I recently went to the dr. Because I started experiencing a lot of women’s problems that is being taken care of. In the process of all this, during some testing, they decided to do an std test even though I didn’t have signs of any. Well long behold it came back positive for 1. Here I am confused bc I know damn well I didn’t get it from anyone else bc I’m straight up faithful and committed to my husband. I’m also confused bc I’m convinced that no way did my husband cheat on me. We both literally go to work and back home every day. If we are not working, we are always together. I’m even so confused that I felt ashamed to question my husband and his faithfulness. He swears I’ve been his only girl for the past five years. Honestly, I don’t know what to think or do. Now obviously, I’m on meds being treated, and obviously, my husband and I have sex, so he himself went and got tested so he can be treated to. But I’m literally just so confused, so lost. I believe my husband that didn’t cheat, but also how else would I catch an std?
Same thing happened to me. Thought my husband would never cheat. He did. With someone at work
Did you both get tested when first together? If not then one of you might have had it then.
Is this a serious question??? There is no other way…
i… girl. someone’s not telling the other the truth.
As a nurse , you can have an std for years and have no symptoms until they test for them. This could be something you had and didn’t know it.
Your husband has been cheating if you haven’t unless uv been using a dirty finger…
Oh honey…he cheated
He cheated… my man of 14 years who I thought was faithful to me I found out was buying prostitutes if you’ve been faithful then you know who hasn’t.
Really? If you didn’t sleep around HE DID. If you don’t want to believe it and refuse to believe it then why even ask. Its common sense.
Did you both get tested before you relationship or at the start? Either of you could of had it before. Only you know your relationship
I just know HPV, and Herpes can be caused by stress. Don’t know about anything else.
Toilet seats at contaminated houses
Only way to catch STD is through sex. If you didn’t mess around then he did ! Did you ask the Doctor if the lab accidentally gave you someone else results ?
They come back false postive sometimes an they make mistakes in labs on test get them mixed up may not be your test results
Either of you could of had it and not known.
Ohh believe me he will find time if he wants another woman! I say he cheated! But thats my opinion!!
While the most logical answer seems it came from him being unfaithful, which is possible, it may not be the case. STDs can be dormant for years without symptoms, or minor symptoms that are passed off as something else. You could have contracted this from an older partner, he could have contracted it from an older partner and passed it along, or of course he could be unfaithful. I assume you guys were not tested prior to your relationship? In regards to this situation, have him tested and go from there. And from now on make it a point to be tested often. It’s not gross, it’s keeping up with your body. Good luck.
He did or you did no two ways around it. Hope your both okay though and are getting the treatment to sort it out but I’d be having a conversation at least.
One of y’all is lyin lol
You couldve had something for years if not tested after a last partner. I mean if you have kids you’d be tested after while with your partner then only scenario is your partner has been unfaithful.
You could have had an STD that just lay dormant in your system. Syphilis can live for decades in your system. Same with your husband! But most STDS have symptoms that are pretty noticeable.
I hate to say it, but I would question your husband.
One of you is lying? This happened to my cousin, turns out he had a boyfriend, not another woman ! So she had a double shock.
Sweetheart the only way to get a sexually transmitted disease is through sex. If you are being truthful and never had sexual contact with anyone other than your husband then he gave it to you. Remember you aren’t with him 24/7. If you wanna believe he didn’t cheat then that’s on you. But you can’t get an std any other way besides sexual contact with another person and next time he might give you something a shot won’t cure. So it’s up to you if you want to keep dealing with this and put your life at risk.
He cheated. It sucks but it’s the truth.
Ok girls… it’s easy to assume he is cheating but we don’t know which std it is? HPV can lie dormant. Clymidia can be caused by unhygienic habits…(dirty fingers) hell a crab can live on a toilet seat how long? Or maybe put a gps on his car and take his phone while he’s sleeping…
Clamidia or however you spell it can be in a woman’s body for years dormant and not have any symptoms for years. Just eats away part of your brain causing side affects.
Okay… As someone who used to be a CNA if you can get STD ANYWHERE, not just from sex. You can get an STD from saliva, such as drinking after someone, after a water fountain. Sitting on a toilet seat, ect. It’s not just contracted through sex, I’d definitely still ask your husband to get tested and and talk to him about it, but you can literally get it form anywhere.
When’s the last time you got tested for stds? I get tested every year. I’ve been in a relationship for years. So if I tested positive for an std I would know HE cheated because I know I didn’t. If you really think he didn’t get retested. But if it still says you are positive & you didn’t cheat… yeah he cheated.
