I think my best friend may have called CPS on me and idk what to do or how to even confront her about it…but the info they knew is something only my friend knew…we have a half wolf dog and he attacked our pet pig so the people who came by brought animal control and said the person who complained was someone concerned for the safety of our children around our dog…literally no on eelse knew about this sitution and i feel so hurt that she would betray us like this instead of coming to us about her concerns…our kids have never been in danger around our dog… EVER
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I think my best friend called CPS on me: Advice?
DON’T TRUST ANYONE!!! I’m sorry you have to do this Mama:pray:
tell her to go fuck herself and move on you don’t need fake friends
Could a neighbour have heard the attack and call about it?
Talk to her. Woman to woman, like adults. If she’s your real friend, she’ll at least admit to doing it which is such a low blow…
Could one of your neighbours know and have done it?
So your dog did it’s natural instinct and someone with half a brain decides it’s because your a bad parent? Huh odd.
My ex best friend did the same to me
I learned a long time ago do not trust “friends” so sorry you are dealing with this just cut ties with her!
Mmmm…honestly you thought your pig was okay.
I would just ask her… if you feel she did it and you are upset you remove yourself from the friendship…
I wouldnt want that dog around my child. So your friend is probably concerned about the little girl
So your dog is part wolf? I def wouldnt want that dog living next to me. Probably a neighbor called when they saw it.
The dog and the pig are familiar with each other. The dog attacked the pig. The dog is familiar with your children. You don’t think the dog has the potential to attack the children? Your friend is more worried about your children than you are. Maybe you should give the children to the friend and coddle a half wolf with predator instincts
Confront her then cut her off!
Cut them off. You clearly can’t trust them. Don’t bring it up just cut ties.
Best friends are the worse for betraying your trust.
Tell cps to fuxk off I wouldn’t even let them in to the house all they do is feed the pedophile traffic rings unknowingly .
The devil never sleeps, I suggest always watch your back and what you say or do around others at times you can’t ever be so trusty with anyone. My own family won’t evwn have my back even if I give them help.
Sometimes friends mess up… Is this one incident worth ruining your whole friendship?
Umm no protocol is animal control called cps … not your friend, I can’t believe nobody in the comments said this before me. Lol
Well you can’t trust anyone…and wolves are not pets. I would just go and say to her what you said here…easy. I have never had a problem going to anyone face to face… It’s the best way to handle things.
That’s not a friend…
Dog behaviourist here with 19 years experience- your friend is the only one thinking CLEARLY about your children if you, in fact, own a god damn wolf hybrid that’s one. Two, animal control calls CPS often. So you absolutely don’t know for a fact it was her, regardless, good luck to you and your children’s faces and I don’t wanna hear about what a nice wolf hybrid it is either. I’ve been doing this for almost 2 decades and I’ve lost count of the maulings. You want to risk your kids, throw away friends who seem to love your kids, go ahead.
Never can ever trust anyone. Even if u think they’re your best friend. Maybe ask her abt it??!
Sorry you are having to go through this its not shocking that your dog attacked your pig as even my dogs would try to go after a pig, duck, squirrel, chicken, bird, etc but they are the absolute most gentle dogs with my girls and most humans (turns out the one person my dog didn’t like turned out to be a real monster so
there’s that
I would just be straight forward and ask her. If she is the only one that knew, she either told someone else that found it alarming or she called herself.
I sure hope they didn’t take your four legged baby and they wrap up their investigation and let y’all be.
And as someone else commented, trust no one. As unfortunate as it is, it really is the truth.
I’m so sorry to hear about this. I own four wolf dogs. One of my grandsons just turned one and the other is about to turn two. They have been around two of my Wolf songs since the day they were born because I trust them fully. the other two I keep behind hot wire when they’re around because I’m just unsure and I would never risk it. That being said on June 4th my grandson was horribly attacked when a family member’s Springer spaniel latched onto his face at his aunt’s graduation ceremony. He’s permanently scarred. This was an old dog that had never been around infants but everybody trusted. It’s never about the breed.
I would like to add that I know it’s my responsibility since I own a wolf dog that I must also protect the wildlife around me. That is why two of them are behind hot wire. They already took down a deer out here once and the department of fish and wildlife made sure to let me know that if it happened again it would be considered poaching and a felony. I love my dogs too much to let anything happen. I love my grandchildren more.
