I smoke and now my daughter pretends her dolls smoke: Advice?

My daughter is three and once a day and usually twice in the evening I go smoke a cigarette…she’s attached at my hip, so it’s hard enough n I didn’t wanna lie so I said I’m going to smoke n now when she plays with dolls the mom doll goes to smoke…she has never seen me smoke, so she doesn’t know what it means or looks like or anything any suggestions on what to do about it? Or I guess any advice on the future …I know I shouldn’t smoke


Don’t be so hard on your self. Just try to quit and when she’s a little older you can explain why it’s bad for your health. She might not even remember if you do quit that there was even a time when you did smoke!


You could stop smoking…think of the example you’re setting. You’re not going to fool her for long, and chances are, she will copy you/ pick up your habits in time. I don’t smoke, my kids father did (he always “snuck” cigarettes at night after they went to bed). Guess who smokes? The kids do…


Smoke when she goes to bed, I smoke CBD oil for seizures and my daughter was starting to pick up pens and pretend to do the same so now I wait until she goes to bed or I go in the bathroom and close the door.

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I’m a smoker and I straight up told my daughter the truth at a young age, smoking is bad especially for kids and can/will make people sick. She never tried to imitate it with dolls though, I told her all that at about 2ish when she asked what my cigarette was. Now she’s 8 and really understands smoking is bad so she never leaves me alone about quitting lol


You can quit .I did my brothers and sisters did.do it for your baby

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My daughter pretended to smoke a few times and I never did. At that time no one in my family did. I think its somewhat normal.

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They grow out of it … dont do it in view xx

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So my partner had to stop doing it in front of our son. My mom isn’t allowed to do it around any of her grand kids.

Our only option was to stop allowing it in front of the kids.

My mom smoked and out of three kids I was the only one who would touch them.

Make sure (obviously) that they are out of her reach.

Second, try to find a way to distract while you are smoking.

Third, if you can use the patches or lissenges instead during the day, then do that.

I started using the juul since it was quite a bit easier to hide.


Maybe you should try to stop so your daughter doesn’t ever want to try it when she gets older. Not trying to be mean, but she may be your reason to consider it.

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Our children are sponges. Its hard to stop, but if it bothers you maybe you should try? Not saying you have to but she’s going to imitate it no matter what and because you do it she sees nothing wrong about it.

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My mom was a two pack a day smoker. My sister picked it up, I didn’t. All kids are different. Be honest.


I smoke and I dont allow people to smoke around him or say the words for smoking (I’m on my way to quitting so the less exposure the better. But if they know what you are doing and seems to understand the just of what you are doing explain it is bad and that ciggerattes are harmful you could use the mommy doll as an example and tell her if the mommy doll keeps smoking shell get sick

I’m a smoker and my daughter is now 25 shes never smoke, it how you raise them, and then it’s their choice when they are old enough.


You’re setting the example. My mom was a smoker. I was not. You can tell her it’s not for children or dolly’s to do. Or tell her it’s unhealthy and you are going to stop. Then quit.


I’m not going to tell you to stop smoking because it seems like a lot of people are telling you that. I grew up in a house we’re both my parents moved my husband grew up the same way. We were told growing up you don’t smoke and we always ask well if you do why can’t I. To this day we don’t smoke. My parents currently live with us and my dad still smokes my mom has not smoked in over 20 years. My kids see my dad smoke outside. My oldest three are all teenagers and they know that they already don’t want to smoke because they say it’s disgusting. My 5-year-old she doesn’t think anything about it. All she knows is that when grandfather goes outside to smoke she can go outside and play on her swing set. I would just tell your daughter that it’s not a good habit for her baby dolls to pretend to smoke.


I smoke and so does my boyfriend (my daughter’s dad!) our daughter is 4 and she doesn’t know we smoke! We don’t do it around her! And if we are home, we take turns going out and just say “mommy is going outside or daddy is going outside!” One day we can talk about it, but it’s not necessary right now!

Unm, stop smoking. If you are worried about being a bad role model, then you already know the answer.


Kids know more than you think consider quitting It’s not easy but you can do it


When my son started mimicking me smoke thats when i knew it was time to quit. So hard but worth it


Her not seeing u might strike her curiosity. Making her play pretend with her dolls. My kids see me and know and my son wants nothing to do with it. He is 10 and My 6 year old daughter doesn’t say or do much about it.


I just slip out.
When they ask, what’s that, re: smoke cigarettes ect, I say not for you and keep going about my business.
If you don’t focus and draw attention to it, they won’t either.
When they’re old enough you can explain further.


