I think my best friend called CPS on me: Advice?

I honestly wouldn’t be mad at the friend. She was looking out for your children, kids always come first. Maybe have a talk with her and say if she did maybe she can talk to you about issues she has first. Sometimes a 3rd party sees issues better then we do.


Maybe the vet reported it… unless you didn’t bring your pig to get medical attention like you should as a pet owner…


She might be saving your. Children’s lives with a dog like that


Idk. My mom had a half wolf dog growing up. They had it for 4-5 years and it never attacked anything or anyone. It got out one day and attacked the horses. After it got that first taste of blood the dog became pretty much feral and only her dad could feed it because it would try to chew your face off. They ended up having to put the dog down after it chewed into my aunt’s calf.


How do you know it was her maybe she said something to a family member of hers that she thought she could trust and they called don’t jump to conclusions

I’d ask her. You need to confront her or it’ll eat ya alive.

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She should’ve told you how she felt about it before she did that cause wtf :unamused:


How can you be sure your children are safe around the dog? I’m sure you thought the same thing about the pig and look what happened. Maybe she should have expressed her concern to you first, but would you have actually listened or just be dismissive like you are now? This isn’t a Labrador we are talking about, it’s a wild animal and it is unpredictable.


My cousin and sister called on me, the most ignorant part is my cousin had never met my children and my sis was mad I wouldn’t let her and a bunch of others stay at my house


Your dog attacked one of your other pets and you kept it? That was your first mistake. Did you get that poor animal medical care? With dog attacks/bites in the home cps isn’t normally called unless someone thinks the children are in danger or it was neglect that caused it. My daughter was bit in the face by a hybrid we rescued. We spent over 20 hours in hospitals in two different states and nobody even called the cops or animal control. There’s more to this story. I think the problem is you know what this animal is capable of and still keeping it so your friend who called if she’s the one who called feels your kids are in danger. She probably didn’t call…your kids could of told someone about it without you knowing


Wolf dogs are unpredictable and kids frequently respond like prey. I’m sure before the dog attacked the pig, you didn’t think it would ever attack a fellow pet either. Think hard, did she ever express any concerns to you at all? Even in passing? The fact that your dog’s behavior escalated to another pet, probably pushed a lot of panic buttons.

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Though she should have talked to you first and told you her thoughts… it does sound like she had legit concerns.


Get rid of the dog. :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t3:

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Sorry but I’d get the dog a new home or it would unfortunately be put down. I know it’s never hurt your kids yet but in my mind it already attacked your pet pig the kids are next. She was wrong for involving CPS but not for involving animal control I would have called AC too.


Get rid of the friend :woman_shrugging:


Would you have listened to her if she would have? I don’t think so. And you might trust your dog but I sure wouldn’t. How long had he been around that pig? I’m thinking maybe quite a while. Good Luck with what you think is okay.


Dog or kids :woman_shrugging:t2: weird that you’d have to even think about that. That dog has a WILD ANIMAL instinct because it’s a WILD ANIMAL. Their instincts never go away. Before anyone starts with the “my dog would NEVER” don’t…. Because it did. All dogs have the same instinct. Some attack some don’t… until they do. You’re friend was genuinely concerned about YOUR CHILDREN.


When owning a wolf dog you need to have them as puppies. I wouldn’t allow it around the baby, but your friend had no right to call CPS. Both the friend and the dog need to go


My special needs son was attacked by a family members dog. A dog every one would have swore it wouldn’t hurt anyone. He needed facial reconstruction surgery at 4 years old and has scars on his face.


I know this is controversial af but if someone calls CPS on kids who arent in immediate life threatening danger, then they’re not looking out for the kids, they’re feeding a savior complex. Relying on the police state to follow thru to protect children who arent in immediate danger, especially right now when protective services are so deeply underfunded and understaffed, isnt “looking out for the kids.” And no, you dont have to “be grateful that someone cared enough to call CPS in the first place.” There are so many more community resources available than just jumping straight to the people who specialize in removal. Caring looks like helping families find and use those resources. CPS should always be the last resort.


