I smoke and now my daughter pretends her dolls smoke: Advice?

Don’t smoke when she can see you.

I am gonna be blunt but for her health put a stop to her being on your hip or near you while smoking or wait to go smoke so she doesnt see you doing it …its a learned behavior my son used to do it when he saw my ex smoke I had to make it clear he was not allowed near adult activities an made sure he was occupied with toys or a show within eyes view… Otherwise shes going to think its an acceptable thing.

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Say your popping out for some fresh air, then thats what dolly will do. Just change your words and she will too


As a parent with that kind of child, i had to use different wording to change whatever action was made up. Along with reinforcing its qn adult thing only.

Kids copy what they see.


Cant shelter her from the world. If she doesnt see you do it she will just see others do it. Who cares


This may be an unpopular response but as a former smoker I always told my kids that it was a bad thing that I shouldn’t do it. Tell the truth and explain it. It’s never to young to learn that it’s bad and addictive and hard to quit. And the more you talk about it it may being will power to you.


Maybe consider quitting. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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She will get over it. Don’t make it a thing and it won’t be a thing and she will stop eventually. I don’t see the big deal.


My mom smoked for years and still does. She’s tried quitting several times. Honestly, it was the best lesson on never smoking.

Me and my roommate say we’re going to the car lol


Children repeat everything they hear. Next time just tell them that they need to go into the room and go play with their toys and you will be outside. They will know you were smoking but at least you’re not saying it out loud just say mommy will be outside for just a minute I’ll be right back. At least they won’t be repeating the words that they hear because that’s what kids do


Quit tell her how gross it is. Very bad. Cancer death. Tell her if u smoke to break all she sees un lit and poor water on wet… knock en out your hand n stomp lol

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It’s called playing. That’s what kids do. With dolls

Just a phase. Explain it’s not for kids or dolly. She will stop.

My suggestion would be, tell her you’re going out to get some air… or going to have some mommy time outside.

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Monkey :monkey_face:
monkey do
Good reason to quit.


I used to do this as a kid. My mum hated it and always told me it was bad. Apparently 4 months later my dolls ‘gave up to go the pub more’
She will be fine babe don’t worry xx


It’s okay. I used to smoke (I’ve quit now) but even now my son will grab his jacket and head to the door saying he’s going for a smoke :woman_facepalming:t2:


For the people commenting ‘quit’ if it was that easy every smoker would just up and stop don’t you think? Like she literally says she knows she shouldn’t smoke… so why not try giving her advice to HER question instead of jumping on your moral high horse🥱 Everyone has their vices🤗


Quit…for your daughter! She deserves a healthy momma! She deserves to snuggle up to you and not smell cigarette smoke. Let this be your motivation! She’s watching you :heart:


Monkey see monkey do lol id tell her thays not good etc but thays about it tbh they are really just copying what mommy is doing

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I will also say the obvious.

Our children are not extensions of ourselves. No matter how much they look like us or pick up our mannerisms. They are not “mini me’s”. :roll_eyes:

We and they are all their OWN SELVES. You can teach them all the best morals. Feed them only organic. Teach them to be self sufficient. But one day they fully develop themselves and you have ZERO CONTROL over anything in your world except yourself. That’s something people need to learn in general! But you have zero control over your child’s future.

Life is a vicious cycle. They will adapt and learn how to live life on life’s terms…if you let them.

That being said. Smoke your damn cigarette and tell her how bad it is. Be real. :woman_shrugging:


Kids play out what they see. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Both my daughters did it. I remember having candy cigarettes when I was little. All of us kids did(at least 10 plus cousins) and I think only 2 of us smoke cigarettes as adults


Kids will copy you no matter what you do, pick your nose they pick theirs smoke n they will pretend as they don’t know better. Just tell her it’s a bad thing to do and you don’t want to see mummy dolls smoking. Next time your just getting air :wink: x


If your kid isn’t a good enough reason to quit so she doesn’t watch you slowly die when she’s older I don’t know what is. I watched my aunt slowly die she looked like a skeleton and eventually they allowed her to dehydrate to death at the hospice center. Her tongue split bleeding and was a fraction the size it should have been. We use to use a sponge to moisten her mouth but it was useless.