U should not feel bad. It’s not like she’s seeing u do drugs haha. It’s a cigarette. Smoke if you want.

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Just say your “taking a break”, If she doesn’t see you actually smoking she has no clue.


I love how everyone’s answer is to quit while half are probably puffing on a cigarette in front of their kids. And like it’s easy I wouldn’t have smoked since I was 13 if it was easy to quit. I’m not quiter lmao. But do what ever you think is best. If you are able to quit then obviously that’s the best if not it’s just a stage she will get over it and hope she doesn’t smoke. She will or won’t smoke rather you do or not.


We say daddy is practicing breathing but its yucky. My two older boys dont care. My youngest wants to know whats in those boxes

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Kids process through play. She’s probably just processing you leaving her(forna short period).

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My husband smokes my 4 year old sees him. I called it yucks when he was younger. What’s daddy doing? Being yucky. what’s that? Yucks. my husband will say “buddy you can’t come over by daddy right now this is yucky” he doesn’t even ask about it anymore. He only sees him sometimes when we are playing outside and he’s working outside too. He doesn’t do it around him. Kids are smart just explain it’s bad for you and you shouldn’t even do it.


Pay no attention to it

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I smoked. My daughter would pretend also. I quit about a year and a half ago. She also quit doing the pretending :woman_shrugging:. But her dads gf is a current smoker.


She doesnt need to see u smoke. Kids are very smart and pick up on everything.

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I dont smoke, either does anyone in my family… and my 5 year old acts like hes smoking sometimes…
No idea where he got it from…:woman_shrugging:


Do what you like you’re a grown women. As for those saying quit stfu , I dont hide nothing from my kids I smoke I drink I do what I want, end of story. My girl is 4 and well behaved wouldn’t dare swear or pick up a ciggy. Keep it real with your kids and theyl keep it real with you when there older.


If you don’t want her to pretend to smoke like you don’t :woman_shrugging:t2: children learn by imitation.
The best gift you can give her is quitting


When our daughter was small she did she that Never smoked a day in her life

You said you know you shouldn’t smoke, may I ask what’s keeping you from quitting? I’m a former smoker, I quit when I found out I was pregnant with my son then picked it back up (bad choice but it happens) but I quit again after I found out I was pregnant with my daughter and never looked back, life is so much more enjoyable without having to worry about when your next cigarette is going to be, trust me. I’m not gonna tell you to quit but I will tell you if you want to stop making excuses and just do it, you won’t regret it.


As a daughter who lost her mother to a smoking related cancer well before I was ready (25 years after she quit, btw) now seems like as a good a time to stop as any. :woman_shrugging:t3:


She’s curious it’s not a big deal. One of my boys at 3 stole hubbies cigarettes :smoking: and pretended to smoke on the front steps. I used to find a pack under his pillow. Also pretended to do shots we called them Capri sun shooters. He’s 10 now and could care less.

Simple don’t smoke in front of your kids no brainer


I am a smoker, and a mother of 5. I went through this! I have regular, healthy, age appropriate, talks with my kids, regularly as they are growing up, explaining why smoking cigarettes is my biggest regret ever! I tell them the truth, that’s why a simple cold makes me more sick than they get. I am sorry that about the non productive, judgemental people who commented before me. My kids know that smoking is not cool.


I lived with smokers. Went on vacation and craved the smoke. So my advice is never smoke near her. You will smell like smoke also. I have lost 2 sons to cancer.


My mom and dad both smokes me and my sister smoke but my brother never did

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Wow. Gee. I can think of any ideas how to fix this. :woman_facepalming:t2::rofl:


my son pretends he’s smoking. He’s watched my mom & my grandma so now he imitates it. He’ll use a straw & “smoke” & he fake coughs​:roll_eyes::roll_eyes: I’ve been trying for months to get him to stop but he won’t.

Quite smoke and while your are cutting off don’t let her see you smoke at all eliminate all knowledge of smoking

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Probably because you’re smoking in front of her duh duh simple


We say taking a break, letting the dog out or taking a time out. My husband smokes and I use to. I understand the not wanting her to say mommy is smoking but you are her favorite person.

Yeah, the guilt finally got me. I quit about 2 months ago. I remember pretending to smoke crayons when I was young. :neutral_face:.

I had to Quit. My girls were 2&3. I watched my nana and my mom pass from complications from smoking and it took my girls Pretending to Smoke that did it. Been smoke free 10 years now.


