need some serious counseling.If you can’t agree on that, you should leave.


I wouldn’t said that was you’re real marriage and this one will be your real divorce!


I wouldn’t have said anything. I would have walked right up to him and sm****d him in the face. I don’t care who he is. If he can disrespect me than I can do it to him.


Girl I don’t condone violence but if it were me, I wouldn’t have given his friends a SHOW!!!


Girl don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. The woman who are on his side In the comments probably don’t speak up for themselves. Start working on those divorce papers!


I would have told him to pack his shit and get out!

File for divorce. Asap

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That should’ve been a conversation or confrontation done behind closed doors between the two of you. What did you expect? His buddies to come to YOUR defense? Respect is a two way street. One in which two wrongs dont make a right. The right way to handle that would’ve been to calmly call him into the other room and ask for some level of decency in your presence. When all his buddies were gone, you could’ve and should’ve circled back for clarification and asked him what that meant and what he meant by it. Once you get that answer, you can decide what to do accordingly. You cant control what he does, but you can control your reaction to it, and in turn, choose what you will and won’t put up with.


It would be a game changer for me; why stay knowing how he feels. I would be seeing an attorney & checking on housing.


Nope don’t leave First!!
Let him LEAVE first.
Abandonment is still real in divorces. Call your attorney File First!!
Good luck

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Maybe he’s still talking to the woman from his first marriage

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That is humiliating. I’d be hurt too but I think y’all should of spoken privately. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Just because he did it in front of his friends doesn’t mean you should in front of his friends. That’s hurting his status. Not trying to take his side. Everybody is going to tell you “Yes Queen, leave him” but you made a commitment to him. That is something serious and personal. You need to have a serious talk with him. If y’all planing to separate pack your stuff and leave or ask him to leave. Remember you are a lady and you don’t need to stoop at his level. It is unfortunate but if it is your first marriage and his was second then that says a lot more about him than you. Sending you strong viral hugs. Hopefully y’all didn’t have children because it is harder when kids are involved since they get hurt the most. Best of luck with everything. :pray:


I would already be gone. You deserve way better!

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He lucky , you didn’t smack the hell out of him.


I would have said the same thing bur then would have packed my stuff and my kids and said nonwonder your first marriage didn’t work and neither did your second by boy! And walked out the door in front of his friends.


Good for you make him look like a ass n front of them who doesn’t have problems n I’m sure their marriages have had bumps n the road if u don’t ur a liar

He’s done with you and have no intention of showing you any respect. Just pack your stuff and go.

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You know your relationship is over so either leave or throw him out


I probably would have done the same, but the thing I’m wondering is why do you wanna give up after 2 months of issues? Did you know there are many stages to a happy marriage? One of them is a stage where you absolutely hate each other, and if you can get through that one you can get through anything


No, your not wrong, f-ck him and his friends. You deserve better. He just made it clear that your marriage isn’t real to him, so why would he respect you, your boundaries or anything regarding you. You don’t deserve that.


Yeah, it sounds like you already know what to do. Lawyer up and take him to the cleaners.


Then let him go live with her!


Tell them that you’re next marriage will be the real one. Jerk.


His friends will always side with him…it’s stupid. Even when it’s wrong.

Every relationship has issues, you have to decide if they are worth fighting through. I would have been mad and humiliated hearing that, and I would have packed my bags for the weekend and stayed somewhere else until he was ready to talk and apologize, and if he didn’t then you would need to have a serious talk about if he really wanted the same things you do. You both made a commitment, and clearly his first marriage didn’t work for a reason, but don’t tolerate disrespect either

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Time for you to leave. Its over.


I would have done the same thing honey. People give up so easily on marriage anymore

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How long have you been married, it ain’t his house, don’t leave, file for divorce, keep the house, get rid of him.


I would’ve done same thing as you for sure! I would maybe try figuring out other living arrangements so you can get out of that house.