Change what ur saying when you are going for smoke, I don’t drink so yes I enjoy a smoke lol :joy: some people need calm down telling you to quit fags bet half you wouldn’t quit ur wine lol , I think just change it to something else like am going to empty the bin or make some tea wait until she busy playing or relaxing and try sneak away then xx


My friends little one used to say ‘mummy going for a fag now’ I’d change it to going outside to get some air. Xx

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Tell her is a dirty habit and you dont do it any more…if I can give them up anyone can…i can’t believe how unhealthy and smelly I was… As the smell of a cig and the person smoking is vóil… Its would be great for you to quit

I always told my kids, “do as I say, not as I do.”
Even now my older kids will tell the littles, “do as she says, not what she does.”
It’s worked well for everyone. :smiley:


Me and my partner say we’re going out the garden x

As a smoker, it isn’t as easy as people think to quit. I’ve been on and off for ten years, tried anything from doctor help (when I got pregnant with my first) to gum to the patches. Don’t stress over it. My husband and I state things as we are going for “mommy time” or “daddy time” or something outside. Just teach the rights and wrongs. My parents smoked way before I was even in question, and I picked up the habit without even knowing they did smoke when they were younger. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m a smoker and have 3 boys. All pretty much older now…18,17, and 12. I’ve smoked way before they were even thought of. I quit while I was pregnant but started back up. They’ve never done anything like that because I didn’t hide it from them. It was just something mommy did…and they saw others doing it so it wasn’t unnatural.
I however, have always told them it’s nasty, hard to quit, and something they shouldn’t do.
None of them smoke nor like the smell of it. BUT…my 17 y/o…:woman_facepalming: he’s on this vape kick now.
I think it will pass with your daughter. It’s just a thing she’s picked up on.


It’s a phase hun. I’m smoked and my kids use to copy things I did. You just tell her no and distract her with something else. It’s no biggie mind you my kids are now 20 and 17

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I wouldn’t even worry about it. Doesn’t mean she will grow up to be a smoker. My kids see me smoke and said they don’t plan to cuz it smells.


I smoke, my son always “fake smokes” I ignore it and he doesn’t do it as often as he use to. He’s also three. I use to tell him to cut it out and only adults can smoke and all that but it just made him do it more. I ignore it and he doesn’t do it.

Kids copy… I vape and my 1 year old copy’s me… it’s how they learn I don’t think it’s a big deal as he gets bigger I guess we’ll see but it’s not like she’s trying to pick up an actual one and smoke herself… and don’t feel bad for smoking!! Is it good, no… but I’m here to tell you I wouldn’t be the calm person I am today if I didn’t get my nicotine


Kids like to copy behaviour.I wouldn’t stress too much.Soon they will be into something else :smiley:


Until she’s old enough to understand just say your going for a mommy break.


Just set the best example you can she’ll grow out of it she just wants to imitate you next thing you know she’ll find out smoking is bad and be pressuring you to quit which would be awesome but easier said than done right :smirk: don’t stress it you’ll look back and laugh at this one day​:heart:

My toddler fake smokes I find hilarious :joy::joy:


I wouldn’t read too much into it. Just copying something her mom does. As long as you’re being a responsible smoker and keeping her away from it, you’re not doing anything wrong.

But really, if you’ve got it cut back to 2 or 3 a day, I feel like it would be so much easier for you to quit vs someone smoking 20.
As far as your kid, try distraction or something like ew, that’s yucky. They don’t want to smoke. They want to… (insert healthy activity).

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Do y’all 90s kids remember when the gas stations sold those chalky white candies that looked like a pack of cigs. I spent most of my childhood blowing “candy smoke” out the window of my dads truck.


What ever happened to you’re a kid and I’m the adult? Smoke if you want to. Quit if you want to, this is life and there is no manual for raising children.
Your three year old will move onto something else soon enough. I wouldn’t worry.


Ignore all these judge mental so called moms smh. Nobody is perfect. Just explain to her that it is bad and you are Quitting, then smoke where she can’t see you. I smoke outside away from my daughter. She pretended to smoke ONE time and once I explained she’s never done it again, she’s 4 now. You’re not a bad mother. You are perfect!


Quit smoking and show your kiddo. She is already mimicking, children of smokers are much more likely to smoke. Make a healthy choice for you and your child.


Be what you want your daughter to be!


Quit smoking. Set a good example for her.

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not sure what to tell ya. Every cigarette takes 15 minutes off my student loans.


She will grow out of imitating you


As soon as they are old enough to understand explain what a bad habit it is, and that they should never start and mommy made the decision to start and it not easy to quit.