Please don’t listen to these people saying you put your children in danger because of the dog breed… they are uninformed and I would trust an animal over a person anyyday. They’re going to make you feel bad for your pet choice but won’t accept that there are more dangerous situations they put their own kids into like poor food choices, and bad relationships


Yeah get rid of that friend. Cps isn’t a joke to just call on people over a incident that didn’t even ACTUALLY involve the kids. That’s so wild. I’d definitely confront her though so she knows you know it was her.


F that dog & F that friend!!! Get rid of both….She could have came to you but then again would you have listened…… I don’t believe in CPS but hey I don’t like dogs either


You said animal control showed up so they will call cps with info there is children in the house with a hybrid… maybe she called them but not cps? Do you have neighbors who might have called on you? Pretty sure they know you have this “dog” and I’m sure a pig getting attacked makes a lot of noise.


Y’all talking about dog or kids why should she have to give up her pets over someone else’s fear. He and her babies have never been big and she said that get off her case


You should really get rid of that friend and this group


This big cahoot savagely killed a chicken that got in our yard, know who wasn’t called because it didn’t involve my children? Cps. I would’ve wrangled anyone who called and made that projectory claim.


Reading through y’all comments on this page made me really understand how unstable most of your responses are


Did it or did it not attack your other pet , u probably thought he would never do that either :woman_shrugging: your life but if I had a dog that attacked anything I wouldn’t feel good about having it around children


It’s okay love my own “sister” called CPS on me instead of talking to me. She will probably lie, bring it up through text let her know you know. Don’t let her over anymore or be extremely cautious.

I would cut her off completely.


Fighting the same battle right now. I run a doggy daycare and all of my dogs were with me for years, including the whole time I was pregnant. I have about 10 dogs max at a time, but they all know as soon as my daughter cries or needs anything, they all need to be calm and quiet for a bit. They don’t jump on her, they’re all so gentle with her and cuddle with her…

Maybe she DIDN’T because YOU would have this attitude. If the dog attacked the pig why wouldn’t it attack your children? You’re gonna learn the hard way, I can see that. I’m sure she can too. You probably gave her some sob excuse my dog would never.


Never put your complete trust in any animal where your children are concerned, you never know.


Wow! That’s a tough one.

yeah that’s no friend …she’s probably a barren witch that wants to steal ur kids


This seems off, likes there’s more to the story. With out proof of neglect/abuse or endangerment CPS won’t do much because so many people call just to be petty to others. If they screened the case and felt it was necessary to contact you there’s a reason. The dog may be part of it, but that generally wouldn’t be a solid single reason for them to visit unless there are previous reports, or other issues with endangerment. With that said maybe the friend was looking out for the kids and truly cares, maybe the friend isn’t a friend, but that friend called with more info then a dog. Animal control would handle that situation. We don’t know the reason being and neither do you until you talk with the friend.


Maybe it was a good thing.

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People do things that some may seem wrong when they are concerned. Maybe she didn’t call Cps. Maybe she called animal control. Or maybe someone that heard the other animal screaming did. Ask your friend. As I said ppl do things when they are concerned that don’t see right. I personally would have went to my friend before posting to the world of strangers. Being this is a private matter.

I’m more curious to know what CPS’s response to this was?


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Are your children school age? If so it could have been them. Children can say things but not be able to tell the full story because they can’t comprehend


Did they take your dog bc they had no right


I feel like alot of responders here don’t know how things often go with livestock and large dogs. Dogs do have a prey drive and and can go after livestock. This doesn’t make the dog dangerous it means it gave into it’s natural instinct. I had a dog that would go after any and all small animals but idolized his human kids


Well I guess she’s not BF

How old are the kids? There’s so many places the report could’ve been made.

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That is too bad for you! You should not have a dog like that around your child!! Thank God she hopefully did call!


My dog hunted down a rabbit a bird and a turtle all in my yard and he ate them wanna know who got called the vet not cps or animal control because it didn’t involve my children that same dog of mine also sleeps in my bed and takes naps with my kids because he loves them and wouldn’t hurt them unless a child is in immediate danger or being hurt then you call CPS not over a dog eating another animal theyre animals it’s literally what they do

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I think she should or come to you not get CPS involved. Maybe confront her and tell you how you feel

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Could have been a neighbor, ask her !

I would definitely talk to her about it

I’m surprised cps came out. Children in real danger die every day and cps knows they are in danger and never check. Animal control is supposed to investigate animal attacks. They are suler quick here even for animal on animal


Kids talk… I was the reason CPS got involved in my childhood before I went into foster care…

I feel like there has to be a lot more to this story…

I would definitely just ask, and if so I’d express how she should have came to you first. My dog would absolutely attack another animal, she’s a lab, a hunting dog. But when it comes to my kids she wouldn’t hurt a single hair on them. Dogs are good like that and nobody had a right to make you possibly lose a family member over that situation. I’m surprised they even came out for that.

This “dog” is wolf hybrid. She did the right thing! A lot of places owning this animal is illegal. All of you making the jr high statement “she isn’t a friend” grow up! The mother hid the pig attack. She needs to be investigated!


I’d like to know if the pig is ok.


You choose the wild wolf dog over your kids and pet pig. No wonder she called cps!! Get rid of that wild wolf dog.


Just ask her if she did
Then ask her why

At this point if CPS and ANIMAL CONTROL are involved confronting her could backfire. She could then say you are calling and threatening her…even if you did not!! You are already in the hot seat with CPS and Anal control. DO NOT ANYTHING to bring further negative attention to yourself or your family. You ALREADY have the ANSWER to who called. Just NEVER SPEAK WITH HER OR HER FAMILY…BLOCK ALL COMMUNICATION WITH HER…

Wolf hybrid ownership is restricted in Alabama, Arkansas, California, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Dakota and Virginia.
If you reside in any of these states you are blatantly breaking the law.
If you live in a state where it is allowed you are required to have a permit.
You are playing a dangerous game of F around and find out.


There is more to this story. My son was bit during a fight 2 of my dogs had cps was not even contacted we went to the ER and no one reported it to cps. Animal control came out and seized the aggressive dog we had just took in.


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You have the right to be mad, but only someone who truly cares about your children would say something. I called animal control on my best friend once. Her dog did something and she picked up her full grown pittie and body slammed her on the floor on front of her kids to “subdue” her. Sometimes parents need a reality check. It was dangerous of your dog to attack another animal, signifying it has a short tenper and could attack at any moment. I never listen to the “my dog would never” because you simply don’t know. Animals are unpredictable. Id ask her why she called, but thank her for caring so much. Most people see horrible things and say nothing. Shes one of the good ones. It may seem like a breach of trust, but it was done out of immense love.


If it attacks a pig whats the difference between a small child? Like honestly
You really need to reevaluate things
What she did was shitty but in no way was she wrong.
Your playing a dangerous game w wolf hybrids they need proper training and control. They need leadership
Maybe your friend doesn’t feel comfortable talking to you because your the type to say everything is fine when it isn’t and shrug off peoples concerns. Maybe your friend reported because they knew you would have shrugged it off like it was nothing
You need a wake up call if that dogs already hurting other animals.

Sometimes someone needs to step up when we don’t make the wisest decisions! Kudos to your friend for looking out for your babies! The dog will attack again. I’m a survivor! I know!


My speculation. You told her about the attack, she was concerned and probably lightly asked about kids safety etc and you were dismissive “I’m keeping our dog”. So she weighed losing your friendship or not calling CPS/animal control and leaving kids in a potentially dangerous situation. Wolf hybrids are illegal in many places and usually advocated against (even by sanctuaries).