I do not believe CPS should have been called whatsoever
But what happened to the poor pig…
Honestly do you feel you would have taken her or anyones concerns seriously had she come directly to you? Wolf dogs are not family pets. Your children shouldn’t be around the dog, ever. They’re not just some fancy breed of pet that has a bad reputation. They’re an unstable hybrid, and they’re prey drive can overwhelm their familiarity with your children at any time. You don’t want to believe that your children could be in danger but whoever called is right to have done so. You’re only feeling betrayed because there is a sense of guilt here. Don’t let your pride ruin a friendship. They didn’t betray you, they did something to potentially save your children and risked your friendship to do so. I would want someone who loved me kids and cared for their safety as a friend.
Is there any chance a neighbor has concerns regarding your dog
Everyone will tell you their kids are safe around the dog
And 90% of the time they are correct
(Not saying your kid isn’t safe with your dog)
That isn’t a friend, that’s a coward. Friends come to you and talk it out first. Calling CPS is always the absolute last resort, and only if there’s real danger. Sounds like you have it handled, and the issue is between your animals not your animals and children. Concern is fine, I think they went too far though.
You would NOT have listened to her concerns, you would not have gotten rid of a potentially dangerous wolf dog and just gotten angry anyway. She was looking out for your children since you weren’t…
I hate to be THAT person, but wolf/dogs are extremely predatory animals. Even with massive training, they’re still really only for people with lots of knowledge, and experience with that breed specifically (Not saying you “shouldnt” have one)
I think its completely reasonable to be worried for the kids after it attacked its fellow house mate. Ive known a few people who have got one, and had to surrender them. So my opinion is slightly biased.
Either way, I hope the pig is okay. And that everything gets sorted out.
You can’t trust anyone my mother called on me took me 3 years to get my kids back. Sorry your going thru this I know the feeling
I mean if you’re not protecting your baby, someone with half a brain should. Sounds like your friend cares about the safety of your child more than you do.
For those saying she isnt your friend, l beg to differ. She is scared for the safety of your kids. Honestly, l would be as well. Dogs are already sometimes unpredictable, and to have a wolf hybrid around kids l think is really dangerous, but that is just me.
Yup id be cutting that person out of my life!!!
Sometimes it’s better to not have “friends” especially women “friends” and if you do keep them out of your house, your marriage, your bedroom & your business!! People are scandalous!! I’d definitely confront her to her face !!
It’s for the SAFETY OF YOUR KIDS!! If your dog/wolf attacked your pet pig! Your children can possibly be next! People shouldn’t keep quiet when children are involved! Example! A neighborhood dog broke his chain and chased my son while he was walking to school. Thankfully my son was able to get through the school gate safely. He begged me not to call animal control or make a fuss with the neighbors. So I chose not to. Well let me tell you that this dog chased another younger child and attacked and bit him on his leg and head he needed lots of medical care! So to this day I feel bad that I didn’t report the dog! I could’ve prevented this from happening! It’s probably the same case with your friend…
CPS more than likely called not your friend! And if that’s the case it would be silly to assume she was the one calling and just flat out cutting her out… But if it was her I’m assuming the attack she saw/knew about alarmed her enough to call. But I am 99% sure animal control more than likely called especially if they saw the children near the animals in question
I’d tell that friend to her face to kick rocks…I’m sure you wouldn’t let anyone or anything hurt your kids and she could have came TO YOU FIRST! She isn’t a friend. Sorry
I had a friend who had a dog that was half wolf. He was the best dog ever. Very protective of his family. Because he is the leader of the pack. He will not hurt you it’s not in him to do that. A wolf will always protect his herd. He will not hurt that baby only protect her.
She did nothing wrong.
You have a wolf dog. No one else but your friend knows about this? I’m sure your neighbors know you have a hybrid dog living in your home. So at this point anyone could’ve called. Did they specify they were there because of the attack or because of the fact that you have a wolf dog and someone is concerned for your children? If you say your friend is the only one who knows about the attack, and they said that’s why they are there, then yea it could’ve been her, or a neighbor who heard about the attack. But if they said they are there because of the fact someone is concerned about your dog being around your kids, then girl that could’ve been anyone who lives around you, even family.
Block and block and block and cut out your life
First I can see that situation concerning someone about your kids safety. Many parents think their kids are safe around their pets until they aren’t.
Second I can understand you feeling angry & betrayed.
Third if she would’ve come to you you would’ve brushed her off. “My dog has never been a danger to my kids”. He wasn’t a danger to your pig either. Right. Yep, until he was. It can be she was truly trying to protect your kids. Did she lie or exaggerate? If not then she wasn’t trying to make it bad for you. She was doing what she felt was right for your kids. Take a deep breath & think. Do you want a best friend who ignores dangers? Or do you want 1 that tries to help?
