I think my husband is cheating

Even if he’s not having sex with them. Talking to others is cheating

Under his pillow? He’s cheating.

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U literally have your answer if someone else was telling u all this what would u think?

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He’s cheating. He’s got personal issues that have him getting attention he thinks he needs. No married person is out till 3 am or all night doing saintly deeds. Only you can decide if you are done or not. He sounds immature. You can try counseling but there’s no guarantee it will work if you both aren’t completely all in to resolve things. You didn’t cause his cheating no matter what he says his own insecurities caused him to do what he did and cheaters always think things will be better than they are because it doesn’t require work. Love and marriage is hard work and both people have to carry their own weight. Good luck.


He cheating girl seen it a lot this is exactly how it looks

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Hes cheating. Dont believe what he says


Always trust your gut… I learned that the hard way.

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Definitely hiding something. I was married 40 years we never had to hide phones from each other

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Your marriage is sh!t now he’s cheating

You don’t want to end your marriage to a person that clearly has no respect for you? He is gaslighting you… trying to make you think that YOU are the problem so he can continue to do whatever it is that he’s doing. You are NOT the problem, he is!
Everything you mentioned shows that he has no respect for you or your marriage, so why would you want to be with someone like that? The messages, staying out all hours of the night, doing whatever the hell he wants is the life a single man lives so let him be single… you need to move on because this guy is not the one for you!
Please don’t fall for his BS, and get the hell away from him ASAP!


Protect yourself now. Especially financially. Take all but $10 out of joint accounts. Open new accounts at a totally different one (not just a different branch). Get together the stuff you want to keep and physically leave if you can. Been there done that. Promises at this point mean nothing. Nothing. He will say anything to appease you - don’t fall for it. He will only get better at the deceit. So sorry you’rengoing thru this. :two_hearts:


Trust your instincts. Something is very wrong and I think he’s cheating.


Under his pillow? Wow. Hell no.

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Yeah… none of this is a good sign. :pray:t2:

He is clearly cheating. You deserve to be treated with love and respect. Don’t settle for less.


don’t waste one more minute of your life with this loser.


No doubt, he’s cheating.


He’s cheating. He went to you’re parents in hope that they would believe him that you’re crazy so you won’t leave him but it’s backfired and they think he’s cheating to.
Get out of there while you can. When he’s at work pack all you’re stuff and leave or if you have the lease in you’re name the. Kick his ass out

Wow….left him and move on sorry darling

If it’s only about sex for him he needs to go anyway

There is nothing to discuss. The fact he is having conversations with ANY women that you don’t know, on Snapchat, is cheating. The interest in other women, regardless of what context of conversation it led to, is cheating. You are absolutely not crazy… and shouldn’t put up with it at all, not once. You’re his wife, you have every reason to question what he’s doing outside of your marriage. Listen to your instincts.

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Walk away he’s cheating. Deleted messages. He went to ur parents thinking they can blind side talk u. Don’t fall for his shit don’t degrade yourself by staying.

He literally told you. And now he thinks you dont care. Communicate or go!

Woah, if this scenario isnt sign enough for you. As soon as you touched his phone it was game over.


You’re not crazy. Quit being his doormat. Find your self esteem and confidence & leave his sorry :peach: in the dust. He ain’t worth :poop:.


Cheater cheater, came on its sooooo batently obvious. Hes a horriable lier. Move on, hes a cheater and a lier. Id be like NEXT!!!

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Don’t doubt yourself that has red flags all over it. Just leave, don’t let him make you look stupid.

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Follow your gut. He wouldn’t act like that if he didn’t have anything to hide. My mom used to say give them enough rope and they will hang themselves


His cheating…I’m sorry…your marriage will never be the same…cause you’ll never be able to trust him again…and only drive yourself crazy every time his late…I’ve wore your shoes…and it’s painful…pick up your broken heart and leave him…cause once they get a taste of cheating…they won’t stop…


Talk to him about how you feel & just tell him to tell you the truth. If he lies and says he is not cheating leave with no other questions. If he owns up to it and will talk about it with you that’s up to you what you want to do next.

In the beginning when he said those words to you about wanting to look else where . He was basically telling you from the start he was already cheating or fixing too . He doesn’t need snap chat . And if he truley cared he would have deleted it . When they keep their phone on them 24/7 and locked up they are hiding it . So sorry . But I would be thinking about finding somewhere to go . You don’t deserve a child which is what he is . Staying out all night with or without friends is something grown men with families dont make a habit of . Its just disrespectful . I doubt he was with his friends . He was prolly with the girl .

