I think my fiance is cheating on me: Advice?

set that ring on the counter and tell him he better start explaining, lay the truth out now or there can never be a relationship here


Confront him.
Then leave him.
Once a cheater always a cheater. If a man can cheat on you when your carrying his baby heā€™s a POS.


Call the number back , tell her to come get him & throw his shit out the front door!! Bye- Bye!!!


Oneā€¦good job on not beating him and burning down the house in that instant. Twoā€¦.okay thatā€™s all I have.


Find another fiance!!!

Just leave. That is pretty ballsy to blatantly call someone baby in his phone when heā€™s living with you unless he really is stupid but I mean if thatā€™s the case still get out :joy: I know this is not a funny situation but take it from someone who stayed with a cheater when they apologized youā€™re just wasting your valuable time. What made me finally leave was this one time he was yelling at me in front of our daughter (the respect had gotten so low because he knew I didnā€™t want to leave) and looking at her while he was belittling me and all that I just couldnā€™t take it. I wouldnā€™t let anybody treat her that way how on earth could I set the example I was setting for her? Itā€™s bigger then yourself in the end and that has helped me get through a lot thinking of my kids instead of myself first because you are more likely to let someone walk over you but when it comes to your kids itā€™s different.

Itā€™s not easy leaving a relationship of 2 years having a 9 month old and currently pregnant with second baby. I would call the number confirm
Your suspensions and then decide your next move; everyone can say leave but weā€™re all human itā€™s easier said than done.


He would either be handing over that phone so I can call back on speaker phone or he calling on speaker phone with me right thereā€¦and once itā€™s confirmed to be another voice on that phone besides yours or his mamaā€™sā€¦itā€™s a wrap.


Ive told my fiancee if I ask to look at his phone and he denies then hes already given me the answer I needed

If your questioning it, itā€™s happening in my experience. Your gut never lies, even if he is telling you different. You have your answer, you need to decide what life you want to liveā€¦sharing it with someone that doesnā€™t see your valueā€¦it certainly ainā€™t easy to leave with a baby and another on the way, but you are worth so much more :two_hearts: good luck to you!

Get your shit and go donā€™t have no more kids.

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Iā€™d say nothingā€¦ Iā€™d pack and leave with the kidsā€¦

Iā€™d make him call the number back in front of me and put it on speaker phone while he does it. Youā€™ll know your answer real quick! If he refuses to do it, and tells you your crazy or gaslights you and says you had no right to look at his phone or blah blah, he is cheating. If nothing is going on, he will call and it will be explained. It is bizarre he has this person in his phone as baby no matter what!


I would have answered it and you definitely need to question him about it but he will lie, been there done that now Iā€™m with a really wonderful man that would never even think of doing that.


Call whoever it is back! If itā€™s another woman, she might not know about you. Get the answer you want before you confront him


If its only legal to burn a cheater, a mistress and a traitor alive. :relieved:


Tell him to go live with baby


Buy u a tape recorder place it near to where he relaxes,and leave the house for awhile. This is how I helped my friend catch her boyfriend

Heā€™s a moron. Leave him.

Iā€™d call him out on. Pack up the kid and leave.

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Iā€™d be calling ā€œbabyā€ and asking questions. Sounds to me like heā€™s a P.O.S. and your too scared to confront him so itā€™ll continue. You need to love yourself and make him respect your presence or respect your absence.


Ask him out right who baby is and why are they under the name baby? Do what you feel is the right thing to do for you and your babies! I wish you all the best :purple_heart:


Just ask him. You will be able to tell if he is telling the truth. If he lies leave him. Periodā€¦

Donā€™t call back. Stand on your own 2 feet. You need only to depend on yourself. Only my old age opinion.

I know two twin girls whose names are Princess and Queen (their real names on their birth certificates) so if I see those names I would think badly but would ask to call the person back and see his reaction. Iā€™ve never met someone named Baby though. Oh also I have an aunt whose first name is Lady :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:

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Show him where the door is. I would never chase a man or beg for him. Let him go. Itā€™s obvious he is cheating.

I would answer the phone & ask her who she is & why she is calling him & then confront him about it but of course he will probably lie :rofl: so just leave afterwards or keep being cheated on its your choice obviously.


