I think my mom may be cheating on my dad: Advice?

My parent’s marriage hasn’t been the best. My mom has been unhappy for a long time but won’t leave my dad. They sleep in separate bedrooms and don’t show any physical contact. My dad has tried numerous times. Although she has a job, my dad pays almost all the bills and buys her the things she’s asking for. My mom feels that because he makes so much more than her, he should have to pay. They fight all the time because of this. Anyways several months ago, my mom cheated on my dad in front of my younger sister. She made our mom tell our dad. Our mom said she wanted a divorce, but it never happened. Anyways a while after that, my mom decided she was going to go out with the family to a concert. As it got late, my sister tried calling her, and she wouldn’t pick up her phone. My sister called our family, and they said our mom left hours ago. My mom finally responded that she was at a bar. My sister then went to that bar. We know the owner; she asked if our mom was there. The owner said he hadn’t seen her in a long time. A little while after that, my mom texted my sister she was on her way home. My sister called my dad and told him but never questioned our mom. About a week ago, I was visiting with my girls, and I left my phone in the car. I wanted to call my dad to get my girls ice cream. She wanted to use my phone, but I didn’t want to run and grab it because her phone was sitting right there. I went to go grab her phone, and she had a lock on it. I asked her what the password was, and she’s come and took her phone from me and typed it in. Well, when she opened her phone to call my dad, I saw some guy’s name in her text message. He was the last person she was texting. Now when she calls me, I have an attitude towards her, and I just don’t want to be around her. I am honestly so disgusted with her. Has anyone been in this situation? What did you do? How did you feel?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum! I think my mom may be cheating on my dad: Advice?

Mind your own business something u don’t even wanna get into


Your mom needs to get out instead of having this affair


You to damn old to be in your moms business. Grown woman acting like your 12 :woman_facepalming:t2::roll_eyes:


Just stay in your own lane


I’m probably in the minority here…but your parents are adults. If she told him she was unhappy and wanted a divorce, then that’s between them. For all you know he gave her permission to do what she wanted to


Your mom wants out of the marriage. It’s clear she’s done and she’s not in love anymore… I would sit down with my mom and tell her that you know what is happening and that she needs to file for divorce or you’ll tell your dad what is happening


Your dad obviously knows what’s going on he’s not naive nor dumb abt the whole situation. They probably don’t want to go thru the divorce proceedings cause it does get expensive in the end and he probably knows that she’ll try n get some or most of his money n he doesn’t want to deal with that headache. You can be disgusted all you want but what good will that do honestly besides create more tension. You have the right to be upset but you also need to look at the bigger picture and talk to your mom and ask her why and talk to your dad too.


I think you should mind your business and not get involved. They’re grown ups, maybe they have something worked out. You don’t understand the mechanics of the relationship because you aren’t in it. I understand your concern because it’s your parents but I think you need to step back and not get involved.


You can’t fix their marriage and it’s really not your business who she talks to🤷‍♀️you need to stay out of it.


You wanna know what I would do
I’m grown therefore I’m going to mind my own business and remain neutral


I would never let anyone not even my mom do my dad wrong if she’s want’s to be a hoe than she’s needs to get out and not disrespect your dad .


You dont want to go down that road. You’re dad already knows. Leave it be.


It’s best you mind your own business. Your parents and their relationship is not your responsibility. If you put yourself in the middle of it all you will end up stressed out over something that doesn’t concern you. I don’t mean this disrespectfully either. Both of my parent try to involve me in their bs and I tell them I don’t want to hear it. There’s nothing you can do but live your own life and maintain your relationship with each of them as you see fit.


It’s not your job to be the moral police for 2 grown people who are obviously well aware of their marital issues. Mind your business and let them sort it out on their own.


Stay out married folk business. Just bc it’s your parents does not mean you are entitled to know what’s going on. Your pops already knows. Let them work it out. They been together before you were probably even thought of. Again you and your siblings need to mind your business and stay out married folk problems.


My mom had cheated on my dad like 9 years ago, although it wasn’t the way to go about it I realized she wasn’t happy anymore and hadn’t been in a long time and obviously it affected me and our siblings cause we love both our parents we realized well I did anyways fhat she needed to be happy for her self and not stay in marriage she wasn’t happy in for her kids. I was upset but I wasn’t mad, I just wanted to see my happy mom. She’s been with my step dad ever since and me and my kids all love him like my bio dad . They call him grandpa.