All the ones who are just saying quit smoking. Its easier said than done especially with the stress of being a mom or anything else that makes it harder. I’m so tired of people telling me to just quit when its not just an easy thing to do. I’m currently pregnant and have a 9 month old and am still struggling to quit. No matter the situation it doesn’t make it any less hard. Yes judge me I don’t care because I am trying


My daughter’s doll pretend smokes sometimes and none of us smoke at all :person_shrugging:. She saw people in the smoking area someplace and now her dolls do it :joy:

Both of my parents smoke- and I don’t and never did. She’s just copying you, just like I’m sure she puts a diaper on the baby.

Monkey see, Monkey do. If this is such a big deal then you better quit smoking. When I was a kid I pretended to smoke crayons because my parents smoked. I didn’t become a smoker.


Try not to stress too much mama. We’re humans, none of us are perfect, and we all have something we do that we don’t want our kids to imitate. You could try to vape instead, or some other method of quitting. Honestly though, she is too young to understand that smoking is frowned upon and is just trying to include things mommy does in play because she looks up to you. When she’s old enough to understand, you can explain it to her. Hugs. You are doing a great job mama.


I don’t smoke , both my parents were smokers. My dad is a drug addict my mother is not I watched him to drugs. I acted like I smoked when I was little. We had candy cigarettes and I played around all the time. Never once have I picked up a cigarette or drugs. My son is 3 Mimics his dad smoking we just tell him daddy shouldn’t smoke and it’s not healthy. That’s all you can do if someone doesn’t wanna stop smoking. I don’t believe kids will smoke just because their parents do.

shit i used to say i was gonna go smoke a cig buy it was weed instead sooo fuck it…do you mom ! My son knows smokin is not good for you !


I don’t see the big deal. I cursed around my kids and I drank around my kids. They just figured it was something adults did.


I used to pretend smoke using candy cigarettes… just explain its and adult thing and try to do it when she’s distracted.

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If you smoke a few now and then bfd. Your human. Just tell her your taking out the trash. She will eventually forget “smoking” if she stops hearing it and it will be a thing of the past. Keep mommin, your doing great!


Kids will do as their parents do. If you want her to read, read in front of her, if you want her to smoke, smoke in front of her. Etc etc with cussing, abuse, sex, whatever it is. They will mimic you.


Where I’m from the shops use to sell fake cigs they were chocolate rolled in edible paper Ahaa shitttt who cares lol as long as she ain’t lighting up a cig it’s no biggy lol xox

Also. My three and five year old still refer to my cigarettes as “those are mommy’s”. Because when they ask what they are I say “Those are mine”

Lol I used to “smoke” candy cigarettes as a kid or mimic the movement with crayons. But I hated the fact my mom and so many others in my family smoked. Either way she’ll see or hear about it from somewhere.
I did it at 15 to fit in but hated it after 2 cigs never did it again. When i turned 18 i bought my mom a pack of smokes but told her i wouldnt anymore and it took her pleurisy twice, and her asthma to flare up to quit. She’ll grow out of it, just explain to her that it’s not a good thing to do.

Lmao don’t smoke, as you said.

We are the most important role models in our kids life. I think you already know what you should do. :blush:

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You know the answer, STOP SMOKING or your kid will be a smoker.


You think she hasn’t seen you but if she’s pretending then she has seen you … tell her not to be doing that because it’s a grown up thing to do. Or maybe just stop doing it.

Our kids learn from us and do what we do. So unless you die a ugly death from your lungs then she’s gng to grow up and do the same mommy did.


No one smoked around me and I still turned up a smoker. We all have things. She will be the one giving you the most crap about it later.


Then tell her another phrase. So she will repeat that.

Just for all you KARENS she is not smoking around her daughter she does not smoke in her house so what if she has three smokes a day or more she can do what she likes she looks after her daughter and home :roll_eyes: every child picks up something that they think all adults do


I don’t smoke and my 7yr old has pretended to have a smoke with lollypop sticks


Soooo quit? You’re seeing what your bad example is doing. I don’t understand why you need advice on this one.


Its a just a phase. My daughter is 4 knows my bf and I smoke. We told her its a grown up habit and the smoke is bad for kids. She’s just run to the window now to let us know if she needs assistance and always lets the other parent know when one of us is outside smoking.

Umm those saying don’t smoke :person_facepalming: if she’s not smoking round her for secondary smoke inhalation reasons, good on her. U Gunna tell everyone else the kid sees, including strangers, to stop smoking in case kid ends up a smoker too :person_shrugging:


Telling the truth about that isn’t important or beneficial to your child. “I’m going to step outside for a minute, I’ll be back” is way more appropriate and no harm in her repeating it. It’s also not even really a lie.