Unless you keep her isolated from everything then she has seen people smoke. Don’t underestimate 3 year olds


Quit. No other advice necessary.


I’m sorry most aren’t reading the full post but since she knows you smoke it’s best to just stop.

So let’s bash a mom who smokes 3 cigarettes a day. Good lord, I’m pretty sure she knows the risks that come with smoking everyone does! I use to smoke! Doesn’t make you a bad parent. I bet most of y’all drink coffee or drink soda because you have a caffeine addiction. I feel like all kids go thru this phase. My kids did, i know i did. Just make sure you keep your cigarettes and lighters out of reach and sight, don’t feed into it, it shall pass, don’t tell her you are going to smoke, maybe only step out while she is distracted playing or tell her you have to run outside real quick and it’s to cold out for her to go out. I am just assuming by your wording you do it outside. In the evening wait till she goes to bed. I use to be like you, only smoke a few it’s hard to quit. I get it, you won’t get degraded from me.


Kids mimic what they see, good or bad. My son mimics me brushing my hair, lol. They just copy what they see.

I was a smoker. I always let my kids buy those stick gum, they called it cigarettes and pretended to smoke.


Maybe explain to her how gross and horrible smoking is. Tell her it’s not good and that mom shouldn’t smoke and so she shouldn’t make her dolls pretend to smoke because it could make them sick. Then maybe you and the dolls can both try to quit lol


When I was a kid they had those fake candy smokes. People on here need to simmer down lol


Still a smoker to this day and none of my kids smoke. They think it’s disgusting

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Tell her smoking is only for grownups.

My grandparents smoked…I used to buy the candy cigarettes and pretend to smoke. Am I a smoker? Nope. When she gets older,just lay down how bad a habit it is and how expensive it is. We did a project in health class where got to hold actual lungs…one set from a smoker and one from healthy person…The smoker’s lungs were greenish black and hard as rocks with super shrunk veins and arteries. Healthy ones were reddish purple and soft and floppy. Really made you think about how much harm it does to a person. Also…we did a chart on how much it costs buying a pack of cigarettes for a day for a whole year…omg…so much wasted money. Never even thought of smoking after that…BTW…both my grandparents ended up passing from aggressive cancer due to…smoking. Wouldn’t wish that death on anyone.

If you know you shouldnt! Then don’t !! it’s hard but lots & lots of us have quit. Do you want to see your 3 yrold have a 3 yr old of her own? You know the answer! Good luck! You can do this!


My daughter pretends to smoke when she’s being a Mummy… & I don’t smoke! Don’t feel bad, kids pick things up from everywhere. Just make sure to discourage it… I usually encourage a cup of tea instead :joy:

No judgement. Health advice is to try quitting methods. But when I was a kid my parents had a smoke free, alcohol free home and my friends and I still would make fake cig packs at 8 with pretzel sticks and still started smoking myself at 16.

Just let her know she shouldn’t do that my 2 yr old has done this I don’t smoke on a regular basis I always say I’m quiting not that I quite because of this but she sees me smoke when I’m drinking or stressed and mimicked it a couple of times but I told her not to do it and that it’s only for mommy to do u til she’s older to understand better and she hasn’t done it since

Trust me, she has seen you smoke…my daughter liked to drink out of wine glasses and pretend she was drinking wine. :woman_shrugging: It happens, they mimic what they see.

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I tell my kids it’s an adult activity. When they are a adult they can decide if they want to or not but that they should avoid it even as an adult. My kids will ask me randomly when they are adults can they smoke and use adult words and I always say if you choose to but you should try not to. Other then that my kids leave it be. Give that a try

Once, my (then) 4 year old repeated me after I said “crap”. Suddenly, “crap” didn’t seem so attractive for me to use any more. If it offends you to see your daughter do that, it’s something to think about… :heart:

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Eh, ignore it, except to answer any questions honestly. It’ll probably pass and she’ll tire of it. Maybe explain to her what made you want to smoke and why you regret it. Also, congratulations on smoking so little and keeping it away from her. Brava!

When my sister was 3 or 4 she saw a sign that said “no smoking” and was determined that when she was older she would smoke. She didn’t know anyone at the time who smoked. She’s all grown up now and doesn’t smoke.


Please try to be strong and stop , for your own health.She needs you. May God Bless You.:pray:t2:

Just say you’re going to take a break instead… even though you’re smoking you’re still taking a break lol that’s what I used to tell my son when I used to smoke

Kids are clever, shes probably seen you without you realising, at the end of the day she will see it (in public, tv, movies etc) my advice is just to remind her that its bad for he health etc…

They learn what they see . Lesson learned

Monkey see monkey do… give it up

Then quit. Kids are sponges, monkey see/hear, monkey do.