She’s not your friend. A friend never turns on a friend
I have a husky/ German Shepard/ Timberwolf pup & she’s the sweetest dog ever! However I don’t have her around animals like pigs she just has her 2 other sister pups are we talking a full on wolf dog ??… I never leave my kiddos alone with any of my dogs because it’s not smart to do that. But I don’t think someone should pick on a specific breed either. I’m sorry that happened to you! Maybe figure out who actually called before making assumptions
Of the dog attacked the pig why wouldn’t you be concerned that your kids could be next?
Well she ain’t a best friend if she did that behind your back and didn’t come to you in person…even if she had “concerns” I’m sure you’ve had your concerns about the dog and it’s type of breed around your children…confront her and ask her why she did it? And if she comes up with some bs then kick her out your life!!! Cps ain’t no joke especially when it involves children…but I’m sure everything will be ok…I hope the pig is ok too🥺you got this girl, look for some better friends!!!
It would honestly depend on the age of the dog for me. But As your “friend”…I woulda said something to you. This woman is so concerned for your kids but too much of a coward to give a face to the concern? Nah.
The way I see it is, the dog is part wild animal. It naturally has some wild instincts. If this is its first known attack on anything, and you’ve had it for a long time, I would be wary of it and keep it under supervision when around anyone, especially my kids, just to be safe, because you never know, once an animal has gotten a taste for blood, if it will seek it again, regardless of the source. I would talk it out with my friend and try to reach an understanding. I’m sure, if it was her, it came from a place of love and concern for the children.
Work everything out with cps first! Then after wards talk to her about as an adult. Then from that go ahead & block her from your life. Idk how she would say anything about she was concerned about the kids but like…. Y’all best friends. Couldn’t she speak to you directly.? I mean that’s what best friends do. They don’t do the extra stuff
Your dog being part wolf means jack all . My German shep. Has a high prey drive , as do most larger breeds. Most of the time your indoor pets & your children are seen as part of the pack. There are a lot of…uneducated opinions in here on the breed issue. News flash, ALL dogs descend from wolves lol go ahead and set your little weiner dog out with a garden snake or squirrel. Your friend (if it was her) should have come to you first but be honest with yourself, you would have dismissed her concerns. Nobody knows your family or pets like you do, but a lot of people act out of ignorance and fear from the outside. I say have a real talk with her
Maybe she told someone else and they called.
Never say never. But with friends like that who needs enemies.
I’m assuming hybrid wolf dog would have a high prey drive for small animals. It’s normal. It sucks, but it’s normal the same goes for Huskies. Which is the only reason they are on the aggressive breed list. It’s instinctual for Huskies to want to hunt something small. I am constantly cleaning up dead opossums in my yard, but my DOGS have killed bunnies, squirrels, birds, and I have to keep my cat separate because I don’t trust them, they show way too much interest in her. Humans and animals are different. But I would make sure you teach your children how to read dog language anyways. Freezing or guarding they def need to give space. If those things don’t occur I don’t believe your children are in danger. But some people don’t understand animals.
We had a pitchow for 15 years and never told anyone not even the Vet because of this and some reaction.
I can tell you if i had a dog tht attacked my pig i wouldnt want it near kids thats way to risky cz i bet you thought it wouldnt get your pig!!!and it did
Maybe animal control put in a complaint with them and they want to check it out
Be happy someone cares more about your kids than your dog.
My so called best friend did that to me. And tried to deny it. I knew it was her and my exs girlfriend. Who stepmom works for CPS. And my daughter later told me that it was her, even though I already knew it was her. Our friendship has never been the same. We still talk but not like we used to, and ive told her how I felt but she never really apologized for it. When I confronted my ex about it, he didn’t know anything about his girlfriend calling cps on me. I showed him text messages between his Gf and my friend. He was livid that she would do something like that. And it was all over my friends kids over my house for a week (to give her a break from the kids so she could recover from her chemo treatments) her dad was mad at me because i had raised my voice to her when I had asked her to do something and she refused to. And my friend didn’t even want to hear my side, totally took her kids side, which was fine. But my friend couldn’t understand why I didn’t talk to her for 2 yrs. And she also couldn’t understand why my husband was mad at her. I told her how upset both him and I had been. And she just blew it off like it was nothing. She knew all the info about the kids and the pets etc. im still friends with her, but I don’t trust her like i used to, and i watch what I tell her.