Stay out their marriage you don’t know what’s going on.


Mind your business its not up to you to meddle in your parents affaires or anything else you dont know the hole story you only know what you see and whats told to you from others its not your place or business just worry about what your doing


I’d stay out of it. Not your business. Both of your parents are complicit. Trust me.


All I’m going to say is I’m sorry that you are feeling like this, when we see this we still feel like a child inside and have all these emotions raging inside even being grown and with kids. We feel like betrayed, powerless and in disbelief! Somehow our inner child surfaces … Much love girl

I completely get how you feel and where you are coming from…

No judgement here :heart: went with that with my dad and mom some years ago.

But my dad was the one at fault here :pensive:


Mind your own… Your dad more than likely knows. Leave it up to them.
If you want to be mad at your mom be mad. But don’t stay mad too long. You’d feel like crap if something happened to her.


I’d mind my own business. I realized this once I was grown.


You’re an adult. Stay out of your parents business and personal lives. It is absolutely none of your concern and I can NOT stress enough that you are only going to make things worse for them if you don’t mind your own business. I know because I was in your position once and reacted the same way. Just let them work it out amongst themselves and love them both. If they end up divorced then so be it, you’re not a little girl anymore worrying about having to go back and forth to mommy and daddy’s. Just love and support them both equally, even if one is in the wrong. You’ll regret it later if you take sides cause I promise you don’t know all sides of the story.


I’d be like mum if ur not happy leave don’t keep living unhappy and making dad unhappy same tell ur dad to except he is single by the sounds of things ur taking sides but u want them both to be happy


Mind your damn business​:bangbang::bangbang: that is between your mother and father …

She has stated she wanted a divorce. It sounds like he won’t give it to her? Everyone in the situation knows she’s unhappy and doesn’t want to be with him. I don’t see why you’re medaling in something that really isn’t your business when once again she’s stated she wanted a divorce.

Also just because a male was the latest person she texted doesn’t mean that’s who she’s “cheating” with? Do you never text any man that isn’t your man?


It’s none of your business.


Stay out of it… none of ur business…luv u mom because some day she won’t be here


Ask her, be straight up with your mom

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You dont know what goes on behind closed doors. No doubt it sucks but they have to figure it out for themselves.


I’m guessing she won’t leave because of the financial security your dads providing I would tell your dad everything you’ve seen and herd he deserves to know what’s going on and they need to decide weather or not to split living cost or she needs to go get an apartment I’m sure it’s emotionally draining for your dad


Stay out of it. Your parents or not, their marriage isn’t your business. I know that advice sucks, but your dad is obviously aware. Especially if she has confessed being unfaithful previously. Maybe they have an agreement between them.


Would just stay out of it. Not worth the stress, and it’s none of your business anyways. Let it go.


Sounds like YOUR mom is a piece of trash/slut… but YOU have to stay out of it… Its their business not yours…

Mind you mutha£^(}¡-@ bizness its nothing u can do at this point plus u don’t know what is the cause what if your dad cheated on your mom and that’s the reason he is like that.


Her life her decisions it may affect you all But she’s making the choices she’s making because she’s unhappy. Maybe your dad’s un happy too, but he doesn’t say anything… Pray maybe some counseling

To be honest i dont thinknits got a slightest little bit to do with you what your mum and dad do or dont do… you stated yourself they are in separate rooms… they clearly live their own lives but dont want to leave the family home thats their decision… like i said its nothing to do with you or your sister… :woman_shrugging:


There are three sides to that story and a reason that your mom doesn’t love him anymore???!!!??? You don’t know what’s been going on or what been done for it to have gotten this far out… She wants a divorce, what is she suppose to do wait until your dad feels like it? NO she is not his wife just because of a paper. Who knows what he has done b4 she started cheating. And if you are going to be in the business ask her and then ask your dad WTH is or went on for all this to be going on… and if there is no answer for them mind your business!

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Your mom gonna do her.


Their marriage is none of your business


Sounds like they have already come to terms with separation and your mom obviously wants out of the marriage… Dad obviously knows. Not for you children to be getting yourselves involved. If anything you need to support the idea of divorce and encourage it, would be way better than what’s happening now


I would leave it between your mother and father as hard as it may be. But it’s truly not your business, she’s obviously not happy with your father, and I’m sure there’s lots to the story you may not even no🤷🏻‍♀️


Your mom had an affair already and your dad knew and still stayed, sounds like he made his choice.(Not a good one) but still his choice. You have a right to your feelings, but in the end its your parents marriage and their business. Your dad can leave too, but hasn’t that should tell you something. Over all I’m sorry this is happening nobody likes to see their parents struggle.