I definitely would have confronted him, it’s time for you to move on to something better :heart:

I probably would’ve just left, it would’ve been clear to me I’m not wanted around me he has no desire to make things work if that’s how he actually felt. I don’t like conflict and what ever would’ve been said would’ve just haunted me. Sorry you had/have to go thro this sounds very heart breaking

I think I would of ask , oh yea then why are you not with her???


If he didn’t want a scene, he shouldn’t have started it. Honestly, just leave. It’s okay to have issues and separate, but he clearly doesn’t even respect you.


I would have cleaned out his bank account. And packed my shit. If there were no kids involved

Thats ignorant…how was it a real one? Now divorced could not of been that “real” or great!! I dont blame you I would of stood up and said something also! Maybe its time to take a break…not neccesarily divorce but a break! He needs to get a reality check!

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You’re always in the right to demand respect for yourself.

You should leave in front of his buddies too.

He just made himself look weak.

Let him know I said he’s pathetic and to feel free to @me so I can ridicule him publicly.


I think the fact you said it in front of his friends, says volumes… right there shows neither of you have respect for each other… witch I don’t blame you…I wouldn’t have been able to " keep quite" or bring it up alone… I would have done the same… I’m just saying, sounds like it’s time to part ways.


Clearly they’d be still together if that were the case :roll_eyes: get out don’t settle for any less than you deserve
:love_you_gesture::purple_heart: Purple heart

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The only scene I’d have made would’ve been packing my stuff and leaving. Clearly the marriage isn’t what he wants so let him go back to her or find someone new


That’s what he wanted. He wanted you to react to his abuse. He wants a scene. He wants to be able to point at you and say “See, that’s why…”
My advice… do the opposite. Completely ignore him, and leave if possible. Don’t give him any more of your energy. Focus on you and don’t look back. He doesn’t respect you. Words do nothing. You must show people how to respect you by not accepting the behavior.
Ps. I knowww it’s easier said than done… good luck. :four_leaf_clover:


He brought it up infront of his friends, so technically he made it their business before you did. :woman_shrugging:t3:
If I were you I’d already be moving out.

Real what??? He could’ve meant SHIT SHOW. His first real shit show. Lol!!

Kick rocks motherfucker

Leave. Then he will realize what he lost

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Honey you need to leave, what more disrespect do you need? He needs a reality check… obviously his 1st doesn’t want his ass… what a POS!!!

Sounds like he’s still in love with his first wife your best bet is just to walk away with your dignity now he doesn’t have the right to disrespect you like that


If he can say it he can take it

My smart ass would have said “obviously your first marriage wasn’t a real one because your both not together anymore” although I guess that only applies if the woman didn’t pass away anyway

Nothing wrong with demanding respect


Yeah definitely should’ve not been done in front of his friends. Plus there was alcohol involved. Plus it didn’t even make sense. Lol 

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I would tell him, “if it was your real marriage, then There is the door, feel free to leave, don’t let the door hit you on your ass tho on your final way out, and don’t ever think about coming back!” all in front of his friends!.. I’m sure his friends would give a big laugh that he was put in his place! lol

Nope cause even if that’s the way he feels there was no reason to be disrespectful with it by doing in it your home to his friends

Send him back to his ex :heart:


I woulda said “since this one ain’t real, LEAVE!”


No and I’d be telling him it’s time to separate since this marriage isn’t real for him anyway.


Maybe you misheard and he said wasn’t , I mean you did say he was drinking. Sometimes things aren’t at all what they seem . Try just asking him about it calmly

Dear one, I feel your frustration. I can read your pain between the lines. If you can get hubby into counseling, do it quickly. If not, you have proof he does not respect you. He doesn’t seem to be in love with you. It is time to leave. He should never have done what is essentially criticizing you or negating your marriage in front of his friends knowing you could overhear his comments. He is a pig and a disguising excuse of a man.

Save your self respect. Claim your life. Pack your things. Don’t make a scene. You might leave when he is out of the house. Leave your house keys where he can see them when he gets home. Live the best life you can away from his hate and poison.

Living well is the best revenge you can have. Live well.


