I think my fiance is cheating on me: Advice?

Go through his ph when he asleep or in shower


I would personally call and find out. Lads can have weird nicknames for friends so unless other red flags donā€™t jump to conclusions as it on its own is not solid evidence of anything. If a woman answers then I would say confront him and leave.


Kick him to the curb. You deserve way more. Get a plan moving forward plan going. Be strong, you got this mama!

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Answer that phone wym


Ask for his phone and go through it with him sitting right there & discuss what you saw / your gut feelings.


Take that phone and call her. Then smash that bitch and tell him to go live with his baby .

Donā€™t even say nothing, you already know heā€™s cheatingā€¦nows the time to go clean them bank accounts out, gather your belongings, and shred his stuff out on the front lawn.


Id ask who tf baby is and then ask for his phone and call the number.


maybe punch him in his ā€˜babyā€™ that way he cant have anymore babies with babyā€‹:joy::joy::joy:


Iā€™d get his phone. You deserve to know the full truth of whatā€™s been going on, itā€™s kind of obvious


Iā€™d answer it tbh and then Iā€™d leave :woman_shrugging:t3:


Make your name baby in his phone :skull:

Also, throw away the whole man. This sounds EERILY similar to what I went through with my ex husband, except he had her name saved as K instead of her full nameā€¦ sheā€™s now my daughters step mom :upside_down_face:


Run him over :joy: and never go back.


Heā€™s cheating. Iā€™m sorry. Act like you didnā€™t see it, get your stuff in order and in your name, drain your joint account and kick him out. And also investigate the phone calls, texts, etc and take pics on the down low for records.


You either trust him or u donā€™t never be in limbo!

Respect your damn self and tell him to kick rocks. My now ex fiance was cheating on me and Iā€™m a single mom of soon to be 4 this last one is his others previous to him (my other kids are older) and I couldnā€™t be happier. My bestie is going with me for the birth and if I can do it with 4 kids you can do it with 2

Personally, I think running him over with a car is a wonderful idea.

But have you considered just your basic stabbing? Because that is also a reasonable solution.


You shouldā€™ve answered it? Go through his phone and find out? Call the number back? If you donā€™t have access to his phone or canā€™t answer it thereā€™s red flag number onešŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø idk why this is even a question. Donā€™t ask him get his phone and find out and then make him leavešŸ’šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø if you werenā€™t pregnant Iā€™d say beat both their asses toošŸ˜‚

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Answer it or tell him to call that number. I have girl friends on my phone saved as love, baby, little one, and thereā€™s absolutely nothing romantic involved. You should start talking to each other and clarifying things before jumping to conclusions


Ditch his pathetic ass

Oowww girl next time answer that phone. If it hangs up YOULL KNOWWWW. Or make his ass call ā€œbabyā€ right infront of you the fuck?! BE THE CRAZY GIRL YOU KNOW YOU GOT IN YOUUUU but keep it calm at the same time for the precious baby cookingā¤ļø also go cleaner the accounts and snatch that money girl!

Get him pissed uo fi ger print hes phone whilst hes out of it have a good ode rummage thru that phone msgs all the girls and then set him on fire

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Ask him. Tfā€¦I would have answered it for sureā€¦


Ask him who baby is in his phoneā€¦ Make him call right in front of you if he really has nothing to hide then he will make the call. If he donā€™t call then make your decision weather or not to leave. Wish i knew how to truly help you. Iā€™ve been there before im so sorry!


Clean the bank account and leave his nasty *** while heā€™s at work then put him on some serious child support!

I would have answered it and started asking questions or Iā€™d call the number back

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You can go to his phone provider and get a print out of his calls and texts. Worth a try.


Does he hide his phone from you? If he is your fiance he should have no trouble letting you go through his phone. If he has a problem with it then he is for sure hiding somethingā€¦

Hey you guys! Have yā€™all considered that it may actually be a baby?!!!


Dump him. He is too stupid to use a name like Steve instead of baby. Thatā€™s enough for me.


Oh manā€¦ leave him! Iā€™m so so sorry that happens. Call baby back to find out how long this going on and let her know ur preg.

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Shouldā€™ve answered it but since u didnā€™t go take it from him right now if hes not around dont bring it up until heā€™s in front of u if its locked demand the password

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Donā€™t even confront him and have all that drama. Neither you or either of those babies need that. Just quietly get your affairs in order and dip when youā€™re in a position to.