All this monkey see monkey do shit is stupid the kid doesn’t see her smoke .

My parents smoked I don’t, my mum never drank , guess what sometimes I will have a drink of alcohol

She is asking for advice, not to be judged, no smoking isn’t good for you, neither is drinking energy drinks, or cola , or eating mcdonalds

But i garentee majority of you have done that

Yes obviously try to stop but that’s not always possible,

Me and my husband don’t smoke, don’t allow smoking in the house

My 5 year old saw my brother walking down the street and said uncle is having a fag … because she is 5 and is in school so they arnt silly, keep it hidden as long as you can and if she asks be honest. Same with swearing we call them bad adult words ,and they arnt nice

Fags are things adults have but they arnt good for you at all , so mummy wants to try and stop

Just be honest, we are all human , we make mistakes we arnt perfect


That’s really embarrassing


“Monkey see monkey do” I smoke and my adult son doesn’t (thank god) and telling her to quit is soooo easy, but it’s really easier said than done “I’ve done it” yeah? Congratulations on your success.
Let her know you’re going out for a break instead of “going for a smoke”


Use it as incentive to quit (easy for me to say as a non-smoker I know!)

Question to everyone that’s telling this lady to quit smoking, do you have that same energy about drinking alcoholic beverages?


I would tell her you’re doing something else (like taking out the trash lol) I think all kids go through a phase of pretending to smoke. I did, and my parents didn’t even smoke. It’ll pass with time as long as you don’t do it in front of her.


I quit when my eldest started to notice.

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She’s fine. Doesn’t mean she’s gonna pick up a cigarette and become a smoker… she’s just putting real life into imaginary play. Smoking isn’t illegal, embarrassing, neglectful, or something you should have to quit doing because your 3 year old pretends her mama doll smokes… it’s fine. She’ll stop pretending that when she moves on to something else moms do.


go to make a phone call thats what i did :joy:

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:joy: tell ur your out doing something else but honestly just because you smoke doesn’t mean she will I smoke and my kids are older now they are aware that it’s gross and no good for you . Also don’t mind a the judgey people I’m sure there are other ways they are scaring their children that isn’t smoking :joy:


She does that only cause its all she sees so she thinks its normal for mommies to go have a smoke .to her its what allll mommies do everywhere, so i mean…

yeah if we want changed behaviour in our children the only way to do that effectively is to change ours as well. :slight_smile:

3 cigs a day isn’t an avid smoker. I grew up with a smoker in the house but it didn’t convince us kids to smoke too. She is just pretending and may have done the same thing if you didn’t smoke. Don’t worry everything will be fine.

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Just be glad it’s the mama doll smoking :joy::joy:


If you want to smoke, that is your choice. Everyone needs a form of stress relief. Just make sure she knows it is an adult activity and she can’t be near you when you’re smoking. Don’t be ashamed of your choices. I chose to quit smoking before I had my daughter, but that doesn’t mean quiting is the right choice for you(right now anyway. Obviously it’s an unhealthy habit, but like I said: WE ALL DEAL WITH STRESS IN OUR OWN WAY)


I quit smoking cigarettes years ago, but vaped :woozy_face: for a long time. I quit vaping when my son started to notice and try to get the vape. I never have started back up. Its not easy to do, so I think you should do what you feel is best. If you dont want your child to imitate that behavior, it cant be modeled.

Your kids are most likely to follow your foot steps and cigarettes do kill I lost my brother 10 years younger then me over cigarettes so maybe instead of asking people for advice u should be asking yourself do I want my daughter shortening her life because of a habit I taught her


Quit not just csuse of thst but s pretty big one I stopped a year ago

OBVIOUSLY she has seen you. You need to stop


I’d just let it be :joy:she’s gonna know when she’s older what it is so just explain it’s only for adults

Please don’t smoke :no_smoking:

I smoke, his dad smokes, and his grandpa smokes, at one point my son was pretending to do it but we told him no and explained why and corrected it and he eventually stopped, smoking is your choice, just try to talk to her about it

I’m gonna say the obvious

Quit smoking.


Smoke when she’s asleep? Lol

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Just tell her it’s an adult thing, and it’s yuckie to do. She’ll probably stop. My daughter knows I smoke, knows what they are ect… but she’ll also tell you in the same sentence, that they’re yuckie.