I think I need to divorce my husband: Advice?

Stop paying all of the bills and leave. It’s in his name, let him figure it out. No loss on your part, as far as that goes.


It is time. Make it happen.

Just know you are a strong woman leave him and have a better life. You deserve it!

Man, sounds so similar in ways! That’s hard!

Save little be little, get your down payment for your own rent.
Your already paying for everything. You’ll be fine. He’ll be the one out on the street. Good luck to you and child.

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Talk to a lawyer to see what your rights are before you do anything. It sounds like he is in a deep depression. Is he seeing a therapist? Have to tried marriage counseling? Do you still love him? Other than being lazy, is he kind to you and your daughter? Does he take care of your daughter while you are at work? Questions to ask yourself.

You should try playing a video game with him!


Get a lower. You are married so things being in his name doesn’t mean he’ll get them

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It’s time have a talk with him and tell him you want divorce and right then and there split everything he can stay but you keep car or vice versa

Cut your losses and run!


Consult an attorney and move forward with your life. He obviously needs professional help.


Quit justifying reasons for staying leave Asap


If there is no future get you together!!Apply for programs and assistance designed to help you establish yourself as a single parent. Social services is amazing…support groups and programs for families that are effected by another members mental health.Makes all your moves in silence so when all your ducks are in a row you can just go. You gotta raise ur kids… not your husband.


You and your child deserve better! Move on


Leave file for divorce get child support he will end up homeless he doesn’t want to work talk to the landlord when he doesn’t pay rent tell them you will take the place …

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When you’re truly tired of it all, you’ll just leave. It won’t matter what the future looks like because you just handle it one day at a time. Leaving can be scary but what’s scarier? Staying somewhere you’re miserable


Since the car and house are in his name, get you a separate bank account, those payments you’re making for the house and car, put in your separate account, when you have enough saved up for a down payment on a place, take it. Use public transportation to get you to your job, ask your family to help with your child. Once you get that going, hit the door running and don’t look back. Serve him papers for divorce, all while working on papers for full custody.


Get a divorce and just b u and do u u deserve bttr than what he’s giving u and with everything in his name do t matter when u divorce u get half he gets half u sell the house and the car and split the money down the middle and go ur way and start over

Start transition things in your name. See how good your credit is and get your own car then stop paying for his. It can be done start with the utilities and work your way. Maybe he’ll see the need to work but sounds like he needs a shrink best of luck.


If your your heart is not in it and your vows are not what you meant, then it’s just time to cut the losses and stop wasting time. If the roles were reversed, would he continue to take care of you? Sometimes people need help. And sometimes that takes time. If time is not on your side, make space so someone else can possibly help him. And move forward with the life you feel you deserve. But remember this. Anything you run from for the wrong reasons you will repeat in time. Hugs and blessings to you and your family. People are quick to give advice. But at the end of the day you are the one that has to live your life. Remember that. Your spouse should be your best friend and both long suffering. People that have been married 25+ years have gone through more than you can imagine. Marriage is not easy. Sometimes your spouse is down and you are up and sometimes you will be down and they will be up. That’s where being best friends come into play. It’s easy to walk away and give up. It’s not easy making it work.

This is so sad
It will be hard
Get legal advice
Be self caring all the best


Grab pink slip n put vehicle under your name. Good that lease is under his name. Get your shit n leave. Start looking for a place n getting everything ready to leave .

Save enough money to get a new place for you and your kids and leave him. You got this momma !! It’s time we as people chose self love over anything else!! Trust the universe and your ancestors to guide you in this process !! You deserve so much more! Sending you love and light :purple_heart::pray:t2::alien:


Get an attorney and leave.


if the lease and car is in his name but you’re making the money, you can leave without consequence and get a new car and rent a new place and he’ll have to find a way to make it work by getting a job. that won’t be your problem anymore


Are you faithful to Church and serving God like He tells you to? If not that is where you need to start.


Have you talked to him about all of this? Marriage canceling might help. Also, depending on what state you’re in, just because the car is in his name doesn’t mean you can’t get it in a divorce. I was told by an attorney that it doesn’t matter whose name it is in, it matters who the primary driver is. Since you’re the only one working I would think you would be able to get it. As far as the lease, it might can be transferred to your name. I suggest trying to find an attorney that won’t charge a consultation fee & just see what he has to say

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You definitely deserve better. Noone should treat you like that. He needs to grow up. He’s like your child instead of a husband. What is the point of even being married to him. He just sits around and plays video games. Doesn’t have a job. Doesn’t help you in any way possible but just makes you do everything and pay for everything. Honestly being a single mother would be wayyyyyy better and easier than living with that POS. Cut your loses and start over. Single Momx4 and I raised them alone, and they are happy healthy adults. You can do this. After the leaving part IT WILL GET BETTER. Promise. Get yourself a lawyer, tell them everything, then see if you can get the can get the house and car. At least the car. You have receipts of you paying for it. Your bank account can show that you are the only one contributing to it. The lawyer will help you get thru it and come out the other side much better then you think. What this person is doing to you is abuse. Mentally and emotionally. You should never be treated like this. Ever. You deserve more. Plus on top of that, think of your daughter. What she is seeing is her “dad” treating you this way and you just putting up with it. You need to change this picture of normalcy so that she doesn’t grow up thinking this is ok to let man do to you. That’s not the life you want for her future. You want her to find a real man who loves her, respects her and provides WITH her. A true partner. So be the example to your baby girl that you want her to have in her future. What you do now, matters in her future and yours. You both deserve to be happy. ((((Big hugs))))) Take a deep breath, hold your head up and go be happy. You can do this. :heart::kiss:


There are resources to help woman like you to escape Catholic churches. Shelters you make all the money so you should be able to make a deal on a car. Reach out to your family. Hope things look up for you

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Get a consultation with attorney

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You can get material things again. Money comes and goes. Time you cannot get back. You need to think of your own emotional/mental health for your sake and the sake of your child. If you have had to call on him before do not let him know what you are thinking of doing. No matter what you will need legal advice because you are married and a child is involved. You are stronger than you think. Think about it…you just asked for help and that is a tough step on it’s own. Legal advice. Family. Friends. Talk to a shelter if you have to. You will feel a weight lifted off you soon.


Trust me… every day is one day deeper into a bottomless hole.


You can keep the car and pay him for 1/2. It’s legal…I’ve had to do it. Divorced 2 times. Life is worth more than a car or a house.


You sound like you need to talk to a therapist. Don’t do anything rash yet. Make sure you also talk to a divorce attorney. Get a solid plan first.


You didn’t say anything about family? Do you maybe have some family that you could stay with until you get on your feet? I know personally I hate the idea of burdening my family, but sometimes you just have to put your pride aside and ask for a little help to get ahead.


I stayed in a marriage for decades. I did it all!!! As well! I found out at the time I was co dependant . I donated everything I owned and moved to another town. Was hard at first but worth it. Materialistic things don’t matter in life ! You paid the way. Now. You can do it right!


So you ask fb for advice and consultation like a retard get a car put it in your name and find another place to live grow apear

It’s better to move than let him pull you down. Talk to bank and try to refinance car in your name. Take your daughter and get out. See an attorney for full custody. Apply for child support.


You are married to a child , sounds like you raising two kids., leave before it’s too late and find you someone that will help you grow and prosper in life


You need to talk to a Lawyer. If you can show you have paid for everything, that does hold weight in a divorce. Does he need to be committed to a mental institution??

Make a plan and leave. Trust me I know it’s easier said then done but you will be so much happier. Stop paying the rent and car note and take that money and get your own place and car. Depending on how much you pay 2 months worth should do it. Try calling your local welfare agency or 211 and get resources. Where there is a will there’s a way good luck mama.


Seems like if things are in his name then she’s not legally obligated to pay, right? I’ve never been married so I don’t know the rules when it comes to something like this. She can take the money she’s paying on the house and get her and her child their own place and he’ll just have to figure out what he’s gonna do.

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Talk to a lawyer, now. I would think you get half of everything.


If he is having mental health issues you can’t depend he will lead himself no less anyone else. Sounds like he needs counseling and maybe medications.

Regardless. If “he” doesn’t want to help himself do or get better, nobody else can do if for him. Some just want to waller in their own self pity & in doing so, will take those around them "down too. Do what U feel is best & right for u & ur daughter. Good luck to the three of u. It’s a hard decision so “think it thru”.

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If you have proof that you pay the rent and the car payments it will be pretty easy to get him removed from those 2 things. Talk to a lawyer who specializes in these types of issues. A lot of good lawyers take on some pro Bono cases each year so look for those types first.


Sometimes losing everything is what it has to be, stop wasting your time with this loser, get a lawyer and get out!


Document everything, every episode he has,if he’s ever touched or hurt you or your child or animal. Document finances n inventory, take pictures.

Don’t waste your life on a dead end marriage. You deserve better. I wasted the best years of my life on an alcoholic wife abuser…move on.

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U have bank receipts for bills paid in your name,go fast n run hard girl


Get a good attorney and get the car in your name. Close joint bank accounts and get to a safe place.


Yes…finally someone who is smart and ready to leave. Time is a serious thing and most people don’t realize how much time they wasted until they’re too old to enjoy it. You’re young enough to put this behind you and move on to a happy life. I would NOT seek couples counseling or therapy for him. It is not selfish to go and find a great life of your own while you still can. He is not your responsibility. So many people will tell you to stand by him and seek counseling. You have 1 life so enjoy it while you can. Direct him to family and friends that can help him w his mental issues. Please just go.


If the house and car is in your name and there’s valid proof he’s not working nor has been and that you’ve been the only one doing a single thing, talk to a lawyer. It’s obviously a process all in all but it’s worth finding a lawyer who specializes in this and they could pretty easily remove him from them. Hell lose the house and car anyways from the sounds of it.


You need to plan your move. Endure a little more but make sure you don’t leave with nothing. Don’t pay the car, don’t pay the lease. Find a new place secure it. Get a car thereafter. Baby steps don’t do anything more traumatic. You know what you dealing with so PLAN your exit and once you have secured a new place then go. It will NEVER change unless you act on your word.


Pack your bags, and leave. You need to find someone else that will give you the life you deserve!


Honestly if you have two paycheck stubs you can get a car in your name at most buy here pay here car places. Do that now and get it registered and taken care of ahead of time. Also start looking for apartments or talk to your landlord and explain you pay all the bills. See if he’ll add you to the lease so you can stay there with the kids or maybe he has another apartment open to stay in while he evicts him. It’s never easy but sometimes it’s the only option.


Get a good lawyer. Even if stuff is in his name you can still get it in the divorce

I left my husband 15 years ago with the help of police and social services. Left with 4 kids and 2 suitcases. Yes I had paid for everything and he got everything in the divorce even though he was a narcissist. But it was the best descision I made. Me and my kids have a life now. It wasn’t easy and still isn’t but so worth having a life now. Be strong cos you deserve more. You and you child deserve a life. Things always have a way of working out when you least expect it. Good luck to you and your child. xx


You need to do it. It may be scary to start over again but you’ll get through it. Make some moves to give yourself some help when you do like save up as much as you can so you can get yourself a car if need etc.

it’s definitely time to move on and give yourself and your child a more fulfilling life.

He clearly doesn’t want a more fulfilling life and seems quite content with where he’s at. Don’t let him hold you back from making your life better.


Think of the time you’ve lost. How much more do you want to invest in him? That should help decide. Good Luck. Pray about it.

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Yeah I’d leave him. Bums are bums no matter how you look at them.

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Girl I went through those feelings and it kept me with my husband for 6 years. Not happy years, very bitter terrible years. Then one day I got the nerve and left… Do yourself and your child a favor and leave! It’s not going to be a walk in the park you may struggle at first but it will get better!! I’m a message away if you need to talk.

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Material things aint everything. Just go & start again.

Do you have a friend that could take you and your child in until you save for a place? Quit paying the bills and save your money. You will have a couple months before he even realizes the bills aren’t paid and you can be gone.


Leave now… Dont waste anymore time

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Get a lawyer asap. This can be fixed and a lawyer can help you.
It truly is time to go. He is using you and I’m sorry :heart:

Take the gaming away for starters if it’s not there he can’t play start by changing the lease onto ur name u working and paying the rent

It’s time. He may be having mental health problems but if he’s not willing to put the effort in to go to therapy, get on meds if he needs it, change his lifestyle, any effort you put in isn’t gonna make a difference. I’m sorry sweetheart. It’s one thing to stick it out with someone who shows effort and you see progress, but it’s another monster entirely to suffer along with someone who won’t even help themselves, let alone help parent. It’s time. Get a lawyer.


The one thing I learned very young was to make sure my name was on everything, but my husband did that too in our first couple years together. One day I just packed mine and my sons stuff and left for a couple days. When he called and begged me back and I went back everything changed for the good. We’ve been together for 12 years now. Sometimes a new start isn’t always a bad thing. :heart: good luck !


Things are just that things. Stop paying the rent if it is in his name and save that money for your own place. Stop paying the car payment and save that money for a different car. Pack your stuff when have enough for a new place. And let the peices fall where they may for him. I am old left my first husband in 1987! With just a suitcase. I was 24 years old and had 3 kids. I made it. Your daughter deserves better also trust me.


Def calls for divorce!

Sounds like he’s depressed so maybe help him instead of nagging at him

If he’s not willing to seek mental health help, the only thing you can do is search local outreach sources and start making plans. It won’t get better. That’s not something you can control and not something something he needs to seek.

Lawyer up. Mental health is not an excuse for not being there for his family. It’s time to cut him loose, as hard as it will be.


Nono you got this I’m 41 man to me that’s just wrong…please get your self out of thier.i help my wife with everything.she left me for awhile.becuse of games :video_game: best thing she did was leave made me realize how much I needed her instead of the games.somtimes we men need a little incentive to make us snap because we think that you’ll never leave.just to teach him you can do it with or with out him.sorry for this experience but you got this…


As a person with depression I understand… But as a Mom and provider, I understand too. I’d straight up tell him if he doesn’t do something I’m fu*kin leaving.

always always ALWAYS make sure that you have a name for yourself in financial matters. I would not call myself relying on any man’s car or house feeling like I have to be stuck when trying to get out of a toxic unhealthy environment. Yall should of at least had 2 vehicles or go get you one and find a 1-2 bed room apartment for you and your kid. You working and Taking care of home, well you can take care of your business without him. Also Wedding vows are so powerful. You take on each other’s battles together. That’s what yall signed up for. You promised to be that man’s pillar if he ever fell. I hope you’ve encouraged him the best you could during his downfall. It’s sad to give up on people like that, but you also need to keep yourself healthy too…


Leave… like u said lease is in his name not urs right? So he’ll be forced to get a job to pay. File for divorce find a 1 or 2 bedroom for u and ur child and start fresh. Leave the car and find one in ur name. Good luck u got this :muscle::muscle:


Why would you leave, go to a lawyer! You get the kid = you get the house! Been in this exact situation. Not sure what state you are in but your house and car are marital property. You should not lose anything, the court will make him leave. It may take time, but its worth it to keep your kid in her home.


Get an attorney and let them help you navigate this situation.


Divorce…there’s no respect.

Plan ahead
Put your money away to set your self up so you can leave. Organise housing car etc
No respect!! Obviously not a family man if not contributing or trying to help…
Definitely time to leave.

I wish this lady on this other thread could have heard these replies.
I went back and forth with a commenter telling her to stay when this woman was about to graduate nursing school with 5 kids, 14 years, no marriage, excessive cheating and spending money on other women. My answer was to get a job stack and quietly leave. I don’t know when women got to a point where staying was better than leaving.

Pick yourself up and start over life is too short to live like this

If you don’t do it now you won’t do it ever. It’s best to start out with a clean slate.

Prepare yourself to leave, make arrangements, start thinking about what’s next, where you’re going, what you’re gonna do. It will come to you when you least expect it!! but KNOW you got this, you’re stronger then you realize, trust me… I’ve been there and done that! And things might seem like they are hopeless, but have faith. Wait for some good karma to happen. It will!! :orange_heart: Good luck!!

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You’d be entitled to half of everything anyway as far as I know.


Run for yours and your daughter’s life!


Why haven’t you seen a lawyer - a long time ago.

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Doesn’t matter whose name things are in, it’s marital property if you acquired it while married.


If u think u need to divorce ur husband then you’ve already made up in mind just in having those thoughts

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Why would u put up with this for a year and a half

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Why in Gods name do woman do this crap. I m not being rude I did this type of shit in my early 20s too I just dont get why we do it. Put everything in your name for this very reason. My daughter is 7 and I already tell her this kind of thing in simple passing just trying to instill it in her from very young.

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See a family attorney…most states divide assets. Start over… and feel alive. You’re very young and can do this easily. Don’t wait 30 yrs.


Why do you put your personal business on here .put your phone down try taking to each other.

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its all women telling you to leave .this happens to men every day get a divorce you she takes the house the dog and the kids all the man gets is the bills and a bitching x wife

Are yall buying or renting the house? Before divorcing him and have a talk with him about adding you to both the car or house payment paperwork. Maybe he will go with you to add him, then divorce him. Not saying you won’t get it, but if that don’t work, get a lawyer

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I recommend you call a divorce lawyer explain your situation and ask for guidance it won’t cost you that’s what I did when I filed for divorce


Yes it’s time for you to do what’s best for you and your kids leave everything on him go stay with family or friends get on your feet like I always told my girls don’t need a man to survive or be happy


You need to sit down and talk to him tell him what you’re feeling tell him he needs to get off his ass and get a job or you’re done. And follow through!