Never say never and I think what she done was pure love and concern for your kids but on the other hand maybe she should’ve spoken to you first…maybe she knew how you’d react, why she didn’t just be grateful it was your pet pig and not your kids as shitty as that sounds
She should of sat down and discussed he concerns with you like a proper friend would if she was your best friend, can’t trust no one these days or offer to help you in some way, but no she went behind your back etc time to call it quits on your friendship and cut her from your life, you don’t need friends you can’t trust peoole that cant come to you when they have a problem…
It’s not betrayal, it’s mandated reporting.
You need to stop and look at the bigger picture. Your pig today, your child tomorrow? Nah she was responsible AF!
Usually once a dog has been blooded they will attack anything and should be put down. But if you trust that it won’t happen that’s up to you to take that risk with your family. It really is none of her business
Do you have neighbors that may have seen or heard it
Maybe she tried to talk to you about it and you just ignore her and give 0 fuc^<€> ,
Get rid of the friend ASAP… if she was someone who cared she would have came to you first. I have huskies… their prey drive for small animals is very high however I would bet my life on my huskies protecting my children at ALL costs !
Good for her. i personally wouldnt want a dog who attacks like that. Never st never. Its an animal… Instinct is to attack small prey.
Maybe she shared her concerns with someone and they called. Maybe the dog attacking the pig was the last straw for her with the animal…maybe she has told you her concerns and you didn’t listen. She obviously did it out of concern…and not malice. Is this the only incident with the dog??
Most likely concerned for the children as I would be
Dogs are predators. Pigs are prey. I raise both and one of the MAIN things I stress is that they shouldn’t be left alone unsupervised. They do not speak the same “body language” and cannot read cues from one another like they can those of the same species. Make sure your dog is getting the proper exercise to release energy. (High intensity, 30 minute walk at least 2x a day)
For those of you who think that just because the dog attacked the pig it would attack the kids- you’re wrong. One of the ways pigs show dominance is to “move the pig”. Meaning they will push other pigs out of the way with their snout. If a pig did this to a dog- the dog would likely growl or nip at the pig. Then the pig would “attack” and so would the dog. However- dogs are meant to take down prey- pigs are not. Dogs and pigs should never be left alone, unsupervised. That’s the fault of the owner.
She didn’t betray you. If she did call CPS she was thinking reasonable on your kids behalf, not even her own children, that means she loves you enough to love them and worry about them. You would never admit that your children may be in danger because you love your dog. Whatever your dog do you’ll see it as normal but people around you may notice another stuff. You shouldn’t be mad at her. CPS won’t take away your children and I’m sure she didn’t called them have them taken away just to make you understand without hurting your feelings that is better to be safe than sorry.
And tbh I don’t really care if it’s a wolf or half wolf. Dogs attacks children all the time. It’s not even about the dog, it’s about the children safety. She felt they are in danger and you should thank her for that cuz sometimes love makes us blind.
It’s a genuine concern, it wasn’t a malicious or unwarranted report and the fact you don’t see an issue in what happened or the danger your kids could potentially be in is telling. Child safety isn’t negotiable and at the end of the day if there is no threat then that will be reflected in a report and the case closed
Ma’am no offense I understand what you’re saying however just the fact that you had a pet pig around a half wolf dog and did not think that there was going to be some sort of incident is very telling in and of itself… I can see how that would be bothersome or worrisome … it’s a whole predator and prey thing I’m not sure how one could even allow that not thinking anything would ever happen …… a pig and a wolf dog? I mean I guess common sense just flew straight out the window on that one… I hear what you’re saying but yeah I don’t know that she was exactly in the wrong… Sorry ma’am Can’t completely back you up on this one
Break up with the friend and the dog. Animals that show animal ways will always be animals. Protect your kids
I’m sure you’ll hate hearing this but be absolutely happy this person worries about your kids… any type of dog can turn especially after tasting blood… if I were you I’d ask this friend and probably never talk to her again… cps isn’t bad they want to make sure child is ok… good luck… I had a giant malamute and 3 months old he weighted 115lbs. I never allowed my kids around him because he was so massive…
Yeah. Bestfriends can be two-faced. I’m sorry you experienced this at the hands of someone you trusted most. I’ve been there. Maybe asking too much from wild animals. Much love
She did betray you but she does have a valid point it is half wolf so yes your kids could be in danger especially now that it has attacked the pig which is what a wolf would do but it has got the taste of blood now that is a wolf’s natural instinct
At least she did what you didn’t have the guts to do ? Why would you put a dog before your children? She’s not in the wrong here? You had to post this anonymously because you are wrong here? She was looking out for your kids… something you havnt done? Why question the friendship when you can post on here but hide who you are? She’s not the problem here sis