This is beyond your control and I can see why you’re angry, but parents are people too and when they are unhappy and have tried multiple avenues to get the relationship to work, sometimes people step out to see If there’s anything better for them. I doubt she’s sleeping with him, but mostly having a connection with someone else feels good to her. Hopefully she’ll come to terms and make the choice to stay or go.


She did ask your dad for a divorce. Its obvious she is unhappy in the marriage. Leave this to your parents to figure out


your dad sounds like a saint

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Absolutely NONE of your business. Tell her how you feel about the situation once. Then drop it. Your dad knows she’s a cheater. He can leave just as much as she can. Obviously he is fine with it


To be honest, this is between your parents, it’s not really about you. Seems like she’s been pretty clear with how she feels about the relationship, and your dad seems to be aware of what’s going on. This is their relationship, it’s for them to sort out.


It’s not your business. She is a grown adult and it between your parents.


Stay out of it!! She’s made her bed and she can live in it. Obviously your dad needs to divorce her, but have you heard of the phrase, " cheaper to keep her?" Because he will end up paying regardless


I’m with you. Haven’t spoken to mine in 17yrs because she done the same to my dad. Best thing I’ve ever done. Toxic is toxic! My dad was a great guy and didn’t deserve her shit. He loved her and couldn’t see by her until she ultimately left him. My morals don’t allow me to stand for that shit! If you want to cheat just leave!!

None of your business- it’s their life. He knows , trust me


It sounds like your babysitting your mom. It’s best to stay out of it, the truth will all come out eventually


Girl this is all incredibly toxic and sad.

I personally would keep myself and my children as far away from all that as possible. It’s interesting to me that they won’t just get the divorce… if your Mom has asked for it and your Dad won’t let it happen, part of me feels it’s more on him. If she isn’t in love with him anymore and he just won’t “let her go”, then it’s on him. If she’s doing what she needs to do to be as happy and healthy as possible in a situation like this, I wouldn’t fault her for that. :woman_shrugging:t3:


Lord these kids a mess :woman_facepalming:t2: let them mind their business plz!!


You have a right to feel however you fell BUT it’s not your business :woman_shrugging:t4: she already had an affair that your dad knows about and he’s still with her. That’s his choice. Either one of them can file for divorce and for whatever reason, they choose not too. Whether you like it or not, it’s their lives. They’re adults and you have to respect they’re decisions. Your mom is still your mom.


It’s none of your business tho. I know it’s your father but all you can do is talk to him. She is still ur mom

Isn’t your business. Your Mother is an adult and so is your father. They are the only ones who should deal with it or not.

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Put your big girl panties on and leave that relationship alone. You are the child, no matter your age. Dont go sticking your nose where it doesnt belong


Coming from someone who’s “father” cheated multiple times, a few of those times I outed him myself as I found messages and crap… and one of the twits he was talking to had the audacity to tell me it was none of my business…to which I responded with “well if you’re being a homewrecking where with my family then yeah it is my business” (Obviously it takes 2 which I blamed them both equally) but then she had her niece stalk my work trying to kick my ass (she happened to be a bully I had dealt with in the past… gotta love small towns) … sometimes they stay together if there are young kids but once those kids come of age, then they will split.

But for those who are saying it’s none of your business, it most certainly is damn too your business because it’s affecting YOUR life. If it had no affect on anyone else then yeah it’s just their own business. But no, if she’s willing to break up the family then she deserves what she gets. :woman_shrugging: have a talk with your dad and just ask how he’s feeling about the situation and let him know that staying together is doing more harm than good for everyone involved. As for your mother I would just cut her out, that’s what I did (for various other reasons as well) with my “dad”.

How old are you? Leave this alone, your dad will react when he is ready

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Family meeting asap! because you love them both, someone needs to act now! Secrets are toxic. This is not fair to your dad even if he wants wants to ignore this. Neither your mom or dad should be miserable. They both deserve happiness. This situation is affecting the whole family so get everyone to help or things can turn very dangerous and tragic in an instant. Best of luck, sending you strength and good vibes!


