I think I married my husband to soon: Advice?

He will try and make it so you have ZERO relationships with your family and friends. He will isolate you and make u feel “trapped”. I agree that after 3 months, you should not have gotten married, but that was ur choice. It happened. His true colors are now coming out. Make sure u never quit your job, make sure u keep an open relationship with your family…always. make sure you NEVER have a shared bank account. Keep your money in your own account and have a savings. Change the passcode often and never allow him to touch it. I dont know why you "dont want to end your marriage ". That’s silly to me. Hes being abusive and ur ok with it? Would u tell your kid to just be ok with it if they were in a relationship like that?? Either get to counciling asap or get out. Its simple. A man who disrespects his mother is literally garbage.

Run FAST! egotistical people don’t change

I’d go to courthouse and discuss your options hes obviously a scum bag and will be abusive I’ve had 1 of those and honey get out while the marriage is still kinda fresh longer you stay the worse it gets you will never see your family again if you stay and let him control you …

What do you want us to say to you? Stay? Obviously leave. You already know what to do.

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You probably did marry him too soon, but the sooner you get away from him, the better. I don’t care how old your kids are, they are your family. My mother used to tell me … if a man treats his mother bad, he will do the same to you. It will get worse!


So many giant red flags! Please get out! I barely got out of a relationship like that with my life
The damage will stay with you for a long time !! Please get out ! If your daughter told you all thesr things . would you want her to stay


U got married after knowing each other for 3months? did I Read that Right? Yeah leave and dont get Married That soon Ever again that’s Crazy

Leave him,and go back home. He’s crazy af.

Honey tell him Good Bye, a person can’t live like that…

Can I ask why you married him in the first place? If he showed 0 interest in your kids during the 3 months why even want a marriage with him?


People are so quick to say leave. Sounds to me like he may be dealing with some mental illness and needs some help. See if he is open to going to counseling. If not, then maybe think about separating. Sometimes people are so use to being the way they are and maybe they dont realize they need professional help. I speak from experience. Although, I did not marry my husband until he agreed to seek help. When we were dating I noticed mood swings. I talked with his family and they stated he had been like that since his teenage years. I asked him to please seek professional help if we were ever going to progress in our relationship. He did and was diagnosed bipolar. He is on medication and has been in therapy for 4 years now. We got married two years ago and I couldnt be happier! He thanks me all the time for encouraging him to get help and says he finally feels “normal” for the past 4 years then he has ever felt in his entire life.

WHELP FOLKS this is what happens when you don’t wait and get to know each other before getting hitched :woman_shrugging:t3:
My bf and I are STILL NOT MARRIED after 5 years because we are still getting to know each other people just NEED TO STOP RUSHING INTO THINGS!!!
Girl LEAVE call your momma and tell her WHATS GOING ON!!! Will your family help get you out? Leave leave leave if u ask for money will he give it to you? If he does start saving the money up until u have enough to RUN and go to your family!!!

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If he has be physical leave, period! It won’t get better!

It only gets worse! Run!! Run as fast as you can… you don’t have kids together so that makes it so much easier.
Next time he does that call the cops so it’s recorded. File for a divorce… leave the state and don’t tell him where you’re going.

He could be even more dangerous if you leave him. Leave him a note or something and just move all your stuff in one day while he’s gone. Never look back.

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Exactly you do not have to live like that. Get b out!! To me it didn’t sound like he had one good quality. Please leave.

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These are horrible signs and it will not get better. He could kill you. Run

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I think people need to start living together before they get married. I bet the divorce rate would be cut in half because a lot of these people wouldn’t get married in the first place. You don’t get to really know someone until you live with them and that’s when their true colors come out.

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RUN to Maryland as fast as you can!!!

Get out, he has gotten physical and it will get worse

Honestly i would leave because if has been violent with you once it will only get worse as time goes by. Best thing to do is leave before it gets to that point and trust me it will.


God bless and good luck hun.

marriage isn’t all fairy tales. There are ups & downs. Put your big girl panties on & if you love your husband like you said you do, deal with it, in the long run it will be worth it. Now if he is as nasty as you said he is & violent to you as you say he can be , again put your big girl panties on & freaking leave him. Jesus, you are a grown ass woman !!!

First off do you just love him or are you in love cuz if your are completely not in love lose him and the way a man talks to his mother shows how he is gonna treat you and sounds to me he treats both of you like shit I don’t think he is good for you and I don’t think there is enough love there for you to stay married especially if you are questioning it a year into it.

You need to get out ASAP!!!

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You need to get out of there before you end up dead. Seriously. Red flags all over the place-alienation, gaslighting, verbal and physical abuse…girl, run!!!