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Why wait for him to leave? People will show you who they are …
Believe them the first time. The games stop when you quit playing.

Trust your gut. He sounds like he’s cheating. Your parents think the same.

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He’s definitely cheating. No one sleeps with a phone under their pillow or in their pocket if they aren’t hiding stuff


Leave sis. There’s nothing left for you there but headgames & heartache. Please know you deserve so much better, file for divorce, & go find your peace. Do NOT look back. Best thing you will ever do for yourself. I promise. Stay strong. :revolving_hearts::smiling_face:

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A grown man shouldn’t even have a Snapchat in the first place.


Ur parents r right darling he is cheating its pretty clear ppl use snapchat becoz it deletes the msgs straight up once read :pensive: easier for cheaters to lie n there story to hold up… im so sorry he is making u feel like ur crazy becoz ur not please believe ur parents n get a divorce ASAP!!!


Never ignore your gut.


Smart lady. Yep… he’s a creeper… time to leave.

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My ex husband of 11 year’s started sleeping with his phone like that and he was definitely cheating thats why he’s a " ex" now.


He’s cheating… any good man who isn’t would’ve done his part to assure you and do anything he could on his part to take away those doubts or anything you needed from him to help you feel secure again


if he said no to deleting girls you’re not comfortable with- you have your answes right there.


I hate to be that person that says “leave” but it definitely sounds like he’s cheating. My man just went to the store to get me snacks and he left his phone here, I didn’t even ask him to. Lmao but whether he forgot it or not it still makes me feel good because he’s not glued to it. I’m sorry you’re going through that… Makes me sad for you and angry at him and I don’t even know the guy. :roll_eyes:

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There is only one real solution, sorry. He will never change. Always listen to your gut. Exit plan. Life is short.

I wish women would stop doubting themselves.


You said married man and Snapchat. That told me all I needed to hear. He’s all but bringing women home at this point.


Yep I’d suspect he’s cheating.

My ex husband cheated all the time, would sleep with his phone and would break phones so I couldn’t see anything. He has continued cheating on his new girlfriends as well as they have came to me after he’s been caught

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Girl give it up you are giving him all this hope if he was not cheating you would not be questioning him and having gut feelings I know mind was doing the same thing .

Time to go. File for the divorce. Once trust is gone what is there? And his actions definitely show as a sign he is up to no good.

Honey you know the answer. It’s so obvious. Leave now, cause you will eventually leave and hate yourself that you didn’t earlier


I think u already know what’s going on u r simply trying to process it. There’s a saying if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck then it is a duck. Sorry


The fact he wont delete snapchat all together is your answer.

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Follow him in a rental car. Have you seen the movie “The Other Woman “? Watch it and do it!!


If you feel he is cheating a good good chance he is sorry but denying that gut feeling isn’t good

Your gut knows what you need to do before your brain or heart ever will.

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Girl leave! Go with you gut! He is cheating! You’re not crazy!

My gut feeling has never been wrong! Never doubt urs… Know ur worth & leave his cheating a##

Girl! I only read about one paragraph and obviously he is hiding stuff from you. Move on and save yourself some grief

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Believe yourself cause I don’t feel your gut is wrong.

I think if you’re ever doubtful in a relationship, then there’s something wrong. Always trust your gut. It’s the one thing that is always loyal x

He’s definitely cheating…leave him girl you deserve better

Leave. If he is hiding is phone and calling you crazy he is doing exactly what you are thinking.

Your gut feeling is never wrong.

Red flagssss! He is not being faithful! I have went down this same path before! I was ALWAYS the crazy one for bringing up things I had found on my ex’s phone and he would ALWAYS give me some random EXCUSE! I kept trying to believe him because I didn’t want to risk breaking up! A few years later I finally had the wake up call and left and to this day I have not spoken to this man because he was cheating and lying and making me feel crazy just because he refused to be honest about it! I would RUNN

You already know what’s going on with that situation, please don’t allow yourself to be openly disrespected, gather your resources and dignity and be done with the game of cheating, don’t say a word about your plans by the time he catches a clue, you’re gone.

So why haven’t you left yet… it is obvious he is cheating on you. I don’t know how much clearer you want it … :frowning: Sorry. Good luck

He’s cheating don’t make yourself sick with- wanting to find out who, how, where. Which. Just leave.
Cheaters are the worst and THEY DONT STOP OR CHANGE.

