I smoke and now my daughter pretends her dolls smoke: Advice?

Just a game of make believe like we did when made those candy sticks candy cigrettes

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Be a better role model for your daughter…don’t do things that you wouldn’t want her to do as well.


If you can’t quit, keep it a secret from her. She shouldn’t be talking like that at that age.

I’m a mom of 5 kids from ages 22 to 14 and I’ve smoked since before any of them were born. I’ve told them all of the dangers and what it does to their bodies and so on and so on… but listen each of us are addicted to something that gets us through our day no matter whatbit may be. Now my 22 yr old smoke and has done so since she was 17 ( that I’m aware of) now my other 4 absolutely hate everything about it and preach to me daily on it. You can not keep your child in a bubble for the rest of their lives they will be around much of what we try to keep them from everyday at one point or another as they grow. I keep nothing from them and you no what they love me just the same and that’s all that matters


It will pass. My daughter use to think she had a tattoo on her back because I did. Dont stress momma keep up the good work.


Sooo normal my almost 3 and 6 year old think they smk when they have fries :fries: :rofl::rofl::rofl: don’t worry about it mama


Its funny how the ones judging are usually single. The kids have to put up with their high and mighty ass but the man damn sure didn’t :rofl::rofl::crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:


Say your going to wrap Christmas presents :woman_shrugging: that’s what my parents use to say lol… also Try Vuse. I smoked a pack a day for 15 yrs and just recently quit (well switched to vuse, vape pin)

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Its a phase momma. My daughter knows I smoke cigarettes and my “medicine” (weed). Shes only 5 so i wont tell her about weed yet. My daughter was using anything like a stick to pretend like she was smoking. Now she doesn’t. :person_shrugging:


My parents smoked and we used to have candy smokes. I would pretend to smoke until my mom freaked out. I unfortunately started smoking at 19. The first time that I lit up in front of my dad was weird. I quit in July of 2020. My parents always told me it was bad and showed me the consequences of the habit. My dad has to have oxygen at night. My step mom and my mom both have horrible coughs. There are plenty of ways to quit smoking but my advice is do it for you. My fiance convinced me to quit and trust me it was hard but think of all the things that you could miss smoking.

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Kind & Well said Kayla!

This is kind of normal. My daughter is a little over 4 1/2 and I don’t smoke cigarettes, but other people in the household do, and she went through a VERY short phase of her pretending to smoke or having her dolls do it. And I just kept explaining that it was inappropriate for her to do so, and things like that are only for adults. Kids mimic and copy us because we are their role models and their parents. It’s only natural for them to copy us. This isnt unusual. Just keep explaining to her that it’s not okay and its inappropriate. Maybe don’t tell her you’re smoking. Say you’re taking a mommy break.

She’s going to learn it some how :woman_shrugging:t2:

Honey, if that’s the worst thing you ever have to worry about you’re doing great! Just say you’re going to the bank from now on, lol.


They literally sell cigarette gum to kids…a phrase isn’t going to hurt this kid. All these judgmental ( and obviously PERFECT) parents need to take several seats.


The parents bashing you for smoking obviously haven’t had an addiction, you’re not a bad mom. It’s not like you’re doing crack and letting her watch


I’m not a smoker or a parent, but I hope you can explain why it’s one of those habits you never want to see your daughter imitate. <3

Honestly when I read this I thought it was kinda cute in a weird way…I wouldn’t worry about it too much, little kids are copy cats…she’ll grow out of it.


It’s normal for kids to copy what they see or experience, You just have to make sure you teach her and continue to teach her as she grows that it’s something only adults do but because it’s bad for health even they shouldn’t, And do your best to give up.


I had the same problem when i was a child. My mom just told me that smoking kills a lot of people and that you shouldnt do what mommy does. she also told me thats why she is sick a lot with always coughing and hacking. She told me it cuases you to wheeze and cough like you have the flu but it never goes away. so i stayed away. im 21 and never smoked a cig thank to the advice.


Gotta quit the smoking and drinking.

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, who you have received from God? … Therefore, honor God with your bodies.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)


I smoke and my son is 3 1/2 almost and he never imitates me or my husband. We smoke outside and never in the house etc.

