I think my husband is cheating

So basically a few months ago he told me that when I don’t have sex with him it makes him want to look outside our marriage. That obviously made me suspicious. I looked in his phone when he was asleep, and opened one of his snapchats. It was a girl( she wasn’t naked but definitely inappropriate). Well that made me nervous. I didn’t want to falsely accuse him so I waited to find more evidence. The next day I opened his Snapchat again and opened up the message part from another girl. All I read was “I hate when you delete our messages.” That was all. Finally I confronted him and of course he denies it. Well a few weeks later I was still nervous and we got into an argument. Well he left that night and didn’t come home till the morning after the next day. I was pissed. He claimed he went to a hotel so I told him to prove it. He said he had no proof. After months he finally admitted he went to a guy friends house that I know. I don’t believe it. Well a few days ago he was out with friends. I called him at 10:30 pm just to see when he was going to be home. He finally showed up at 3 am. Again, I was pissed. He keeps saying he’s with his one friend but he’s never been there that late. I asked him to delete the two girls off his Snapchat 3 times. I asked him the other night and he said no so I said I was gonna go stay at my parents house. The one girl who sent the dirty photo he said was a lesbian, he showed me a few of her social medias and I somewhat believe that but also don’t. When I ask about the other girls deleted messages he says she was asking if we were ok in our marriage. I explained to him that there is no place for another girl to ask a man how his marriage is going. He’s called me crazy several times, and he even came to my parents house to talk about it with them. Not me, my parents. Both my parents think he’s lying and cheating, and I have a gut feeling. I just don’t want to end a marriage if I am being crazy. Also, he will not give me his phone. We used to be super open with them and now he doesn’t leave it around. It either under his pillow or in his pocket. Who sleeps with a cell phone in there pocket? The one time he gave it to me he snatched it out of my hands so quick when I opened snapchat


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I think my husband is cheating

What red flag :triangular_flag_on_post: are you missing? They are literally all over the place. If he has nothing to hide there’s no reason for him to snatch his phone out of your hands.

Sorry but you have all the evidence you need :disappointed:


Something is definitely going on

If you’ve lost the trust you’ve lost the relationship get on with it I’ve done that once to a girl that I have to admit if I found her today I’d still love her but I can’t trust her trust love is nothing without trust


My significant other had a password on his phone I wasn’t allowed. I always knew something was wrong with that and when I finally got in his phone it destroyed me. I’ll never trust him again! He looks at his phone and I get sick. I never thought he’d hurt me like that, or his family, but he did and it’s almost impossible for me to just forget and forgive! If you think he’s hiding things, he probably is!


Why does a grown ass man need Snapchat? I would be pissed over that to start with.

He’s cheating. Let him go

Totally cheating…all the signs ate there…
So sorry

Hes manipulating your family hes cheating id be done.


Baby, you need to run. Divorce is never fun and its heartbreaking leaving someone you’re in love with, but at the end of the day, you deserve the best and this ain’t it


Sorry but it seems you answered your own questions here. Being deceitful and hiding things IS CHEATING. Hes cheating you out of a normal stable relationship. For me personally lying is the most disrespectful thing anyone can do to you. Id kick him to the curb without hesitation. Id say try and spice things up in the bedroom but does he deserve your extra efforts in fixing something that he so easily threw away? Id say no. You deserve better.

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Your not crazy your evidence is there he’s even voiced it please just listen to you gut and heard at this point. it is as simple as this. you are not crazy. he’s not the one you deserve better. When he see the grass is not greener he may regret his decisions but hopefully it’s far to late and you found someone who will respect you

I can tell you that is a red flag!! My husband used to leave his phone laying around, he has issues with substance abuse, I know he’s relapsing when his phone is always around.

He’s cheating I’ve been there I had a gut feeling and it ended up being right… leave

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Change his snap chat password so you can access the messages through your phone. Especially if he’s saving them!!! :two_hearts:

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wether he is cheating or not doesn’t matter here - you bviously dont trust him so why be miserable?


Cheating do what you will with that. Good luck

Alarm bells are ringing here,

Red flags all over girl that man does NOT SOUND FAITHFUL

Yes he’s definitely cheating. Call it quits.

If this is already how you feel, I think you know the answer. This isn’t how you’re supposed to feel in a healthy relationship.

Why would you want to spend more time with a person you can’t trust,he seems like a Immature teenager,and how long do you want to live with that,and those type of ppl don’t usually grow up,and stop cheating…you’re better off alone!

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He is cheating thedeleted snap chat the sexy almost nudes from her it’s time to just leave

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You have obviously lost trust in the relationship and when you lose that you don’t have anything left. He is definitely being shady but if there’s nothing to hide then there would be no reason for him to not let you see his phone. All the signs lead to him being unfaithful :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

I don’t get the question obviously he is :woman_facepalming:t2:


Check your phone bill

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Sounds like a friend of mine! byron.

I didnt even have to read the whole post … the first line of him saying he feels like he has to look else where would be an eye opener.


