I think my fiance is cheating on me: Advice?

I think my fiance of almost two years is cheating on me. We share a nine-month-old daughter, and I am currently pregnant with our second. I was sitting down when his phone rang twice, and the name that popped up was baby. What should I do?


Besides the name on call has he given you any other reason to not trust him or have you found anything else?!
Fallow your gut and ask him about it and if he gets defensive then he’s feeling guilty about something. I’ve been through this and it’s hard but it’s better to know the true!

Answer the call. Find out who it is. If he’s cheating leave him. Sorry.

If you feel that he is cheating on you you’re probably not wrong.
You need to do what is best for you and your children. If you want to call him out do it, you wanna call the number that called him call it, you wanna leave him do it.
You are the only one who knows what’s right for your situation.

I’m sorry that this is happening to you

Sounds like he’s cheating. There will be red flag signs. Working more, he will buy you things because he feels guilty, he will take his calls in another room or outside. Check your computer history. Check his phone for dial history or call log. You can put apps on his phone to see who he is texting him or bug his car with survillance and GPS. These days it’s easy to catch a cheater. I had a feeling my ex was cheating bug the house put a small audio device in his car and GPS him and caught him. Broke up with him. He was having sex with my 14 year old niece. She pretended to hate his guts when she was going to his house and having sex with him. It was devasting but I had to know. I had a gut feeling and was having dreams about him cheating. I’m glad I followed my instincts. I broke up right away.

Confront him before you have the second baby or call the number back.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I think my fiance is cheating on me: Advice?

Kick his ass to the curb.

Be an adult and talk to him about it. You have every right to. :woman_shrugging:


Have a chat if he’s cheating he would be kicked to the kurb. Or check his phone for more proof.

Call the number back you’ll get the truth that way


Any man that has 3 legs and can walk will cheat


Don’t believe anything he says. He obviously is going to come up with some bullshit that you know isn’t true. Dump his ass :v:t3:

If my guy had a name in his phone that said baby and it wasn’t mine I’d be grabbing that phone and calling that number right away… you should be the only baby out babe in his phone

Call the number and talk to the person


Seems strange to actually put that in his phone…are you sure it’s not something to do with the baby like doctors number or health visitor? Usually men will name them like Dave or something in their phone

Talk to him about it :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Pull the messages up throw his phone out the door with the messages showing up then throw his stuff out the door too and literally kick him out without saying one word to him

I would definitely ask about it and ask him why he didn’t pick it up

If you confront him, he may lie or sweet talk his way outta it. I’d do my own investigating, gather the evidence, speak to a counselor who may be able to help you proceed.


I don’t see any point of talking, if he is cheating, he will probably lie about it.

Personally me,I would get his phone and change your number under her name ,so when he will text “baby” ,he will actually text u. And maybe somehow u will get idea what’s happening there.

Or u could ask him,but liers know how to lie.
if he is cheating that other person might not know about you.

I would investigate myself, bcz it will be hard to believe anything he says.

Confront him and get it over with

Leave him and live ur best life with ur babies


Trust your gut instinct!! A woman’s intuition is ALWAYS right. I just found out the other day that my husband of almost 5yrs(been together 9) has been having an affair for the last 8 months with one of the neighbors. Everytime I would “accuse” him or question him, he would get defensive and deny it. Always saying “I havent cheated on you in the 9yrs we been together and I dont plan on it. If I wanted to be with someone else I would leave you first.” If something is telling you he is cheating, confront him about it and hopefully he will be man enough to admit it.

Dump the mother f*****

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Ask him for the truth? It’s the only way

ask who tf ‘baby’ is :woman_shrugging:


Hold on a minute, it could be a reasonable explanation for this. I would just ask him out right. Only you would know if he was lying to you.

Call the number. My husband has our Godsons father saved as “sweets” because that’s what they call him at work. And his little brother is saved as “baby” because he’s a true mamas boy even though he’s over 30. Before stressing, I say call the number and then confront him if its a female.


You can confront him and most likely he will lie and make up some lame ass excuse. Or apologize but not acknowledge ANY wrongdoing and never confirm a damn thing. Or you can call the number, look at the text messages and he will STILL deny it. She may even deny it too if she is completely comfortable being a side hoe.

All you can do is trust your gut and decide for yourself whether there is any acceptable reason anyone would be listed as that in his phone…besides you or a child. You are in charge of what you choose to accept and tolerate in a relationship. Period.