None of your business! He might not be the perfect spouse either .


There’s absolutely nothing you can do. Trust me I’ve been living this life since I was a kid and it’s up to your dad to decide when and what he’s going to do. I would just limit contact with her all together and when she asks why tell her you don’t condone her behavior and want nothing to do with her

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It’s not your business. Maybe she wants a divorce and he won’t agree to it? I’m sure there’s plenty that you and your sister don’t know. Back away and stay out of it.


Seems like he was told she’s a cheater and stayed. He either didn’t care or wants to live in denial. It’s no longer your place to butt in if he was told before.

Why are you this involved in the details of your parents’ sex life? This is toxic for both you and them. Back up and let them sort through their issues themselves.

It’s easy enough to say not to get involved and to turn a blind eye, but affairs can ruin children, even adult children.

Personally if it were me, I think I’d have to distance myself and my children from her for the time being.

Unfortunately your dad already took her back after doing it. He’s not stupid. He will know their relationship is lacking in a lot of ways.
It’s absolutely not ok, but it’s HIS relationship unfortunately.

But I will say, this is exactly how you end up with broken families and children disowning one of the parents!


Your dad deserves better than your mom. :nauseated_face:

Mind your own business it happened in my family also


Not your marriage, not your business.


You don’t have to but I think you should just love them both through it. Your parents’ marriage is not something any one else should be involved with. You don’t know the ins and outs of what goes on when you’re not around.


Honestly…you and your sister are acting like spoiled kids butting in and tattling to your dad. I dont understand why people think they have a right to interfere in other’s lives. Yes…they are your parents,but they are adults. It is their business,not yours, so stop nosing around so can add more to what they are already going through and maybe try to act neutral and act like they are your parents and kids you disaprove of? My dad cheated on my mom several times growing up. Every time,my mom would get me involved somehow and it ended up making me despressed as a teen. Id rather have stayed out of it. When i moved out,my parents got a divorce. I was always the peace keeper. Id take my dad out to buy my mom something for holidays and stuff and vice versa trying to keep them together. It seemed to work,as they didnt divorce until after i moved out. Now,my dad is remarried and my mom is bitter about it,but i still treat my parents the same and allow them over for cookouts and stuff equally so can be grandparents to my kids,even though my mom would rather i be mad and hate my dad. But what they do is their lives. I like my dad’s new wife. Dont hold it against her either. It is what it is. Learn that attitude and you will find balance and happiness.


Stay out of it. Your relationship with your mom has nothing to do with her relationship with your dad. If she’s treating you and your sister well, let it go.


Your mother is an adult. And what she chooses to do. With whoever she chooses to to do it with. Is none of your business. You do have your right to be mad. But you don’t have a right to tell her what to do. That her choice. It’s between your mother and your father. Not you.


Molli :eyes: sounds familiar :unamused:

Lol women, when a man cheats he is a scumbag, but when the woman cheats their must be a reason. Anyway it is what it is!


Wow. So this is most definitely something in their marriage that needs to be addressed but as everyone so kindly pointed out to you it isnt your business. Well, maybe not. But its hurting you too so mom needs to have a talk with you and be honest with you about whats going on. But thats just me. I am always honest and open with my child. If I knew I was hurting him in any way I would try to fix the issue( at least have a chat about it and let him know I am aware and im listening and im gonna work on myself)

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Your mom is grown and so is your dad.
Not your problem or business!

Your parents are not your children. It is literally none of your business.

I totally get that it doesn’t feel great to have parents behaving in ways we don’t agree with, however parents are human people and do human things.

You wanting to go through her phone is :scream:. Your sister following her around to a bar, calling the family and bar owners to keep tabs :woman_facepalming:

Just no.

If your parents are good to you, your sister, and your children, that’s all that matters. Good or bad, their relationship choices are their own.


I would mind my own business!


Honestly it sounds like he definitely knows and doesn’t care. Maybe they have an arrangement. Let him know you are there for him if ever needed and let him handle this how he wants to.


She is an adult. Mind your business what your mom does. Shesssh its between Your mom and dad Leave it alone


Your mom is an adult what she chooses to do is her business. You don’t have to agree with it but it’s between her and your dad. People have private arrangements or things they allow or don’t allow. But you having to have your mom followed or looking at her private stuff is a big no no she’s your mom not the other way around.