My ex baby daddy used to sleep with his phone in his pocket. He was cheating. With like A LOT of people. So…. Cheaters sleep with their phones in their pocket to answer your question.

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You think he is??
He definitely is.
I know your emotions are clouding your judgement as you want to believe him. It’s clear as a bell to anyone reading this. Divorce him.

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He’s cheating!! Most of us have been through this! Trust your intuition!! Its devastating and you don’t want to believe it… but you’ll be so much better off and stronger and happier!! Big hugs xx


There is a way to go in and check all deleted messages and data from Snapchat. I would do that if you really want your answer

Why does a man/woman in a relationship need snap chat.When do people get the time.I am
Not crazy or controlling just think this world is going to pot.

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Run. He doesnt want to change bc if he did he would stop doing it.

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Walk away you are better than him.Good luck

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He told you how he felt and that he WANTS to look outside your marriage just because everything isn’t peachy all the time. Anyone that loves you would never say that to you. Also, if he’s deleting and snatching phones, then he is 100% cheating. Even if it’s just emotionally, it’s still cheating and you deserve better!! No one is going to hide something and delete it if there’s no reason to. Listen to your parents and your gut. Get out of there.


Definitely cheating. Leave before it’s too late

My husband was doing the same exact thing until he left his Apple Watch at home not once but 2 times and I found messages from the same girl he was talking to on Snapchat and now we’re getting a divorce, best decision I ever made not only for me but for my kids also.

Oh girl, you’re not crazy. Trust your gut, something’s not right!

He’s absolutely cheating

Definitely :100: cheating. Run girl

He’s 100% cheating. My ex used to sleep with his phone in his pocket. Would legit go to sleep in jeans, JUST FOR this reason. He’d also turn his phone off, hide it under the pillow, between the mattresses, etc… he also would nearly knock me over when I snatched his phone & he changed the password. I casually watched him put in his new password & found it one night and found everything. He’d been doing it for months. The thing that made me suspicious, was how I used to be able to pick up his phone whenever & do whatever I wanted. Then one day, that was not okay anymore & he always hid it & freak out if I even asked to use it to call someone.

Simple answer is yes. Just yes.

Leave his ass. I was accused of cheating by my ex and I knew right there he was the one doing it. Cheating is cheating no matter how you look at the situation. It will be rough and painful but is it really worth the heart break that he is obviously giving you? Listen to your heart, gut and mind

Oh honey those are all the signs. My ex even put guys names for the girls he was talking to. He would hide his phone. Always had screen down… change his password periodically… would literally scream and do everything he could just to take his phone back.

When they call you crazy after finding solid evidence. Thats your sign youre about to be gaslighted into staying


Cheating and gaslighting you (calling you crazy). Run, and run fast.

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Throw that whole man in the trash :wastebasket: For sure would cheat, if he hasn’t already- but seems like he is.

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Cheating or not he doesn’t respect you.

I would leave.


Get rid of him . Now . New year new start .


I think you already know the answer to your question


Gaslighting. Calling you crazy. Going to your parents. Hes sounding like a narcissist, it goes deep, go to your parents and follow your GUT!!!


Follow your gut instinct!!! If something feels off, it usually always is! I think you already have the answer to your question, I just think you are wanting for other people to validate how you’re feeling. I’d get out asap.

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  1. If you have nothing to hide, you don’t keep your phone under lock and key. That is the biggest red flag. 2) He’s putting doubt in your mind with his abnormal behavior, then acting like you’re the crazy one when you question it. You’re not crazy! This is classic manipulation when a spouse is first caught cheating. 3) They have an excuse for everything you question them on. And get super defensive when you dig deeper with questions.

Trust your gut. It’s usually right. If you’re wrong, you can work on that. If you’re right, you can decide from there.


Feels like he’s cheating and trying to gaslight you. You deserve so much better than that. Don’t walk, RUN.


Definitely cheating.

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You’re not crazy girl. Run!


You know the answer. You deserve better.


I know It’s hard letting go ,very hard sometimes, but you’ll damage yourself more by holding on. :purple_heart:

You’ll never have to question the right person hunny. :clap:t4:


Go with your gut feeling


And your still there

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You got all the evidence you need now what you gonna do with it? Cause I think you being too easy on him tbh. :face_with_spiral_eyes: sorry that he’s a piece of crap.


It’s always that gut feeling. That gut feeling was enough for me to leave my last relationship. And trust me, everything started rising to the surface afterwards. Always trust yourself enough to know when something isn’t right. It’s never failed me before.


He’s cheating. Leave.

:triangular_flag_on_post: Should be gone already

He’s cheating. This sounds exactly like my ex husband. Except he had a code on his phone so I couldn’t open it and he always had it on silent when he was home but he “pooped” alot so he had plenty of chances to message whoever he was cheating with. It’s a crappy feeling. Sorry this is happening. Also, I was always crazy for being suspicious of him. We’ve been divorced for over 2 year’s and I’m remarried and he has a gf but he still messages me for sex. He will never admit that he cheated but him wanting to cheat on his gf now is plenty of proof he had no problem doing it to me.

