I think my best friend called CPS on me: Advice?

Wolf dogs can not be fully trained and do not belong in the home ESPECIALLY around children and after an attack on another animal. Common sense should tell you it is literally a wolf. Do your kids go to school? They could have brought it up there and they’ll definitely call. Your friend could have talked to someone else about it and they called. I assume this happened outside so neighbors could have. Do you have a SO? Maybe they talked about it to family or a friend and they could have. If you have nothing to hide or are so confident in your dog you honestly shouldn’t be worried. Either way just straight up ask her and IMO you need to honestly look at the entire situation and not just at the person who did the right thing.


CPS is a joke literally and figuratively they come they do the investigation and if they see nothing they close the case. Then a day, week or months later the child or children are seriously hurt or killed they’ll state we investigated and it didn’t happen on our watch when sooooo many children get put in worse situations in their care!

I know it stinks that your best friend put you in that situation but truth be told the children that have been mauled by family pets the owners same line is “Our pet would never do etc. they where raised with our child(ren)!“ My children where raised with pit bulls and as my mom told me any animal with teeth :tooth: will bite and any animal with claws will scratch! Look at it from your friends view if for whatever reason your wolf dog attacked your pet pig there is that grey area where it could happen to your child(ren)!


Wow most of these comments are super frustrating. If you are sure it was her then i guess you learned she’s not your friend and at the very least not to tell her anything. I hope everything is ok with doggy and babies!


Animal control could have called. I would just immediately ban her from my house and family no questions or talking necessary


I wouldn’t even say anything to her tbh. But I also would cut her off. That dog has a very high prey drive, the pig is prey. They are also very much a pack animal and will protect your kids…. From smaller pets if need be. It is irresponsible to have small animals around the dog as you have figured out.


I think they may have been genuinely concerned for your children (if they did call) and it may have come from good intentions… but the fact is, unless you have absolute irrefutable proof of children being abused or neglected, you do not call CPS. They will make most family’s lives hell. Very rarely does CPS do any good. If it was them, what they did was wrong.


I would go over and thank this friend that she cared so much about your child. I called cps on my friend too. Because her partner was an asshole to her kid and she allowed it. I was so proud of her. She took parenting classes and learned how to be a proper mother and put her kid first.

That sounds like a serious issue. Her concerns were for the children.


Maybe an animal control person did it.


It definitely sucks that someone did this behind your back instead of confronting you. It’s good that they are concerned but as a best friend she should have approached you. I have seen dogs attack other animals and not be any issue around children or humans. 

If you dont think that at any moment your dog can turn and do that to one of your kids… well you probably shouldnt own a dog.


Tell her you know she did it let her belwive they told you she is not a friend of she does not talk to you put is the dog aggressive Lt sounds like he is

Get rid of the dog before your kids end up hurt or worse💁‍♀️ obviously it’s aggressive or no one would have called out of concern.


I would confront the friend in a respectful way. You could be wrong and harboring feelings based on non truths which will only hurt your relationship . As for everyone saying that that dog is dangerous to your child. any animal, car, and situation is dangerous around children. Life is all a big friggin chance. As long as you’re responsible and monitor your children around your dog the situation should be fine. Pigs are prey animals . Any dog could do that . A lot of people are dumb and just assume because their dog is a labrador that they can let their children do anything to the animal and leave them unsupervised and all will be well. These are the kids that get mauled. So yeah confront your friend and just continue to monitor your animals around your children.


I think you should be grateful that someone saw the possibility of your children getting hurt or killed. People get very defensive about their pets and sometimes ignore the danger.


From what you described it may have been an animal control employee who called instead of your friend, but either way, very young children and dogs (no matter the breed) oftentimes don’t mix well, watch your young kids very, very closely around the dog

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I mean. She’s concerned for your kids after you’re half wolf dog attacked a pig. As bad as it might hurt, why would you be mad that she was concerned. Maybe she felt like it was that severe that she couldn’t talk to you. But honestly, unless you ask her, you really don’t know. I would rethink it all! Your pet, your friendship, the decision around your children. If she’s your best friend, you should be able to confront her. If not, then why would you think she’d be able to do it with her concern? Lead by example.