Heā€™s cheating. Leave

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lol when my man was sleeping his phone started ringing and it said sexi i didnā€™t answer i declined it and went through texts i saw enough to know he was cheating i took a huge chuck of ice and shoved down his pants while asleep he woke up and yelled at me what the fuck was that for so i threw his phone at him and walked out

Wow some of yā€™all are brutal haha.
If I were in your shoes. I would confront him and if he deyse it, tell him you already know so there is no point of lying to you anymore. Have him lay it all out on the table. Afterwards take a few minutes go for a walk and come back and start discussing your plans for shared custody of your children. He may doing you wrong but yā€™all still have to be civil because you have children together. He ainā€™t going anywhere and neither are you.


Hereā€™s an ideaā€¦ask him


Snatch the damn phone and be like who tf is this?!

Watch it be his friend bobā€¦ you know what I mean, guys are stupid and they save their friends as dumb shit in their contacts :person_shrugging: I would make sure itā€™s not a guy before you go all crazy on him
Another thing to ask: has he given you a reason not to trust him? Is this a repeating occurrence or is this out of the blue

Idk! If i was cheating i would not put ā€˜ā€™babyā€™ā€™ for his name :roll_eyes:


Would he really be that dumb though? Itā€™s bothering you. Ask him.


Call the number, tell him you called it, watch him squirm, watch him lie, then kick him outā€¦all after youā€™ve taken your share of any money and after youā€™ve hired a lawyer.


If you have the gut feeling that he is, he is, get your affairs in order, take as much money as you can and stash it away, get custody set up, then question him who baby is, you have to decide if your willing to put up with his cheating because heā€™s not going to change and Iā€™m sure once you confront him he will promise heā€™s done with baby but he wonā€™t be, he wants his cake and to eat it too, he just didnā€™t think he was going to get caught!


I suggest a liquid cure, might be hard to come by, but itā€™s highly effective!!
Itā€™s called Aqua Tofana! :black_heart:


Talk to himā€¦ communicate what he is missing and what you are missing.

Confront him. Dont let him make excuses or gaslight u if he gets defensive. I will say it depends on the kinda guy he is. My fiance changed his friends name to side bitch in his phone to mess with me one time and it was actually his friend like a guy friend and I laughed so hard when he told me but we are a goofy and jokester kinda couple soooo it maybe not that and if not then dear lord hes stupid to not even try to be discreet and shitty for cheating.

Confront him directly, or call the number and see what kind of voice answers


I wouldnā€™t take advice from anyone here with a joint account :joy:


What guy would be dumb enough to label their side chick in their phone??? Are you sure it said baby? I know I have bad eyesight and jump to conclusions quickly lol

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I would have started by answering the phone lol


You have kids together wait till they are in bed sit down tell him what u say and talk about it like adults if u choose to leave talk about arrangements for the kids who will have them and when if your going for child support or what he will help withā€¦ figure it out like adult for them babies

Ewwww. An your pregnant girl, that hurts the worst. If it were me Iā€™d throw the phone at him an ask who tf baby was. After I called the number back to confirm. Iā€™ve been here though an Iā€™m so sorry.

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He named her/him ā€œBabyā€ in his phone :rofl::rofl:He isnā€™t the brightest light in the box I seeā€‹:rofl: so this is probably all new to him (assuming yall are pretty young) or heā€™s just really that stupid. So first you need to figure out if you love him enough to work through it, if he even wants to work through it.:woman_shrugging: canā€™t force ppl to love us. If he does, great then the real work beings. (Is it worth fighting for?) Nothing comes without fault. IMO! If he doesnā€™t want to work it out then have him kick rocks and you be the best mama you can be and only talk to him about the kids. Co-parenting takes a long time to figure out for some but if you can hang in there it will be worth it in the end. But I hope you do what you feel is best for you and your family. Have faith, youā€™ll make the right choices for your kids.


Do not confront yet! Get al your affairs in order. I know its eating at you but play it cool. Anything he might take of value out of spite, take it to somewhere safe. Important papers, jewelry etc. Bank accounts make sure they are straight and as should be. Get bank statements. In case he tries to f u over. Have weekend bags packed and in a car in case he gets ugly. Try to have your daughter at a baby sitter when you finally talk to him. And let a close friend know in case things go south. Been in your shoes before.

Can I suggest not having multiple kids with someone who isnā€™t invested enough to marry you first. Also, try saying ā€œWho tf is ā€˜babyā€™?ā€


I would call it back or answer and definitely confront him donā€™t believe he isnā€™t bc who the heck puts baby in their phone and itā€™s not their girl

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Dump this idiot. Once a cheater always a cheater

Iā€™d have answered the phone. We can talk about it later.

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Heā€™s gonna say thatā€™s his cousins best friends sisters aunts mom who they call baby. Girl CONFRONT him!