I always felt people say leave to fast …but in this case run don’t walk


What were you thinking marring someone after only 3 MOMTHS? you still hardly even know a person at that point. This is why you don’t marry someone before you even know them/hardly know them. If I were you I would get the hell out of there especially since he’s already gotten physical with you that is a very very bad sign and just the way he acts and treats you and thinks about women in general not good at all and huge red flags. File for an annulment as far as I know a lot of places if you have only been married under a year you can file for an annulment and it’s like you were never married.

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Leave honey, it better ro leave with a wounded heart than to stay and slowly murder your own soul. :purple_heart:
Sending you strength

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I say leave it is only going to get worse I have been there and I agree with the others that he could kill you go somewhere safe where he can’t find you

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Lets spell it out.

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He will NEVER change! Your living on edge waiting for him to go off. If he had already got physical you need to run.


I’m sorry but if he’s getting physical you need to WALK. There is absolutely zero excuse for any of this behaviour, especially physical abuse. It’s not ever going to get better so stop waiting and get the hell out!


Get out now, before you have any children! It will only get worse…


You need to leave before something really bad happens.

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Anytime someone says you need to forget about your kids you need to leave. Regardless of age kids are irreplaceable. He sounds like a controlling pos.


I would totally end it!!

Get out while you can. Several red flags. It only gets worse. I would’ve left the first time it got physical. There’s no reason a person should EVER put their hands on you in anger. He needs help that you can’t provide. Like I said, get out while you can.

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I’d go back home… :v:t2:

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Sounds like he could be suffering from a mood disorder. Which I hope not. As there is not much to help him if that’s the case.

If he is physically and emotionally abusive you need to leave. And real love would never tell you to forget your kids. Too many warning signs to ignore. Pack your bags and make a plan.


Run fast… prayers :pray: :pray:

Tell him to start acting right or your gone.

Run, it only gets worse

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Once he put his hands on you it should be over. Life is short you don’t want to live a life where you can’t be the best you. I would move out even if it meant me contacting one of my adult children. It will get worse END IT

,oh my God girl ,better get the heck out ASAP, he sounds By Polar to me! Not a good situation to be in, get an anulment fast. And contact your family ASAP!!!


You can make a person change which is why you should take your time and get to know them before jumping into a relationship especially marriage. Pretty much you are left with two options…stay and keep getting disrespected or leave

Get out! The longer you wait the less likely you’ll want to leave because you’ll get “used” to the abuse.

Christof and Anna had this conversation. “Why marry a man you just met?”

Leave now while you can things and he will only get worse, never better, LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE.

Why wouldn’t you want to end that marriage, that instability, that ABUSE??!!!

Get out woman now. Dont look back just take your kids and get out before it’s to late. Either leave or beat the hell out of him. Sure you can do it. Just dont stay and let him treat you bad. Go home.

Get an annulment ASAP!

It only goes downhill from here girl. It wont get better and you can not change or fix him. The way he is with his mother is a precursor of how he’ll behave with you and your children

As a person who has moved states to get away from an abusive ex and been followed, stalked, assaulted at gunpoint, lived in 6 different counties worth of DV shelters and 2 more out of state, and had 2 years worth of nasty messy divorce and custody battle:

RUN. That is just the start. He is already isolating you from family and making you think it’s in your head. It only gets worse. Call your kids, call shelter/advocates/cops, do what you need to do and get out.

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Girl, you need to get out NOW.

Get out NOW. Ex cop who’s handled more domestics than I can count. They NEVER end well!

I think you definitely know the answer to this question. Although I know it hurts, if a man ever told me to ‘forget’ my kids for him and I, I’d tell him to not let the door hit his ass on the way out. Absolutely not. My children are my life and if he can’t except that then he can’t except you. Also if a man doesn’t respect his mother he most definitely won’t ever respect you. He is a coward. Get out! Things will only be worse for you.

You know the answer yourself. Get the hell outa dodge and never look back. He’s a right piece of work.

Have you learned your lesson? Then own your mistake and pay the price. No miracle fixes here.

