I was seeing a guy for months before a random Facebook from his fiancé showed me he was not single like he said… so might be something to look further into
Red flag by boy… no wedding
It may not be cheating, but that’s how it starts…
If you’re asking you already know
If u had to snoop, ur not ready for marriage.
If you felt the need to snoop in his phone…you already know the answer to your question…just my opinion…
Bye boy NOPE break it off and run. Once a cheater always a cheater. That’s my personal opinion.
Run far far away. 100% chance if him cheating on you in the near future. Once a cheater always a cheater!
For you to ask this question means you already know the answer. Move on.
If you’re asking, that’s your answer.
If you can’t trust him, don’t marry him.
Only you can make that call.
Okay soooo I’ve been in similar situations. For those saying she’s just a friend and that he can have friends… friends are people the SO tells you about. They don’t have a reason to hide friends, so they don’t. Snapchat is also a gateway for cheating(in the wrong hands of course, but anyone born in like the 90s or later can agree that it’s pretty much common knowledge that people use it for cheating specifically or talking bc the messages delete and so do snaps).
I will agree with others for sure. Feeling the need to snoop is the first red flag bc that means he’s acting some type of way that makes you feel distrustful. We don’t snoop for nothing🤷🏽♀️ Second red flag is 100% finding a female in his texts, and a female you are unaware of at that. Third, the type of conversation you happen to oversee.
Yes, the hair input could mean nothing, but why would a woman ask for opinions on her appearance from a guy if she doesn’t think his opinion on her appearance is significant?? She clearly cares for his opinion. I’ve never asked a guy for his opinion on my appearance unless I had feelings for him. And maybe guys are ignorant to that, but he also said he likes her hair long. To me, that shows he must be talking to her and seeing her plenty. And it all depends on context of course, I’m sure OP didn’t feel upset about what he said bc it was an innocent comment. She knows this man and how he speaks when he’s into someone. She’s in need of advice.
OP just go confront him! Start calmly and don’t make it obvious you know something. Bring it up nonchalantly and go from there. If you find out the worst, maybe he’s not for you, but yes this type of behavior will carry over into marriage if you choose to marry him in the midst of it all.
Block and uninstall snapchat hahaha
Correct. You don’t trust him and now have the reason why your gut is telling you to snoop. As much as it sucks, you need a better fiance and so does he .
Everyone saying this isn’t flirting? She doesn’t even know the so called “good friend” exists he hasn’t mentioned her to his new fiancé lol snap chat exists for a reason, I wouldn’t like my man telling another girl he like her her longer rather then shorter lol unless I knew they were good mates? He hasn’t shared this with her? He chose to hide it stop making out like she is being crazy y’all are being stupid! This is flirting for sure! He could of told her about this friend but he hasn’t LOL
100% right. You saw it, no other interpretation.
Don’t do it. Wish I hadn’t ignored these signs.
Yeah don’t marry him
Do not marry him! Do not marry him! Do not marry him? You obviously don’t trust him.
So, I went through this. All started with me seeing stuff like this while he was messaging and I looked over. Unfortunately, a little bit of digging and I found out he was chatting up many many women. He did act on it a few times it’s such a shitty feeling and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. It leaves you feeling so emotionally broken. I am sorry love
When men seek attention from other women I did realize that’s it doesn’t always have anything to do with something you’re doing wrong. They have their own demons and do it for their own personal shit. But it damages everyone around them
Men are not monogamous by nature, So talking to other girls is just instinct, I wouldn’t take it personal, he probably really loves you but if you let him know that it hurt you to think he might be interested in soMe one else maybe he’ll be more careful what he says to other girls OR he’s a lying cheating bastard who can’t keep his dick in his pants and you need to run !! Lol
I was jealous of a female who is friends with my man cause they give each other advice have jokes have laughs ect ect I was a real bitch to this girl…turns out she doesn’t have many friends doesn’t have many to talk to and had some horrible relationships she’s happily engaged to someone now…I overreacted when all the girl needed was a friend 🤷🏼♀
Dump his ass pronto! He won’t stop once you’re married if he’s doing it before you even get married #beentheredoneit
Go snooping gonna find what you don’t want to find.
Do you know if it’s a friend or not?
If all he was saying was not to cut hair short that he liked it long.
Was she asking his opinion about it?
No he shouldn’t be Snapchat anyone tell him you know about it see what he says
Run… you’re not even married yet. What a fkn tool!!!
If your searching for red flags you obviously are insecure & immature and have possibly trust issues. If you don’t have trust you don’t have a relationship. You need to rethink yourself and your engagement. Why would you be searching in the first place unless you were guilty of something yourself.
I’m married and ask my male friends advice all the time …but it all depends on the boundaries of your relationship. I’d sit down and talk to him about it maybe lay out those concerns and what you each expect also its kinda wishy washy to snoop thru his phone in my honest opinion .marriages will be tough if there’s no trust
As someone who has been in your shoes and got married and is no longer married. You are right
You’re absolutely right! He’s not only interested in you; as that other chick as well. I hope things get better for you!