I’d imagine this lack of consideration and kindness towards you speaks volumes about why the marriage is struggling. I would have said something to. If he doesn’t want your input he should be more careful about your ear shot.


You don’t leave but him and his disrespectful ass can move on show him just like you did pussy runs this shit

You basically gave him permission to talk bad about you but not when you’re around? Sounds like you both need to agree to a divorce for reasons I’m not even going to start with , I don’t have that kind of time.


I would have done the same and unplugged hid game just cause I’m an a$$

Girlie get out of there!!! If he’s talking about you like that in front of his friends he doesn’t care about you


I ghost ppl who don’t value me cuz when I’m gone they regret it

If he is so careless with your feelings tell him to go back to his ex


I would have done the same thing

Tell him he’s a fake husband and leave.


Lol good for you for standing up for yourself


He wasn’t respecting you so why respect him in front of those same friends, he was being an a%$ to you in front of.


Tell him this marriage is not your real one and leave!


Sounds like there is a reason his ex left.


"You can talk all the crap you want about me but you will not do it when I’m in the other room?? WHAT? Stop being a doormat. No you were not wrong for calling him out in front of his friends. I’d be ending things, look at it as a blessing you found out what an ass he is before the wedding.

Idk if your husband was married before…nothing in your post indicates you are the second wife. My husband says his first marriage was his "practice marriage " lol so idk I personally wouldnt be hurt if I was his first wife and he was telling his friends that his first marriage was the one for him…if my husband said something like that about his first wife…I’d be hurt and angry but my man would never ever say that about his first marriage :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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You should say, well If it was real, you’ll still be married. But you failed both marriages because you’re been an asswhole.

Sleep with one of his friends lmao


I’d go downstairs and join them and talk to his ads like Eminem would in a song. Yup this that and the other is true about me now let’s talk about youuuu! :joy::woman_shrugging:t3: I’m weird like that

Id of done the same as you and also said this marriage wasnt the one for me either


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If this ain’t a real marriage why the fuck you still here ? Go back to your first wife. See if she’ll put up with your shit again. Find a third wife. Maybe that one will put up with your shit bc im not doing it anymore. If you’re gunna talk shit about me, do it to my face, not when I’m in the next room.

  • pack my shit and leave *

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No. You did fine. You deserve more than what he’s giving you. Now, secure the money, then get a divorce lawyer.


Stories Like This i Never Want to Get Married

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You know how he really feels so you go on and get a real divorce and move on with your life.


If she was the where she at lol


Ummm…obviously it wasn’t and this one isn’t as well. Move on woman!


Yes. This is a private conversation


Are you guys legally married with a ceremony and all?

You are not wrong. That’s very disrespectful for him to talk about you like that with his friends.

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I’d have been hurt and angry too. Even if my husband felt that way, he should tell me, not his friends. He should have enough respect not to talk negatively about you or your marriage to anyone.

He shouldn’t allow anyone else to speak negatively about you or your marriage either.

Marriage is between the two of you. It is completely off limits in my opinion.

That is a hard boundary for me. Respect me enough to not disrespect me in conversation. :woman_shrugging:t4:

It sounds like he is done with the marriage though, so I’d just move on.


I would of done the same confronting him in front of friends and I would of told that first marriage you could go back to oh yeah I almost forgot she divorced your stupid ass now I am divorcing your ass to and taking everything so continue to laugh cuz I will be laughing all the way to the bank.

He’s just saving his pride Infront of his friends for his failure, he doesn’t mean it but well done for sticking up for yourself x


Way to out his ego in check and put boundaries in play. I am proud of you


Leave. He’s a prick. No need for that.

Should of asked outright, if there was any better offers in the room and laughed it off he wanted to hurt you and for you to have that reaction play them at there own game they hate itx

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That would tell me all I need to know, hearing that comment. It’s interesting that his first marriage didn’t work out and now sounds like his 2nd one isn’t either. He needs to take accountability for his actions and his behavior, I wouldn’t stick around for his BS


I would have walked in and said “I can’t wait for my REAL ONE”