My son is almost 4 and he’s always seen me and his mom smoke. Some times we buy him the candy cigarettes and light them for him. It’s just a kid thing. They’ll out grow it


I mean so many people smoke. All you can do is say mommy shouldn’t smoke so your dolls shouldn’t smoke. But don’t make it a big deal

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Oh little imitators they are. I’ve never had this problem with my daughter but she’s fully aware that her father and I smoke. I feel like if you tell her it’s yucky and babies don’t smoke maybe she will stop. Or grow out of it. It’s not a big deal I don’t think and let these karen moms think what they think. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks but you. You are her mother. My parents smoked and drank my whole life, shit I would make my mom cocktails when I was in high school. I loved it. Grew up to be a bartender and the money I make is OUTRAGEOUS. But my parents taught us how to be responsible and made sure we knew that it was bad for us. Now days my parents have both quit smoking, but all of us kids still smoke. But it was a different generation then. Most people these days don’t smoke and it’s not “cool” anymore so I’m sure your daughter will be just fine. Peace be with you momma

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I used to copy everything I saw my mum do. And she smoked.
As an adult I have never smoked. Don’t stress it’s just a phase. Jusy educated her as she grows up, that smoking is bad.


Stop smoking. Obviously


I wouldn’t make it a big deal, that’s just the mom guilt. I always tell my kids that its a nasty awful habit that they never want to start. She will see much worse in the world unfortunately.


The cure for me never becoming a smoker was being the only kid in a house with 3 adults simultaneously trying to quit . Just explain that’s its gross and you shouldn’t do it. I call it a stanky stick to my son when he sees daddy step out to smoke and tell him its yucky yucky

My 3yo son does this too. And when he’s mad he’ll say “ugh I need to smoke” or “I need a cigarette” :roll_eyes: his stepdad smokes and picked it up off of him


I wouldn’t worry too much. Chances are she won’t do it. Kids are naturally curious about everything and she doesn’t even know what it is. Kids just imitate the things adults do and say as their way of learning about the world. My husband smokes and goes outside. My son is interested in it but knows it’s not good for my husband. I think the hardest thing to explain is why does daddy do it.

It will be okay… I mean remember those candy cigarettes? Lol


My 5 year old started imitating me smoking while playing “house”… ( I smoked outside away from them) This is my 3rd week without a cigarette… doing it for them


I believe being honest them your kids and open (to an age appropriate understanding) will give her a better out look on it. Explain it is for adults and not every adult does it. Mommie needs her breaks and that is perfectly fine.

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Hard here. My kids used to do this when their father smoked. He never did it around them but when he saw first hand them attempting to in their interpretation and with their toys, he stopped cold turkey. I never picked the habit up so I cannot give the best advice. Just my family’s story with it. The kiddos don’t do it anymore and it’s been a few years.

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Love your child enough to stop smoking.

Real life here , four people in my ex’s family died directly from smoking my mother-in-law died at 47 after cancer filled her body and finally ate her brain. Her father had half his brain removed from cancer, her 54 year old uncle died from smoking related cancer and her 46 year old uncle died from smoking related cancer. Irrefutable evidance smoking cancer kills


My two year copy’s me and says “going for a smoke!” So I’ve changed saying that for “going for some fresh air or I’m going to have a look outside for abit!”. It’s working she hasnt said “going for a smoke” for awhile now


There are a TON of free resources to help you quit smoking! You’re not a bad parent for having a bad habit but you CAN quit…do not doubt yourself. My Grandfather was a 3 pack a day smoker for 50+ years and quit cold turkey when I was born. My husband also died from leukemia and his doc told us that his exposure to benzene in cigs could have done it. It just isn’t worth it…and you’ll save a TON of $$ plus be healthier and around longer for your baby.
My Grandpop still ended up dying from lung cancer. It is an awful and painful way to go…you basically drown in your own cancerous fluid. It was extremely hard to watch as he was a father and best friend to me. People in these comments are defensive when I say this shit and oh well. I don’t care what they think…Im by no means a perfect parent and we all make mistakes but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to get better. There are so many resources to help you quit, please reach out and use them. I wish you the best of luck and really hope you can quit. You can do it!!!


I don’t know, both my parents smoked as most people I grew up around and for some reason I never have wanted too and never have, I am older and everyone smoked in the sixties and I was around second hand smoke a lot but kids don’t always do what you do…like I said I never did but my daughter does! Go figure…my Mom died from lung cancer at 62 years old and I know it was from smoking as she was healthy otherwise so sad…good luck.

Now you can split the cost of buying cigarettes 50/50

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Everyone is jumping down the lady’s throat saying quit smoking - what if it is her only was of stress relief - I am a smoker and my children have done it also. Just like a lady above has said just say your going outside to check their toys are still there or getting fresh air as your a little warm etc. Just change what you’ve said to her. She is young still so will forget - just help her forget by changing it up - everytime she mentions it just say no that’s not good only some mammys do it and only do it when their a lot older etc. Good luck xx


Wait until she goes to school and learns that ‘smoking will kill u’ and she starts crying every time u go for a cigarette and saying that she doesn’t want u to die! That might make u do everything u can to quit. Speaking from experience. Hypnosis was the only thing that worked! 19 years smoker sober!:blush:


My sister used to do this. My mom didn’t quit smoking until we were adults. My sister is 30 and has never smoked a day in her life. Kids just like copying what you do, try not to stress it.


Advice? Quit it. Imagine how big an impact when she DOES see

What advice could anyone expect except the obvious?

I watched my mom sit and die in bed because of smoking i guess if you want to put her through That too then keep smoking- it was the worst thing to watch her take her last struggles to breath

When she does that tell her it’s bad and not to do that. :woman_shrugging: worked for me.

You should explain to her that smoking is very dangerous and try to quit as soon as you can

Anybody ever heard of a death rattle?! Not necessarily from SMOKING! So quit being so quick to judge bunch of judge mental people.

Just explain to her that smoking is a bad habit and that it would be better if you didn’t smoke and that her dolls shouldn’t do that :woman_shrugging:

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My husband strictly smokes outside in a space where the kids can’t ever see him and so he keeps all of his stuff outside and even has clothes he takes off before he comes in and when he is ready to go do it he says “I’m going to check the tires” and my baby boy checks tires to his hearts content with a tire gauge on cars, he has no clue and its the best thing.

Cold turkey. Only way is you have to really want to quit. Replacing by using a emotional excuse and replace with another vice like anxiety meds, just brings other heath consequence. It’s a decision.

Stop smoking.

I know it’s an addiction. However, many people commit to quitting and accomplish it too. You must have stopped when you were pregnant, not sure why you went back to it.
Do it to stop your daughter from mimicking it with her own dolls.
Do it to protect your health so you can have a longer life with your child.
Do it to show your daughter that you can accomplish a huge goal when you set your mind to it.
Do it to protect your daughter from any second hand smoke that you are bringing back into the house after smoking. Or the crap that’s stuck in your clothes or the smell of the cigarettes on your breath, skin, hair and clothing.
Do it to save all of that money weekly that you are spending on a health risk. A product that companies are making tons of money on while risking your health. That little stick I’d nicotine and addiction causing chemicals.

Just quit and then have a long talk with your daughter why you did it. Tell her you quit because of her and that you didn’t want her to see you doing that anymore.

I watched my mom smoke and I smoke now too. My son is very accustomed to us adults smoking. Sometimes it’s just a part of life.


I always said I was going to peel a potato, they definitely didnt want to help with that lol… glad I quit a year ago and dont have to worry about it anymore.


I say just be honest with her about what it is, how addictive it is, what the health issues are with it, etc. Be prepared for her to ask why you started and why you still do it even though you know it’s bad for you. And be honest with her about your answers. Even at such a young age, I found that children respond best to honesty. And knowing that parents make mistakes too is a good lesson for them to learn, and will generally make them more open to talking to you about their own mistakes/decisions in the future. I come from a family of smokers, and back in the day parents and relatives didn’t hide it. I’m not a smoker. You’re not condemning her to be a smoker. She will make her own choices. Just as everyone on this thread saying ,“my parents smoked and now I smoke” STILL made their own choices :roll_eyes:. And if you tell her it’s not something you’re proud of doing so you don’t think her dolls should do it either, she’ll probably make them quit lol.


Because her mum says she smokes, to her it must be a good thing, she loves you. Do you love yourself and her enough, to find a way, to remove that habit from your life. There are those that will help.


I know that lying to your kids is bad but sometimes I just tell my daughter I’m going out for a walk to get Mail Or get something out of the car

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Well if u think it looks bad then maybe this is a way to encourage urself to stop. If ur not ready for that then maybe this is a perfect time to talk about bad habits in an age appropriate way and encourage her to not have her mommy doll smoke. She obviously has seen u or someone smoke since she knows how to imitate it.


Smoking yourself doesn’t mean your child will smoke. It does increase the chance though. The best thing to do is be honest about how additive they are, more addictive than cocaine btw, and how bad they are for your health. Tell her you wish you never started because it is very hard to stop and that you hope she never smokes because of the bad health effects. Save the whole it could kill you talk for when she is older or you will freak her out and all she will be thinking is how those can kill you. In school they also teach the bad effects of smoking. So she will hear that from other sources too which helps.

I don’t know, honestly.
Maybe, like other people have mentioned, let her know that smoking is a bad habit and only adults are able to smoke.
I think it’s something that will pass though.