If it’s HPV, mother’s can pass it on to baby daughters.
Also ,it can stay dormant for up to 11 years before showing symptoms.
So subtract five years maybe?
Read this on Google, though.
So if he didn’t cheat , you did
Do you go to the gyno yearly and get tested? If not, you could have had it for quite some time and just never knew. If that’s not the case then I’m sorry but someone is lying.
Either of you could have had it. If neither of you where tested. Or your ever so faithful husband could not be as faithful as you think. Not all STDs are contracted thru sex. It could be a whole slew of things.
Wow lol. So quick to point fingers. You can have an std for years and not know it and you have no way of finding out. He could have gotten it before he was with you and the same for you. Just because you know that you have it now doesn’t mean he’s cheated on you at all. It’s your husband, your marriage, your life. Don’t rely on Facebook comments when it comes to something like that. Especially when they go straight to pointing fingers without knowing anything about you, your husband or y’all’s past.
Unfortunately if either of you had sex before your relationship then you could have had it for years with no symptoms(based on the STD). Continue to take the meds and get tested. STD’s lead to other diseases.
Some STDs don’t show symptoms or cause issues for years so it could’ve been carried by either of you before you were together. Just make sure you both take your medication and move on.
My mom had a false positive for HIV. She was never able to donate blood. She did NOT have HIV.
There is no way you’ve been with an STD for the past 5 years without knowing.
You’ve been faithful, someone gave you an STD
There is no other way around
You can believe all you want but the proof is in the puddin std’s magically appear all the time what are you talking about?? man oh man honest to god who ties your fuckin velcro shoes?
Either one of y’all had it for a long time with no symptoms or one of y’all is lying. Plain and simple.
This happened to me. I eventually found out my ex was cheating.
Go get a second opinion , if you get the same results . Someone is lying .
I don’t want to be nosey but what STD is it because not all are sexually transmitted…
This is why you get tested after EVERY SINGLE body you catch. even familiar ones.
First off, you can NOT get an Std from a toilet. Second, it depends on the std. Some sit dormant/don’t have symptoms for a long time. However, 5 years is a long time to not show ANY symptoms. If it is an sti/std that has obvious symptoms and left untreated can cause serious health issues and you just now have symptoms, then someone cheated:/ Just ask your doc if it is possible to have (the sti/std you have) for 5 years and not know
Have you thought of getting another test done elsewhere?? Perhaps the mistake came from the lab. Even the professionals get it wrong sometimes. If the second test comes back positive again!!?? Then you will know either of you weren’t faithful after all.
Your husband cheated
Possibility that they could have mixed up urine samples.
He cheated and he lied about period
STD’S don’t just catch themselves. And if you’ve been faithful… he hasn’t
HIT GOOGLE. This happened to me during my pregnancy. I tested positive for chlamydia. I had not slept with anyone but my husband in 3 years!!! And I had been tested prior to that! I was sure my husband cheated on me. HE TESTED NEGATIVE!!! I was so confused and he didn’t believe me at all I felt absolutely lost I talked to my best friend about this and she started googling. IT IS SO FUCKING COMMON TO GET A FALSE POSITIVE!!! The doctors won’t say it but there are tons upon tons of stories. It nearly ruined my relationship!
Maybe one of you had it before you got together and didn’t know about it. Or maybe you’ve cheated or maybe he has.
So sorry ! Some of these can lie dormant for a long time and stressful situations ( pregnancy etc . ) can bring them out . Also , your husband could be unfaithful while at work : could be on lunch hour or he could be with someone who he works with . Praying that’s not the case .
Depends what it is. Some STDS can lay dormant for many many years…
Well it doesn’t normally just show up. You can cheat at work and it doesn’t have to be a long drawn out drama thing. If it was something that one of you had from before you were together unfortunately sti s usually show symptoms in women much sooner than it does in guys. Both take the treatment and talk it out and move forward…
he cheated. if you know you werent messing around than how else would you get a STD. i think you know he did but dont want to come to reality.
So uh… which one was it? Because if it was BV, that one is not always sexually transmitted
Someone cheated… if it wasn’t you then it was him.
Test again! Could be a false positive if it comes back again your husband cheated plain and simple! No way an STD would have stuck around for 5+ years with no symptoms
Been there, he cheated girl
Had you been tested for any stds before you got with your husband? If you did and it was negative then im sorry but someone isnt telling the truth. Good luck to you!