I’d tell her she was the only one that knew so you KNOW it was her and cut her off. Now as for the dog… your friend did have a reason to be worried and report. Wolf mixes are ILLEGAL in MANY places because they’re unpredictable that isn’t a fully domesticated breed and anything can happen even when it is. Depending on your county alone you may not even be allowed to have the dog without a permit and having it registered. Friends of my partner have one and they had to pay serious funds for not having it registered because they didn’t know. For cps to come with animal control is proof of that… they don’t just come for nothing…


It’s sad how many people are telling her to cut off a friend she thinks did something out of fear of an incident with her animal. If her friend did, she cared. Wrong way to show, but nonetheless.


I can’t believe cps even got involved and didn’t send animal control themselves…

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Your kids are not safe around your dog considering your dog has attacked before. It attacked a pig you said so yourself. Would you have listened to friend when they talked to you about their concerns and gotten rid of the dog immediately? I would of called CPS as well. Kids safety and well being always come before a friendship.


I could cut her off if you KNOW it was her. Our dog dug into an old neighbors chicken coop and attacked a couple chickens,( which we resolved with owners.) I also trust this same dog around my children more than 99% of people.


Bit disappointed they didn’t protect the pet pig to be honest.

But I would have definitely told them to their face that they’re clearly not being responsible adults.

That should never have happened… is the dog gonna randomly attack any more animals?

Poor dog man… should be wild.

Stupid people making stupid decisions normally leads to stupid consequences to be fair

Sorry about the friend being 2 faced but clearly there is some concerns about general safety with your wolf/dog …seemingly for the safety of other animals… and rightly so with proven evidence that you didn’t think of.

What did they do to protect the pig from the wolf dog? Cause obviously they are aware about the dogs genetics and therefore the prey drive if they’d bothered to reverse wolf dogs fgs!!!

supposed to be using common sense here!

It’s called be a responsible adult ensuring everyone’s safety… including the pig!

I think if she seen your dog attack your pig it must have been a pretty bad attack to make her fearful for your children


Tip if they ever say they a friend they aint warned this the hard way be vengeful call them on them if they got kids and eye for and eye


Wolf dogs are never meant to be a pet, they still have those wild instincts that can never be bred out no matter how good they are with you. Never forget that.


If you took the pig to the vet and stated the reason for the visit, it could have been the vets


It’s a wolf dog it’s not safe

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I pray they have a good attorney! Haha Bc I’m going after every person that came after me but with an attorney! Haha


I had hybrid wolf dog 3/4timber wolf1/4 malamute best gig a I ever had bred her with a white German shepherd had huge beautiful puppies


Straight up call her out!


Your dog should’ve been put down tbh.


Honestly, it was probably your neighbors. Hearing a pig being picked up, they scream like they’re being murdered, I can’t imagine what one would sound like being attacked by a wolf-dog… let alone what the wolf-dog sounded like while it was attacking the pig or what EVERYONE else, including your kids, sounded like while it was happening… I’m sure anyone that would have heard what I’m thinking they heard would call CPS, especially if yall are not great neighbors.


You should be concerned…maybe more than your friend. She should have expressed her concerns with you but a wolf dog is not a pet. …especially with children. Find it a good home. …it has already attacked.


OMG my cat brought in a bird and even a mouse before. I’m terrified she might attack my kids now. :roll_eyes: Said no one ever!! Fact it Dogs and Cats are natural predators PERIOD!! I’ve seen dogs hunt for all kinds of animals and never not once turn on their families ever. She didn’t ask for your concerns on the type of Breed she has seeing as how she knows her animal best. She is asking advice towards the fact that her Best Friend wasted Taxpayer funds to report her to CPS when she’s not even harming her kids. I could see calling Animal control but CPS? No, that wouldn’t be my friend anymore. :woman_shrugging:


ANY dog that attacks ANYTHING, CAN attack YOUR CHILD. I personally think if the person was your BEST FRIEND, she would have came to you and explained her concerns? What would you have done if she did?