There’s more than one red flag in this situation. I’m a trust your gut type a person and if you’re so convinced that something is happening that you gotta snoop through his phone then you absolutely shouldn’t be married… You shouldn’t snoop either that’s not acceptable it shows neither of you can trust the other
always ready for a wedding but never ready for marriage
Don’t do it! They never change
I wouldn’t like it personally. The problem is that while it may be just a compliment or advice. Why does his opinion even matter if he isn’t with her? Its not his place to comment on how she should look or how he wants her to look. Who cares if he likes it long? Its not his to like. Would it be ok for you to do the same thing with a guy and be on snapchat? The way I look at it anymore, if he can do it you can do it too… no double standards crap.
You’ll have to do what is right for you.
But you asked and I would not marry him. He’s doing it while he is not married and it won’t stop when you do!
Red flags are there for a reason and we as individual have to be able to really listen to them.
Wish you the best in whatever decision you make!
Snooping on his phone isn’t right either.
Sounds like Snapchat is the least of your problems.
Don’t. It starts flirty and goes into full on affair. No committed adult should even be on Snapchat in my opinion. I’ve been where you are and wish I had ran.
You are so right! Don’t get married.
If he’s doing it now, he’ll do it later. Say buhbye.
I mean, was he just giving an opinion on a generically asked question or was this an intimate conversation between just him and the girl??
See the difference?
If you dont have trust you have nothing in your relationship. Time to leave n move on.
Dont always mean hes cheating ffs women these days man honestly starting to turn into snowflakes
Snap chat automatically deletes the chats at the end of them. He saved that chat. Talk with him about it and tell him your feelings and doubts. If he get defensive I’d call the engagement off, or put on hold till you both work together on being together.
What context was it in?? She may genuinely be a friend and he may just be giving her advice. On the other hand he could be being a dog but if we don’t know the context of what he said we can’t really give you constructive advice . I trust my husband and if he was saying it to a friend then it wouldn’t bother me, if it was just some random girl that he was commenting on then I’d wonder why he was commenting. I do think though that maybe this marriage isn’t right whether it’s innocent or not, as you obviously don’t trust him otherwise you wouldn’t of snooped through his phone . If there’s no trust then it’s pointless wasting your breath as it’ll end in tears
Why don’t you go talk to your fiance about it?! COMMUNICATION is key y’all! How can you even consider marriage if you cannot go to your fiance now to express how you feel. You have no idea what the situation was and are getting ready to make a drastic decision based on an assumption. Just maybe she is a friend and asked his opinion on cutting her hair.
Now, if you are the type of woman that will not allow your man to have female friends (because your trust issues won’t allow it) then marriage is 100% not in the books for you. You also need to stay out of his phone. Why are you snooping? Sounds like you are looking for a reason to call off the wedding… Best of luck!
You are absolutely right !!
Call the engagement off now. Do not get married.
It wasn’t sexual so I would let it go with a warning. He need to disclose female friends that you both will entertain now.
He’s either secretly gay or he’s flirting. Either way have a long talk with him.
I mean is this a random girl or a good friend? There’s a ton of missing context here.
Yeah maybe not. You already don’t trust him regardless, as your snooping on his phone.
Well there a good chance this girl don’t know about you. I’d send her some racy pics of you and your dude, not too racy, just racy enough so there’s no doubt you two are hooking up and explain who you are to him. Then leave his ass. It’s really a win win win. You win by ditching a cheater, she wins by learning what type of person he is before she gets hurt too, and then you win again because now his ”backup” is gone. Or if she does know about you it’s still a win win win. You win by ditching a cheater, you win by letting a whore know she’s a whore that’s just being used, and you win by fucking up whatever lies he’s told her about y’all’s relationship being ”over” but he don’t want to hurt you by leaving.
Or you could just tell him to send her a snapchat of his face in your pussy. His reaction will tell you everything you need to know.
But I’m petty so maybe don’t listen to me.
Have a talk with him. The sentence seems harmless enough but I wouldn’t like it either. Is she an old friend? Or just some random girl he is complementing? Context is everything and it already seems like you don’t trust him.
Depends on the rest of the conversation.
I think nothing was wrong with that. It was a simple statement he likes her hair long. I have plenty of male friends more than I do female friends and my husband trusts me. So it’s a you just have to trust him thing.
The fact that you’re snooping on his phone speaks volumes, either you’re insecure or he’s not trustworthy- both reasons to not get married
Call off the wedding now and leave!
Short and simple, do not go through with that wedding. Save yourself now. I’m so sorry
If you feel the need to sneak into his phone let home go!! If you can’t trust your partner don’t start building a future together.
He broke a invisible line you had drawn. You knew something was off so you looked through his phone and found this. The next thing to do is to talk to him respectfully, honest, and calm. Tell him how that hurt you tell him he took something from you. (Your trust in having him talk to other woman and not be flirty with them and he didn’t set boundaries) be honest with him and if he says he won’t stop or change how he speaks to other ladies then hunny he’s not the one. No man should compliment another woman if she’s not family or a woman you’d feel comfortable with.
