Call CPS let them know what’s going on to go out to have a welfare check to talk to the mother to the children to see what needs to be done about this situation .
Act all nice get access with the children then don’t return them call facs straight away for them to visit you
Have you ever heard CPS. Be a voice for your grandbabies especially because there mom won’t be there voice she’s probably the type who can’t be alone and just puts up with all the abuse he’s probably abusing her as well. Call them they will help.
Some states ,
Grandparents have no rights!!!
Like here in Florida,
That baby deserves a whole new family.
You need to document the abuse. And keep calling whoever you can that will listen. If your grand daughter is being abused and mom is doing nothing about it please don’t stop being her voice. She needs one. She is to small to protect herself.
Y is this even a question? Take the child, report to authorities and let them deal with it while child safe with u!
Call cps. Wtf is wrong with u. Why is this even a question.
If you have called cps and they have done nothing have then record and document this statement… I am calling and have been calling to report the abuse of my grand children, nothing is being done, so now is the time for me to inform you and your office that if any injury or the worst should happen, Their deaths… I will sue this office and everyone I can think of.
I know it sounds weak but cps was called on my daughter for 2 years which also added 2 more children in that time, before I finally made them document the date and time of my statement and what I would do if something happened to my grandbabies. They were removed from the home within a week. My daughter was given almost 2 years to straighten up and did not. My grand children were adopted last month. Just because you are a grandparent doesn’t mean you will get the children either. My daughter was so pissed she lied a d no one in the family could take them… so you still may not get to see them.
If you mean tabasco sauce is being put on the child’s mouth, get her to a doctor for treatment and documentation and take her to your place.
I believe doctors are required to report abuse of minors.
Next occurrence you know of call the law instead of cps that way it can be imitate rather than time going by where marks can go away etc. the police if they feel a child has been injured or abused can get cps there that moment rather than possibly weeks if you just report it to them!
Go for emergency custody. Your daughter is a piece of shit for letting that happen.
Go get a big brunch of cheerys take the pips out and the small seed inside pips finely grind them up and make the cunt cup cake with the powder in it, then n sit black and enjoy the show ,only make sure hes the one to eat it but and fuck the ploice more hassle than ther worth x