My advice would be to quit. :woman_shrugging:


I used to clean a ladys house that would call them yuckies. “Mommy is going to go have a yucky”. So her kids called them that.


It really is just a phase. She will out grow it. She will stop having her dolls smoking. If you or anyone around her don’t put so much emphasis on it…she won’t either.


When you go out now say it’s for something else…like getting fresh air.

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Quit smoking so then you’ll stop subjecting your innocent child to second hand smoke, terrible habit and she won’t smell nasty.
Problem, solved.


We used to get those candy cigarettes and pretend to smoke. I actually ate one of my grandma’s cigarette butts when I was little and NEVER wanted to smoke a real cigarette again. But I still pretended to smoke. I encourage you to try to quit. Cancer sucks is an understatement.


As an adult that had her mom smoke in front of her kids, I did this. I remember being 5 years old and doing this. It’s just a phase if she doesn’t see you doing she will see other people doing it like outside of Walmart or other places. I remember pointing out to my mom “look momma that lady is just like you”

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If she doesn’t see you smoke she sees it elsewhere
You at least have the opportunity to explain to her that it’s a terrible habit and you hope that she never picks it up.

But tv and strangers are bigger influences on our children than we as parents are in my opinion.
We can say and do all the “right” things, and kids may say or do things they see in the home, but it’s always what they see outside the home that seems to be the “target of interest” for shaping their future.


Start taking the trash out with you. And tell you’re taking the trash out. Buy a small trash can


Honestly I use to be a very heavy smoker a pack plus a day I didn’t stop until after I had my son I slowed down never stopped though (mom shame me I deserve it) I quit and switched to vaping (not much better I know) the day I picked my child’s clothes up who I never smoked around to wash them and caught a smell of cigarettes wither it was actually his clothes or mine it scared me I made the switch! It’s not easy no but it can be done!


Smoke weed instead…that way when she starts her crack addiction at an early age you can proudly say that it wasn’t because of you!:wink:


Try to quit smoking. For her sake. It sucks watching your parent slowly kill themselves. I absolutely despise smoking, and won’t let anyone around my son who smokes. Your daughter should be a good enough reason to quit.

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I smoke , my 3yrs old knows I smoke she has seen it ( running out the door when she’s not supposed to ) but I just said it’s a yucky habit mommy has that’s super gross so now she just says it’s gross & moves on with her day

Guys… she did not ask about advice about her quitting smoking she asked about her daughter… you have no idea why some people smoke. I smoke cause it’s my only vice. I’d rather smoke than shoot dope in my neck again and give away everything I worked on to be where I’m at today. Let her smoke if she wants to smoke.


All the perfect parents on this post. :roll_eyes:


I was just telling my son yesterday, how my friends and I used to pretend that boxes of crayons were boxes of cigarettes. I didn’t grow up to smoke cigarettes :woman_shrugging: One day in school, they’ll tell her how bad cigarettes are for you, and she’ll beg you to stop. For now, just let her play!

Adults do adult things even as parents and its ok for kids to know that.


I’m sorry about these high and mighty mamas. I don’t smoke but wouldn’t shame someone, especially someone idk.

With you daughter you know her best so you have options and depending what you think is best.

Not put light on it and just see if she phases it out - as she gets older she may ask about it and you could explain then. But really as long as you’re not trying to make it seem good, healthy or “cool” you are headed in the right direction. :+1:


I mean i used smarties and tic tacs to “take my meds” and now my kids do it. No one in my family smoked and i used to pretend too w candy sticks. As an adult i don’t like taking meds and i don’t smoke.
Its a phase that will eventually pas


I know it’s a hard habit. My husband struggles and when I make him promise me that he will quit he just will eventually lie and keep doing it. He has been smoking for years unfortunately. Recently he told our daughter he would quit. Well he lied again. One will only quit if they want to. I have came to realize that. When he goes to smoke he doesn’t say “I’m going to smoke” he just either tell me that he is going outside OR he just goes outside. He never smokes in front of the kids. Ever. He doesn’t even talk about it either. Do not let your daughter know. Even if it’s a white lie, it’s OK to protect her in a way that let’s her know that it’s not normal or healthy I should say. You don’t want her to think that’s what mommy’s do “normally” I’m sorry you’re dealing with a hard habit to break. I hope that one day you do quit. And not for others but for yourself.

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My son went through a phase of copying daddy smoke, now he doesn’t do it. I wouldn’t worry about it at this age, it’s when they get to teenagers and see their friends smoke that worries me.