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This is a hard one. If it isn’t directly affecting your well being then it isn’t really to do with you. Your little sister if not an adult has a little more say so. You can voice your opinion but it’s not really your business.

-my dad cheated on my mom up until the day she died. It didn’t really affect my well-being so I learned my view on it

The people on this thread telling you to mind your business is insane. If your dad had another woman and you guys felt like she was cheating, of course you’d speak on it. It makes no difference that it’s your mother. I would try to talk to both of them at the same time and explain how hurt and worried you and your sister feel. Overall, pray for them and be kind to them both. You don’t know what all has went on behind closed doors, and prayer definitely works.

If my mother was alive and with my dad and I was thinking she was cheating id ask her about it and tell her what it seems like is going on. If the issues didn’t improve then I would bring it up to my dad… because there’s no way I would sit there and watch a family member get cheated on.


I feel like it’s their marriage and none of your business :woman_shrugging:


None of your business…


Your dad knows, he’s not stupid. Choose your path of action.


Stop checking on your mother. That relationship has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU OR YOUR SISTER.

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Unless you want your mom to go away completely, stay the hell out of it.


You guys made sure that your father knows. Now leave it alone. It’s their marriage and they can decide for themselves. I know if I was in their shoes and my husband or myself has an affair and we decided to just stay married, the last thing I’d want is for my adult children to keep bringing it up. And your mom is an adult. Don’t snoop through her phone and it’s not your business what her password is or why she has one.
Would you want your parents meddling in your marriage? I don’t think you would. Give them peace and grace to figure it out for themselves. I have a feeling that they are both going to resent you and your sister if you keep doing this crap


Sounds like you have to mind your business and let your parents handle their b.s

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This is between your parents your dad knows and he let it go… So stay out of it… This is between them…


Well Chile it looks like you need to mind your own business. I would love to know your age but it doesn’t matter. Get out of your parents business. Leave your mom alone. MYOB


Damn worry bout your own life and let mom be happy

It does affect you and your siblings and your children. It is 100% your business when she does it right infront of you, she’s making it your business! I’d treat her like arse too tbh. These ppl saying "mind your business " just sound like either cheaters who are mad they got caught or have never dealt with something similar.

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Well I’m gonna be the OutKast on this one. This recently happened to me and my parents. I just lived through this and still technically going through it. My dad is the cheater tho. I had a bad gut feeling when a past fling popped up in my dad’s life claiming she had a son 51 years ago and just now told him about it. He’s 75 btw. It started out innocent but they started becoming oddly friendly too close in my opinion. But later we went on a family trip camping. I had already had the idea of what was going on but kept trying to brush it off. Except this trip my dad became quiet brave and was showing me pics of her and her supposedly son that’s his on his fb messages. I seen that it was more than a friend based on some of the messages. He later was in the store with me and ask me to help him find a gift to send to “her” for her birthday but didn’t want to spend alot like he would my mom. As we are almost back to campground he tells me he bought her a phone last month cause she couldn’t talk on hers. The. Proceeds to tell me later that she wants to marry him ect ect. Well he and my husband rode together on our trip. I drove my mom in her car and kids with us. My husband overheard a conversation between my dad and this woman. I went to my husband that same night after my dad shared all this info and my husband and I both agreed my mom needs to know. My dad treats my mom awful he always has. Weight comments, called her lazy (she’s disabled) by far not even close to lazy. Just so many things he does to hurt her. He has never helped with anything like I wish I had all the time to explain. But he’s still my dad. I was a absolute daddy’s girl all my life. I took care of him I always have. But my mom was never treated right. She was not a cheater and despite how he was, my mom was so so loyal. She didn’t deserve it at all. My dad assumed he could tell me this info and I’m loyal to him he wouldn’t upset me, that’s what he thought. I did tell my mom. My husband and myself made the decision it wasn’t right she didn’t know. She ended up catching him in some serious lies and uncovered all the messages and stuff between him and this woman. Alot of which truly broke my heart bc most all were such hateful lies. It was crazy. My parents separated a day before their 32nd wedding anniversary. It was absolutely necessary for them too. Things have been so bad. Longer and worse than I knew. My parents are 15 years apart in age my dad is 75 my mom is 60. I have a great relationship with my dad still. We went through alot of heartbreak through this but he knows he raised me that right is right nd wrong is wrong. I knew I did what I was supposed to do bc a million bricks lifted off my shoulders after all was said and done. I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if I would have turned a blind eye.