Call the number confront then both and get checked for STD’S clear out your bank account if its a joint account and go from there live your best life without him …

I’m all for honesty and open communication. When I first started dating my husband he had a friend’s number saved in his phone as “sexy”… I was super pissed and didn’t believe that there was nothing between the two of them… but the truth was that had been his nickname for her since they were in HS and it was a fully platonic friendship.

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I would call the number back and go from there.

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My fiance had an unsaved number that was texting him “how are you baby” and “I love you” so I called it and it was his best friends mother who practically raised him I hope it’s a miscommunication but I’d call the number than confront


Have a back-up plan/ create a safety net for yourself, confront him. Hopefully it is a miscommunication…
My fiance has his group of male coworkers as different girl names… he calls them that in real life.
Investigate and create a plan and then do some confrontation both with the number and your fiance.
I’m sorry that you’re going through so much stress during your pregnancy

Am I the only one who would’ve answered the phone?!:sweat_smile:
I’d call the number and ask who it is and how they know him etc etc get details if he’s cheating if she’s not a twat about it all get her to send you evidence and confront his scummy ass​:bangbang: Do not fall for any bullshit excuses please! You’re worth soooo much more!:revolving_hearts:

Dump him!! Hit him with lots of child support!!


Have that conversation!!!

He will lie been there it sucks.Try to catch him in the act.

Answer next time it calls or call yourself

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Leave but do it safely, and fast… He’ll beg, he’ll cry, he’ll throw a fit, DON’T FUCKIN Believe HIM,“THEY LOVE U WHEN THEY CAN’T HAVE U” AND CHEAT WHEN THEY GET U BACK, JUST SNEAKIER !!


prob is, guys are aholes

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Maybe the real name of the caller was Baby, just like your name Karen.

Nothing to fuss about.
Or you’re just starting to be psycho?

I would call the number and ask questions, you know he ain’t going to tell you the truth

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Ok 1st off if he’s dumb enough to label another girl baby then he ain’t the brightest. 2nd. Answer that phone call and ask who tf it is.Yall are living together. And have kids together not like your just dating. Ask him who it is. Make him call the number in front of u. If it’s another girl. Leave that pos

Have the conversation

My bf has a friend who is a girl who he calls and has her on his phone as “triple D”.

Come to find out, (coincidentally, as I did not ask him, he offered me the story before I asked, which any man who respects their woman should do) , and her first name, middle name and last name all start with D, hence triple D. Her name is Diana and my bf and I now live together and she always come to visit.

Your man should already have told you the story of “baby” before it becomes a problem if he respects you.

A woman knows when her man is a cheater. What do you think? If you ask him, will he lie? You would know. Follow your gut. Our gut is always right. I wish I would have followed my gut more than I did when I was younger. Those feelings are usually right.

But to tell you the truth, if you are worried about him cheating enough to post on Facebook about it, he’s probably cheating.

If you get the chance. Take the number from his phone and phone it. That’s what I would do . Don’t marry him

My expierence tells me if he was cheating… he would NOT leave the phone laying around. I would def just ask him. Read his face, and dont buy the tears if they flow. It may just be a misunderstanding.

The true question is… what are you going to do about it. If you are ready to leave if its true. Then investigate. If you are going to stay and fall for his bs words… then ignore it. No point in stressing your baby out if you aren’t even going to leave anyway. So it depends on how strong you are on the decision

Ring “baby” find out what’s going on

Should have fly kicked that phone out the window

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I think my fiance is cheating on me: Advice?

Find evidence and confront him or just leave

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Should have answered it!


Confront him and leave (doesn’t have to be for good) but at least for awhile. It’s obvious he isn’t valuing the relationship so why should you? Yeah, the kids…but really it would be better for them as well.

I would have answered it :joy::woman_shrugging:


Get 100% proof then leave, bc it could be a misunderstanding (probably not) but you want to be sure at least. And don’t stay because of kids, nothing worse than having 2 parents who are miserable with eachother. I was happy when mine got divorced.


Pshhh I’d answered that phone! At this point I’d get his phone, look up “baby” and call it.


Leave. I have been in this spot. Nothing good comes out of it.


I would leave and let him decide what to do but then again he might just come back and do it again … its best to leave.

I would have picked up the phone, and been like Hey Baby what’s up :tipping_hand_woman:…


Confront him and if it’s true, dump him!

Sounds like he wants the best of both worlds baby’s Momma and a Mistress. His freedom is going to be expensive, but that’s not your problem :+1::+1::+1:


I would play it stupid get all the evidence u can so theres no disputing it on his end and he doesnt give u reasons to second guess urself. I would get that phone number in case he wisens up n changes the name on it.