He cheated love, I’m sorry. Whether you want to believe him or not.
Some don’t have symptoms… could’ve been from 5 years ago… but not likely
I think it also depends on what you have. Echoing mostly what’s said above
I’m just saying it’s possible to have sex at work at some jobs. Either in the car on lunch break or sneaking off somewhere else. it happens more often than people admit.
How long have you guys been together? Certainly STD’s can lay dormant in women for years
Exactly my story this week.
Do the test again and this time do it with your husband. Make sure you go get the results of your husband’s with him too. Could be a mix up if not then he definitely cheated and is prob using the work hours to do it.
Things can be dormant but as someone who has been there done that…don’t put cheating past him. My ex brought home stuff over and over but I never cheated and he swore up and down it was me. So I doubted myself thinking maybe I was the one who had and didn’t know. But no. It was his nasty self. Thank god it was always treatable but he has ex’s that have stuff that isn’t. So it’s really sad.
When was your last pap? Were you clean then?
Sounds like he’s lying.
Certain STD’s can lay dormant in your system for years with no symptoms. Make sure your husband gets tested also.
There is literally no other way to get an STD… someone in the relationship had sex with someone who has one.
What STD did you test positive for? Certain one may cause a false positive, especially if you have an auto immune disorder.
Which STD? Some are systematic and become active after years of being in remission
So if it’s HPV it can lay dormant in your system for years with no symptoms. One of you could have had it going into the relationship and unknowingly give it to the other.
STDs can stay dormant for many years. So one of you could have had it prior and the symptoms could just be appearing now. OR one of you cheated. No other way.
He cheated. No way around this. If it is a TREATABLE STD, you got it from him in the last 5 years.
Before jumping the gun. If it’s Hpv you can have that for a long time without exhibiting any signs or positive test. Years!
You may have had it for a long time. Some don’t show up for years.
someones being a dirty dog on his lunch breaks:rofl:
It is truly amazing to me that grown women do not know that you can be a Carrier and never have a single symptom. You can have an STD for more then 10 years and not know it.
A lot of people have no idea until they get a blood test for marriage, a blood test for something else or have a medical emergency and they Just run the test for safety.
I am so glad I teach my daughters who are 12 and 13 so much more than the average person.
If you were tested since the last person you were and received negative test and obviously you know if you have or haven’t slept with anyone else then it was 100 percent your husband cheating super sorry but that’s pretty normal to find out that way
If it’s HPV… don’t stress it. It’s probably been there forever.
Depends on the std. Some can remain dormant, some can be transmitted through means other than sex
Okay so this is just my experience. My fiancé and I have been together for almost a year. I tested positive for an std about a month ago. We trust each other and are very faithful. Come to find out I’ve had it for about a year and that’s why I’ve been in and out of the hospital for almost a year they just haven’t caught it and I have no idea why. I even ended up septic. You can have certain stds for months and not even know it.
I’m not saying he cheated because it could have been dormant, it could have been a false positive, anything…HOWEVER never put nothing past nobody, my ex left work early to go sleep with someone, they sneak around on lunch, etc.
When’s the last time you were tested ?
My sister in law tested positive too. And demanded the test to be done again and came back negative.
if neither of u had never been tested for an std maybe u never knew u had it. maybe from ur exes or other partners before u guys got together. give him the benefit of the doubt and wait a few months before u test again, that way ull be for sure if its him cheating
Always jumping to the cheating crap. you know it is possible for people to actually be faithful sheesh
If its herpes or HPV, it can lie dormant for several years before flaring up.
HPV can be dormant. HSV doesn’t always get tested for (usually tested when pregnant) and all others you would’ve known about and do not lay dormant.
I think he cheated if it wasn’t herpes or HPV.
His results would give you you’re answer on a false positive test as well.
well you got it from somewhere:woman_shrugging:
Either of you could have had it from a past relationship and not had any symptoms
I’d see what his result comes back and then I think both of you need to sit down and talk honestly about it all and perhaps go for another test together.
All depends on what STD you are talking about you can also get Syphilis that is caused by bad hygiene and there are otherways to catch a few aswell
We are all born with an STD just depends on immune systems and how long it stays dormant for… some have symptoms and some dont that’s why they have tests
If you weren’t unfaithful your man was
I need to know which STD it is…
Some stds men show no symptoms, HPV is one of them. Also, there’s a chance either of you got it before you two got together. For an STD to lie dormant for 5 years is not unheard of… but its not super common. Hope for the best but always expect the worse.