Let’s call an Ace an Ace…. It’s your parents relationship. Period. It’s NOT yours!
It appears, based on your story, that you’re an adult. Focus on YOUR relationships and protect your children from anything and everything you DON’T want your kids to become. That’s YOUR job.
Let your father deal with his relationship with your mother.
My dad did it to my mom took me it still affects me today and I’m 48 sad
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Cheating is a disgusting and cruel thing to do to someone. Always say something. The other party has a right to know. That being said, if your father is already aware of this, it’s up to him what he’s going to do with that information. Make sure your father is aware of what’s happening, speak your peace with your mother, and then step back and let them handle their marriage.
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Until you have walked in your moms shoes, you have no idea what she has lived, thinks or feels. Let ur folks work out their personal problems and life. Know they both love you and leave it at that.
Why are you checking up on her and tracking her down like she’s a teenager? Yeah, it’s
for her to cheat on your dad, but she’s a grown woman and needs to make her own mistakes and face the consequences of it. You’re not her mother. You’re her daughter. Take care of your own children and stay out of it.
Your dad needs to get help and remove himself from the situation with your sister, totally understandable that you are angry and disappointed with your mother. What you need to do first, is to deal with how you are feeling, not for the sake of your mom, sister or your dad, but for yourself, you need to process what is happening.
What I would suggest after that is I would help your dad to find support and become strong enough to leave her behind, to seek professional help if needed so he can become strong enough to do what is right.
As for your mom, you have to decide as to whether or not you still want a relationship with her. She’s your mother and she’s made some selfish choices that have not only affected your dad’s life, but also yours and your sisters. Has anyone sat down with her and talked about how her choices have affected your lives. I don’t know the situation, I was with my husband for twenty seven years, about eight of them, he had gotten to big to be intimate with me, but I chose to stay and be faithful, not everyone can do that, so maybe talk to her about why or what led her to start cheating.
I understand that your her daughter and you feel like your dad has been betrayed, but maybe they have decided to have an open marriage, if so, you’ll just have to accept the situation. Best of luck.
It’s their problem, not yours. They are BOTH at fault here. Focus on your relationships & kids.
It’s your parents relationship, leave it alone. Maybe your mom and dad have an agreement.
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Ur mama is grown up if ur dad still with her he and her pro have an agreement and u dont know eaother way its their life so let it be and just love ur parents
How bout not putting your parents business on the internet dUrrRRrrrRrrr
She asked for a divorce and they sleep in separate rooms sounds to me that they are pretty much separated. She’s been unhappy for so long leave the woman alone and let her find some happiness that’s all you should wish for someone is for them to be happy
Do what’s best for you and your heart!
As much as I vote for minding your own business, it’s also your parents. If your mom is treating your dad like shit, that’s partially your business. Sit down and talk with your dad. It sounds like he still loves her but she wants nothing to do with him. Tell him you want to see him happy and not walked all over like a doormat. If it were our best friend being treated like this we’d speak up in a heart beat because we love them. Why should your parents be any different? Don’t tell them what to do, just show your concern and support whatever decision is made.
At the end of the day they’re both adults. And you are their child. Although you don’t have to agree with their life, their personal lives aren’t your business. If she is a good mother and grandmother that’s what concerns you. If your dad came to you or was otherwise unaware, I would understand. But he has chosen to stay and live his life and you need to let him do it. You can discuss this with him should you wish to do so but their life is still not your personal business
This is my mom (plus other complications) but it’s been years and multiple boys, my older sisters disowned her and I’m pretty much doing the same thing. I feel bad for my dad because he’s soo naive that he thinks it’s a phase (motorcycle, belly button piercing, etc)
I’ve been in this situation and it changed my relationship with my mom. One day out of nowhere my gut told me to go snoop in my moms phone. What I found absolutely crushed my heart and made me look at my mom very different. She also bawled her eyes out that she couldn’t run away with this guy. It’s made me feel like I can’t look my own dad in his eyes because I know something he doesn’t. It’s unfair. I love my dad so much but this also changed my relationship with him as well. I feel
Like I’m stabbing him in the back by knowing. Shame on your mom. Super, super shame on your mom. It’s incredibly selfish of her. Happiness matters but never at the expense of your own children. I really do feel for you; I’m so sorry. It feels like the mother you knew died. That’s how I felt. I felt like she died. My best advice: grieve her and separate yourself. Separate yourself if you want your own happiness.
Ever thought that there’s more going on than meets the eye? You will never know the whole truth as mothers hide the bad and sad from their children to protect them.They will never talk sit about the dad so you will not know what’s happening g behind closed doors
I agree with the ones that have said to distance yourself. But she’s a grown woman and what she does is her business unfortunately even though all the signs are there. Your dad will figure it out. It all comes out in the wash in the end.
My parents divorced over my mom cheating on him with my sisters friend. We caught her and told my dad. I didn’t speak to her for at least 10 years. I tried to forgive her and have somewhat of a relationship with her after that but she was so bitter and angry I couldn’t. That was almost 20 years ago.
