"I swear, my one-month-old is very obviously allergic to his formula, and no one has believed me.
I’m really annoyed with the people around me in that regard. Besides calling his pediatrician, what are your favorite sensitive formulas? TIA!
We only supplement or do one full feed with the formula and may supplement an ounce here or there. Anything helps. He’s been so miserable."
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“If you suspect an allergy, you definitely need to talk to the pediatrician about it. There could be an allergy issue going on, but there could be lots of other things causing symptoms. The pediatrician will also have the best suggestions for what to use for your baby’s allergy and which formula to switch to.”
“First thing I would do is call pediatrician…especially if you think he’s allergic…go with your gut…but I wouldn’t try a bunch of different things not knowing if he could be allergic to more.”
"Similac was provided by the hospital when my son was born. So we loaded up after we got home. Then puking and projectile diarrhea came for weeks. So we switched to another Similac. Never got better. We switched to Enfamil gentle ease. Eh. He got super constipated for weeks; like we went 13 days without pooping. We switched to Enfamil soy, took a while to adjust but he got pretty “normal” belly- and digestion-wise.
“After he was a year we put him on whole milk and he was doing alright. Always constipated.”
“Finally, after 2 years of super constipation, we’ve been 3 weeks on fat-free milk and super limited dairy intake and this kid is now regularly pooping!! So point, just literally keep trying different things till it works. Give it at least 2 weeks trial before switching.”
“I have used targets formula since my second was born and now on and off with baby number 3 and have had no issues at all”
“We supplemented one bottle a day with formula the first couple of months, I thought the same thing. Even switched him to sensitive (lactose-free) still was gassy, fussy, puking… Turns out he wasn’t allergic, his sensitive little tummy just wasn’t used to 2 different kinds of milk (breast milk and formula). So we strictly did breast milk till I dried up then 100% switched him to formula around 5 months. Took his tummy all but 2 days to adjust. It really all depends on your babe’s symptoms.”
“My oldest only nursed for 2 weeks and then we spent 2 months in and out of the doctor’s office trying to figure out what was going on- she was cow and soy intolerant. Nutramigen saved us!! Because of this, I worked overtime to make sure I exclusively BF the next 3. It’s a tad expensive but your insurance may help with it.”
“Could be acid reflux. My son had it and he had to take liquid reflux reducer.”
“Both of my boys had to use Enfamil Gentlease. It’s much easier on their bellies since it’s easier to digest. However, if he continues to not tolerate that, you may have to switch to soy-based. It’s ok to try different things until you figure it out. And don’t you worry about anyone “believing” you. You are his mom and you know your baby and what’s best for him. Who cares what anyone else thinks.”
“My son had a lot of issues when he was born, I went through all kinds of different formulas nothing worked. I swore he was allergic. Took him to the doctor and she told me that you can’t mess like that with their tummies. Remember he was in your belly for 9 months and his digestive system is used to what you eat, it may take him a few months. By the end of it, my baby was back at his original formula and it just took a minute for him to adjust as my doctor said.”
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