I think my husband is cheating

Trust you’re gut do what’s best

You already know the answer here dear. Time to leave.

He’s cheating. And that girl is not a lesbian. Trust me. Mine pulled the same lesbian card, until I talked to the actual girl.


Those who have nothing to hide, hide nothing. He’s up to no good.

He’s definitely cheating

I’d probably be cheating on you too if you spending all that energy trynna catch him cheating and not satisfying him in bed


You’re not crazy. And Jr doesn’t get better.

it doesn’t matter if he is cheating or not. What matters is you are both in a toxic relationship where fear is in control, trust doesn’t exist and love has left the building. Get therapy if you want to make it work. Otherwise, let the relationship go.


He’s cheating. Listen to your gut


You already know girl :confused: time to leave…


He’s cheating, love!! Kick him to the curb


Why does a grown man have Snapchat? My husband has no social media at all.


Not to sound like a bitch but how are you even questioning yourself? He’s clearly cheating. Life’s too short to chase a man who’s chasing another life. Let him go live his snapchat fantasies & focus on yourself! I wouldn’t give him another shred of your energy. Move on & find a love worth your life, cause you only get one☝🏽

Walk away! He’s cheating and trying to make you think you are crazy.


Hunny he is cheating and you already know what to do good luck


A grown real man shouldn’t even have Snapchat in the first place. They use it to get away with talking to other girls. Period.


Red flags BYE Felicia!!! Get him out of there. U deserve better.

Love is blind. He is cheating on you girl. Get those girls usernames and talk to them yourself. That man’s a coward and clearly just lying to your face.


Trust your gut, and the evidence. You deserve better.

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Go with your gut. Too much secrecy and distrust. He can’t have both

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This is the definition of gaslighting.


Yeahhhhh all signs point to cheating, believe it since you have already seen the proof

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he’s definitely cheating . you kno it ur parents know it and now u kno ur next steps. wont be easy but you can’t continue to let him walk all over you.

Actually, don’t leave. Kick him out.


From having been on both ends of this situation 100% cheating

He is cheating! Leave you deserve better.

You already know the answer. There doesn’t seem to be much trust going on. Without trust a relationship is doomed. Because your married, I’d suggest counselling. But if you feel this way already, and he does nothing to try and prove you wrong, then you already know what’s going on.

You already know…# take some time to decide what is best for you.

C’mon. You know the answer.

You deserve better. Leave

Go with your gut. You already don’t trust him and he’s is definitely cheating

Hes cheating :pensive: take his ass to the cleaners…

It’s changed from how it used to be … That’s your answer

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Just move on…for your sanity!! He already has anyway

He’s gaslighting you, and 100% cheating. Love yourself and do what you gotta do. Good luck.


Leave him he’s a cheater and once a cheater always a cheater!!

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Hi there no long message here you answered your own question you know the answer. Don’t be scared to move on. It’s Obvious his not.

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If it’s an iphone, the next time you get your hands on his phone, just open settings and find his passwords. Then log into EVERYTHING on your phone. He’s a narcissist and gaslighting you like crazy


You’re not being crazy. He has too many stories that he doesn’t have any actual proof for.

Why would he lie about being at a motel and then later tell you it was a guy friends house? Why couldn’t he just say it was a guy friends house from the beginning. People who have proof want to show it. If he was at a guy friends house he could have easily taken a photo and sent it to you. Think about it, he wants to prove you crazy, that would have been an excellent time, but he couldn’t.

The girl who sent him the dirty photos is a lesbian? (Kind of doubtful) That’s great, but he’s not gay and he got the photos.

Nobody is that protective of their phone unless they have something to hide. Falling asleep with your phone in bed is one thing, I do it all the time. Actively putting it in your pocket is another, it’s not only uncomfortable, but an obvious effort to hide it.

Snapchat is for teen girls and cheaters


You’re not crazy. He’s definitely cheating! Lesbian or not inappropriate pictures sent to a married man! Time to go.