Ps it has nothing to do with you! It’s always them and their choices

All I’m saying is this…. I’m a lesbian…. I’m not sending no man no picture.


He’s cheating leave him

May I ask why you are still there?

Classic projection where he puts blame on u saying u are crazy that’s to take heat of him fact is wheres there’s flame there’s fire :fire:
Now just think like this so imagine if u were doing all this stuff how would he react

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In my opinion when a person in a relationship has the need to look through the partner phone is time to re evaluate their relationship, trust have to be the most important thing, if you do not trust him / her your life will be miserable, you will be suspicious all the time even if they are not doing anything bad ….Who wants to live like that ?

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Your not crazy. He’s a narcissist and you already know what’s up. When your tired of it you’ll know what to do. Trust yourself first. Be kind to yourself. It’s not ur fault.

So this is the kinda stuff my husband did when he was cheating. He’d turn off his cell and keep it in his pocket. Then wouldn’t come home for days. When I confronted him he told me the truth and I beat the shit outta him! I’m just saying these are the signs of a cheater. He is cheating. Not a very good liar but he is seeing someone else. I bet money on it! Ain’t got money but hey I’ll still bet what I don’t have!

Cheating. Leave now.

His cheating 100%. If he was once opened with his phone and left it around without a thought but, his now sleeping with it to make sure you don’t get a chance to look at it or his now hiding the phone and not leaving it around. It’s because his cheating and doesn’t want you to have proof.

FOR YOUR SAFETY (the first year you break up with someone is the most dangerous time).

. Tell your parents and friends (that won’t tell him) that you are leaving him.
. Set up where you will go either with a friend/family member he won’t suspect (don’t go to a Hotel it’s easy to track you and also confront you to trap you)
. Once his at work have a friend/family member come over and help you pack.
. Ring the Police and also tell them you are leaving your husband and ask them to leave a not (they will do a welfare check as they know that this is a time where you are in the most vulnerable state and at risk of violence from your partner).
. Have a Layer set up so you can serve divorce papers as soon as possible
. Change your phone number as soon as you leave the house
. Have your location turned off on everything before you get to your destination
. Ask that family and friends go about their normal daily routine for 2-3 weeks in case he turns into a stalker and uses them to find you.
. If you leave something behind at the address you need, ring the Police and ask for assistance for your safety to move things. Don’t go straight back to where you are staying to make sure your not being followed.



Just download all the messages from his snapchat and then you’ll know. But in my opinion, he is emotionally cheating by discussing your marital problems with another woman. That should never be discussed outside you two, especially with a random woman. Lesbian or not it is not appropriate to have sketchy photos sent to you while married. The fact he he chose to continue the conversations with these two girls knowing it made you uncomfortable says a lot.

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If you can’t prove it currently then you need to put you investigator hat on. Trust your gut something is off and you need to catch him in the act.Have a friend follow him put a tracker on his car.

Yeah, time to cut things off with him.

Put your foot down and tell him how you feel, he needs to make a choice here, save the relationship or time to go your seperate ways

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Cheater…move on now and save yourself more pain.

Sadly, I’m sorry to say this yes he’s cheating.

It a wonder hes not crazy with all the crazy shit your doing :joy:

Some guys can’t keep their Willy in check and if the opportunity arises poke it in, some guys who say their straight are really secretly gay and then their are some who are into their kids more than you. So if you are at all worried and they get angry and secretive instead of discuss it it’s probably safer to get out.

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Just the fact that he’s using Snapchat proves he’s still a child and you should find a real man. Plus when people ask here if we think their husbands are cheating, deep down they already know they are cheating.

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Don’t stay with someone who doesn’t make you happy! Your happiness is all that matters.

You already have your answer … You are not crazy. :heart:

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He’s cheating. Why stay with him.

You already know and see what’s going on only you can decide what to do from here

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I’d leave his behaviour is dodgy, if your gut is telling you something isn’t right it usually correct .

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You just answered all your own questions.


He has to be cheating. You need to listen to your gut and get out

He’s cheating in some way

Don’t waste your time worrying and move on! Life is short, don’t spend it like this.

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Hiding his phone is the only sign you need unfortunately


My situation sounds very similar :disappointed: I’m sorry hun

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Unpopular opinion-i don’t think cheating is a deal breaker. However, the lying when confronted, the hiding photos and conversations, and the fact that he continued the behaviors after you confronted him are the deal breakers in my opinion.


When we find out they are cheating we are “crazy” and hiding his phone big red flag! :triangular_flag_on_post: leave his ass!