Stand your ground now because this could turn into something bigger later…
Don’t marry someone you don’t trust. But the next time you decide you’re unsure of the person you’re with, either break up or trust the guy enough to tell him you’re insecure and you’d like to sit down and look at his phone with him. Snooping is immature and screams that you’re not ready for a functional relationship.
If you have to sneak and spy then you dont need to be together
No, you need to end the engagement, if he thinks that’s alright then it’s going to continue and maybe get worse. Leave for your sanity and love for yourself.
I would say yes, because clearly you don’t trust your partner since you decided to snoop in his phone. If he found out, I wouldn’t be surprised if you became single.
Is this someone he knows in person? Is this a friend? A cousin? Or some random unknown girl on the internet? Find out facts first before making decisions.
Who is the girl? Do you also know her? There really isn’t enough information. You’re looking through his phone so you already don’t trust him. Personally I hate snapchat for texting. So many people use it to do shady things and hide things from their partners. Talk to him about it.
Wait awhile, Trust is needed.
You know what you have to do. Leave him. If he’s gonna be like this now just imagine how he’ll be once you’re married. He seams like the cheating type. Save yourself and let go now
It’s all about trust… If you don’t have trust… You have nothing
100% NOT OKAY! He doesn’t see your value. He’s still looking for attention elsewhere. Spells trouble plain and simple.
Do not marrrrry him. He already talkin other girls and aint even married yet. Wow. Unless he has money. Then marry his ass and take him for all he gots
Get out now, before you go into deeper hurt and disappointment. That’s not marriage material. Save yourself from a bad future with that man
One. You dont trust him in the 1st place since you had to go thru his phone . Two. You found some thing not cool. Three. Since you both are in the wrong its time to end the relationship call off the engagement give him back the ring and both go your separate ways.
There are a lot of people on this thread that need to search within themselves to figure out why an opinion on hair length means something underhanded is going on or will go on! That’s insane! Is he not allowed to give an opinion on something that just happens to be directed at a woman? Ever? Come the f on ladies! Have more respect for yourself than to control your man to that extent because you can’t get over your insecurities!
Once a cheater, always a cheater!
Oh boy… not touching this one. Lol
If u snooping u don’t trust him, so why marry him…
Like WTF. Give him the ring back and go about ur way.
Ask him about it and his reaction should tell you everything you need to know. Snapchat though… it’s nothing but trouble anymore.
So right girl , save yourself . You at the wrong house!! Go find your man . She can have him
Holy cow the amount of people screaming leave and cheating and being insecure is down right scary
Yes you are right . Hell do it when your married . Put your foot down or get rid
Yup. You already know .
Putting this here as well. Last I knew having an opinion about the opposite sex did not mean cheating. If they can’t be secure enough in themselves and their relationship that they both can have friends that are male and female then they aren’t mature enough to have them. All these women screaming leave probably talk to other men (I don’t mean in sexual way) all the time. The hypocrisy is down right stunning.
Red flag I would say
First of all don’t come on social media asking for advice. The only one who knows the whole situation is him and he’s the one you need to be talking to. The fact you have such easy access to his phone says a lot nowadays. He’s obviously not trying to hide anything. Tell him how it makes you feel. You all are getting married and you need to be communicating or you won’t have a marriage.
Please don’t marry him. I speak from experience. ISeven years later he never stopped lying and doing shady things behind my back, he just got better at hiding. Save yourself the heartache. A man that truly treasures you would not put himself in a position to lose you.
What a whore! Lol jk.
Been there. Dump his ass now!!
I wouldn’t be engaged any longer
If the shoe was on the other foot, how would he react? I would definitely not get married
The fact that you feel the need to snoop on his phone is the first red flag. Sounds like you have some trust issues to work on ALONE. And he has some commitment issues to work on ALONE! RUN RUN RUN.
if it was being hidden, then yes, confront him and get the details, was it nah don’t cut your hair i like it long like friendly? or damn don’t cut your hair i love your long hair your so hot etc c
TALK TO HIM. Worst thing you can do is ask other women these days because they’re going to want you to quit and walk away. “All men die” type groups.
Talk to him and assess the situation. Tell him your stance on issues like this and see how he reacts then make your decision.
You have to make the decision best for you and your life.
WHY are You going through his phone in the first place?
Seems to me that commenting to a girl that her hair should be left long, is a harmless comment…
Are you looking for things to be ‘suspicious’ about?
Definitely talk to him. If he loves you enough to marry you, he will understand your concern. Pay attention to the way he reacts when you bring it up to him. If he gets defensive or has a problem with you going thru his phone…RUN! If he has nothing to hide or is doing no wrong then he won’t hide anything or have a problem with you seeing anything therefore he will be supportive of you when you bring it up. He should also understand that conversations with other females or comments like that, bother you and he should willingly be able to stop in order for you to feel more confident or “safe” in your relationship.
Why is she going through his phone? It seems like there are issues beyond this one and they should not get married.
No run while you can