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At the very least the communication is near nonexistent from his end, and staying out all night without telling you is very disrespectful if you ask me. If me or my husband are going to be later than we originally thought we let each other know. It’s a respect for our significant others peace of mind. If you want to try to save your marriage you can try counseling (both together and separately), but if it’s not good for your mental health then do what’s right for you.

Sc is the devil and it’s a breeding ground for cheaters as none of it saves!

Trust yourself, you know the truth.

So so many red flags! Trust your gut, he’s up to something and it’s not good. BTW you are not crazy, but he’s doing a great job making you believe you are. This is so toxic and you deserve better. Hope the new year brings positive changes your way.


Why would they ask what we think if they have the freaking red flags allllll overrrr their questions?!?!??? Like y’all grown people come on ! Dude just leave him please


Cheating. Kick him out or move out yourself.

U want more proof and he already showed it smh :woman_facepalming:t4:

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Listen to your gut! He’s cheating. You know he’s cheating and skis a liar.

Nope, leave. He’s a narcissist and he’s hiding things. You don’t leave your spouse to go spend the night somewhere else, especially after trust issues arise.

He threatened to cheat…. If you didn’t have s@x enough, I’d be done right there. That’s coercion and super toxic. Just be done because NOW, things will never… ever… be solid again.


Well u know what to do. File for divorce. U already saw the proof so not sure what else u need. U seem to have parents who are supportive of you also so talk to them and see if u can stay with them for a little bit till you get back on your feet.

The fact that he said that when you don’t have sex with him it makes him want to look outside your marriage would be a big bye

You already know the answer. They don’t change, trust me. Trust your gut. Kick him out or move out yourself. Don’t believe a word he says because if he “wins” you back he will think he can keep doing it to you and you’ll just keep taking him back.

I’m gonna tell you from personal experience… he’s cheating.
My ex husband did the same shit. Would stay out all night, I’d find pieces of messages. It actually turned out that not only was he cheating, he was also using and SELLING meth. That was it for me. I took my kids, packed our clothes and left. My parents went back for beds and dressers, etc. my divorce was finalized & I have full custody of my kids.


Follow him or hire a PI. Get evidence, and kick his lying as out.

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He’s cheating! It doesn’t matter if they’re lesbians. I had that happen to me and he really was messing with that girl.

Sounds like you already know what you need to do. Always trust your gut


Trust your gut. My ex was sleeping with a friend of a friend at one point. This chick was a self proclaimed lesbian and quote “wouldn’t touch him (my now ex) with a 10 foot pole”. Oh and I was pregnant at the time. AND handling the death of my grandmother whom I had been very close with. He told me over and over again how I was crazy and he would never cheat. Blah blah blah. And when he was caught red handed he told me how he only cheated because of what I did or didn’t do for him. Yep, it was MY fault. :unamused:


He’s already broken the trust in your relationship, and now he is doing absolutely nothing to repair that or give you peace of mind. Because he’s guilty and he’s continuing to cheat while gaslighting you… I hope you get out!


I don’t know if he’s cheating. Sure seems like he is but the most important thing for you to know is, if he says I’ll cheat if I don’t get sex basically … that’s a form of rape. Its emotional blackmail to gain sexual interaction. Someone i know got sent down for this kind of behaviour. He knows by saying this there’s a good chance you’ll give him sex cos you don’t want him to cheat but let me tell you this. He’ll still cheat anyway. Leave leave leave leave leave.

Personally feel like he’s cheating. Been there. Its a horrible feeling. Leave.

He likes to gaslight. You’re worth so much more than that.
In all reality, this is your decision, however I’d pack my stuff leave. Life is too short to waste on people like him.

I’m sorry you’re dealing with this, it isn’t easy by any means but, you’re strong and can get through it


He’s a liar and a cheater. Get rid of him now. you deserve better than this. I be you work your tail off to help him make a living? And to be treated like this? Get out now. It’s going to get worse.

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Girl you have your answer!

If you even have to question his loyalty to you, you already know what to do.