Listen to hear if your nine-months old daughter talking to him since the person that call is baby


Once a cheater always a cheater

Ask/confront him. Get his phone and call ā€œbabyā€

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Leave him or kick him to the curb. Not worth wasting your life on a looser!! Do the right thing for your childrenā€™s emotional well-being and be the best momma you can be!! Prayers to youā€¦

Answer it fuck up his situation with babyā€¦ leave him too ā€¦


Only one way to find out. Sneak in his phone and snoop. Ignore all the people telling you to just flat out ask him about it. From experience, if he is TRULY cheating, donā€™t confront him and expect him to tell the truth before you snoop first. Heā€™ll just lie to your face and become better at hiding it. Most true cheaters are master manipulators and good liars. Snoop, take screenshots, and THEN shove the proof in his face. He wonā€™t be able to deny it with proof. Also, even if you donā€™t plan on leaving right now, ALWAYS keep the screenshots and proof in a hidden folder. Just in case. It holds up better in court. Most cheaters never truly change.


Call this ā€œbabyā€ bitch up!

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I think my fiance is cheating on me: Advice?

If the name on the phone was baby, then leave. You have your answer.


If you see baby thatā€™s not good.


Call the number and find out


Dang. Iā€™m so sorry. I think you are probably right. Just ask him and tell him what you saw, he may lie and come up with an excuse.

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Call that number girl wtf.


Take a pic of the phone number then change the name to something like ā€œNotmyfianceā€ :rofl:


Guys are stupid. Heā€™s gonna say it was your kid calling.


Ask. And if so, leave. Nobody deserves that.


Text that when will I see you again


Ring the number then kick him out

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Thereā€™s no point asking because heā€™s going to deny it. Go with your Gut and Leave.


Get him birth control

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Ring baby and find out :woman_shrugging:


If heā€™s cheating and has the number saved in his phone as baby he must be a real kind of special.


Why didnā€™t you answer?


I would have answered it


Do you have a shared cellphone plan ? Pull up your account if you do and check the numbers that he calls and text all the time


Iā€™d be calling back and having a conversation with ā€œbabyā€


He had the nerve to store her as baby!? Heā€™s a special kind of dumba$$ ! He obviously doesnā€™t even care if he gets caught. R u positive it said baby? Or did it say Bobby or Barry? Something close to that ? Check his phone and call the b!tch

I mean if he would save a number as ā€œbabyā€ then heā€™s begging you to find out heā€™s cheating.


Say hey who is Baby that is calling? I donā€™t mess around I just would ask. :rofl:


Call it! Right in front of him!

Heā€™s telling on himself if thatā€™s the case. Iā€™d answer it :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Yep answer it or call the number
Then your guessing is over

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If you get the chance to get on his phone I would put my number under baby & play the game. Find out what he texts this ā€˜babyā€™


Maybe itā€™s an ex and he hasnā€™t changed the contact name


I would be calling that number back and letting the other voice speak first! Itā€™ll give you an answer hopefully


Iā€™d ask him.
Then do some research of my own.

Girl, why you gotta ask?! Stand your mf ground and call that bish back!


Leave him just because heā€™s stupid enough to have her as a contact in his phone.

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Just ask him about it. If he denies it ask him for his phone if the calls are gone, obviously something is up. See if he has ā€œBabyā€ saved in his phone


Punch him in the face


Iā€™d be calling baby and asking.
Side note: if he is stupid enough to list another women in his phone as ā€œbabyā€ and not a disguise then definitely stop having kids with him.


Iā€™d be answering saying "hey this is so and so wife prego with his second child how may I help you?


Swap names on his phone change yours to baby and the other to your name make him mad confused then confront :rofl: youā€™ll have all the evidence you need!


Girl why tf are you not calling baby back?!?!?


Id would have answered :woman_shrugging: get the number and call it

If he names his side piece ā€œbabyā€ in his phone then heā€™s too stupid for you to be with anyway. Cut your losses girl!!


Punch him in the head, then leave him!! LOL no but seriously men can be so disgusting. Iā€™d definitely be investigating and if heā€™s cheating, let him go do the same to baby and rid yourself of him. It rarely ever changes. So sad that kids are involved :disappointed:.


Answer the phone hi baby

And you didnā€™t answer it?


If that wasnā€™t you texting him while taking a shit and his phone went off due to a text message w/ the contact name baby ā€¦ then he is cheating. :woozy_face: I wouldā€™ve called.