It is your parents marriage not yours. You have to accept your parents how they are and what they decide to do even if you do not agree with what they do. Love them for who they are if not you will always have a toxic relationship with them and if so then just remove them from your life. It is really hard tho. Best of luck.
My hubby had a feeling when I met him his mum was cheating on his dad (again) but was too scared to speak up and years later it came out she was having a 10 year affair (whore) it broke his dads heart and feel he’s always felt bad he didn’t say something but now his dad is remarried to the most amazing woman and he’s the happiest he’s ever been. We have nothing to do with his egg donor now.
Stop worrying about their marriage or what they are doing. If she’s cheating, dad probably knows, and is willing to keep things the same. Denial can be a good thing. Bringing it to his attention forces him to make a decision. He either has to willingly continue the way things are with the fear of judgment, or he has to file foe divorce. You said mom was caught once and mentioned divorce. It didn’t happen because dad didn’t want it. He could have filed then. Some people are willing to continue with the way things are rather than face an unknown future.
She isn’t happy and she is trying to be. Some people fall apart. Marriages don’t always work. Sounds like they do need to separate and she needs to find out what she really wants. Tell your dad to give her an option. Love him back or leave.
If I was you I would step aside and let your mum and dad sort out what they are going to do for themselves
If they don’t even sleep in the same room anymore, is she really cheating ?
Umm stay out of thier buisness for one two nothing you can do about it
It’s called mind your business. She doesn’t answer to you.
Leave her alone nine or your business
Why are you guys mad? Sounds like your dad is ok with this.
Kinda sounds like you should mind your own business. Their relationship is a clusterf#ck as it is.
Yeah I’d tell dad then. your mom is a serial cheater and a cunt to be sure. Tell your dad to file for divorce. To stay in the house dont move out. Document everything she has done over the years (physical proof). Get her on a couple counts of adulterous behavior. Divorce goes to court. Courts wont let her get near as much of his shit as if it was a normal divorce. Then say bye bye cunt. Find a better person to spend life with and be happy. Life is to short not to be happy
How awful. Can’t imagine how you feel.
Just bc they are ur parents doesn’t make it ur business
As a daughter that went through this and told on my dad multiple times and got involved along with my sisters. I wish I wouldn’t have gotten in the way because this made the fights worse. My mom used us as something in their fights and arguments. They never split until we were all over our 20s and all I said to them was w.e makes you happy because I don’t think either one of you have been happy for years.
What they did and what we saw built so much issues in us as we started dating Because we believed it was the norm. Its not, so make sure you work on those wounds before you end up doing the same mistakes your parents have done.
If you do get involved, make sure they talk about it with everyone. Make sure you all express how it makes you feel. But make sure you let them know that if they want to separate is okay and be ready for it. (Some parents seek or wait for their kids approval.) Make sure they do what will make them happy because forcing a relationship just for you guys will make them bitter.
Girl she is grown mind your business worry about yourself your father excepts what do you care im sure they will figure it out
I’ve been in an almost identical situation… my best piece of advice is that making their marriage your issue to solve is only going to drain you emotionally. Your feelings about it are entirely valid and you’re allowed to be angry or upset. Maybe try unpacking your own feelings about it and leave the rest of it to them as it’s ultimately out of your control and not your problem to fix.
I mean… what do you expect? She literally said she wants a divorce and they sleep in separate bedrooms lol.
Your Dad sounds like he doesn’t really care so…
I know it breaks your heart and it’s hard to sit back and watch it happen. Your dad probably already knows but is choosing to ignore it. She has already admitted once to cheating and said she wanted a divorce. I’d talk to your dad about how he feels about it. If he knows she is up to no good, he has a few choices he can make. a) try to fix their marriage, ask him to talk to your mom about couples counseling. If she refuses… that’s her choosing whatever 2nd life she’s created over their marriage. Or b) ignore the fact she is doing sketchey things and act like it’s not happening, Then maybe ask him for advice on how you can deal with that choice Bc it hurts you to stand by and watch her do that to him and the family. Or c) he wants to do something about it, you should get him to hire a private investigator. I guess it depends on the state you live in, but Especially With him making more money than her, he would have to pay alimony to keep her up. But if he hired a private investigator who could catch and prove her cheating on him, he wouldn’t have to pay alimony Bc she chose to be unfaithful. He might be afraid to file for divorce Bc he doesn’t want to divide or “mess up the family.” But speaking from experience, it was such a better environment for our family when my mom left my dad instead of staying and continuing to be a doormat for the sake of “keeping the family together”. Im sorry this is hurting you. Just find a good time when you and your dad can sit down without distractions and talk honestly about this situation. Even if he doesn’t want to talk about details, let him know his options and how each makes the family feel. Maybe if you and your sister both feel the same way, y’all 3 could sit down together.