If that animal would attack the pig it could attack your children too its a valid concern


The amount of people on here justifying her friend calling CPS/DFCS😳 the system is the LAST place those children should be placed in. Y’all need to do your research and then come back and say that about CPS. You do know there’s been MULTIPLE cases of CPS telling underage children to do SW and let’s not forget the ones that are tied in to child tr@fficking. If ANYONE should have been called it should have been animal control, NOT CPS. Y’all wild.


I think if your friend did this she did it out of concern for your children. She should have come to you first but probably thought you would not listen or get mad. You need to ask your friend. She might have had nothing to do with it. If she did I think she did the right thing. You need to be more worried about the safety of your children. If any dog I owned attacked a pig or anything else, it would be removed from the home immediately. Your children come first.

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No. She would be no friend of mine


How dare she care about the kids safety :roll_eyes:

Get a grip.


You might ask her if she told anyone else before causing a rift in your relationship and accusing her.


I think have a conversation, you may think no one knows about that details or someone else may know. To accuse her before giving her a chance seem unfair and this friendship needs help. When it come to CPS they wouldn’t show up just because of concerns of the animals. Whoever called had to give details of the animal trying to attack the kids or have attacked the kids in the past and are fearful that the dog is going to hurt the children. Also the person may have called animal control, animal control calls CPS because there are kids in the home.


I think anyone who turns to cps is not a real friend considering they risked you losing your children to a foster care system that is abusive at best. But kids talk, I think there’s a likelihood the kids told someone and that person felt concerned enough to call. I’d talk to your friend about it before assuming tbh. I can also understand the concern about the dog though because people underestimate how much damage they can do even accidentally. Dogs are very dangerous and it’s not a game or cute they’re literally predator animals with jaws that are designed to break bone (of course a lot have been bred to different levels of strength, wolves are literally still wild animals). I grew up around dogs and my dad trained them- at one point we had 17 dogs and 7 kids and the biggest way my dad kept us safe was making sure if a dog shows even a little bit of aggression once, you get rid of it, send it somewhere where there aren’t kids. Cause it’s not worth the risk.


She wouldn’t be my friend anymore after that. Cps is the last resort kind of thing. I would absolutely confront her about it and ask her why she felt the need to do something like that. A dog can be animal aggressive and never hurt a human in their life. Also I would hope that you aren’t at any point in time just leaving your kids alone with the dog, because that can be unsafe no matter what kind of dog you have… but as far as the friend I couldn’t be friends with someone who I felt could call cps on me for doing things they don’t approve of. Your kids weren’t in danger and she overstepped a line.


I had the same thing happen to me-evil haters!

I don’t necessarily understand the friend tbh. Any dogs instinct is to kill other animals. I have a friend who has had a pit for 8 or 9 years, killed every small animal it laid eyes on out on the farm where they lived, and at the same time had a baby that is now 7 years old and has NEVER had an issue she loves that dog. Not everything is your business and cps wouldn’t be the correct people to call in this situation anyway.


Family and friends are the #1 people that call CPS on you.
Trust NO ONE.


Betray you? How is her loyalty to your child’s safety a betrayal?
Sorry but that’s all I took from this.


Anyone who would call CPS on you isn’t your friend and it’s dangerous to keep them in your life. Make sure it was her and if it was, block her on all accounts.


If she would of came to you, would you have listened? Would you have been defensive? She meant well because she cares… granted you wouldn’t want her to go to dcf, but maybe she thought it would of actually opened your eyes to the possibility that your dog could be harmful. Love her and forgive her… then show her your dog is kind and loving, even take a step further and put your pup in some training classes. You shouldn’t have to lose your friend over it! She obviously loves your family. People make different choices that’s what is wonderful about people… look at the intent of someone’s actions. Don’t hold hate in your heart <3


You think? Make sure you know! Ask!


Also, you can press charges against her. It’s illegal to make false claims to CPS. It’s a felony, in fact. I would be out for blood if anyone got CPS involved in my life.


I think your friend did the right thing honestly.