The fact that you haven’t considered the dog might actually hurt your children is enough reason for her to call CPS. You obviously think you’re right and that they are forever safe, so what good would it have done for her to bring the concerns directly to you?


You shouldn’t have that kind of animal around kids. If it attacked the pig it’ll attack a kid. I had a friend who has a 8 year old daughter have its ears ripped off from a Rottweiler. I know a lady who just got attacked by a Great Dane her pet from birth, got a hold of her and dragged her completely across the yard by the leg. Your friend is trying to protect those kids.


So, the comments section isn’t going the way you planned.


Yeah no. A wolf ain’t a pet. We have a friend who has a part wolf dog and it stacked and killed a room full of chickens, killed a cat, and killed a pen of chicks.

That’s a wild animal :woman_shrugging:t2: use logic and think of your other animals. Bye dog :woman_shrugging:t2:


You might not want to hear this, but your dog doesn’t care if your child is a human or if it’s another animal. It’s a dog, part WOLF in fact, so it is a wild animal. If it’s capable of attacking another one of your pets it is ABSOLUTELY capable of harming your child.


Then she is a bad friend get rid of her

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The thing is once they get blood in thier mouth they can be very dangerous. Your friend should have came and talked to you though about their concerns. I am sorry that this happened to your pet pig.


IT’S A FUCKIN WOLF! Don’t try to make it sound cute by adding the word dog. It’s a darn wolf that’s gonna attack you and your kids the next time it gets hungry. SMMFH

It’s a wild animal. Your children’s safety should come come first


She’s not even your friend, let alone your best friend


People out here are just so happy and quick to call cps. The point is cps should be a last resort. And as her best friend, she should have come to her first


She should have came to you first and than depending on what you say or did I could see calling if the kids are in danger I would never just call cps on anyone because that is just a whole another mess


I feel like if bff KNEW about it then it probably WAS discussed somewhat…and she probably did voice her concerns and OP dismissed them. I feel like bff could of called animal control. But on the other hand I really do understand bff concern for the kids safety. If bff only called animal control and OP sees nothing wrong with this situation, what’s to stop OP from getting another wolf/dog? Maybe bff wanted someone to tell OP that he/she couldn’t have wild animals for pets, and especially not around kids.
Plus we don’t know it was bff who called. Maybe it was the neighbors? Maybe they heard it and panicked. The noise that the pig, the wolf/dog attacking it, and OP family made may of been very alarming.


Did you take the pig to the vet? If so maybe they called


This is a pretty drastic move on
Your friends part. Are you giving us the whole story. Did she feel calling CPS was the only way to protect your children. I feel you have left out a huge chunk of information.


Our wolf dog lived a long life of 18 years! He was the best kid dog ever! Kids crawled all over him! Talk about a bunch of judgmental people! Your girlfriend sucks not your dog!:heart:


It’s sad that she betrayed you like that, not the way she should have gone about it. Your dog attacking your pig sucks and I’m sorry to hear that but it’s natural. I have a large husky that completely shredded one of our chickens, they are animals! It’s normal for animals to fight! Had he bitten your child or tried to attack them I completely understand why she would call someone but that’s not the case at all.

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If that’s a concern she has maybe you should stop worrying about her calling and do something about the concern! For your kids sake.

I’d of done the same.


Did you take the poor pig to the vet?

If your child is safe and that person did that I would never talk to them again


This was something that needed to be done. Your friend is being a TRUE friend. Better realize this and do right by your family, by getting rid of the dog.