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Really run and don’t look back

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It not to late to get annulment he is a controller and abused he’s all about himself been there 64 yrs old and suffering from extreme abuse yrs ago had major surgery I went to shelters back then could only stay 2 weeks had to go back no where to go had won I’m begging you to leave what’s in store is no joke look up abusive relationship I still cry I have been in and out of therapy I don’t like to tell my story but for another woman they need to here the truth please run

Get the hell out of there before it’s tooo late

Your right you married way to soon he’s going to get worse hitting you I would it end it now he doesn’t like your kids he doesn’t seem respectful at all it’s all about him just leave him already

Read this your self what Advise would u give them.i.dont think u would have to think about it very long

If you are willing to take that kind of abuse its your funeral wake up and smell the coffee

This behavior has textbook domestic abuse written all over it! I’ve seen many women and some men struggling to fight their way to freedom and far from their abuser. There is nothing that you say or do that gives anyone a right to feel entitled to use you as a punching bag or someone to verbally abuse because they have insecurities about the size of their penis or how much money they make. Im sorry honey but your husband is an abuser with a narcissist macho attitude, God forbid you see the cowardice life he really lives, and as long as you are under his thumb he will continue to treat woman as uneducated bimbos in Aprons playing house in the 50s. If you really want it to work try couples therapy to work out your issues, your husband definitely therapy for his caveman way of thinking.

Be kind to yourself and leave, the hardest thing to do is the best decision you will ever make.

O.K. I’m gonna be blunt here…Yes , you are right you did get married too soon. You never got to find out how he really was. Anybody can be nice ,sweet and kind for 3 months…It takes longer to find out the truth.Now if you like walking on eggshells and are willing to “Forget about” your children and are willing to have him do your thinking then by all means stay!! However I know I could never live that way…Walk away while you still have the ability to do so. I doubt he will ever change with out a lot (A WHOLE LOT) of counseling and it sounds like he doesn’t think he has a problem!!

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He sounds terrible. What were you thinking?

Get out. He’s a dictator. I don’t know why anyone would need someone to run their life for them and tell them what to do. You need to get out for your own safety. And have witnesses with you.

It won’t get better. I’ve been there and things just get worse no matter what you do or don’t do. I had to get out and thank God I did. You’ll figure it out. Good luck.

Sounds like you got married too soon. He’s abusive so get out of ur situation. Quickly

I’m sorry you feel this way but you answered that question yourself , you only knew him three months and then married him , that’s not enough time to really get to know someone , and if he is being verbally and physically abusive (doesn’t matter if it’s once , twice or a hundred times ) u need to leave him , and him telling u not to bother about your family is him trying to isolate u from everyone you by the sounds of it , because he wants to be in control of you , and if he speaks to his mother they way u say he does do u really think it’s going to get any better with you , I defo think there is too many red flags here , pack your stuff , don’t even tell him and leave get as far away as possible before u become another domestic violence statistic

He obviously has no respect for women. A man like that shouldn’t get married ever… get out of that as soon as you can.

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Let me guess… he was charmer in the beginning. He seemed to think you hung the moon, and said all the right things. You tied the knot, he hated on your friends and family, and now you’re isolated. Add to that the abuse you’re talking about and you have a classic narcissist. Now you walk on eggshells and are questioning your marriage. That’s a pretty big clue, right there.
Most ppl don’t want advice, but since you’re asking… just go and dont look back. Or else you might spend the rest of your marriage questioning yourself, your worth, your intelligence, you’re ability to think for yourself.
Btw, most men who believe women can’t think for themselves are liars who know for a fact that women can, and don’t want them to. Sometimes it’s because they’re intimidated by women with brains, and it’s all about dominance. They play that narcissistic game that gets ya wondering and doubting yourself and your capabilities.

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U dont want to end your marriage to man that has physically abused you!!!..come on now u know u have to leave go back home

Omg plz get out of there run and don’t look back but do not let him know when you are leaving he’s gonna hurt you bad get out asap GOOD LUCK

Shut the fuck up you guys don’t know nothing about no one who r you to judge a person

Honey. Please get away from this as soon as possible.He will never change. Everything will only escalate into a very bad situation… He will hurt you very badly if not kill. I knew a man like that many years ago…My father…
And yes he did try to kill my momma…One day he got extremely mad …He grabbed a hammer and backed her in a corner …he started to swing the hammer at her head. when he was hit from behind by one of my siblings…He turned on us …Mom went out the back door as my sister and I ran out the front…Momma left him the next day. Thank God…please dont let this happen to you …There may not be anyone there to distract him…I’m begging you to please get out while you can…

I literally had to plan an escape plan with my parents, and put a restraining order, trust me, that’s not love, it gets worse, fake your own death if you have to…get out and run, never look back!

Don’t stay. It’s a good thing that you’ve only been married for 3 months. You may be able to get it annulled? He does sound like a Narcissist and has gotten physical with you twice? Please leave him.

That’s called "Narcissistic personality disorder " and it’s not going to get better…it will get worse. The decision is yours to make whether to stay or leave. I feel for you and am so sorry you are in this situation. I understand. Hugs