She wouldn’t be my friend no more she couldn’t come to me yet called the people who known for taking kids from living homes would not be my friend she called if she only one who knew she called she can’t come to you then she not your friend


I’m pretty sure my husband’s friend called in us, can’t be 100%. She knew very private things that only she could have known about.

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Did animal control call cps bc kids are there? I would sit n have a conversation with my friend and ask why she wouldn’t address concerns w me first. I’d understand her wanting to protect my kids and tell her that, but as a real friend should be open n honest about concerns w you.


So if the child spoke about the incident to someone at school. School is mandated reporters. I would talk to the kids and just simply ask if they even told their friends about what happened and someone mightve overheard and called. Then talk to the friend and ask too. Communication is key


If your dog attacked a pig it is only a matter of time before he attacks the children or some other animal. Defending the animal like you are you do not see the seriousness of the situation. It was a very hard thing for her to do. She is concerned about you and your children. Be thankful she cared enough. Praying nothing happens to you or your family. God bless


It’s a wolf hybrid in your home…… they’re a danger to everyone. And shows even more so if your friend did call it in. Im sorry but there (your friend isn’t wrong) that type of dog doesn’t belong in a home. It’s a wild animal.


Not sure what state you’re in but in most states your dog is illegal to even have


I trained community dog classes for many years, as well as a Search and Rescue dog handler for 15 years, a vet tech for 22 years. At one dog class, I told these people to really watch their dog around other animals and kids, especially cats. They replied that their dog was so sweet it would not hurt anyone. Two weeks later they said they had wished they had listened to me. Their cat ended up with a $1,000 vet bill from the dog attacking it. All the cat had done was walk across their dining room.

When my baby was born, my mother’s dog did not like cats, he was half Boxer half Rhodesian Ridgeback. When my baby cried, the dog would become very agitated and whacked out. There were some (alot) family arguments, but I would never allow that dog to be in the rest of the house not locked up when I was there with my daughter. I know for a fact he would have injured her. 100% sure. I had bottle fed that dog as a newborn pup and raised it for 2 months, so it is not like I hated the dog. He had a screw loose about small things that meowed or cried. Ridgebacks were used for hunting lions. It was hereditary ingrained in his brain that he needed to hunt. Around adults, he was a very sweet dog and I loved to lay on the floor with him to watch TV or read a book.

I do think your friend acted out of extreme concern for your children before a non-fixable tragedy occurred. I can see why maybe your friend went to the authorities before talking to you about it, as right now it seems you are putting your dog first. Your friend may have seen that previously and thought she had no other choice.

In the vet clinic, as a vet tech, I have lost count of how many dogs I have had to euthanize over the years due to them attacking other animals or humans (usually children, but even their owners).

Please don’t hold it against your friend, even if it was her… and you don’t even know for sure. She was looking out for your best interests, even if you currently don’t think so.


Disregard all these bad comments, the wolf dog attacked the pig because of obvious instincts. They can’t be around small animals but can be around children. Do some research. As they have that high prey drive towards smaller animals. Hence why most wolf dogs are walked with a muzzle no matter how good they are


You mean your ex best friend? Never ever do you call the legal kidnappers EVER. If she was your best friend she should have been able to tell you that she’s scared for your kids and then could have helped figure out a way to ensure the safety of your children. Or atleast you could have talked about it.


Animal control likely called. They are mandatory reports in situations like that

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So the dog is more important than your kids?


Shes concerned about your kid and youre mad ?


It really sucks someone did this behind your back but at the same time I literally don’t trust anyone’s judgment of their dogs temperament or behavior. People will literally tell you the dog is playing as it’s biting you, resource guarding or had extremely high prey drive. :woman_shrugging:t2: I’ve seen it, I’ve lived with it. I see people make excuses ever single day for reactive dogs and reasons why they can’t or will not train their animals. A half wolf dog is dangerous by default, it just is what it is. They require an extremely experienced handler and it’s recommended they shouldn’t be around small children or animals and here you’ve let the dog kill a pig… accidents happen but it could have just as easily been one of your children.