1 add her on snap n tell her to back off ur man
2 get him out of ur life , call his feiend he say hes wirh or show up therec

But he be gone


Kick him to the curb I wouldn’t leave the house especially if it’s a home you brought together. Never leave he can say you abandon the Marriage !!
Have a back up plan now that your parents are involved. Like put money back for a rainy day.
Once you make your choice have it in place to change the locks. Never leave willingly.
Good luck but you have all the answers to your questions follow your gut


That’s an absolute no from me. My husband is very suspicious. He has no reason to be but he is. I don’t go out with anyone (it’s not necessarily fair but it is what it is), I don’t talk to the opposite sex (except a few men who are trans), and I try to always answer my phone. This is the extent I’m willing to go to in order to reassure my husband. Do I think everyone should go to this extreme? Absolutely not. But I do think if you are unwilling to do away with things your partner expresses concern about it’s a big red flag. Also let me say my husband is a paranoid schizophrenic

You deserve someone to gives you peace and calm not to think who he’s with or what he’s doing, be strong girl you need to leave where your not appreciated.

Oh honey,you already know the answer to this question…Always trust your gut,it will never let you down…He is definitely cheating…Just end it now bcuz if he loved you and wanted to make things work he would never have told you that he was interested in looking outside of the marriage…Im sorry for all of your pain ,but baby get out.you deserve better than he can give you.


Time to say goodbye.

Bit obvious he’s cheating

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Don’t invest anymore into him. He’s shown you through his actions what he’s doing. He’s obviously not committed to you, so why waste anymore of yourself in it? Move forward with your life…


That’s the same shit my ex husband used to do , trust your gut

Sounds like you’ve answered your own question …

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Follow him and take pics. You’ll need them for the divorce attorney.


The fact that he would say that he would look outside the marriage bc you won’t have sex with him is a serious red flag. He’s setting it up so that when you actually catch him he can just blame you. Eff that guy. Leave him

Definitely sounds like he’s cheating, plus, there is no trust left in your marriage as is…an won’t ever be the same again, your peace is now destroyed. I’d end it, but that’s just me.


You’re not crazy he’s deflecting because he’s a liar and cheater and getting called out. Move on please no longer invest in him he’s disrespectful and doesn’t honor yall marriage


You’re not crazy. Leave him.


I think you probably already know the answer and are just hoping someone is going to tell you you’re wrong…but the thing about major gut feelings is that they are usually right…I went down that road with my EX husband…put up with it for 8 yrs…mainly because we had kids…but I can assure you he absolutely is cheating…there’s no way around that fact…so sorry, but take it from someone who has been where you are, leave him…it will hurt at first, but once you have time to settle you are going to end up realizing leaving was the best thing you ever did…I promise


If it looks like a dog, if it barks like a dog, it’s in fact a dog. So is that man.
He’s cheating.


:100: cheating always believe your gut


Definitely would agree hes cheating. Snapchat is not the app to have in a marriage in my opinion.

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He’s definitely cheating


Let me present this another way. You have asked that he stop contact with someone he’s exchanged inappropriate messages with and he has told you no. Does it matter if he’s actually physically cheated? You’re not crazy, and we all can feel however we feel about anything it isn’t wrong to feel things. I personally feel like it shouldn’t matter if he’s physically cheated or however he will classify his actions that doesn’t matter a boundary has been crossed and that is all it takes.


He’s cheating. You’re not crazy, they just like to make you think you are so they can get away with what they’re doing.


He’s cheating. You know it. Your parents know it. it’s time to walk away and be done. Don’t stay and forgive over and over again like I did. Know your worth. I’m much happier now and I’m even a single mom with a 6 yr old kid. I never want him to think that is how you treat your GF or wife.


Girl you know damn well he’s cheating ….

Sorry…he is . Please don’t put up with that

He’s no husband. A real man doesn’t cheat.


Definitely cheating.

He’s gaslighting you. Run.


1 he’s cheating and if you go back he’ll keep doing it because he’s seen he can
2 IF YOU NEED PROOF you can message snap chat and ask for a record of deleted messages. I seen a parent do it with her child once, the only thing they couldn’t retrieve was pictures (not sure if it was an error or impossible), but I believe you need access to his phone to do so.
You shouldn’t need to go to those extremes in a healthy relationship, but IF you need to see it with your own eyes in order to leave them do it, even if you have to sneak it from behind his back and have them emailed. Not sure what email it’ll go to though or if you have an option.


Don’t ignore that gut feeling. He’s cheating love. End the marriage. You’re not crazy. He’s gaslighting and being narcissistic. If he feels he needs to stray out of your marriage if you don’t have sex with him, He’s already been doing just that. Don’t stay. It is not worth your mental and emotional health. Move on and find a man who will treat you better when when you are ready to move forward. In the mean time when you pass go, don’t collect that 200. Just keep walking with your luggage. Don’t let him know where you are going. My heart goes out to you. Good luck.

He’s cheating on you. No question.

Follow your instincts!!