My advice is re-home the wolf dog. Not bc it did anything wrong but bc you clearly don’t know what your doing
I’m sorry she didn’t feel comfortable talking to you about it first…maybe she knew how you would respond and it was negatively so she acted in the best interest of the kids even if it meant loosing your friendship. Any dog can snap, doesn’t matter how much training it’s had. Breed plays a huge part in its demeanor…doesn’t matter if it’s an ankle biter or wolfX. I love pit bulls…they get a bad wrap, people try to say they are “nanny dogs” sure that may have been a trend, I’m not sure we know how many children were mauled to death by dogs back then but I wouldn’t and didn’t leave my kids alone with any dog, ever…watch out for cats too, they can be real a**holes
My sons father family rang them on me and spun spiderwebs for stories and they believed every word. Then only to find out it was my so called partner feeding them bullshit to ring up about and even tho his the dad he was doing everything in his power for me to deliberately loose our son like it’s not his own flesh and blood. People who lack basic care giving skills set out to sabotage others for their own lack and knowledge. Cost him his son now for the next 8yrs as he cut his own nose off to spite his face and backfired on him and his family karma my friends, y’all got the front seat so buckle up bitches and let’s go for a ride
Just cut ties don’t call or txt her if she tries to contact you ignore her
I get where you’re coming from but also her bcy daughter was attacked in 2020 by a dog I told her father not to have around bc he’s snapped at me a few times and he lets the owners take care of my daughter and my daughter went to kiss it and attacked her she had to get 20+ stitches just in her face. I get her concern and I wish I knew bc I told him prior not to take her around the dog and he does and that’s what happens. But she should’ve came to you before anything that’s for sure I gave him warning after warning not too
She didn’t betray you she’s a friend who obviously cares about your children, do something about the situation before your children become the next prey
She’s a snake in sheep clothing. cut ties with her all together.if she’ll report you then she’ll tell everyone your business and most likely gossips about you behind your back.
Having a wolf dog and a pet pig in the same house is a little strange to me. maybe she is truly worried and doesn’t think you will listen. That doesn’t make it right, but she is probably scared. I wonder if she’s ever mentioned any sort of concern to you before.
With animals and kids you always have a slight danger possibility., even if nothing ever happens. It still hangs around. Because they are animals. And they also have breaking points.
Did you have to take to pet to the vet? Maybe she tried and you gave the maybe dog would never do that speech?
This might even be considered by some, like myself, an act of true friendship & love for your kids. She’s right to be concerned and it sounds like bringing it up to you would fall on deaf ears.
Well maybe this is why she didn’t speak to u about it 1st, because she knew ur love for the dog would be too powerful to make u see the dog might be a danger to ur kids
She may have told someone else and that person could have called
I mean i understand what some people are trying to say that she was looking out for the kids but a true friedns NEVER reports you to CPS, the cops or anything related. She is not your friend! What if cps would’ve taken the kids away from you because of this situation. I hope you can find a safe home for your wolf dog cause i don’t think you will be able to keep him.
Kudos to the friend for caring more about your children than you do. Open your eyes, if it attacked another pet your child is next!
For all you know your kids could’ve mentioned to a friend at school or a teacher or neighbor who called
PS. my brother was attacked by a black lab when he was in kindergarten & the dog KNEW my brother (our neighbor’s dog). any animal can attack, especially a wolf
Sometimes the closest people to you secretly hate you or are jealous of you. A good friend, a real friend would have came to you as best friend should…even if it’s hard to bring up and talk about…sorry but that ain’t your friend…and if it’s some one else that maybe she told or you just don’t know if they overheard something then you need to confront either way so you know who has your back and who to cut off.
I honestly don’t think she maliciously done this had she talked with you of her concern for your children most likely that’s as far as it would go so to protect the children she did the right thing don’t ever think your dog would never attack you or your children it happens every day the pig should have it’s own space fenced in for it’s protection that the dog can’t get to just 2 weeks ago a woman’s 5 Great Danes dogs fatally attacked her I think she did the right thing or perhaps she shared about this with someone else who contacted CPS to protect your children does your dog have.a large area to go out & get away or is it confined to the house this is a large breed needs room to get away from kids & other animals sometimes if not the environment gets too stressful for them your dog is being a dog probably not a bad dog just too stressful for it not fair to the pig either make changes necessary to protect all involved talk to your friend she didn’t wake up and say today I’m going to call CPS on my friend she or whoever called did it out of concern
Everybody talking about she was concerned is weird if she was a real friend she would of came to her friend tf why try to get somebody kids taken away