And honestly, just because you smoke doesn’t guarantee she will smoke…
my mom, grandmothers, aunts and uncles would all smoke around us when we were kids … mom had 4 of us and only one of my siblings took up the habit (mom and sibling have both quit now at this point though :crossed_fingers::clap::raised_hands:)

My SO smokes and we are honest about it. When he goes out to smoke and the kids ask, I say he’s out for a smoke :woman_shrugging: they know it’s gross and not a healthy thing to do.


I grew up with my mom smoking. And I dont smoke today
Yes when I was little I also played as if I would smoke with pencils :joy: my mom just told me no it’s a very bad habit and she also wants to stop
I did try it as I got old enough but didn’t seem to like it …
I think it’s just a thing that’s bound to happen sometime … and if she doesn’t like it and maybe know of the negatives involved she won’t do it …:blossom:
But nothing to stress about now mommy x

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I smoke. And I tell my son it’s a disgusting nasty habit I wish I could quit. And I advise him not to do it. Tried everything there is. So far so good. He’s 5 by the way.


My son did that also. His dad is a smoker, and I used to smoke. When he was 3, he picked up a cigarette butch on the floor and imitated his dad. I hated it! But I just repeated him to not do that, told him it was not clean, it was gross and stinks, and he got out of the habit

My sister always referred to is I’m going to have a yucky…neither of her grown children or her grandbaby,6 have ever shown an interest in having “a yucky”

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Monkey see monkey do! Stop live longer! I know it’s hard but you both be better off!


Common sense- stop smoking. You will get lung cancer and you’re exposing your child to third hand smoke. As a mom you have an obligation to take care of your own health and be a good role model for your daughter.


You think that’s bad?
My daughter had her barbie make inappropriate sounds :no_mouth::no_mouth::no_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth: that was the moment I fully regretted that our bedroom is right next to hers.

Children do not know what smoking is unless they have seen it.


No advice but a funny story. When I had my daughter, a friend’s daughter was 2 or 3 and seen me breastfeeding. Next thing we knew she was walking around holding her dolls to her chest saying she was feeding them. I didn’t last long tho. Maybe a week or two. Anc she was on to the next new interesting thing🤣

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Any time my boys would pretend I would smack their hand and tell them that’s bad they don’t do that. I always call them yucky sticks around them. So far it works.

That’s my biggest fear with my boyfriend. I just hope he can break the habit before she’s old enough to understand

I’d say don’t make a big deal out of it she’s only three she’ll figure out something else to copy before too long. The more you make a big deal out of it the more she’ll think it’s the thing to do

( and the future beautiful WRINKLES.

Quit smoking is all you can do. She’s just copying what she hears.

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Children learn what they live…Be a BETTER EXAMPLE FOR THESE CHILDREN!!!:heart::slightly_smiling_face:

Don’t worry about it. She’ll grow out of it. She’s too young to even understand.

This isn’t true. My nan smoked. My mum smoked. I didn’t. Just because you smoke doesn’t mean your daughter will.

Stop smoking? Show her you know it can/will make you sick and that you want to live a long time to be with her.

You love being alive FOR HER more than you like smoking.

*I watched my aunt die slowly of lung cancer. I don’t wish it for anyone.

My 3 year old son says everything is his vape, we try to correct him saying only adults vape, but he doesn’t budge🤦‍♀️

Maybe don’t tell her you’re going to SMOKE. Or quit! :person_shrugging:

You know the answer so what else you need?

Oh she knows. You are modeling behavior. Non healthy dangerous behavior

My daughter pretends to vape cause she sees her grandmother lol kids are little sponges they soak up everything! Lol

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It really is a filthy and disgusting habit My parents both smoked my grandfather smoked I had to go pick up used cigarette butts out of the yard with someone flick them I absolutely hated it and wretched the whole time I hate you going to school smelling like smoke so while I can encourage some to smoke like you see monkey do we can absolutely repel others because I think it’s revolting and disgusting and I wouldn’t even date a boy if they smoked

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If she never seen her smoke even though she said she is attached to her hip, how does she know how to make her dolls smoke?

Be honest tell her only adults smoke

Don’t smoke around your kids

You tell her the truth. You tell her its disgusting and her baby dolls shouldn’t do it


Just quit smoking. No more problems.

Quit smoking #YoureWelcome

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98% of my family smoked when I was born. (Hell even the doctors and nurses at the hospital were smoking when I was born ). I started smoking at a young age. I’ve tried quitting but have only been able to cut back tremendously so far.