He wants to get caught.

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Run with your children and make sure he pays out the rear ended.

I need to know an update. Girl we are here for you


Confront him about it, make him call the number back with you there and figure that shit out.:wink:


I am invested now, please let us know.


Look the reality is this- she probably already knows about you and your kids. Personally I think you know your Answer. You leave- but be smart go to a lawyer and file for support- have him served and get the help you will need lined up. You can have the process server lined up so when he gets served you have have his bags packed and the door locks changed before he knows what hit him- put a note on the door that says your ass had been evicted- go stay with BABY! Truth is most side chicks know about the main chick and kids and donā€™t give a fk!

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I would answer the phone. Find out who it is then confront him


If you can confirm the cheating then Put his stuff on the porch, lock the windows and change the locks. Serve him with papers while heā€™s at work. Ainā€™t no sense in staying with someone who doesnā€™t put their family above all.


Yeah Iā€™d say heā€™s definitely cheatingā€¦ Iā€™d leave.

Leaveeeeeeeeee him. Leave him while you can.

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Call the young woman up and tell her how your pregnant with babies baby.


Investing lol :joy: I would
Totally be figuring out his password. Then log in in the middle of the night when he is asleep message her ! Send her messages like itā€™s from him , change her name to your name and your name to her name ! Wait to see the messages he sends her lol


Secret ops mode seems like a valid option. Go with your gut. Its your bodys way of picking up on vibrations you dont understand if you donā€™t listen. ā€œMirrioringā€ the phone is a great way to catch them an not have them lie. Js


Get proof of the cheating for divorce

Donā€™t even confront him, you already know. Just go.


Screen shot her number and then show him and be like so someone named baby called wtf is this person and for two do you really not care about the emotional damage youā€™ll cause your children when they are old enough to know the truth that daddys is unfaithful and mama is a queen so doesnā€™t deverse this

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Just use Siri to call baby when heā€™s not there


Maybe he put baby in a corner


Something is weird though, if he was cheating why would he put her name under baby? If anything it would be a manā€™s name. Do you think it has anything to do with your baby? Or is he usually stupid?


I wouldā€™ve grabbed his phone and answered it on speaker for him.

But now, snatch his phone, call it back, and talk to ā€œbabyā€, get all the information that person is willing to give. Then make your moves from there.

My next move would be splitting bank accounts, filing for divorce, and making his cheating ass move out. But thats just me.:woman_shrugging:

Answer it and have a conversation with her by the time your done he wonā€™t have a girl friend or fiance


Did he answer?? If it rang n he dint answerā€¦u r prob correctā€¦ Personallyā€¦my gf can look @ my phone n textsā€¦contacts etcā€¦ N I use her phone constantly to get online n look at stuff when mine is on chargerā€¦if u donā€™t have trust get out ā€¦staying will make u miserable in the long run


Baby? No explanation needed if it wasnā€™t you calling


Answer the fking phone is what I would have done.


Leave they wonā€™t change dont waste ur time


Girl should of answer and said to who ever that baby was !! ā€œ hello ā€œ yeah was going on ? Mmm heā€™s not here currently heā€™s in the bathroom whipping all my juice of him but I can tell him to call you back wen we are done with round two will that be okay ?


He probably forgot he laid it down. And wasnā€™t expecting her to call. She probably changed the name in his phone

Leave him, but no of course heā€™s going to make excuses and ur going to make excuses for him as well so just shut up and deal with it or leave him

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Should have answered the phone


I would have answered the phone :iphone::woman_facepalming:t2::joy:


Youā€™re not even marriedā€¦ thank the Lordā€¦ Get rid of him


No point in asking him about it because regardless heā€™s not going to admit to it. Youā€™ve done seen it with your own eyes. Time to kick him to the curb


Change a friends name in your phone to my hott daddy man.


Call the number back first of all :wink:


He needed a dick punch. Sorry but hes a.loser

Ask HIM, not FB is where I would start.


You should definitely call it back or get the number and text it xxx


Friend, if he is dumb enough to actually save a sideā€™s name as ā€œbabyā€, and expect you to never know about it; He is not going to make it too far in life. Have the conversation (with her, him, or both, your choiceā€¦)because I canā€™t tell you who ā€œBabyā€ is, but donā€™t expect much of him if he is cheating on youā€¦ He wouldnā€™t have been able to have started with much common senseā€¦


Just be blunt ,no use in beating around the bush ask about it if he says nothing then tell him you want to call and talk to that number if he donā€™t let you for any any reason say your goodbye

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Whatā€™s your number saved as then?


Call it off your phone and stay quiet, if a girl answers you already know the answer x