Many ppl will say “leave him” but if you take him back every time it’s just a waste of everyone’s energy and emotions. Sit down and tell him you all have to have a convo without emotions. No anger, crying, blaming. Just talk about it and tell him you are going to try to make it work but if he isn’t then it’s not worth anyone’s time. You are going to feel emotions but you can’t let it direct your conversation and you need to remind him the same.
I’ve had to “make it work” in a few relationships and it never has worked long term, no matter the amount of talking, but it worked enough to where I have a ton of good memories and we were able to part on good terms because we talked.

(I say “make it work” because we know as women, some of us have to do everything in our power to make it work before we can step away)


Pray it is the baby doctor. :woozy_face:


Look at the text messages between him n baby then give “baby” a call n let her know about baby on the way. Also leave, cause thats scum bag behavior and how do you explain baby in ur phone. His mom? :rofl::rofl:


Time to move on !!!

Say hello and go from there


Why you even gotta ask. If my husband or man has something programed in his phone as baby and it ain’t me or his kid then it’s a done I ain’t got to ask questions

Get proof and bounce


Please don’t go through with the wedding…Leave him…no matter how much you talk he already did what he did and he wasn’t sorry about it. Even if you confront him he wasnt sorry when he thought you didn’t know. He will most likely apologize, get you comfortable again and be more secretive with it next time. For all you know he’s screwing her and you can get an STD one day. It’s not worth it. Think of your daughter’s future.


What u mean what should u do? Girl u better get up and answer that or call it back! Aint no contact say baby unless it my damn number

Here’s what I did, not gonna lie it took some work but get phone records and try to Narrow it down to a number obviously once you do that look that number up in the records if you can get them and see when it started confront him or better yet I confronted her with all the evidence and she admitted everything …he never did admit it even with everything but honestly your the one who lives with him, and has kids I can’t tell you what to do but follow your heart !!! Good luck

Do your own investigation and find out if he is actually cheating.
If he is,leave him,nothing is worse then being with someone because of kids,but between parents there is huge problems, bcz I dont think after cheating relationship can be same as before or better.

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Life too short to put up with somebody’s raggedy ass son’s bullshit… it’ll hurt like hell, but Leave… You’re bigger than that


Ask him, point blank


I would reach out to “baby” and take it from there


Idk who else a dude would call baby besides his babe sooo …


Have you seen wives with knifes?:innocent:


Stop asking others advice about your life.

Simply ask him. Don’t freak out just sit him down and tell him you have a feeling. And if he is cheating, do not freak out, you got this mama. Leave his ass. You deserve so much better. But first talk and communicate with him


I think you already know tbh…

Just ask him about it. People drive themselves more crazy with speculation than truth.


You should’ve answered the phone. Then you would’ve known. DUH.


Seen this in another post…

Swap names on his phone change yours to baby and the other to your name make him mad confused then confront :rofl: you’ll have all the evidence you need!


You’re engaged, have one child and another on the way? If he’s already cheating, it won’t get better. Even if he says they haven’t had sex, it was going that way. Why the HELL would he have someone else in his phone as “baby?” A conversation definitely needs to be had, but you need to have your mind made up. Leave or try to make it work. As bad as it would hurt, I’d leave. If you stay, you’re just showing him he can walk all over you and you’re showing your children to allow bad things in their relationships. Good luck. And know that there is happiness to be had for you. This is just a bump in the road. You will come out stronger on the other side of this if you choose to leave. On to better things!


Leave him or put him to the curb

You should be saying your ex fiance when you are giving an update. Do not start on a negative. Forget about marriage don’t legally bind yourself to that.Your name is not baby .At all cost talk to him and let him know it is off. Don’t let him be giving you all the talk . Unless you want to be sneaking around and worrying just because you want a husband don’t do it

Tell him you saw it said “baby” & of he is cheating. His response/actions after that will give you all the answers you need.

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Ask him if you don’t feel satisfied with answer look at your phone records.


Go through the phone and if he doesn’t let you then go through the phone records


I would have answered it


Confront him. If he’s cheating, leave him.


Leave?? I mean do you want us to tell you to stay? Or just waste years until you get tired of it and leave. The drawback is you wasted time, whereas if you left now you wouldn’t.


Call the # back!! Ask that question!!


What is there to think about? Know your worth or stick around and stay getting cheated on, HELLO EVERYBODY!!


Leave him and then go get checked for STDs


Also don’t set a bad example for your children. Especially your daughter! Don’t say it’s for the kids, it’s not it’s a scape back to stay. Don’t do it. Leave.

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