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Trust your intuition & your gut. It never lies. His behavior has been to lie, cheat and manipulate. He will never admit what he does. I believe your with a narcissist. My ex was the exact same way. I wish I would have listened to my gut before everything got really bad. Good luck girl :heart:


Girl. Walk out. He’s cheating g and trying g to gaslight you.


If you can’t trust him and that bond has been severed the quality of said relationship is no longer existent

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I went through something very similar. If your gut is telling you something, listen to it! He’s a lying cheat and you deserve better!

Everytime he is out with his friend tell him to snap a picture of the two of them

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Pack your shit and leave. He’s cheating and doesn’t give a damn.

I’m sorry, him speaking and engaging with other women is completely totally inappropriate and I’m sorry I walk away from everything at that point


I’m so sorry. He’s not being honest at all. If you guys want to work it out he has to delete the accounts and give you access to his phone and vice versa. You need to work on your marriage and cut out all social media. But you both have to be willing if you are and he’s not, he’s gonna continue to lie and the will continue and at that point you should stay at your moms. But don’t allow him to keep doing this. .

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PLEASE LEAVE! You can do it. And you eventually feel better when your single you don’t have to worry about anything happening. Leave girl.

The trust is gone. You won’t get it back. Save yourself anymore heartache & end it.


I think you know what you have to do you just don’t feel ready but there’s no time like the present make a plan to leave

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You started the conversation with the fact that your husband spoke with you about the lack of intimacy and you chose not to work on it. He deserves to be in a marriage that fulfills him.


I’m sorry but he’s definitely cheating. Without a doubt

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Leave. The trust is gone. Your not happy. Life is to short and you deserve better.

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Time to say bye bye! You deserve better, be brave and you will be better for it, you don’t need to be feeling like this, short term hurt but you will be ok I promise, I did it and after being on my own with my 2 kids for a few years putting my life back together I am now with a lovely man and gave 3 new step kids and a new home .

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Trust your gut. Definitely sounds like cheating.


Kick him out, file divorce. Your gut is always right. Not to mention not coming home or the hours he does arrive? Yeah…nooooo. he wants to run like a child, throw his shit out, keep running buddy! Enjoy your "friends!’

You already know the answer. Leave.
Better yet put his ass out.

You already know. Furthermore, you’ve expressed your feelings and instead of him being accommodating and understanding, he doesn’t care. What more do you need? What you allow is what will continue.


Honey, he is, and you have no duty to torture yourself trying to catch him. Just go.


Don’t stay with someone you can’t trust.

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He cheating coming home at 3am yes cheating.

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The fact that he sleeps with his phone in his pocket and under his pillow tells you everything you need to know! I know this first hand. Secondly, NO FEMALE, is just asking about his marriage for no reason, she’s asking because he’s telling her about it… Why would he do that :thinking: you know… I’m sorry but he is cheating and placing the "she’s crazy, act on you, typical narcissistic behavior.


I’m sorry but it’s beyond obvious he’s definitely cheating !!!

Yeah just leave, he has chosen his path and doesn’t want to commit to the marriage anymore, you deserve happiness and that will start when you let him go. He will find out that these short-lived flings on Snapchat are nothing compared to an actual happy, stable relationship and will eventually be alone and miserable.


You know the answer. Go with your gut. Shit I’m going with your gut on this one… sorry girl time to move one there is no time for shit like that.

You already know the answer. Not sure why you’re even asking the question.

He’s cheating girl been there done that with a guy


You called him out. Now you should call them (I’m gonna use this term loosely…the other ‘woman.’ A real woman wouldn’t seek out someone else’s man, and if she doesn’t know he’s someone else’s man, she needs to now. Blow his/their cover and go with your gut from there.

:triangular_flag_on_post: him not willingly giving you his phone is a huge sign
I feel if there’s nothing to hide why make a huge deal about handing it right over , right then and there
I’m sorry I wish you luck :four_leaf_clover:

He is most certainly cheating :roll_eyes:


Message the other girls show them you’re married. Ss any and all proof, you have of anything and leave his pathetic ass. Classic signs of cheating. You deserve better

Nope, he’s cheating.

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Uh yes 100 percent sorry to say

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