You may thank her one day.shes concerned for your kids that’s an awesome friend.your half wolf dog can become dangerous,it’s just in there nature,get rid of your half wolf dog.your children are first priority.:face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Confront her . And tell her to mind her fcking business . Cuz unless a dog attacks a human your worry is invalid smh


That ain’t no friend!!
I’d be LIVID!!! :rage:

This happened to me with a friend too…except she was spiteful. When in all truth cases really needed to go to her house. We ended up homeless because of her. But we have rebuilt our lives in another state and kharma will come for her.

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Oh I’d confront this immediately. You do not ever get Cps involved unless it is seriously needed


She will deny it if you confront her. Trust me they all do. Cut her off and live your life. Don’t even give her an explanation. She’ll already know why you’re not talking to her. Don’t ever trust her again because she will do it again. Keep your business to yourself from now on.


Your friend should have spoke to you first before calling cps on you. They need all the help they can get and don’t need their time wasted. I would either confront her about it or just stop talking to her, go NC with her. If she starts acting wierd you got your answer.

Stop giving her info if you decide to keep talking to her.

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As someone whos wolf just past away from old age. He was amazing with my small children . They know whos part of the pack . And a wold will actually lets pups get away with a whe crap of stuff. Or even small kids . Now I do have pot bellies and Maliki was awesome with them . But they would be considered food in thw wild. I would drop this friend :100: this could of just been a conversation between the 2 of you . Shame on her to call cps. That opens a door that should be kept close !!!

I am sorry hun


All of you saying they friend had a right are mental. If she was any friend she would have had a conversation withe her friend and let her know of her concern. The dog didn’t harm the children! So they were not in danger, but her so called friend clearly put them in danger by calling CPS. HOW AS A FRIEND ARE YOU OKAY WITH YOUR FRIEND KIDS BEING REMOVED FROM THEIR CARE??? That is no friend at all. None.


Is it possible your children said something about the incident and it was reported by someone else? Did a neighbor hear it happen and called? I feel like there are so many variables here.

Honestly the decision to call services is a hard one to make.


She needs to stay in her lane then smack her into lala land… :flushed:


This caller cannot be reached by you

Wolf dogs are illegal in most states for good reason. There is no excuse for keeping a hybrid around children. None. God forbid your children get in between that dog and another animal.


You need to watch your children around any dog


That’s not a friend that’s a snake…


Since my cat attacked a mouse I guess I should be worried it may hurt my kids… come on people there is more to the story. Plus it may have not even been her friend in the first place that reported it.


Good for her! She didn’t feel comfortable sharing with you, but loves you & your kids enough to try and keep them safe!


If the dog has been aggressive I think your friend did the right thing.


You may be upset that cps visited and feel betrayed. But she did the right thing. She knew she may lose a friend. But if she confronted you about the concern. You would of stuck up for the dog and unfriended her as what you are doing now. She was concerned for your family. Because she cared. You need to talk to her and thank her.


I don’t know about your area, but Animal Control in my area is ran by the police department (not openly, many people here have no idea and there is no visible connection or stated affiliation so you have to dig to figure it out) but anyway, they are included in Mandatory Reporting. If anyone makes an “outcry” even just a comment indicating they are worried about the safety of a child, the public official is then required to pass along the information to CPS. I was a firefighter, and now an emt, and the amount of off- hand comments we get that fall into this category is enormous. Even when we really didn’t see an issue, if somebody made an outcry of concern, it had to be reported. I hate hate HATE this for you, especially if your animal is truly no danger to your children. On the flip side; if the animal is a danger, this was the right thing to do, as much as it may hurt.


I think that I would be concerned about the attack even if it was an animal that was attacked.


It’s a wolf dog. You’re all in danger.


No ones got time for that toxic shit! Tell her see ya and never look back!

Well , I’d call too. If a dog attacks a pet pig what makes you think your child might not be next?


How can you say that. It attacked your pig. Don’t matter who reported it. Safety first an fore most.


Having a wolf hybrid isn’t like having a dog and can’t be treated as such. That said a capable person is very able to have a wolf hybrid. I fostered and rehomed one 10 years ago only way to calm it down was to run him till he was exhausted. 10 years later he’s such a beautiful soul.