If your dude is that dumb that he puts the other chicks name as ā€œ babyā€ in his phone ā€¦ then that alone should make you want to leave and find someone that actually has some sort of brain.


You should do a war of the roses on MOJO in the monibg

Ask him first. Give him a chance to be honest. Then look into it further if his story donā€™t add up.

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Not being rude but it seems to me like he genuinely doesnā€™t care if you found out or not. With that being said, people ask then why doesnā€™t he leave? Men tend to feel guilt leaving their family no matter how they feel about their significant other. They think about themselves and quite frankly, itā€™s an ego thing. I donā€™t see the difference between ā€œI cheated vs I left my familyā€, but for whatever reason they donā€™t understand that those two things are equally as wrong. So the best thing to do is to ask/say to him ā€œI saw you had a contact call you by the name of baby, are you cheating?ā€ and Iā€™m sure at that point heā€™ll admit it to you. I know hearing the truth hurts sometimes but you have to do whatā€™s best for you and your family. Prayers for you Momma :heart:

Yā€™all saying get rid of a dumb one? Heā€™s probably the one that deserves a second chance.

Itā€™s the one that saves the number as his bossā€™ name that will gaslight you! :rofl:


Get that phone girl. Donā€™t live blind cuz you scared.


I wouldā€™ve answered it.
Then baby wouldā€™ve known about me and the children!


He put baby to make her think it was herā€¦ itā€™s not dumb itā€™s smart but hey Iā€™d just sit down have be a grown up about it

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Take out life insurance for him first things first :woman_shrugging:t2:


We need a follow up?

Likeā€¦I meanā€¦maybe, just maybe :woman_shrugging:ā€¦ He may say, ā€œdonā€™t worry ā€œhunā€, itā€™s just our future baby!ā€ā€¦!!
I meanā€¦girlā€¦ :frowning: you know the answer either wayā€¦

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Leave lol. What else is there to do? Itā€™s easier said than done, but I hope you eventually find the strength to leaveā€¦ two kids under 1 years old & heā€™s already cheating, save yourself the stress because one day 5 years is gonna pass by and youā€™re gonna be wishing you walked away. OR you can tell him you seen it and his reaction will tell you everything you need to knowā€¦ sorry this happened to you smh


The nerve of that dumbass. Call it and see who it is! And update us too! I hate cheaters and liars.

obviously he wants to get caught


Iā€™d leavedont say anything just leave not the state or anything and let him have baby show him your worth more and know it and dont tollerate losers!

My petty butt would have answered the phone :woman_shrugging: get the number call it from a number he doesnā€™t know and find out who it is.

You shouldā€™ve answered it :eyes:

I would ask him about it and then leave :woman_shrugging:t2: unless you were calling him or your 9 month old daughter was calling him, Iā€™d say a red flag

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Well not to be rude but if itā€™s not your 9 month old then he is cheater I donā€™t think he would call his mom baby you should of answered and see what that person told you but I agree with everyone else his so stupid he didnā€™t even brother to hide it now you have to options you speak up and leave him or donā€™t bring it up and stay with him only you can decide this though

One of my exes put a male friends name for a chick he was cheating on me withā€¦ Id check out the messages sent to that contact and check to see how long the calls have been then change your name to ā€œbabyā€ so that you can see how the conversation goes and thinks hes messaging ā€œbabyā€ ā€¦ Then download the text now app and message ā€œbabyā€ pretending to be him and tell ā€œbabyā€ that your phone got broke and have to use that number for the time being and cant talk ā€¦ Bust his ass if he is cheating, confront him then leave himā€¦ You dont need that with 2 childrenā€¦ Then I would tell him to get out and stay out if he isā€¦ And just do you and your kids till you have a good mindset cause it will fuck you up mentallyā€¦ Personal experience, I was a single mother with a 4 month old and a 4 yr old for 11 years. Good luck and hope you find out soon rather than dragging it outā€¦ Much love and light sent your way

Girl, I went through same thing. I believe you were meant to see the call; you guys have children together; you should confront him. Maybe, he hasnā€™t been intimate with this person, but if he saw the same on your phone, he would surely be confronting both of you

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Obviously heā€™s Cheating. If he hasnā€™t physically he has the intent to. who else would be baby in his phone? I wouldnā€™t even give him the opportunity to lie to you about it I would be done

Make him call baby in front of you.


I wouldve answered it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: