I think I want to leave my husband: Advice?

Personally I don’t think he will change until you make a statement and leave… but you have to be careful with this… as this “statement” could be for good and you have to be ready for that and strong enough to stick to that because if you don’t you will only be treated worse than you currently are. You have to tell him seriously and calmly that you are sorry but this is not the life for you. That you have tried for so long but you can’t do it anymore. You are leaving and you didn’t want this for you both or for your kids. You wanted a happy family. You feel he takes advantage. You’re not appreciated. Or treated fairly. Tell him it all! and then leave. But actually leave. If he cares he will try to make you come back. But you won’t. You make it stick for at least a week or two. If he still trying then you have a chance that he will make changes. Not guaranteed though. Depends how much he cared about life without/with you. If he don’t give a shit then be glad you left his sorry arse and pitty his next victim

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