You just gave yourself answer. Your friend called. If dog is. NO harm who cares if they came. But your friend was so concerned but didn’t say she was to you. Spineless

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I KNOW this can be touchy subject for MANY HOWEVER IVE ALWAYS been firm believer that Clearly some things really are better left unsaid which yes can lead people to be very mistrusting but damn! Case & point! This person SUPPOSED to be your BEST FRIEND yet has ZERO DECENCY in even TRYING to voice concerns/speak to you FIRST AT VERY LEAST!! Id understand if your kids were previously bit harmed etc but w/ NO probable cause at all?! Thats pretty shitty in my book!! Esp KNOWING you were gonna KNOW it was her!! If that were me I wouldnt even be able to look at this so called friend anymore bcuz for ME its all about trust & loyalty & if someone lacks 1 or both they def have NO place in MY life! I give goid as I get if I give you my trust & loyalty I absolutely expect it back & such a betrayal like this would absolutely END our friendship bcuz things would NEVER be the same! Id always have that nagging wondering lingering thought in back of my mind about EVER trusting said person w/ anything again! Maybe some agree w/ me maybe not but its MY opinion/thoughts on the subject! That was really shitty betrayal on friends part for sure!!

confront her, if she is truly your friend she will come clean

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If the dog is harmless what difference does it make. Just confirms she was concerned for nothing. Sounds like she is a good friend to make sure you all are safe. Just sayin


I mean, I can kinda see both sides here. I have always had pit bulls or Rottweilers but never alone with mine or anyones kids, hell any animal alone for that matter. Kids can be a-holes to animals sometimes. Yes she should have come to you and yes she should have been concerned.


She may of told someone else and they called


Well your friend didn’t come to you because you’re obviously oblivious to the risks of having a literally wolf around a child. Your friends not the problem.


Frankly, your friend should stay out of it. The dog had a natural instinct toward another animal. Not all dogs socialize well around other animals. It has showed no aggression toward people to have any worries. Sounds like her problem is because of the breed of the dog. Wolf dogs…

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Maybe your friend told someone else and they called. Maybe your child mentioned it to someone.


You can file a motion for discovery after the case is closed and they send you every bit of information on your case. It literally gives you everything! Names, everything the person told them, every single thing about the case from start to finish. This happened to us and we filed and when the paperwork came back we couldn’t believe what some of our family told them. It was all lies. It literally gave us what each of them said word for word. It was ridiculous lies at that. Of course it was family members that love drama and didn’t think we would find out. None of them even know we ever filed that motion or that we even found out about it, but SURPRISE! WE KNOW!

What you should be concerned about is safety and not who reported you. People get these animals because they are cool, get over the adolescent attitude and worry about your family and others safety first. Best of luck.


Well I’m sorry to say due to his breed, now that he’s tasted blood he’ll more than likely attack again, that’s what my grandpa always said on his farm once a new dog there went for his chickens and succeeded. As for previous to the accident, no I’m sure he was fine with the kids. Has ever tried attacking another animal before the incident? That has a lot to do with it too now.

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I forgot to address the issue that it’s your friend making the allegations, she definitely went too far escalating to CPS or any agency at all but before even addressing it with you, she is wrong and could have caused some serious issues in your household, long term issues! I’d have to confront her about it before cutting every tie to her……

Time to have a sit down talk. Tell her how “somebody " betrayed” you and tell her all about how hurt you are… see what she does.

Please keep careful watch of your dog. They are NOT normal dogs and their prey drive is extremely high, obviously since it killed your pig. As far as your friend goes, confront her.

A wolf dog is not going to be a nice dog. Common sense here. If it killed/attacked a pig of all animals you better believe it could and would attack you or your children. I would protect my kids at all costs.

Maybe she is worried about your child. Half wolf dogs are more apt to attack a child because they have triggers that will see your child as prey, just like that. Just like the pig. Better do some soul searching because it wouldn’t be your dog’s fault. It’d be on you.

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